 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

package org.apache.uima.json;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.uima.cas.CAS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CommonArrayFS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FeatureStructure;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Marker;
import org.apache.uima.cas.TypeSystem;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.CASImpl;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.CasSerializerSupport;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.CasSerializerSupport.CasDocSerializer;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.CasSerializerSupport.CasSerializerSupportSerialize;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.FeatureImpl;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.LowLevelCAS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.MarkerImpl;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.TypeImpl;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.TypeSystemImpl;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.XmiSerializationSharedData;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.XmiSerializationSharedData.XmiArrayElement;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.IntVector;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.Misc;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.PositiveIntSet;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.PositiveIntSet_impl;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.XmlElementName;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.function.IntConsumer_withIOException;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.rb_trees.RedBlackTree;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.BooleanArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.ByteArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.DoubleArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.EmptyList;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.FSArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.FloatArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.IntegerArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.LongArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.NonEmptyFSList;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.NonEmptyFloatList;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.NonEmptyIntegerList;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.NonEmptyStringList;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.ShortArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.Sofa;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.StringArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.TOP;
import org.apache.uima.json.impl.JsonContentHandlerJacksonWrapper;
import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.io.SerializedString;

 * <h2>CAS serializer for JSON formats.</h2>
 * <p>Writes a CAS in a JSON format.</p>
 * <p>To use,</p>
 * <ul>
 *   <li>create an instance of this class,</li> 
 *   <li>(optionally) configure the instance, and then</li> 
 *   <li>call serialize on the instance, optionally passing in additional parameters.</li></ul>
 * <p>After the 1st 2 steps, the serializer instance may be used for multiple calls (on multiple threads) to
 * the 3rd serialize step, if all calls use the same configuration.</p>
 * <p>There are "convenience" static serialize methods that do these three steps for common configurations.</p>
 * <p>Parameters can be configured in this instance (I), and/or as part of the serialize(S) call.</p>
 * <p>The parameters that can be configured are:</p>
 * <ul>
 *   <li>(S) The CAS to serialize
 *   <li>(S) where to put the output - an OutputStream, Writer, or File</li>
 *   <li>(I,S) a type system - (default null) if supplied, it is used to "filter" types and features that are serialized.  If provided, only 
 *   those that exist in the passed in type system are included in the serialization</li>
 *   <li>(I,S) a flag for prettyprinting - default false (no prettyprinting)</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>For Json serialization, additional configuration from the Jackson implementation can be configured</p>
 * on 2 associated Jackson instances:  
 *   <ul><li>JsonFactory</li> 
 *       <li>JsonGenerator</li></ul>
 * using the standard Jackson methods on the associated JsonFactory instance; 
 * see the Jackson JsonFactory and JsonGenerator javadocs for details.
 * <p>These 2 Jackson objects are settable/gettable from an instance of this class.
 * They are created if not supplied by the caller.</p>
 * <p>Once this instance is configured, the serialize method is called
 * to serialized a CAS to an output.</p>
 * <p>Instances of this class must be used on only one thread while configuration is being done;
 * afterwards, multiple threads may use the configured instance, to call serialize.</p>
public class JsonCasSerializer {

  private static final SerializedString CONTEXT_NAME = new SerializedString("_context");
  private static final SerializedString TYPE_SYSTEM_NAME = new SerializedString("_type_system");
  private static final SerializedString TYPES_NAME = new SerializedString("_types");

  private static final SerializedString ID_NAME = new SerializedString("_id");
  private static final SerializedString SUB_TYPES_NAME = new SerializedString("_subtypes");
  private static final SerializedString FEATURE_TYPES_NAME = new SerializedString("_feature_types");
  private static final SerializedString FEATURE_REFS_NAME = new SerializedString("_ref");
  private static final SerializedString FEATURE_ARRAY_NAME = new SerializedString("_array");
  private static final SerializedString FEATURE_BYTE_ARRAY_NAME = new SerializedString("_byte_array");    

  private static final SerializedString REFERENCED_FSS_NAME = new SerializedString("_referenced_fss");
  private static final SerializedString VIEWS_NAME = new SerializedString("_views");  
  private static final SerializedString TYPE_NAME = new SerializedString("_type");
  private static final SerializedString COLLECTION_NAME = new SerializedString("_collection");

  private static final SerializedString DELTA_CAS_NAME = new SerializedString("_delta_cas");

  private static final SerializedString ADDED_MEMBERS_NAME = new SerializedString("added_members");
  private static final SerializedString DELETED_MEMBERS_NAME = new SerializedString("deleted_members");
  private static final SerializedString REINDEXED_MEMBERS_NAME = new SerializedString("reindexed_members");
   * <p>The serialization can optionally include context information in addition to the feature structures.</p>
   * <p>This context information is specified, per used-type.</p>
   * <p>It can be further subdivided into 3 parts:</p>
   *   <ol>
   *   <li>What their (used) subtypes are.  This enables iterating over a type 
   *      and all of its subtypes, e.g. an iterator over all "Annotations".</li>
   *   <li> whether or not to include the map from short type names to their fully qualified equivalents.</li>
   *   <li>Information to enable deserialization of some ambiguous values, depending on the range type of a feature
   *   </ol>
   * <p>Some of these may be omitted, if not wanted.  This enum allows specifying what to omit.</p>
  public enum JsonContextFormat {
    omitContext,      // omit the entire context  
  private final CasSerializerSupport css = new CasSerializerSupport();
  // for testing
  CasSerializerSupport getCss() {
    return css;

  private JsonFactory jsonFactory = null;

  private boolean isDynamicEmbedding = true;  
  private boolean isWithContext = true;
  private boolean isWithSubtypes = true;
  private boolean isWithExpandedTypeNames = true;
  private boolean isOmit0Values = false; // https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/UIMA-4117

  private String typeSystemReference;

   *         C O N S T R U C T O R S             *  

   * Creates a new JsonCasSerializer
  public JsonCasSerializer() {
   *                  J S O N                       *
   *  Static JSON Serializer methods for convenience  *
   *                                                  *
   *    Note: these are named jsonSerialize           *
   *          The non-static methods                  *
   *                are named serializeJson           *
   * Serializes a CAS using JSON
   * @param aCAS
   *          CAS to serialize.
   * @param output
   *          a File, OutputStream or Writer to which to write the XMI document
   * @throws IOException if there was an IOException
  public static void jsonSerialize(CAS aCAS, Object output) throws IOException {  
    jsonSerialize(aCAS, null, output, false, null, null);

   * Serializes a CAS to an output (File, OutputStream, XMI stream, or Writer). 
   * The supplied typesystem filters the output
   * @param aCAS
   *          CAS to serialize.
   * @param aTargetTypeSystem
   *          type system used for filtering what gets serialized. Any types or features not in the
   *          target type system will not be serialized.  A null value indicates no filtering, that is, 
   *          that all types and features will be serialized.
   * @param output 
   *          output (File, OutputStream, or Writer) to which to write the JSON document
   * @throws IOException if there was an IOException 
  public static void jsonSerialize(CAS aCAS, TypeSystem aTargetTypeSystem, Object output)
          throws IOException {
    jsonSerialize(aCAS, aTargetTypeSystem, output, false, null, null);

   * Serializes a Delta CAS to an output (File, Writer, or OutputStream).  
   * This version of this method allows many options to be configured.
   * @param aCAS
   *          CAS to serialize.
   * @param aTargetTypeSystem
   *          type system to which the produced XMI will conform. Any types or features not in the
   *          target type system will not be serialized.  A null value indicates that all types and features
   *          will be serialized.
   * @param output
   *          File, Writer, or OutputStream to which to write the JSON document
   * @param aPrettyPrint
   *          if true the JSON output will be formatted with newlines and indenting.  If false it will be unformatted.
   * @param aMarker
   *        an optional object used to determine which FeatureStructures and modifications were created after
   *          the mark was set. Used to serialize a Delta CAS consisting of only new FSs and views and
   *          preexisting FSs and Views that have been modified.  If null, full serialization is done.        
   *          See the JavaDocs for {@link Marker} for details.
   * @param sharedData optional, used for delta serialization (not yet supported)
   * @throws IOException if there was an IOException
  public static void jsonSerialize(CAS aCAS, TypeSystem aTargetTypeSystem, Object output, boolean aPrettyPrint, 
      Marker aMarker, XmiSerializationSharedData sharedData) 
          throws IOException {
    JsonCasSerializer ser = new JsonCasSerializer();
    ser.serialize(aCAS, output, sharedData, aMarker);
   * Multi-step api
   *   1) Create an instance of this class and use for configuration, specifying or defaulting
   *          type system to use for filtering (default - no filtering)
   *          prettyprinting (default - false)
   *       1b) Do any additional wanted configuration on the instance of this class
   *          instance.prettyPrint(true/false);
   *          instance.useJsonFactory(factory)
   *          instance.filterTypes(typeSystem)
   *          instance.errorHandler(errorHandler)
   *          instance.jsonFormat(EnumSet.of(x, y, z)) - default is none of the settings
   *          instance.getGenerator() to further configure the generator if the defaults are not what is wanted.
   *   2) call its serializeJson method, passing in the CAS, and an output (Writer/Outputstream/File)
   * Serialize a Cas to an Output, using configurations set on this instance.
   *   Constructs a JsonContentHandlerJacksonWrapper, using configured JsonFactory and prettyprint settings if any
   * @param cas - the CAS to serialize
   * @param output - where the output goes, an OutputStream, Writer, or File
   * @throws IOException if there was an IOException
  public void serialize(CAS cas, Object output) throws IOException {
    serialize(cas, output, null, null);
  public void serialize(CAS cas, Object output, XmiSerializationSharedData sharedData, Marker marker) throws IOException {
    JsonContentHandlerJacksonWrapper jch;
    try {
      jch = new JsonContentHandlerJacksonWrapper(jsonFactory, output, css.isFormattedOutput);
    } catch (SAXException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);
    serialize(cas, jch, sharedData, marker);
   * Serialize a Cas to an Output configured in the passed in JsonContentHandlerJacksonWrapper
   *   Constructs a new CasDocSerializer instance to do the serialization, 
   *      configured using this class's Delta marker setting (if any)
   * @param cas The CAS to serialize
   * @param jch the configured content handler
   * @throws IOException if there was an IOException 
  public void serialize(CAS cas, JsonContentHandlerJacksonWrapper jch) throws IOException {
    serialize(cas, jch, null, null);
  public void serialize(CAS cas, JsonContentHandlerJacksonWrapper jch, XmiSerializationSharedData sharedData, Marker marker) throws IOException {
      JsonDocSerializer ser = new JsonDocSerializer(jch, ((CASImpl) cas).getBaseCAS(), sharedData, (MarkerImpl) marker);
      try {
        ser.cds.needNameSpaces = false;
      } catch (Exception e) {
        if (e instanceof IOException) {
          throw (IOException) e;
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
   *   Routines to set/reset configuration                *
   * set or reset the pretty print flag (default is false)
   * @param pp true to do pretty printing of output
   * @return the original instance, possibly updated
  public JsonCasSerializer setPrettyPrint(boolean pp) {
    return this;
   * set which JsonFactory instance to use; if null, a new instance is used
   *   this can be used to preconfigure the JsonFactory instance
   * @param jsonFactory -
   * @return the original instance, possibly updated
  public JsonCasSerializer setJsonFactory(JsonFactory jsonFactory) {
    this.jsonFactory = jsonFactory;
    return this;
   * pass in a type system to use for filtering what gets serialized;
   * only those types and features which are defined this type system are included.
   * @param ts the filter
   * @return the original instance, possibly updated
  public JsonCasSerializer setFilterTypes(TypeSystemImpl ts) {
    return this;
  public JsonCasSerializer setTypeSystemReference(String reference) {
    typeSystemReference = reference;
    return this;

  // not done here, done on serialize call, because typically changes for each call
//  /**
//   * set the Marker to specify delta cas serialization
//   * forces static embedding mode
//   * @param m - the marker
//   * @return the original instance, possibly updated
//   */
//  public JsonCasSerializer setDeltaCas(Marker m, XmiSerializationSharedData sharedData) {
//    css.setDeltaCas(m);
//    setStaticEmbedding();  // delta requires static embedding mode
//    return this;
//  }
   * set an error handler to receive information about errors
   * @param eh the error handler
   * @return the original instance, possibly updated
  public JsonCasSerializer setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler eh) {
    return this;
   * Sets static embedding mode
   * @return the original instance, possibly updated
  public JsonCasSerializer setStaticEmbedding() {
    isDynamicEmbedding = false;
    return this;
   * sets which Json context format to use when serializing
   * @param format the format to use for the serialization
   *   Specifying the context flag also specifies all 3 subflags
   *   Specifying one of the subflags as true sets the context flag to true if it isn't already
   * @return the original instance, possibly updated
  public JsonCasSerializer setJsonContext(JsonContextFormat format) {
    switch (format) {
    case omitContext: 
      isWithContext = false;                                                             
      isWithSubtypes = false;
      isWithExpandedTypeNames = false; break;
    case omitSubtypes: 
      isWithSubtypes = false; break;
    case omitExpandedTypeNames:
      isWithExpandedTypeNames = false; break;
    return this;
  public JsonCasSerializer setOmit0Values(boolean omitDefaultValues) {
    isOmit0Values = omitDefaultValues;
    return this;
  private static class MapType2Subtypes extends RedBlackTree<IntVector> {
     * @param type main type
     * @param subtype subtype of main type
     * @return true if added, false if already was there
    boolean addSubtype(int type, int subtype) {
      IntVector iv = get(type);
      if (null == iv) {
        iv = new IntVector();
        put(type, iv);
        return true;
      if (iv.contains(subtype)) {
        return false;
      return true;
  class JsonDocSerializer extends CasSerializerSupportSerialize {
    private final CasDocSerializer cds;
    private final JsonContentHandlerJacksonWrapper jch;

    private final JsonGenerator jg;
    private final Map<String, SerializedString> serializedStrings = new HashMap<>();
    private final Map<String, XmlElementName> usedTypeName2XmlElementName;
    private final MapType2Subtypes mapType2Subtypes = new MapType2Subtypes();
    private final List<TypeImpl> parentTypesWithNoInstances = new ArrayList<>();
    private int lastEncodedTypeCode;
    private boolean startedReferencedFSs;
    private final boolean isOmitDefaultValues;
    private final boolean isWithContext;

    private final boolean isWithSubtypes;
    private boolean indexId;  // true causes fs to be listed as "id" : { ...}, false as "type" : [ {...}
    private boolean isEmbedded = false; // true for embedded FSs, causes _type to be included
    private boolean isEmbeddedFromFsFeature;  // used for NL formatting, false if embedded due to Array or List

    private boolean startedFeatureTypes;
    private JsonDocSerializer(ContentHandler ch, CASImpl cas, XmiSerializationSharedData sharedData, MarkerImpl marker) {
      cds = css.new CasDocSerializer(ch, cas, sharedData, marker, this, JsonCasSerializer.this.isDynamicEmbedding);
      this.isOmitDefaultValues = JsonCasSerializer.this.isOmit0Values;  
      isWithSubtypes = JsonCasSerializer.this.isWithSubtypes; 
      jch = (JsonContentHandlerJacksonWrapper) ch;
      jg = jch.getJsonGenerator();
      isWithContext = JsonCasSerializer.this.isWithContext || isWithSubtypes || isWithExpandedTypeNames; 
      usedTypeName2XmlElementName = new HashMap<>(cds.tsi.getNumberOfTypes());
    protected void initializeNamespaces() {
      if (cds.sharedData != null &&
          (null != cds.sharedData.getOutOfTypeSystemElements() ||
           cds.sharedData.hasOutOfTypeSystemArrayElements())) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't do JSON serialization "
            + "if there are out-of-type-system elements,"
            + " because there's no type information available (needed for _context)");

    protected void writeViews() throws Exception {
      if (!cds.isDelta) {
      cds.writeViewsCommons(); // encodes cas.sofaCount + 1 elements
      jg.writeEndObject();  // and end of views property 
    protected void writeFeatureStructures(int elementCount /* not used */ ) throws Exception{
      jch.withoutNl();  // set up prettyprint mode so this class controls it
      jg.writeStartObject();  // container for (maybe) context, fss (2 parts), and (maybe) delta view info
      if (isWithContext) {
      // write the reachable from indexes FS
      indexId = false;

      final List<TOP>[] byViewByTypeFSs = sortByViewType(); 
      for (int viewNbr = 1; viewNbr <= byViewByTypeFSs.length; viewNbr++) {
        // viewNbr starts at 1
        lastEncodedTypeCode = -1;
        final List<TOP> fssInView = byViewByTypeFSs[viewNbr - 1];
        final Sofa sofa = cds.getSofa(viewNbr);
        if (sofa == null && fssInView.size() == 0) {
          continue;  // skip non-existent initial view with no sofa and no elements                    
        String viewName = (null == sofa) ? CAS.NAME_DEFAULT_SOFA : sofa.getSofaID();
        jg.writeFieldName(viewName);  // view namne
        for (TOP fs : fssInView) {
        if (lastEncodedTypeCode != -1) {
          jg.writeEndArray(); // of array of types under a fs
      jg.writeEndObject();  // end of value for _views
      // write the non-embeddable referenced FSs
      indexId = true;
      startedReferencedFSs = false;
      if (startedReferencedFSs) {
        jg.writeEndObject(); // of all referenced FSs
    protected void writeEndOfSerialization() throws IOException {
      jg.writeEndObject(); // wrapper of _context and cas
    // sort the by-view by-type set
    //   previously Serialized
     * @return the List<TOP>[] returned by cds.indexedFSs, but with each view sorted by type
    private List<TOP>[] sortByViewType() {
      final List<TOP>[] r = new List[cds.indexedFSs.length]; 
      int i = 0;
      for (final List<TOP> fss : cds.indexedFSs) {
        r[i] = (fss == null) ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : (List<TOP>) ((ArrayList<TOP>)fss).clone();
      return r;
    protected void writeView(Sofa sofa, Collection<TOP> members) throws IOException {
      String sofaXmiId = (null == sofa) ? "0" : cds.getXmiId(sofa);
      //check for out-of-typesystem members
      if (cds.sharedData != null) {
        List<String> ootsMembers = cds.sharedData.getOutOfTypeSystemViewMembers(sofaXmiId);

    private void writeViewForDeltas(SerializedString kind, Collection<TOP> deltaMembers) throws IOException {
    protected void writeView(Sofa sofa, Collection<TOP> added, Collection<TOP> deleted, Collection<TOP> reindexed) throws IOException {
      writeViewForDeltas(ADDED_MEMBERS_NAME, added);
      writeViewForDeltas(DELETED_MEMBERS_NAME, deleted);
      writeViewForDeltas(REINDEXED_MEMBERS_NAME, reindexed);      
    private void writeViewMembers(Collection<TOP> members) throws IOException {
      int nextBreak = CasSerializerSupport.PP_ELEMENTS;
      int i = 0;
      for (TOP member : members) {
        int xmiId = cds.getXmiIdAsInt(member);
        if (xmiId == 0) {
        if (i++ > nextBreak) {
          nextBreak += CasSerializerSupport.PP_ELEMENTS;

     * version for oots data
    private void writeViewMembers(List<String> members) throws IOException {
      int nextBreak = CasSerializerSupport.PP_ELEMENTS;
      int i = 0;
      for (String xmiId : members) {
        if (null == xmiId || xmiId.length() == 0) {
        if (i++ > nextBreak) {
          nextBreak += CasSerializerSupport.PP_ELEMENTS;
     * <h2>JSON: serialize context info</h2>
     * <p>The context has several parts.
     * <p>The typeSystemReference is an optional URI to a type system that is written out.
     * <p>The types part is organized by the type hierarchy, starting with the uima.cas.TOP type.  There is an entry
     * for each type which has 1 or more serailized instances, and also for all supertypes of those types.
     * The entry is a JSON key-value pair "short-type-name" : {...}.   </p>
     * <p>The information for each type has 3 sections:</p>
     * <ol>
     *   <li>_subtypes - a JSON map of key-value pairs, keyed by the short type-name of
     *                   used subtypes of this type.  If this type has
     *                   no used subtypes, this element is omitted. 
     *                   The value is an instance of this structure, for that type.</li>
     *   <li>_id - the fully qualified UIMA type name</li>
     *   <li>@featureTypes - a map with keys being specific features of the type 
     *                       that need extra information about their contents, 
     *                       and the value being that extra information.</li>
     * </ol>
     *  RANGE_IDs specify the type of the value of a feature.  There are currently 2 kinds:
     *  <ul>
     *    <li>"@featureByteArray" - indicates the string value should be decoded as a base64 binary encoded byte array</li>
     *    <li>"{ "@featureRef" : "short_type_name" } - indicates the number or array of numbers 
     *                      should be interpreted as a reference to a FS having this number (or array of numbers) 
     *                      as its id(s).
     *                      0 is interpreted as a null reference.
     *                      The type of the FS being referred to is of type "short_type_name" or a subtype.</li>
     *  </ul> 
     * @throws IOException 
    private void serializeJsonLdContext() throws IOException {  
      if (typeSystemReference != null) {
      for (TypeImpl ti : cds.getSortedUsedTypes()) {
        if (isWithExpandedTypeNames) {
          jg.writeFieldName(ID_NAME);  // form for using SerializedString
        if (isWithSubtypes) {
        jg.writeEndObject();  // end of one type
      // write out contexts for types in the supertype chain which have no instances
      for (final TypeImpl ti : parentTypesWithNoInstances) {
        XmlElementName xe = cds.typeCode2namespaceNames[ti.getCode()];

        if (isWithExpandedTypeNames) {
          jg.writeFieldName(ID_NAME);  // form for using SerializedString
        if (isWithSubtypes) {
        jg.writeEndObject();  // end of one type
      jg.writeEndObject();  // end of _types
      jg.writeEndObject();  // end of _context
     * _feature_types : { "featName" : "_ref" or "_byte_array, ... }
     * @param type the type for which to generate the feature context info 
     * @throws IOException 
    private void addJsonFeatContext(TypeImpl type) throws IOException {
      final FeatureImpl[] feats = type.getFeatureImpls();
      startedFeatureTypes = false;
      for (FeatureImpl feat : feats) {
        final int fsClass = CasSerializerSupport.classifyType(feat.getRangeImpl());
        SerializedString featKind = featureTypeLabel(fsClass);
        if (null != featKind) {
      if (startedFeatureTypes) {
    private void maybeDoStartFeatureTypes() throws IOException {
      if (!startedFeatureTypes) {
        startedFeatureTypes = true;
    private SerializedString getShortFeatureName(FeatureImpl feat) {
      return getSerializedString(feat.getShortName());
     * Add subtype information for used types limited to used subtypes
     * @throws IOException 
    private void addJsonSubtypes(TypeImpl ti) throws IOException {
      IntVector iv = mapType2Subtypes.get(ti.getCode());
      if (null != iv && iv.size() > 0) {
        TypeSystemImpl tsi = ti.getTypeSystem();
        for (int typeCode : iv.toArray()) {
    private void collectUsedSubtypes() {
      final TypeImpl[] tiArray = cds.getSortedUsedTypes();
      for (TypeImpl ti : tiArray) {  // all used types
        int subtypeCode = ti.getCode();
        // loop up the super chain for this type, 
        // add parent -> subtype entries (until try to add one that's already there)
        for (TypeImpl parent = (TypeImpl) ti.getSuperType();
             parent != null; 
             parent = (TypeImpl) parent.getSuperType()) {
          final int parentCode = parent.getCode();
          // next comparator must match the one used for sorting the tiArray
          // https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/UIMA-5171
          // if parent not contained in tiArray 
          if (Arrays.binarySearch(tiArray, parent, CasSerializerSupport.COMPARATOR_SHORT_TYPENAME) < 0 ) {  
            if (!parentTypesWithNoInstances.contains(parent)) {
          boolean wasAdded = mapType2Subtypes.addSubtype(parentCode, subtypeCode);
          if (!wasAdded) {
          subtypeCode = parentCode;
    private SerializedString getSerializedTypeName(TypeImpl ti) {
      XmlElementName xe = cds.typeCode2namespaceNames[ti.getCode()];
      if (null == xe) {
        // happens for supertypes which have no instantiations
        String typeName = ti.getName();
        xe = uimaTypeName2XmiElementName(typeName);
        cds.typeCode2namespaceNames[ti.getCode()] = xe;
      return getSerializedString(xe.qName);
    private SerializedString getSerializedString(String s) {
      SerializedString ss = serializedStrings.get(s);
      if (ss == null) {
        ss = new SerializedString(s);
        serializedStrings.put(s, ss);
      return ss;

     * keep map from short type name to XmlElementName (full name, namespace, etc)
     *   This map starts out empty
     *     first use of type puts entry in
     *     first use of type with different full name adds namespace to both
    protected void checkForNameCollision(XmlElementName xmlElementName) {
      XmlElementName xel    = usedTypeName2XmlElementName.get(xmlElementName.localName);
      if (xel != null) {
        if (xel.nsUri.equals(xmlElementName.nsUri)) {  // nsUri is the fully qualified name
          return;  // don't need name spaces yet, or have already added them for this item
        } else {
//          usedTypeName2XmlElementName.clear();  // not needed anymore
      usedTypeName2XmlElementName.put(xmlElementName.localName, xmlElementName);
    protected boolean writeFsStart(TOP fs, int typeCode) throws IOException {
      if (isEmbedded) {
        if (!isEmbeddedFromFsFeature) {
          jch.writeNlJustBeforeNext();  // if from feature, already did nl
      } else if (indexId) {
        if (!startedReferencedFSs) {
          startedReferencedFSs = true;
        jg.writeStartObject();  // start of feat : value
      } else { // fs's as arrays under typeName
        if (typeCode != lastEncodedTypeCode) {
          if (lastEncodedTypeCode != -1) {
            // close off previous Array
          lastEncodedTypeCode = typeCode;
        // if we're not going to write the actual FS here, 
        //   and are just going to write the ref, 
        //   skip the start object
        if (!cds.isDynamicMultiRef || !cds.multiRefFSs.contains(fs)) {         
          jg.writeStartObject();  // start of feat : value
      return indexId;
    protected void writeFsRef(TOP fs) throws Exception {

//    private void maybeWriteIdFeat(int addr) throws IOException {
//      if (!omitId) {
//        jg.writeFieldName(ID_NAME);
//        jg.writeNumber(cds.getXmiIdAsInt(addr));
//      }
//    }
    private void maybeWriteTypeFeat(TypeImpl ti) throws IOException {
      if (indexId || isEmbedded) {

    protected void writeFs(TOP fs, int typeCode) throws IOException {
      writeFsOrLists(fs, fs._getTypeImpl(), false);
    protected void writeListsAsIndividualFSs(TOP fs, int typeCode) throws IOException {
      writeFsOrLists(fs, fs._getTypeImpl(), true);
    private void writeFsOrLists(TOP fs, TypeImpl ti, boolean isListAsFSs) throws IOException {
      final FeatureImpl[] feats = ti.getFeatureImpls();
//      maybeWriteIdFeat(addr);
      for (final FeatureImpl feat : feats) {

        if (cds.isFiltering) {
          // skip features that aren't in the target type system
          String fullFeatName = feat.getName();
          if (cds.filterTypeSystem_inner.getFeatureByFullName(fullFeatName) == null) {
//        final int featAddr = addr + cds.cas.getAdjustedFeatureOffset(featCode);
//        final int featValRaw = cds.cas.getHeapValue(featAddr);
        final int featureClass = CasSerializerSupport.classifyType(feat.getRangeImpl());
        final SerializedString shortName = getSerializedString(feat.getShortName());
        switch (featureClass) {
        case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_BYTE:  writeNumeric(feat, fs._getByteValueNc (feat)); break;
        case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_SHORT: writeNumeric(feat, fs._getShortValueNc(feat)); break; 
        case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_INT:   writeNumeric(feat, fs._getIntValueNc  (feat)); break;  
        case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_LONG:  writeNumeric(feat, fs._getLongValueNc (feat)); break;  

        case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_FS: {
          TOP ref = fs._getFeatureValueNc(feat);
          if (ref == null /* && isOmitDefaultValues*/) continue;
          writeFsOrRef(ref, feat); // writes nl before embedded fs
        case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_FLOAT:
          final float floatVal = fs._getFloatValueNc(feat);
          if (floatVal == 0.F && isOmitDefaultValues) continue;
        case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_DOUBLE:
          final double doubleVal = fs._getDoubleValueNc(feat);
          if (doubleVal == 0L && isOmitDefaultValues) continue;
        case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_BOOLEAN:
        case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_STRING: {
          String s = fs._getStringValueNc(feat);
          if (s == null /*&& isOmitDefaultValues*/) continue; 
        case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_INTARRAY: 
        case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_BYTEARRAY:
        case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_LONGARRAY:
        case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_FSARRAY: 
          writeArray(fs, feat, featureClass);
        case CasSerializerSupport.TYPE_CLASS_INTLIST:
        case CasSerializerSupport.TYPE_CLASS_FLOATLIST:
        case CasSerializerSupport.TYPE_CLASS_STRINGLIST:
        case CasSerializerSupport.TYPE_CLASS_FSLIST:
          writeList(fs, feat, featureClass, isListAsFSs);
        default: Misc.internalError(); 
        }  // end of switch
      } // end of loop over all features
    private void writeNumeric(FeatureImpl fi, long v) throws IOException {
      if (v == 0 && isOmitDefaultValues) return;
    private void writeArray(TOP fs, FeatureImpl fi, int featureClass) throws IOException {
      assert(fs != null);      
      TOP array = fs._getFeatureValueNc(fi);
      if (array == null) return;
      if (isDynamicOrStaticMultiRef(fi, array)) {
      } else {
        writeJsonArrayValues(array, featureClass);
    private void writeList(TOP fs, FeatureImpl fi, int featureClass, boolean isListAsFSs) throws IOException {
      assert(fs != null); 
      TOP list = fs._getFeatureValueNc(fi);
      if (list == null) return;
      if (isDynamicOrStaticMultiRef(fi, list, isListAsFSs)) {
      } else {
     * for arrays and lists,
     * recursively write one FS, 
     *    as actual FS, 
     *    if dynamic embedding and single ref
     *  OR, just write the reference id
     *  If trying to write the null FS (due to filtering for instance), write 0
     * @param addr
     * @throws IOException
    private void writeFsOrRef(TOP fs) throws IOException {
      if (fs == null || !cds.isDynamicMultiRef || cds.multiRefFSs.contains(fs)) {
      } else {
        isEmbeddedFromFsFeature = false;
    private void writeEmbeddedFs(TOP fs) throws IOException {
      boolean savedEmbedded = isEmbedded;
      try {
        isEmbedded = true;
      } catch (Exception e) {
        if (e instanceof IOException) {
          throw (IOException) e;
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
      } finally {
        isEmbedded = savedEmbedded;
      }  // embed 
    private void writeFsOrRef(TOP fs, FeatureImpl fi) throws IOException {
      if (fs == null || !cds.isDynamicMultiRef || cds.multiRefFSs.contains(fs)) {
      } else {
        isEmbeddedFromFsFeature = true;
        //  Use cases:  can write embed, which has embed, which has non-embed
        //     once hit non-embed, this flag would be turned off,
        //     But it's only tested at the beginning of writeEmbeddedFs, so subsequent fields reset this
        //     This flag only used to control new lines for embedded case
        isEmbeddedFromFsFeature = false; // restore default
     * Write FSArrays
    protected void writeArrays(TOP fs, int typeCode, int typeClass) throws IOException {
//      maybeWriteIdFeat(addr);

      writeJsonArrayValues(fs, typeClass);
    protected void writeEndOfIndividualFs() throws IOException {

    // writes a set of values in a JSON array
    // or null if the reference to the UIMA array is actually null
    // 0 length arrays are written as []
    //   Note: FSs can be embedded for FS Arrays
    private void writeJsonArrayValues(TOP array, int arrayType) throws IOException {
      if (array == null) {
      CommonArrayFS ca = (CommonArrayFS) array;
      final int array_size = ca.size();

      if (arrayType == LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_BYTEARRAY) {
        // special case for byte arrays: 
        // serialize using standard JACKSON/JSON binary serialization
        // (doing extra copy to avoid figuring out the impl details)
        ByteArray ba = (ByteArray) array;      
      } else {
//        int pos = cds.cas.getArrayStartAddress(addr);
        switch(arrayType) {
          boolean[] a = ((BooleanArray)array)._getTheArray();
          writeArrayElements(array_size, i -> jg.writeBoolean(a[i]));
        case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_BYTEARRAY: {
          ByteArray ba = (ByteArray) array;      
        case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_SHORTARRAY: {
          short[] a = ((ShortArray)array)._getTheArray();
          writeArrayElements(array_size, i -> jg.writeNumber(a[i]));
        case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_INTARRAY: {
          int[] a = ((IntegerArray)array)._getTheArray();
          writeArrayElements(array_size, i -> jg.writeNumber(a[i]));
        case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_LONGARRAY: {
          long[] a = ((LongArray)array)._getTheArray();
          writeArrayElements(array_size, i -> jg.writeNumber(a[i]));
        case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_FLOATARRAY: {
          float[] a = ((FloatArray)array)._getTheArray();
          writeArrayElements(array_size, i -> jg.writeNumber(a[i]));
        case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_DOUBLEARRAY: {
          double[] a = ((DoubleArray)array)._getTheArray();
          writeArrayElements(array_size, i -> jg.writeNumber(a[i]));
        case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_STRINGARRAY: {
          String[] a = ((StringArray)array)._getTheArray();
          writeArrayElements(array_size, i -> jg.writeString(a[i]));
        case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_FSARRAY: writeFSArray(array, array_size); break;
        default: Misc.internalError();
        } // end of switch
    private void writeArrayElements(final int size, IntConsumer_withIOException ic) throws IOException {
      for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    private void writeFSArray(TOP array, int array_size) throws NumberFormatException, IOException {
      FSArray fsArray = (FSArray) array;
      List<XmiArrayElement> ootsArrayElementsList = cds.sharedData == null 
                                                      ? null 
                                                      : cds.sharedData.getOutOfTypeSystemArrayElements(fsArray);
      int ootsIndex = 0;
      TOP[] fsItems = fsArray._getTheArray();
      for (int j = 0; j < array_size; j++) {  // j used to id the oots things
        TOP fsItem = fsItems[j];  // int heapValue = cds.cas.getHeapValue(pos++);

        if (fsItem == null) {
          // this null array element might have been a reference to an 
          // out-of-typesystem FS, which, when deserialized, was replaced with NULL,
          // so check the ootsArrayElementsList
          boolean found = false;
          if (ootsArrayElementsList != null) {
            while (ootsIndex < ootsArrayElementsList.size()) {
              XmiArrayElement arel = ootsArrayElementsList.get(ootsIndex++);
              if (arel.index == j) {
                found = true;
          if (!found) {
        // else, not null FS ref  
        } else {
          if (cds.isFiltering) { // return as null any references to types not in target TS
            String typeName = fsItem._getTypeImpl().getName();
            if (cds.filterTypeSystem_inner.getType(typeName) == null) {
              fsItem = null;
          writeFsOrRef(fsItem);  // allow embedding in array
      } // end of loop over all refs in FS array
    // a null ref is written as null
    // an empty list is written as []
     * Only called if no sharing of list nodes exists (except for non-dynamic case)
     * Only called for list nodes referred to by Feature value slots in some FS.

     * @param curNode the address of the start of the list
     * @throws IOException
    private void writeJsonListValues(TOP curNode) throws IOException {
      if (curNode == null) {

      final PositiveIntSet visited = new PositiveIntSet_impl();
      FeatureStructure nextNode = null;
      while (curNode != null) { 

        if (curNode instanceof EmptyList) { 
          break;  // would be the end element.  a 0 is also treated as an end element
        if (!visited.add(curNode._id())) {
          break;  // loop detected, stop. no error report here, would be reported earlier during enqueue
//        final int val = cds.cas.getHeapValue(curNode + cds.cas.getAdjustedFeatureOffset(headFeat));

        if (curNode instanceof NonEmptyStringList) {
          NonEmptyStringList l = (NonEmptyStringList)curNode;
          nextNode = l.getCommonTail();
        } else if (curNode instanceof NonEmptyFloatList) {
          NonEmptyFloatList l = (NonEmptyFloatList)curNode;
          nextNode = l.getCommonTail();
        } else if (curNode instanceof NonEmptyFSList) {
          NonEmptyFSList l = (NonEmptyFSList)curNode;
          writeFsOrRef(l);  // maybe embed
          nextNode = l.getCommonTail();
        } else {  // for ints 
          NonEmptyIntegerList l = (NonEmptyIntegerList)curNode;
          nextNode = l.getCommonTail();
        curNode = (TOP) nextNode;
     * Return null or a string representing the type of the feature
     * @param fsClass the class of the feature
     * @param featCode the feature code
     * @return _ref, _array, _byte_array, or null
    private SerializedString featureTypeLabel(int fsClass) {
      switch (fsClass) {
        case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_FS: 
        case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_FSARRAY: 
        case CasSerializerSupport.TYPE_CLASS_FSLIST:
          return FEATURE_REFS_NAME;
        case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_INTARRAY:
        case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_LONGARRAY:
        case CasSerializerSupport.TYPE_CLASS_INTLIST:
        case CasSerializerSupport.TYPE_CLASS_FLOATLIST:
        case CasSerializerSupport.TYPE_CLASS_STRINGLIST: 
          // we have refs only if the feature has
          // multipleReferencesAllowed = true
          return FEATURE_ARRAY_NAME;   

        case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_BYTEARRAY:
          return FEATURE_BYTE_ARRAY_NAME;
        default:  // for primitives
          return null;

     * Converts a UIMA-style dotted type name to the element name that should be used in the
     * serialization. The XMI element name consists of three parts - the Namespace URI, the Local
     * Name, and the QName (qualified name).
     * @param uimaTypeName
     *          a UIMA-style dotted type name
     * @return a data structure holding the three components of the XML element name
    protected XmlElementName uimaTypeName2XmiElementName(String uimaTypeName) {
      // split uima type name into namespace and short name
      String shortName;
      final int lastDotIndex = uimaTypeName.lastIndexOf('.');
      if (lastDotIndex == -1) { // no namespace
        shortName = uimaTypeName;
      } else {
        shortName = uimaTypeName.substring(lastDotIndex + 1);
      // convert short name to shared string, without interning, reduce GCs
      shortName = cds.getUniqueString(shortName);

      return new XmlElementName(uimaTypeName, shortName, shortName);  // use short name for qname until namespaces needed
     * Called to generate a new namespace prefix and add it to this element - due to a collision
     * @param xmlElementName
    protected void addNameSpace(XmlElementName xmlElementName) {
      if (xmlElementName.qName.equals(xmlElementName.localName)) {  // may have already had namespace added
        // split uima type name into namespace and short name
        String uimaTypeName = xmlElementName.nsUri;
        String shortName = xmlElementName.localName;
        final int lastDotIndex = uimaTypeName.lastIndexOf('.');
        // determine what namespace prefix to use
        String prefix = cds.getNameSpacePrefix(uimaTypeName, uimaTypeName, lastDotIndex);
        xmlElementName.qName = cds.getUniqueString(prefix + ':' + shortName);
    private boolean isDynamicOrStaticMultiRef(FeatureImpl fi, TOP fs) {
      return (!cds.isDynamicMultiRef) ? 
                cds.isStaticMultiRef(fi) : 
    private boolean isDynamicOrStaticMultiRef(FeatureImpl fi, TOP fs, boolean isListAsFSs) {
      return (!cds.isDynamicMultiRef) ? 
                (isListAsFSs || cds.isStaticMultiRef(fi)) : 

