 * Project: Lab4Math
 * Copyright (c) 2008-2011,  Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Wulff
 * University of Applied Sciences, Muenster, Germany
 * Lab for Computer Sciences (Lab4Inf).
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
*     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package de.lab4inf.math;

import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.security.Permission;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.IllegalFormatConversionException;
import java.util.logging.Formatter;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.LogManager;
import java.util.logging.LogRecord;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.logging.StreamHandler;

import static de.lab4inf.math.Constants.L4MLOGGER;
import static java.lang.String.format;

 * Lab4Math internal logger implementation. Hiding the log4j oder java.util.Logger facility.
 * @author nwulff
 * @version $Id: L4MLogger.java,v 1.11 2013/06/26 09:59:41 nwulff Exp $
 * @since 04.01.2011
public class L4MLogger extends Logger {
	private static final String LNAME = L4MLogger.class.getName();

	 * Sole constructor.
	public L4MLogger() {
		this(L4MLOGGER, null);

	 * Named constructor.
	 * @param name
	 *            of the logger
	protected L4MLogger(final String name) {
		this(name, null);

	 * Named constructor.
	 * @param name
	 *            of the logger
	 * @param resourceBundleName
	 *            to use
	protected L4MLogger(final String name, final String resourceBundleName) {
		super(name, resourceBundleName);

	 * Exclusive access to a named Lab4Info Logger.
	 * @param name
	 *            String name for this logger
	 * @return Logger of type Lab4InfLogger with given name.
	public static synchronized L4MLogger getLogger(final String name) {
		Logger logger = LogManager.getLogManager().getLogger(name);
		if (logger == null) {
			logger = new L4MLogger(name);
			return (L4MLogger) logger;
		} else {
			if (logger instanceof L4MLogger) {
				return (L4MLogger) logger;
		System.err.printf("WARNING %s is no L4MLogger%n", name);
		return null;

	 * Exclusive access to a named Lab4Info Logger.
	 * @param clazz
	 *            use the class name for this logger
	 * @return Logger of type Lab4InfLogger with given name.
	public static L4MLogger getLogger(final Class<?> clazz) {
		return getLogger(clazz.getName());

	 * Default initialization, checking for applet in sandbox.
	protected void initialize() {
		String loggerName = getName();
		boolean runningSandbox = false;
		// check if we are running in an applet sandbox
		SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
		if (null != sm) {
			try {
				Permission perm = new java.util.logging.LoggingPermission("control", "");
			} catch (SecurityException e) {
				System.out.println("L4M Logger runs in sandbox");
				runningSandbox = true;
		if (!runningSandbox) {
			// do not use parent handlers but our own
			// and add the Lab4inf handler to our logger
			addHandler(new Lab4InfHandler());
			// register with the LogManager
		LogManager manager = LogManager.getLogManager();
		Logger aLogger = manager.getLogger(loggerName);
		if (manager.getLogger(loggerName) == null) {
			if (!LogManager.getLogManager().addLogger(this)) {
				System.err.println("failed to add " + this);
				throw new RuntimeException("addding L4MLogger failed");
		} else {
			String msg;
			msg = format("allready registered %s by %s", loggerName, aLogger);
			msg = format("could not register me: %s", this);

	 * (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see java.util.logging.Logger#log(java.util.logging.LogRecord)
	public void log(final LogRecord record) {
		String[] cl = getClassLine();

	 * Calculate the class name and the logging line number.
	 * @return array with name and number
	private String[] getClassLine() {
		StackTraceElement[] stack = (new Throwable()).getStackTrace();
		String[] classmethod = { "class", "line" };
		// Search the causing logging class.
		int ix = stack.length - 1;
		while (ix >= 0) {
			StackTraceElement frame = stack[ix];
			String cname = frame.getClassName();
			if (cname.equals(LNAME) && ix < stack.length - 1) {
				frame = stack[ix];
				cname = frame.getClassName();
				// We've found the relevant frame.
				classmethod[0] = cname;
				classmethod[1] = String.format("%d", frame.getLineNumber());
		return classmethod;

	 * Make an error log.
	 * @param msg
	 *            message to log
	 * @param error
	 *            causing the log
	public void error(final String msg, final Throwable error) {
		super.log(Level.SEVERE, msg, error);

	 * Make an error log.
	 * @param error
	 *            causing the log
	public void error(final Throwable error) {
		error(error.toString(), error);

	 * Make an error log.
	 * @param msg
	 *            message to log
	public void error(final String msg) {

	 * Make a warning log.
	 * @param error
	 *            causing the warning
	public void warn(final Throwable error) {

	 * Make a warning log.
	 * @param msg
	 *            message to log
	public void warn(final String msg) {
		super.log(Level.WARNING, msg);


	 * Make a warning log.
	 * @param msg
	 *            message to log
	public void warning(final String msg) {
		super.log(Level.WARNING, msg);

	 * Make a info log for this object.
	 * @param obj
	 *            message to log
	public void info(final Object obj) {
		if (isInfoEnabled()) {
			if (null == obj) {
				super.log(Level.INFO, "null");
			} else {
				super.log(Level.INFO, obj.toString());
	 * (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see java.util.logging.Logger#setLevel(java.util.logging.Level)
	// @Override
	// public void setLevel(final Level level) {
	// Exception e = new Exception();
	// StackTraceElement[] sts = e.getStackTrace();
	// System.out.println("setLevel: "+level+" " + sts[1]);
	// super.setLevel(level);
	// }

	 * Make a info log.
	 * @param msg
	 *            message to log
	public void info(final String msg) {
		// needed for a correct line counting
		if (isInfoEnabled()) {
			super.log(Level.INFO, msg);

	 * Make an info error log.
	 * @param error
	 *            causing the info
	public void info(final Throwable error) {
		info(error.toString(), error);

	 * Make an info error log.
	 * @param msg
	 *            message to log
	 * @param error
	 *            causing the log
	public void info(final String msg, final Throwable error) {
		if (isInfoEnabled()) {
			super.log(Level.INFO, msg, error);

	 * Make a formated info log
	 * @param fmt
	 *            format specification
	 * @param args
	 *            objects to log
	public void info(final String fmt, final Object... args) {
		String msg = null;
		if (null != fmt) {
			try {
				msg = String.format(fmt, args);
				super.log(Level.INFO, msg);
			} catch (IllegalFormatConversionException e) {
				msg = "wrong formated logging: " + e.getMessage();
				super.log(Level.WARNING, msg);
		} else {
			error("no format string specified for: " + Arrays.toString(args));

	 * Signal if info logging is enabled.
	 * @return true if info logging is enabled
	public boolean isInfoEnabled() {
		return super.isLoggable(Level.INFO);

	 * Signal if warning logging is enabled.
	 * @return true if warning logging is enabled
	public boolean isWarnEnabled() {
		return super.isLoggable(Level.WARNING);

	 * Custom logging handler for the Lab4Inf packages.
	static class Lab4InfHandler extends StreamHandler {

		 * Default constructor using the Lab4InfFormatter.
		public Lab4InfHandler() {
			this(System.out, new Lab4InfFormatter());

		 * @param out
		 *            OutputStream to use
		 * @param fmt
		 *            Formatter to use
		public Lab4InfHandler(final OutputStream out, final Formatter fmt) {
			super(out, fmt);

		 * (non-Javadoc)
		 * @see java.util.logging.StreamHandler#publish(java.util.logging.LogRecord)
		public synchronized void publish(final LogRecord record) {

	static class Lab4InfFormatter extends Formatter {

		 * Standard constructor.
		public Lab4InfFormatter() {

		 * Helper method to return the class name of a full specified package.class name string.
		 * @param name
		 *            String the full class name
		 * @return String the single class name
		protected String className(final String name) {
			int start = name.lastIndexOf('.');
			int end = name.length();
			if (start > 0) {
				return name.substring(start, end);
			} else
				return name;

		 * Provide formatted logging strings.
		 * @param record
		 *            LogRecord to use.
		 * @return String the formatted output.
		public String format(final LogRecord record) {
			String msg;
			String threadInfo = Thread.currentThread().getName();
			Throwable thrown = record.getThrown();
			String clazz = className(record.getSourceClassName());
			String where = String.format("[%s] (%s.java:%s)", threadInfo, clazz, record.getSourceMethodName());
			where = String.format("%s", where);
			if (thrown == null) {
				msg = String.format("%-7s %s - %s %n", record.getLevel(), where, record.getMessage());
			} else {
				StackTraceElement stack = thrown.getStackTrace()[0];
				String errorClazz = stack.getClassName();
				int errorLine = stack.getLineNumber();
				msg = String.format("%-7s %s %s %s:%d %s%n", record.getLevel(), where, record.getMessage(), errorClazz,
						errorLine, thrown.getMessage());
			return msg;