 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

package org.apache.uima.cas.impl;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.uima.internal.util.Int2ObjHashMap;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.Obj2IntIdentityHashMap;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.XmlAttribute;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.XmlElementName;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.XmlElementNameAndContents;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.FSArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.TOP;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;

 * A container for data that is shared between the {@link XmiCasSerializer} and the {@link XmiCasDeserializer}.
 * This has a number of uses:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>Consistency of xmi:id values across serializations.  If you pass an <code>XmiSerializationSharedData</code>
 *       instance to the deserializer, the deserializer will store information about the incoming xmi:id values.  If you then pass
 *       the same <code>XmiSerializationSharedData</code> object to the serializer when you attempt to serialize the same CAS,
 *       all of the incoming FS will be serialized using the same xmi:id value that they had when they were deserialized.</li>
 *   <li>Support for "out-of-typesystem data".  If you call the XMI deserializer with the <code>lenient</code> parameter set to true,
 *       whenever it encounters an XMI element that doesn't correspond to a type in the type system, it will populate the
 *       <code>XmiSerializationSharedData</code> with information about these elements.  If you then pass the same 
 *       <code>XmiSerializationSharedData</code> object to the serializer when you attempt to serialize the same CAS, these
 *       out-of-typesystem FS will be reserialized without loss of information.  
 *       References between in-typesystem and out-of-typesystem
 *       FS (in either direction) are maintained as well.</li>
 *   <li>After calling the XmiCasSerializer and passing an <code>XmiSerializationSharedData</code>, you can call the
 *       {@link #getMaxXmiId()} method to get the maximum xmi:id value in the serialized CAS.  This feature, along with the consistency of
 *       xmi:id values, allows merging multiple XMI documents into a single CAS.  See TODO.</li>
 * </ul>  
 * <p>Inner classes are used to hold information about Feature Structure elements, both for out-of-typesystem data, and also
 * when deserializing pre V3 xmi serializations where the Sofa FS are not guaranteed to come before other Feature Structures that
 * depend on them.</p>
public class XmiSerializationSharedData {
   * V3: FSs have an id - use that.  (Assumes id's are internal ones)
   * A map from FeatureStructures to xmi:id. This is populated whenever
   * an XMI element is serialized or deserialized.  It is used by the
   * getXmiId() method, which is done to ensure a consistent ID for each FS 
   * address across multiple serializations.
  private Obj2IntIdentityHashMap<TOP> fsToXmiId = new Obj2IntIdentityHashMap<>(TOP.class, TOP._singleton);
   * A map from xmi:id to FeatureStructure address.  This is populated whenever
   * an XMI element is serialized or deserialized.  It is used by the
   * getFsAddrForXmiId() method, necessary to support merging multiple XMI
   * CASes into the same CAS object.
  private Int2ObjHashMap<TOP, TOP> xmiIdToFs = new Int2ObjHashMap<>(TOP.class);
   * List of OotsElementData objects, each of which captures information about
   * incoming XMI elements that did not correspond to any type in the type system.
  private List<OotsElementData> ootsFs = new ArrayList<>();
   * Map from the xmi:id (String) of a Sofa to a List of xmi:id's (Strings) for
   * the out-of-typesystem FSs that are members of that Sofa's view.
  private Map<String, List<String>> ootsViewMembers = new HashMap<>();

  /** Map from Feature Structures to OotsElementData object, capturing information 
   * about out-of-typesystem features that were part of an in-typesystem FS.  These include both
   * features not defined in the typesystem and features that are references to out-of-typesystem
   * elements.  This information needs to be included when the FS is subsequently serialized.
  private Map<TOP, OotsElementData> ootsFeatures = new IdentityHashMap<>();
   * V3: Key is FSArray
   * Map from an FSArray to a list of 
   * {@link XmiArrayElement} objects, each of which holds an index and an xmi:id
   * for an out-of-typesystem array element.
  private Map<FSArray, List<XmiArrayElement>> ootsArrayElements = new HashMap<>();
   * The maximum XMI ID used in the serialization. Used to generate unique IDs if needed.
  private int maxXmiId = 0;
   * V3: key is TOP, value is TOP
   * Map from FS of a non-shared multi-valued (Array/List) FS to the 
   * FS address of the encompassing FS which has a feature whose value is this multi-valued FS.
   * Used when deserializing a Delta CAS to find and serialize the encompassing FS when 
   * the non-shared array/list FS is modified. 
  Map<TOP, TOP> nonsharedfeatureIdToFSId = new IdentityHashMap<>();
//  Int2IntHashMap nonsharedfeatureIdToFSId = new Int2IntHashMap();

  void addIdMapping(TOP fs, int xmiId) {
    fsToXmiId.put(fs, xmiId);
    xmiIdToFs.put(xmiId, fs);
    if (xmiId > maxXmiId)
      maxXmiId = xmiId;

  public String getXmiId(TOP fs) {
    return Integer.toString(getXmiIdAsInt(fs));

   * Gets the FS address that corresponds to the given xmi:id, in the most
   * recent serialization or deserialization.
   * @param xmiId an xmi:id from the most recent XMI CAS that was serialized
   *   or deserialized.
   * @return the FeatureStructure corresponding to that xmi:id, null if none.
  public TOP getFsForXmiId(int xmiId) {
    return (TOP) xmiIdToFs.get(xmiId);

  int getXmiIdAsInt(TOP fs) {
    // see if we already have a mapping
    int xmiId = fsToXmiId.get(fs);
    if (xmiId == 0) {
      // to be sure we get a unique Id, increment maxXmiId and use that
      xmiId = ++maxXmiId;
      addIdMapping(fs, xmiId);
    return xmiId;
   * Gets the maximum xmi:id that has been generated or read so far.
   * @return the maximum xmi:id
  public int getMaxXmiId() {
    return maxXmiId;
//  /**
//   * Gets the FS address that corresponds to the given xmi:id, in the most
//   * recent serialization or deserialization.
//   *   
//   * @param xmiId an xmi:id from the most recent XMI CAS that was serialized
//   *   or deserialized.
//   * @return the FS address of the FeatureStructure corresponding to that
//   *   xmi:id, -1 if none.
//   */
//  public int getFsAddrForXmiId(int xmiId) {
//    final int addr = xmiIdToFs.get(xmiId);
//    return addr == 0 ? -1 : addr;
//  }
   * Clears the ID mapping information that was populated in
   * previous serializations or deserializations.
   * TODO: maybe a more general reset that resets other things?
  public void clearIdMap() {
    maxXmiId = 0;
   * Records information about an XMI element that was not an instance of any type in the type system.
   * @param elemData information about the out-of-typesystem XMI element
  public void addOutOfTypeSystemElement(OotsElementData elemData) {
    //check if we need to update max ID
    int xmiId = Integer.parseInt(elemData.xmiId);
    if (xmiId > maxXmiId)
      maxXmiId = xmiId;

   * Gets a List of {@link org.apache.uima.cas.impl.XmiSerializationSharedData.OotsElementData} objects, each of which describes an
   * incoming XMI element that did not correspond to a Type in the TypeSystem.
   * @return List of {@link org.apache.uima.cas.impl.XmiSerializationSharedData.OotsElementData} objects
  public List<OotsElementData> getOutOfTypeSystemElements() {
    return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.ootsFs);
   * Records that an out-of-typesystem XMI element should be a member of the
   * specified view.
   * @param sofaXmiId xmi:id of a Sofa
   * @param memberXmiId xmi:id of an out-of-typesystem element that should be
   *   a member of the view for the given Sofa
  public void addOutOfTypeSystemViewMember(String sofaXmiId, String memberXmiId) {
    List<String> membersList = this.ootsViewMembers.computeIfAbsent(sofaXmiId, k -> new ArrayList<>());
   * Gets a List of xmi:id's (Strings) of all out-of-typesystem XMI elements
   * that are members of the view with the given id.
   * @param sofaXmiId xmi:id of a Sofa
   * @return List of xmi:id's of members of the view for the given Sofa.
  public List<String> getOutOfTypeSystemViewMembers(String sofaXmiId) {
    List<String> members = this.ootsViewMembers.get(sofaXmiId);
    return members == null ? null : Collections.unmodifiableList(members);
   * Records an out-of-typesystem attribute that belongs to an in-typesystem FS.
   * This will be added to the attributes when that FS is reserialized.
   * @param fs the FS 
   * @param featName name of the feature
   * @param featVal value of the feature, as a string
  public void addOutOfTypeSystemAttribute(TOP fs, String featName, String featVal) {
    OotsElementData oed = this.ootsFeatures.get(fs);
    if (oed == null) {
      oed = new OotsElementData(null, null, -1, -1);
      this.ootsFeatures.put(fs, oed);
    oed.attributes.add(new XmlAttribute(featName, featVal));
   * Records out-of-typesystem child elements that belong to an in-typesystem FS.
   * These will be added to the child elements when that FS is reserialized.
   * @param fs the FS 
   * @param featName name of the feature (element tag name)
   * @param featVals values of the feature, as a List of strings
  public void addOutOfTypeSystemChildElements(TOP fs, String featName, ArrayList<String> featVals) {
    OotsElementData oed = this.ootsFeatures.get(fs);
    if (oed == null) {
      oed = new OotsElementData(null, null, -1, -1);
      this.ootsFeatures.put(fs, oed);
    addOutOfTypeSystemFeature(oed, featName, featVals);
  public static void addOutOfTypeSystemFeature(OotsElementData oed, String featName, ArrayList<String> featVals) {
    oed.multiValuedFeatures.add(new NameMultiValue(featName, featVals));
    XmlElementName elemName = new XmlElementName("",featName,featName);
    for (String val : featVals) {
      oed.childElements.add(new XmlElementNameAndContents(elemName, val));
   * Gets information about out-of-typesystem features that belong to an
   * in-typesystem FS.
   * @param fs the FS
   * @return object containing information about out-of-typesystem features
   *   (both attributes and child elements)
  public OotsElementData getOutOfTypeSystemFeatures(TOP fs) {
    return this.ootsFeatures.get(fs);
   * Get all FS Addresses that have been added to the id map.
   * @return an array containing all the FS addresses
  public TOP[] getAndSortByIdAllFSsInIdMap() {
    TOP[] keys= fsToXmiId.getKeys();
    Arrays.sort(keys, (fs1, fs2) -> Integer.compare(fs1._id, fs2._id));
    return keys;
   * Gets information about out-of-typesystem array elements.
   * @param fsarray an FSArray
   * @return a List of {@link org.apache.uima.cas.impl.XmiSerializationSharedData.XmiArrayElement} objects, each of which
   *   holds the index and xmi:id of an array element that is a
   *   reference to an out-of-typesystem FS.
  public List<XmiArrayElement> getOutOfTypeSystemArrayElements(FSArray fsarray) {
    return this.ootsArrayElements.get(fsarray);
  public boolean hasOutOfTypeSystemArrayElements() {
    return ootsArrayElements != null && ootsArrayElements.size() > 0;

   * Records an out-of-typesystem array element in the XmiSerializationSharedData.
   * @param fsarray The FSArray
   * @param index index into array 
   * @param xmiId xmi:id of the out-of-typesystem element that is the value at the given index
  public void addOutOfTypeSystemArrayElement(FSArray fsarray, int index, int xmiId) {
    List<XmiArrayElement> list = this.ootsArrayElements.computeIfAbsent(fsarray, k -> new ArrayList<>());
    list.add(new XmiArrayElement(index, Integer.toString(xmiId)));
   * Add mapping between the address of FS that is the value of a non-shared multi-valued
   * feature of a FeatureStructure. 
   * @param nonsharedFS - The non-shared Feature Structure having a multi-valued feature value
   * @param fs - the encompassing Feature Structure
  public void addNonsharedRefToFSMapping(TOP nonsharedFS, TOP fs) {
	this.nonsharedfeatureIdToFSId.put(nonsharedFS, fs);
   * @return the non-shared featureId to FS Id key set
  public TOP[] getNonsharedMulitValuedFSs() {
    return getSortedKeys(this.nonsharedfeatureIdToFSId);
  private TOP[] getSortedKeys(Map<TOP, ?> map) {
    TOP[] keys = map.keySet().toArray(new TOP[map.size()]);
    Arrays.sort(keys, (fs1, fs2) -> Integer.compare(fs1._id, fs2._id));
    return keys;
   * @param nonsharedFS a nonsharedFS
   * @return the encompassing FS or null if not found
  public TOP getEncompassingFS(TOP nonsharedFS) {
	return  nonsharedfeatureIdToFSId.get(nonsharedFS);
   * For debugging purposes only.
//  void checkForDups() {
//    BitSet ids = new BitSet();
//    IntListIterator iter = fsToXmiId.keyIterator();
//    while (iter.hasNext()) {
//      int xmiId = iter.next();
//      if (ids.get(xmiId)) {
//        throw new RuntimeException("Duplicate ID " + xmiId + "!");
//      }
//      ids.set(xmiId);
//    }
//  }

   * For debugging purposes only.
  public String toString() {
    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
    TOP[] keys = getAndSortByIdAllFSsInIdMap();
    for (TOP fs : keys) {
      buf.append(fs._id).append(": ").append(fsToXmiId.get(fs)).append('\n');
    return buf.toString();

   * <p>Data structure holding all information about an XMI element
   * containing an out-of-typesystem FS.</p>
   * <p>Also used to hold information for deferring deserialization of subtypes of AnnotationBase when the sofa
   * is not yet known</p>
  public static class OotsElementData {
     * xmi:id of the element
    final String xmiId;

     * Name of the element, including XML namespace.
    final XmlElementName elementName;

     * List of XmlAttribute objects each holding name and value of an attribute.
    final public List<XmlAttribute> attributes = new ArrayList<>();
     * List of XmlElementNameAndContents objects each describing one of the
     * child elements representing features of this out-of-typesystem element.
    final List<XmlElementNameAndContents> childElements = new ArrayList<>();
    final ArrayList<NameMultiValue> multiValuedFeatures = new ArrayList<>();
    final int lineNumber;
    final int colNumber;
    public OotsElementData(String xmiId, XmlElementName elementName) {
      this(xmiId, elementName, -1, -1);
    public OotsElementData(String xmiId, XmlElementName elementName, int lineNumber, int colNumber) {
      this.xmiId = xmiId;
      this.elementName = elementName;
      this.lineNumber = lineNumber;
      this.colNumber = colNumber;
    public Attributes getAttributes() {
      return new Attributes() {

        public int getLength() { return attributes.size(); }

        public String getURI(int index) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }

        public String getLocalName(int index) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }

        public String getQName(int index) { return attributes.get(index).name; }

        public String getType(int index) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
        public String getValue(int index) { return attributes.get(index).value; }

        public int getIndex(String uri, String localName) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } 

        public int getIndex(String qName) {
          int i = 0;
          for (XmlAttribute attr : attributes) {
            if (attr.name.equals(qName)) {
              return i;
          return -1;

        public String getType(String uri, String localName) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } 

        public String getType(String qName) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }

        public String getValue(String uri, String localName) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }

        public String getValue(String qName) {
          for (XmlAttribute attr : attributes) {
            if (attr.name.equals(qName)) {
              return attr.value;
          return null;
   * Data structure holding the index and the xmi:id of an array or list element that
   * is a reference to an out-of-typesystem FS.
  public static class XmiArrayElement {
    final public int index;

    final public String xmiId;

    XmiArrayElement(int index, String xmiId) {
      this.index = index;
      this.xmiId = xmiId;
  public static class NameMultiValue {
    public final String name;
    public final ArrayList<String> values;
    NameMultiValue(String name, ArrayList<String> values) {
      this.name = name;
      this.values = values;