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package com.amazonaws.kinesisvideo.parser.utilities;

import com.amazonaws.kinesisvideo.parser.examples.lambda.EncodedFrame;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.jcodec.codecs.h264.H264Encoder;
import org.jcodec.codecs.h264.H264Utils;
import org.jcodec.codecs.h264.encode.H264FixedRateControl;
import org.jcodec.codecs.h264.io.model.PictureParameterSet;
import org.jcodec.codecs.h264.io.model.SeqParameterSet;
import org.jcodec.codecs.h264.io.model.SliceType;
import org.jcodec.codecs.h264.mp4.AvcCBox;
import org.jcodec.common.VideoEncoder;
import org.jcodec.common.model.ColorSpace;
import org.jcodec.common.model.Picture;
import org.jcodec.common.model.Size;
import org.jcodec.scale.AWTUtil;

import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

import static java.util.Arrays.asList;

 * H264 Frame Encoder class which uses JCodec encoder to encode frames.
public class H264FrameEncoder {

    private Picture toEncode;
    private H264Encoder encoder;
    private SeqParameterSet sps;
    private PictureParameterSet pps;
    private ByteBuffer out;
    private byte[] cpd;
    private int frameNumber;

    public H264FrameEncoder(final int width, final int height, final int bitRate) {
        this.encoder = new H264Encoder(new H264FixedRateControl(bitRate));
        this.out = ByteBuffer.allocate(width * height * 6);
        this.frameNumber = 0;

        final Size size = new Size(width, height);
        sps = this.encoder.initSPS(size);
        pps = this.encoder.initPPS();

        final ByteBuffer spsBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(512);

        final ByteBuffer serialSps = ByteBuffer.allocate(512);

        final ByteBuffer serialPps = ByteBuffer.allocate(512);

        final ByteBuffer serialAvcc = ByteBuffer.allocate(512);
        final AvcCBox avcC = AvcCBox.createAvcCBox(this.sps.profileIdc, 0, this.sps.levelIdc, 4,
                asList(serialSps), asList(serialPps));
        cpd = new byte[serialAvcc.remaining()];

    public EncodedFrame encodeFrame(final BufferedImage bi) {

        // Perform conversion from buffered image to pic
        toEncode = AWTUtil.fromBufferedImage(bi, ColorSpace.YUV420J);

        // First frame is treated as I Frame (IDR Frame)
        final SliceType sliceType = this.frameNumber == 0 ? SliceType.I : SliceType.P;
        log.debug("Encoding frame no: {}, frame type : {}", frameNumber, sliceType);

        final boolean idr = this.frameNumber == 0;

        // Encode image into H.264 frame, the result is stored in 'out' buffer
        final ByteBuffer data = encoder.doEncodeFrame(toEncode, out, idr, this.frameNumber++, sliceType);
        return EncodedFrame.builder()

    public void setFrameNumber(final int frameNumber) {
        this.frameNumber = frameNumber;

    public SeqParameterSet getSps() {
        return sps;

    public PictureParameterSet getPps() {
        return pps;

    public byte[] getCodecPrivateData() { return cpd.clone(); }

    public int getKeyInterval() {
        return encoder.getKeyInterval();