 * Amazon Kinesis Scaling Utility
 * Copyright 2014, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package com.amazonaws.services.kinesis.scaling;

import java.net.URI;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import software.amazon.awssdk.auth.credentials.DefaultCredentialsProvider;
import software.amazon.awssdk.regions.Region;
import software.amazon.awssdk.services.kinesis.KinesisClient;
import software.amazon.awssdk.services.kinesis.KinesisClientBuilder;
import software.amazon.awssdk.services.kinesis.model.InvalidArgumentException;
import software.amazon.awssdk.services.kinesis.model.LimitExceededException;
import software.amazon.awssdk.services.kinesis.model.ScalingType;
import software.amazon.awssdk.services.kinesis.model.UpdateShardCountRequest;

 * Utility for scaling a Kinesis Stream. Places a priority on eventual balancing
 * of the Stream Keyspace by using a left leaning balanced tree topology. Also
 * places a priority on low impact to the Stream by making only one Shard
 * modification at any given time.
public class StreamScaler {
	public enum SortOrder {

	 * The supported Scaling Actions available for a Stream from this Utility
	public static enum ScalingAction {
		scaleUp, scaleDown, resize, report, split, merge;

	public static enum ScaleBy {
		count, pct;

	private final String AWSApplication = "KinesisScalingUtility";

	public static final String version = ".9.6.0";

	private final NumberFormat pctFormat = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance();

	private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StreamScaler.class);

	private KinesisClient kinesisClient;

	private static final Region region = Region.US_EAST_1;

	/** No Args Constructor for scaling a Stream */
	public StreamScaler() throws Exception {

	public StreamScaler(Region region) throws Exception {
		// use the default provider chain plus support for classpath
		// properties files
		KinesisClientBuilder builder = KinesisClient.builder()

		String kinesisEndpoint = System.getProperty("kinesisEndpoint");
		if (kinesisEndpoint != null) {
			builder.endpointOverride(new URI(kinesisEndpoint));

		this.kinesisClient = builder.build();

		if (kinesisClient.serviceName() == null) {
			throw new Exception("Unable to reach Kinesis Service");

	public StreamScaler(KinesisClient kinesisClient) throws Exception {
		this.kinesisClient = kinesisClient;

	 * Get a references to the Kinesis Client in use
	 * @return
	protected KinesisClient getClient() {
		return this.kinesisClient;

	 * Scale up a Stream by a fixed amount of Shards
	 * @param streamName   The Stream name to scale
	 * @param byShardCount The number of Shards to add
	 * @return A Map of the final state of the Stream after Sharding, indexed by
	 *         Shard Name * @throws Exception
	public ScalingOperationReport scaleUp(String streamName, int byShardCount, Integer minShards, Integer maxShards,
			boolean waitForCompletion) throws Exception {
		if (byShardCount <= 0) {
			throw new Exception("Shard Count must be a positive number");

		int currentSize = StreamScalingUtils.getOpenShardCount(kinesisClient, streamName);

		return doResize(streamName, currentSize + byShardCount, minShards, maxShards, waitForCompletion);

	public ScalingOperationReport scaleUp(String streamName, String shardId, int byShardCount, Integer minShards,
			Integer maxShards) throws Exception {
		int openShardCount = StreamScalingUtils.getOpenShardCount(this.kinesisClient, streamName);

		// the target percentage for this scaled up stream is the same as if all
		// shards were scaled to this level
		double simulatedTargetPct = 1d / (openShardCount * byShardCount);

		// scale this specific shard by the count requested
		return scaleStream(streamName, shardId, byShardCount, 0, 0, System.currentTimeMillis(), minShards, maxShards);

	 * Scale down a Stream by a fixed number of Shards
	 * @param streamName   The Stream name to scale
	 * @param byShardCount The number of Shards to reduce size by
	 * @return A Map of the final state of the Stream after Sharding, indexed by
	 *         Shard Name * @throws Exception
	public ScalingOperationReport scaleDown(String streamName, int byShardCount, Integer minShards, Integer maxShards,
			boolean waitForCompletion) throws Exception {
		if (byShardCount <= 0) {
			throw new Exception(streamName + ": Shard Count must be a positive number");

		int currentSize = StreamScalingUtils.getOpenShardCount(kinesisClient, streamName);

		if (currentSize == 1) {
			throw new AlreadyOneShardException();

		return doResize(streamName, Math.max(currentSize - byShardCount, 1), minShards, maxShards, waitForCompletion);

	 * Scale down a Shard by a Percentage of current capacity
	 * @param streamName The Stream name to scale
	 * @param byPct      The Percentage by which to reduce capacity on the Stream
	 * @return A Map of the final state of the Stream after Sharding, indexed by
	 *         Shard Name * @throws Exception
	public ScalingOperationReport scaleDown(String streamName, double byPct, Integer minShards, Integer maxShards,
			boolean waitForCompletion) throws Exception {
		double scalePct = byPct;
		if (scalePct < 0)
			throw new Exception(streamName + ": Scaling Percent should be a positive number");

		int currentSize = StreamScalingUtils.getOpenShardCount(kinesisClient, streamName);

		if (currentSize == 1) {
			throw new AlreadyOneShardException();

		int newSize = Math.max(new Double(Math.ceil(currentSize - Math.max(currentSize * scalePct, 1))).intValue(), 1);

		if (newSize > 0) {
			return doResize(streamName, newSize, minShards, maxShards, waitForCompletion);
		} else {
			return null;

	 * Scale up a Stream by a Percentage of current capacity. Gentle reminder -
	 * growing by 100% (1) is doubling in size, growing by 200% (2) is tripling
	 * @param streamName The Stream name to scale
	 * @param byPct      The Percentage by which to scale up the Stream
	 * @return A Map of the final state of the Stream after Sharding, indexed by
	 *         Shard Name * @throws Exception
	public ScalingOperationReport scaleUp(String streamName, double byPct, Integer minShards, Integer maxShards,
			boolean waitForCompletion) throws Exception {
		if (byPct < 0)
			throw new Exception(streamName + ": Scaling Percent should be a positive number");
		int currentSize = StreamScalingUtils.getOpenShardCount(kinesisClient, streamName);

		// if byPct is smaller than 1, assume that the user meant to go larger by that
		// pct
		double scalePct = byPct;
		if (byPct < 1) {
			scalePct = 1 + byPct;

		int newSize = new Double(Math.ceil(currentSize + (currentSize * scalePct))).intValue();

		if (newSize > 0) {
			return doResize(streamName, newSize, minShards, maxShards, waitForCompletion);
		} else {
			return null;

	 * Resize a Stream to the indicated number of Shards
	 * @param streamName       The Stream name to scale
	 * @param targetShardCount The desired number of shards
	 * @return A Map of the final state of the Stream after Sharding, indexed by
	 *         Shard Name
	 * @throws Exception
	public ScalingOperationReport resize(String streamName, int targetShardCount, Integer minShards, Integer maxShards,
			boolean waitForCompletion) throws Exception {
		return doResize(streamName, targetShardCount, minShards, maxShards, waitForCompletion);

	public String report(ScalingCompletionStatus endStatus, String streamName) throws Exception {
		return new ScalingOperationReport(endStatus,
				StreamScalingUtils.getOpenShards(kinesisClient, streamName, (String) null)).toString();

	public ScalingOperationReport reportFor(ScalingCompletionStatus endStatus, String streamName, int operationsMade,
			ScaleDirection scaleDirection) throws Exception {
		return new ScalingOperationReport(endStatus,
				StreamScalingUtils.getOpenShards(kinesisClient, streamName, (String) null), operationsMade,

	private ScalingOperationReport doResize(String streamName, int targetShardCount, Integer minShards,
			Integer maxShards, boolean waitForCompletion) throws Exception {
		if (!(targetShardCount > 0)) {
			throw new Exception(streamName + ": Cannot resize to 0 or negative Shard Count");
		final int currentShards = StreamScalingUtils.getOpenShardCount(kinesisClient, streamName);

		return updateShardCount(streamName, currentShards, targetShardCount, minShards, maxShards, waitForCompletion);

	private void reportProgress(String streamName, int shardsCompleted, int currentCount, int shardsRemaining,
			long startTime) {
		int shardsTotal = shardsCompleted + shardsRemaining;
		double pctComplete = new Double(shardsCompleted) / new Double(shardsTotal);
		double estRemaining = (((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000) / pctComplete);
				"%s: Shard Modification %s Complete, (%s Pending, %s Completed). Current Size %s Shards with Approx %s Seconds Remaining",
				streamName, pctFormat.format(pctComplete), shardsRemaining, shardsCompleted, currentCount,
				new Double(estRemaining).intValue()));

	public int getOpenShardCount(String streamName) throws Exception {
		return StreamScalingUtils.getOpenShardCount(this.kinesisClient, streamName);

	private Stack<ShardHashInfo> getOpenShardStack(String streamName) throws Exception {
		// populate the stack with the current set of shards
		Stack<ShardHashInfo> shardStack = new Stack<>();
		List<ShardHashInfo> shards = new ArrayList<>(
				StreamScalingUtils.getOpenShards(this.kinesisClient, streamName, SortOrder.DESCENDING, null).values());
		for (ShardHashInfo s : shards) {

		return shardStack;

	private ScalingOperationReport scaleStream(String streamName, String shardId, int targetShards, int operationsMade,
			int shardsCompleted, long startTime, Integer minShards, Integer maxShards) throws Exception {
		Stack<ShardHashInfo> shardStack = new Stack<>();
		shardStack.add(StreamScalingUtils.getOpenShard(this.kinesisClient, streamName, shardId));

		LOG.info(String.format("Scaling Shard %s:%s into %s Shards", streamName, shardId, targetShards));

		return scaleStream(streamName, 1, targetShards, operationsMade, shardsCompleted, startTime, shardStack,
				minShards, maxShards);


	private ScalingOperationReport scaleStream(String streamName, int originalShardCount, int targetShards,
			int operationsMade, int shardsCompleted, long startTime, Stack<ShardHashInfo> shardStack, Integer minCount,
			Integer maxCount) throws Exception {
		final double targetPct = 1d / targetShards;
		boolean checkMinMax = minCount != null || maxCount != null;
		String lastShardLower = null;
		String lastShardHigher = null;
		ScaleDirection scaleDirection = originalShardCount >= targetShards ? ScaleDirection.DOWN : ScaleDirection.UP;

		// seed the current shard count from the working stack
		int currentCount = shardStack.size();

		// we'll run iteratively until the shard stack is emptied or we reach
		// one of the caps
		ScalingCompletionStatus endStatus = ScalingCompletionStatus.Ok;
		do {
			if (checkMinMax) {
				// stop scaling if we've reached the min or max count
				boolean stopOnCap = false;
				String message = null;
				if (minCount != null && currentCount == minCount && targetShards <= minCount) {
					stopOnCap = true;
					if (operationsMade == 0) {
						endStatus = ScalingCompletionStatus.AlreadyAtMinimum;
					} else {
						endStatus = ScalingCompletionStatus.Ok;
					message = String.format("%s: Minimum Shard Count of %s Reached", streamName, minCount);
				if (maxCount != null && currentCount == maxCount && targetShards >= maxCount) {
					if (operationsMade == 0) {
						endStatus = ScalingCompletionStatus.AlreadyAtMaximum;
					} else {
						endStatus = ScalingCompletionStatus.Ok;
					message = String.format("%s: Maximum Shard Count of %s Reached", streamName, maxCount);
					stopOnCap = true;
				if (stopOnCap) {
					return reportFor(endStatus, streamName, operationsMade, scaleDirection);

			// report progress every shard completed
			if (shardsCompleted > 0) {
				reportProgress(streamName, shardsCompleted, currentCount, shardStack.size(), startTime);

			// once the stack is emptied, return a report of the hash space
			// allocation
			if (shardStack.empty()) {
				return reportFor(endStatus, streamName, operationsMade, scaleDirection);

			ShardHashInfo lowerShard = shardStack.pop();
			if (lowerShard != null) {
				lastShardLower = lowerShard.getShardId();
			} else {
				throw new Exception(String.format("%s: Null ShardHashInfo retrieved after processing %s", streamName,

			// first check is if the bottom shard is smaller or larger than our
			// target width
			if (StreamScalingUtils.softCompare(lowerShard.getPctWidth(), targetPct) < 0) {
				if (shardStack.empty()) {
					// our current shard is smaller than the target size, but
					// there's nothing else to do
					return reportFor(endStatus, streamName, operationsMade, scaleDirection);
				} else {
					// get the next higher shard
					ShardHashInfo higherShard = shardStack.pop();

					if (higherShard != null) {
						lastShardHigher = higherShard.getShardId();

					if (StreamScalingUtils.softCompare(lowerShard.getPctWidth() + higherShard.getPctWidth(),
							targetPct) > 0) {
						// The two lowest shards together are larger than the
						// target size, so split the upper at the target offset
						// and
						// merge the lower of the two new shards to the lowest
						// shard
						AdjacentShards splitUpper = higherShard.doSplit(kinesisClient,
								targetPct - lowerShard.getPctWidth(), shardStack.isEmpty() ? higherShard.getShardId()
										: shardStack.lastElement().getShardId());

						// place the upper of the two new shards onto the stack

						// merge lower of the new shards with the lowest shard
						LOG.info(String.format("Merging Shard %s with %s", lowerShard.getShardId(),
						ShardHashInfo lowerMerged = new AdjacentShards(streamName, lowerShard,
										shardStack.isEmpty() ? splitUpper.getHigherShard().getShardId()
												: shardStack.lastElement().getShardId());
						LOG.info(String.format("Created Shard %s (%s)", lowerMerged.getShardId(),

						// count of shards is unchanged in this case as we've
						// just rebalanced, so current count is not updated
					} else {
						// The lower and upper shards together are smaller than
						// the target size, so merge the two shards together
						ShardHashInfo lowerMerged = new AdjacentShards(streamName, lowerShard, higherShard)
								.doMerge(kinesisClient, shardStack.isEmpty() ? higherShard.getShardId()
										: shardStack.lastElement().getShardId());

						// put the new shard back on the stack - it may still be
						// too small relative to the target
			} else if (StreamScalingUtils.softCompare(lowerShard.getPctWidth(), targetPct) == 0) {
				// at the correct size - move on
			} else {
				// lowest shard is larger than the target size so split at the
				// target offset
				AdjacentShards splitLower = lowerShard.doSplit(kinesisClient, targetPct,
						shardStack.isEmpty() ? lowerShard.getShardId() : shardStack.lastElement().getShardId());

				LOG.info(String.format("Split Shard %s at %s Creating Final Shard %s and Intermediate Shard %s (%s)",
						lowerShard.getShardId(), pctFormat.format(targetPct), splitLower.getLowerShard().getShardId(),
						splitLower.getHigherShard(), pctFormat.format(splitLower.getHigherShard().getPctWidth())));

				// push the higher of the two splits back onto the stack
		} while (shardStack.size() > 0 || !shardStack.empty());

		return reportFor(endStatus, streamName, operationsMade, scaleDirection);

	private ScalingOperationReport scaleStream(String streamName, int originalShardCount, int targetShards,
			int operationsMade, int shardsCompleted, long startTime, Integer minShards, Integer maxShards)
			throws Exception {
		LOG.info(String.format("Scaling Stream %s from %s Shards to %s", streamName, originalShardCount, targetShards));

		return scaleStream(streamName, originalShardCount, targetShards, operationsMade, shardsCompleted, startTime,
				getOpenShardStack(streamName), minShards, maxShards);

	public ScalingOperationReport updateShardCount(String streamName, int currentShardCount, int targetShardCount,
			Integer minShards, Integer maxShards, boolean waitForCompletion) throws Exception {
		if (currentShardCount != targetShardCount) {
			// catch already at minimum
			if (targetShardCount < 1) {
				throw new AlreadyOneShardException();

			// ensure we dont go below/above min/max
			if (minShards != null && targetShardCount < minShards) {
				return reportFor(ScalingCompletionStatus.AlreadyAtMinimum, streamName, 0, ScaleDirection.NONE);
			} else if (maxShards != null && targetShardCount > maxShards) {
				return reportFor(ScalingCompletionStatus.AlreadyAtMaximum, streamName, 0, ScaleDirection.NONE);
			} else {
				try {
					LOG.info(String.format("Updating Stream %s Shard Count to %s", streamName, targetShardCount));

					UpdateShardCountRequest req = UpdateShardCountRequest.builder()

					// block until the stream transitions back to active state
					LOG.info("Waiting for Stream to transition back to Active Status");
					StreamScalingUtils.waitForStreamStatus(this.kinesisClient, streamName, "ACTIVE");

					// return the current state of the stream
					if (waitForCompletion) {
						return reportFor(ScalingCompletionStatus.Ok, streamName, 1,
								(currentShardCount >= targetShardCount ? ScaleDirection.DOWN : ScaleDirection.UP));
					} else {
						return null;
				} catch (InvalidArgumentException | LimitExceededException ipe) {
					// this will be raised if the scaling operation we are
					// trying to make is not within the limits of the
					// UpdateShardCount API
					// http://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/APIReference/API_UpdateShardCount.html
					// so now we'll default back to the split/merge way
					// return the current state of the stream
					LOG.info("UpdateShardCount API Limit Exceeded. Falling back to manual scaling");

					return scaleStream(streamName, currentShardCount, targetShardCount, 0, 0,
							System.currentTimeMillis(), minShards, maxShards);
		} else {
			LOG.info(String.format("No Scaling Action being taken as current and target Shard count = %s",
			return reportFor(ScalingCompletionStatus.NoActionRequired, streamName, 0, ScaleDirection.NONE);