 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
package org.apache.parquet.hadoop;

import static org.apache.parquet.format.Util.writeFileMetaData;
import static org.apache.parquet.format.converter.ParquetMetadataConverter.MAX_STATS_SIZE;
import static org.apache.parquet.hadoop.ParquetWriter.DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE;
import static org.apache.parquet.hadoop.ParquetWriter.MAX_PADDING_SIZE_DEFAULT;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.zip.CRC32;

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;

import org.apache.parquet.Preconditions;
import org.apache.parquet.Version;
import org.apache.parquet.bytes.BytesInput;
import org.apache.parquet.bytes.BytesUtils;
import org.apache.parquet.column.ColumnDescriptor;
import org.apache.parquet.column.Encoding;
import org.apache.parquet.column.EncodingStats;
import org.apache.parquet.column.ParquetProperties;
import org.apache.parquet.column.page.DictionaryPage;
import org.apache.parquet.column.statistics.Statistics;
import org.apache.parquet.column.values.bloomfilter.BloomFilter;
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.ParquetOutputFormat.JobSummaryLevel;
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.metadata.ColumnPath;
import org.apache.parquet.format.Util;
import org.apache.parquet.format.converter.ParquetMetadataConverter;
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.metadata.BlockMetaData;
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.metadata.ColumnChunkMetaData;
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.metadata.CompressionCodecName;
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.metadata.FileMetaData;
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.metadata.GlobalMetaData;
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.metadata.ParquetMetadata;
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.util.HadoopOutputFile;
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.util.HadoopStreams;
import org.apache.parquet.internal.column.columnindex.ColumnIndex;
import org.apache.parquet.internal.column.columnindex.ColumnIndexBuilder;
import org.apache.parquet.internal.column.columnindex.OffsetIndex;
import org.apache.parquet.internal.column.columnindex.OffsetIndexBuilder;
import org.apache.parquet.internal.hadoop.metadata.IndexReference;
import org.apache.parquet.io.InputFile;
import org.apache.parquet.io.OutputFile;
import org.apache.parquet.io.SeekableInputStream;
import org.apache.parquet.io.ParquetEncodingException;
import org.apache.parquet.io.PositionOutputStream;
import org.apache.parquet.schema.MessageType;
import org.apache.parquet.schema.PrimitiveType;
import org.apache.parquet.schema.TypeUtil;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * Internal implementation of the Parquet file writer as a block container
public class ParquetFileWriter {
  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ParquetFileWriter.class);

  private final ParquetMetadataConverter metadataConverter;

  public static final String PARQUET_METADATA_FILE = "_metadata";
  public static final String MAGIC_STR = "PAR1";
  public static final byte[] MAGIC = MAGIC_STR.getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII);
  public static final String PARQUET_COMMON_METADATA_FILE = "_common_metadata";
  public static final int CURRENT_VERSION = 1;

  // File creation modes
  public static enum Mode {

  private final MessageType schema;
  private final PositionOutputStream out;
  private final AlignmentStrategy alignment;
  private final int columnIndexTruncateLength;

  // file data
  private List<BlockMetaData> blocks = new ArrayList<BlockMetaData>();

  // The column/offset indexes per blocks per column chunks
  private final List<List<ColumnIndex>> columnIndexes = new ArrayList<>();
  private final List<List<OffsetIndex>> offsetIndexes = new ArrayList<>();

  // The Bloom filters
  private final List<Map<String, BloomFilter>> bloomFilters = new ArrayList<>();

  // row group data
  private BlockMetaData currentBlock; // appended to by endColumn

  // The column/offset indexes for the actual block
  private List<ColumnIndex> currentColumnIndexes;
  private List<OffsetIndex> currentOffsetIndexes;

  // The Bloom filter for the actual block
  private Map<String, BloomFilter> currentBloomFilters;

  // row group data set at the start of a row group
  private long currentRecordCount; // set in startBlock

  // column chunk data accumulated as pages are written
  private EncodingStats.Builder encodingStatsBuilder;
  private Set<Encoding> currentEncodings;
  private long uncompressedLength;
  private long compressedLength;
  private Statistics currentStatistics; // accumulated in writePage(s)
  private ColumnIndexBuilder columnIndexBuilder;
  private OffsetIndexBuilder offsetIndexBuilder;
  private long firstPageOffset;

  // column chunk data set at the start of a column
  private CompressionCodecName currentChunkCodec; // set in startColumn
  private ColumnPath currentChunkPath;            // set in startColumn
  private PrimitiveType currentChunkType;         // set in startColumn
  private long currentChunkValueCount;            // set in startColumn
  private long currentChunkFirstDataPage;         // set in startColumn (out.pos())
  private long currentChunkDictionaryPageOffset;  // set in writeDictionaryPage

  // set when end is called
  private ParquetMetadata footer = null;

  private final CRC32 crc;
  private boolean pageWriteChecksumEnabled;

   * Captures the order in which methods should be called
  private enum STATE {
      STATE start() {
        return STARTED;
      STATE startBlock() {
        return BLOCK;
      STATE end() {
        return ENDED;
    BLOCK  {
      STATE startColumn() {
        return COLUMN;
      STATE endBlock() {
        return STARTED;
    COLUMN {
      STATE endColumn() {
        return BLOCK;
      STATE write() {
        return this;

    STATE start() throws IOException { return error(); }
    STATE startBlock() throws IOException { return error(); }
    STATE startColumn() throws IOException { return error(); }
    STATE write() throws IOException { return error(); }
    STATE endColumn() throws IOException { return error(); }
    STATE endBlock() throws IOException { return error(); }
    STATE end() throws IOException { return error(); }

    private final STATE error() throws IOException {
      throw new IOException("The file being written is in an invalid state. Probably caused by an error thrown previously. Current state: " + this.name());

  private STATE state = STATE.NOT_STARTED;

   * @param configuration Hadoop configuration
   * @param schema the schema of the data
   * @param file the file to write to
   * @throws IOException if the file can not be created
   * @deprecated will be removed in 2.0.0
  public ParquetFileWriter(Configuration configuration, MessageType schema,
                           Path file) throws IOException {
    this(HadoopOutputFile.fromPath(file, configuration),

   * @param configuration Hadoop configuration
   * @param schema the schema of the data
   * @param file the file to write to
   * @param mode file creation mode
   * @throws IOException if the file can not be created
   * @deprecated will be removed in 2.0.0
  public ParquetFileWriter(Configuration configuration, MessageType schema,
                           Path file, Mode mode) throws IOException {
    this(HadoopOutputFile.fromPath(file, configuration),

   * @param configuration Hadoop configuration
   * @param schema the schema of the data
   * @param file the file to write to
   * @param mode file creation mode
   * @param rowGroupSize the row group size
   * @param maxPaddingSize the maximum padding
   * @throws IOException if the file can not be created
   * @deprecated will be removed in 2.0.0
  public ParquetFileWriter(Configuration configuration, MessageType schema,
                           Path file, Mode mode, long rowGroupSize,
                           int maxPaddingSize)
      throws IOException {
    this(HadoopOutputFile.fromPath(file, configuration),
        schema, mode, rowGroupSize, maxPaddingSize);

   * @param file OutputFile to create or overwrite
   * @param schema the schema of the data
   * @param mode file creation mode
   * @param rowGroupSize the row group size
   * @param maxPaddingSize the maximum padding
   * @throws IOException if the file can not be created
   * @deprecated will be removed in 2.0.0
  public ParquetFileWriter(OutputFile file, MessageType schema, Mode mode,
                           long rowGroupSize, int maxPaddingSize)
      throws IOException {
    this(file, schema, mode, rowGroupSize, maxPaddingSize,

   * @param file OutputFile to create or overwrite
   * @param schema the schema of the data
   * @param mode file creation mode
   * @param rowGroupSize the row group size
   * @param maxPaddingSize the maximum padding
   * @param columnIndexTruncateLength the length which the min/max values in column indexes tried to be truncated to
   * @param statisticsTruncateLength the length which the min/max values in row groups tried to be truncated to
   * @param pageWriteChecksumEnabled whether to write out page level checksums
   * @throws IOException if the file can not be created
  public ParquetFileWriter(OutputFile file, MessageType schema, Mode mode,
                           long rowGroupSize, int maxPaddingSize, int columnIndexTruncateLength,
                           int statisticsTruncateLength, boolean pageWriteChecksumEnabled)
    throws IOException {

    this.schema = schema;

    long blockSize = rowGroupSize;
    if (file.supportsBlockSize()) {
      blockSize = Math.max(file.defaultBlockSize(), rowGroupSize);
      this.alignment = PaddingAlignment.get(blockSize, rowGroupSize, maxPaddingSize);
    } else {
      this.alignment = NoAlignment.get(rowGroupSize);

    if (mode == Mode.OVERWRITE) {
      this.out = file.createOrOverwrite(blockSize);
    } else {
      this.out = file.create(blockSize);

    this.encodingStatsBuilder = new EncodingStats.Builder();
    this.columnIndexTruncateLength = columnIndexTruncateLength;
    this.pageWriteChecksumEnabled = pageWriteChecksumEnabled;
    this.crc = pageWriteChecksumEnabled ? new CRC32() : null;

    this.metadataConverter = new ParquetMetadataConverter(statisticsTruncateLength);

   * FOR TESTING ONLY. This supports testing block padding behavior on the local FS.
   * @param configuration Hadoop configuration
   * @param schema the schema of the data
   * @param file the file to write to
   * @param rowAndBlockSize the row group size
   * @param maxPaddingSize the maximum padding
   * @throws IOException if the file can not be created
  ParquetFileWriter(Configuration configuration, MessageType schema,
                    Path file, long rowAndBlockSize, int maxPaddingSize)
      throws IOException {
    FileSystem fs = file.getFileSystem(configuration);
    this.schema = schema;
    this.alignment = PaddingAlignment.get(
        rowAndBlockSize, rowAndBlockSize, maxPaddingSize);
    this.out = HadoopStreams.wrap(
        fs.create(file, true, 8192, fs.getDefaultReplication(file), rowAndBlockSize));
    this.encodingStatsBuilder = new EncodingStats.Builder();
    // no truncation is needed for testing
    this.columnIndexTruncateLength = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    this.pageWriteChecksumEnabled = ParquetOutputFormat.getPageWriteChecksumEnabled(configuration);
    this.crc = pageWriteChecksumEnabled ? new CRC32() : null;
    this.metadataConverter = new ParquetMetadataConverter(ParquetProperties.DEFAULT_STATISTICS_TRUNCATE_LENGTH);
   * start the file
   * @throws IOException if there is an error while writing
  public void start() throws IOException {
    state = state.start();
    LOG.debug("{}: start", out.getPos());

   * start a block
   * @param recordCount the record count in this block
   * @throws IOException if there is an error while writing
  public void startBlock(long recordCount) throws IOException {
    state = state.startBlock();
    LOG.debug("{}: start block", out.getPos());
//    out.write(MAGIC); // TODO: add a magic delimiter


    currentBlock = new BlockMetaData();
    currentRecordCount = recordCount;

    currentColumnIndexes = new ArrayList<>();
    currentOffsetIndexes = new ArrayList<>();

    currentBloomFilters = new HashMap<>();

   * start a column inside a block
   * @param descriptor the column descriptor
   * @param valueCount the value count in this column
   * @param compressionCodecName a compression codec name
   * @throws IOException if there is an error while writing
  public void startColumn(ColumnDescriptor descriptor,
                          long valueCount,
                          CompressionCodecName compressionCodecName) throws IOException {
    state = state.startColumn();
    currentEncodings = new HashSet<Encoding>();
    currentChunkPath = ColumnPath.get(descriptor.getPath());
    currentChunkType = descriptor.getPrimitiveType();
    currentChunkCodec = compressionCodecName;
    currentChunkValueCount = valueCount;
    currentChunkFirstDataPage = out.getPos();
    compressedLength = 0;
    uncompressedLength = 0;
    // The statistics will be copied from the first one added at writeDataPage(s) so we have the correct typed one
    currentStatistics = null;

    columnIndexBuilder = ColumnIndexBuilder.getBuilder(currentChunkType, columnIndexTruncateLength);
    offsetIndexBuilder = OffsetIndexBuilder.getBuilder();
    firstPageOffset = -1;

   * writes a dictionary page page
   * @param dictionaryPage the dictionary page
   * @throws IOException if there is an error while writing
  public void writeDictionaryPage(DictionaryPage dictionaryPage) throws IOException {
    state = state.write();
    LOG.debug("{}: write dictionary page: {} values", out.getPos(), dictionaryPage.getDictionarySize());
    currentChunkDictionaryPageOffset = out.getPos();
    int uncompressedSize = dictionaryPage.getUncompressedSize();
    int compressedPageSize = (int)dictionaryPage.getBytes().size(); // TODO: fix casts
    if (pageWriteChecksumEnabled) {
        (int) crc.getValue(),
    } else {
    long headerSize = out.getPos() - currentChunkDictionaryPageOffset;
    this.uncompressedLength += uncompressedSize + headerSize;
    this.compressedLength += compressedPageSize + headerSize;
    LOG.debug("{}: write dictionary page content {}", out.getPos(), compressedPageSize);

   * writes a single page
   * @param valueCount count of values
   * @param uncompressedPageSize the size of the data once uncompressed
   * @param bytes the compressed data for the page without header
   * @param rlEncoding encoding of the repetition level
   * @param dlEncoding encoding of the definition level
   * @param valuesEncoding encoding of values
   * @throws IOException if there is an error while writing
  public void writeDataPage(
      int valueCount, int uncompressedPageSize,
      BytesInput bytes,
      Encoding rlEncoding,
      Encoding dlEncoding,
      Encoding valuesEncoding) throws IOException {
    state = state.write();
    // We are unable to build indexes without rowCount so skip them for this column
    offsetIndexBuilder = OffsetIndexBuilder.getNoOpBuilder();
    columnIndexBuilder = ColumnIndexBuilder.getNoOpBuilder();
    long beforeHeader = out.getPos();
    LOG.debug("{}: write data page: {} values", beforeHeader, valueCount);
    int compressedPageSize = (int)bytes.size();
        uncompressedPageSize, compressedPageSize,
    long headerSize = out.getPos() - beforeHeader;
    this.uncompressedLength += uncompressedPageSize + headerSize;
    this.compressedLength += compressedPageSize + headerSize;
    LOG.debug("{}: write data page content {}", out.getPos(), compressedPageSize);

   * writes a single page
   * @param valueCount count of values
   * @param uncompressedPageSize the size of the data once uncompressed
   * @param bytes the compressed data for the page without header
   * @param statistics statistics for the page
   * @param rlEncoding encoding of the repetition level
   * @param dlEncoding encoding of the definition level
   * @param valuesEncoding encoding of values
   * @throws IOException if there is an error while writing
   * @deprecated this method does not support writing column indexes; Use
   *             {@link #writeDataPage(int, int, BytesInput, Statistics, long, Encoding, Encoding, Encoding)} instead
  public void writeDataPage(
      int valueCount, int uncompressedPageSize,
      BytesInput bytes,
      Statistics statistics,
      Encoding rlEncoding,
      Encoding dlEncoding,
      Encoding valuesEncoding) throws IOException {
    // We are unable to build indexes without rowCount so skip them for this column
    offsetIndexBuilder = OffsetIndexBuilder.getNoOpBuilder();
    columnIndexBuilder = ColumnIndexBuilder.getNoOpBuilder();
    innerWriteDataPage(valueCount, uncompressedPageSize, bytes, statistics, rlEncoding, dlEncoding, valuesEncoding);

   * Writes a single page
   * @param valueCount count of values
   * @param uncompressedPageSize the size of the data once uncompressed
   * @param bytes the compressed data for the page without header
   * @param statistics the statistics of the page
   * @param rowCount the number of rows in the page
   * @param rlEncoding encoding of the repetition level
   * @param dlEncoding encoding of the definition level
   * @param valuesEncoding encoding of values
   * @throws IOException if any I/O error occurs during writing the file
  public void writeDataPage(
      int valueCount, int uncompressedPageSize,
      BytesInput bytes,
      Statistics statistics,
      long rowCount,
      Encoding rlEncoding,
      Encoding dlEncoding,
      Encoding valuesEncoding) throws IOException {
    long beforeHeader = out.getPos();
    innerWriteDataPage(valueCount, uncompressedPageSize, bytes, statistics, rlEncoding, dlEncoding, valuesEncoding);

    offsetIndexBuilder.add((int) (out.getPos() - beforeHeader), rowCount);

  private void innerWriteDataPage(
      int valueCount, int uncompressedPageSize,
      BytesInput bytes,
      Statistics statistics,
      Encoding rlEncoding,
      Encoding dlEncoding,
      Encoding valuesEncoding) throws IOException {
    state = state.write();
    long beforeHeader = out.getPos();
    if (firstPageOffset == -1) {
      firstPageOffset = beforeHeader;
    LOG.debug("{}: write data page: {} values", beforeHeader, valueCount);
    int compressedPageSize = (int) bytes.size();
    if (pageWriteChecksumEnabled) {
        uncompressedPageSize, compressedPageSize,
        (int) crc.getValue(),
    } else {
        uncompressedPageSize, compressedPageSize,
    long headerSize = out.getPos() - beforeHeader;
    this.uncompressedLength += uncompressedPageSize + headerSize;
    this.compressedLength += compressedPageSize + headerSize;
    LOG.debug("{}: write data page content {}", out.getPos(), compressedPageSize);

    // Copying the statistics if it is not initialized yet so we have the correct typed one
    if (currentStatistics == null) {
      currentStatistics = statistics.copy();
    } else {



   * Add a Bloom filter that will be written out. This is only used in unit test.
   * @param column the column name
   * @param bloomFilter the bloom filter of column values
  void addBloomFilter(String column, BloomFilter bloomFilter)  {
    currentBloomFilters.put(column , bloomFilter);

   * Writes a single v2 data page
   * @param rowCount count of rows
   * @param nullCount count of nulls
   * @param valueCount count of values
   * @param repetitionLevels repetition level bytes
   * @param definitionLevels definition level bytes
   * @param dataEncoding encoding for data
   * @param compressedData compressed data bytes
   * @param uncompressedDataSize the size of uncompressed data
   * @param statistics the statistics of the page
   * @throws IOException if any I/O error occurs during writing the file
  public void writeDataPageV2(int rowCount, int nullCount, int valueCount,
                              BytesInput repetitionLevels,
                              BytesInput definitionLevels,
                              Encoding dataEncoding,
                              BytesInput compressedData,
                              int uncompressedDataSize,
                              Statistics<?> statistics) throws IOException {
    state = state.write();
    int rlByteLength = toIntWithCheck(repetitionLevels.size());
    int dlByteLength = toIntWithCheck(definitionLevels.size());

    int compressedSize = toIntWithCheck(
      compressedData.size() + repetitionLevels.size() + definitionLevels.size()

    int uncompressedSize = toIntWithCheck(
      uncompressedDataSize + repetitionLevels.size() + definitionLevels.size()

    long beforeHeader = out.getPos();
    if (firstPageOffset == -1) {
      firstPageOffset = beforeHeader;

      uncompressedSize, compressedSize,
      valueCount, nullCount, rowCount,

    long headersSize  = out.getPos() - beforeHeader;
    this.uncompressedLength += uncompressedSize + headersSize;
    this.compressedLength += compressedSize + headersSize;

    if (currentStatistics == null) {
      currentStatistics = statistics.copy();
    } else {


    BytesInput.concat(repetitionLevels, definitionLevels, compressedData)

    offsetIndexBuilder.add((int) (out.getPos() - beforeHeader), rowCount);

   * Writes a column chunk at once
   * @param descriptor the descriptor of the column
   * @param valueCount the value count in this column
   * @param compressionCodecName the name of the compression codec used for compressing the pages
   * @param dictionaryPage the dictionary page for this column chunk (might be null)
   * @param bytes the encoded pages including page headers to be written as is
   * @param uncompressedTotalPageSize total uncompressed size (without page headers)
   * @param compressedTotalPageSize total compressed size (without page headers)
   * @param totalStats accumulated statistics for the column chunk
   * @param columnIndexBuilder the builder object for the column index
   * @param offsetIndexBuilder the builder object for the offset index
   * @param bloomFilter the bloom filter for this column
   * @param rlEncodings the RL encodings used in this column chunk
   * @param dlEncodings the DL encodings used in this column chunk
   * @param dataEncodings the data encodings used in this column chunk
   * @throws IOException if there is an error while writing
  void writeColumnChunk(ColumnDescriptor descriptor,
      long valueCount,
      CompressionCodecName compressionCodecName,
      DictionaryPage dictionaryPage,
      BytesInput bytes,
      long uncompressedTotalPageSize,
      long compressedTotalPageSize,
      Statistics<?> totalStats,
      ColumnIndexBuilder columnIndexBuilder,
      OffsetIndexBuilder offsetIndexBuilder,
      BloomFilter bloomFilter,
      Set<Encoding> rlEncodings,
      Set<Encoding> dlEncodings,
      List<Encoding> dataEncodings) throws IOException {
    startColumn(descriptor, valueCount, compressionCodecName);

    state = state.write();
    if (dictionaryPage != null) {

    if (bloomFilter != null) {
      // write bloom filter if one of data pages is not dictionary encoded
      boolean isWriteBloomFilter = false;
      for (Encoding encoding : dataEncodings) {
        if (encoding != Encoding.RLE_DICTIONARY) {
          isWriteBloomFilter = true;
      if (isWriteBloomFilter) {
        currentBloomFilters.put(String.join(".", descriptor.getPath()), bloomFilter);
    LOG.debug("{}: write data pages", out.getPos());
    long headersSize = bytes.size() - compressedTotalPageSize;
    this.uncompressedLength += uncompressedTotalPageSize + headersSize;
    this.compressedLength += compressedTotalPageSize + headersSize;
    LOG.debug("{}: write data pages content", out.getPos());
    firstPageOffset = out.getPos();
    if (rlEncodings.isEmpty()) {
    currentStatistics = totalStats;

    this.columnIndexBuilder = columnIndexBuilder;
    this.offsetIndexBuilder = offsetIndexBuilder;


   * end a column (once all rep, def and data have been written)
   * @throws IOException if there is an error while writing
  public void endColumn() throws IOException {
    state = state.endColumn();
    LOG.debug("{}: end column", out.getPos());
    if (columnIndexBuilder.getMinMaxSize() > columnIndexBuilder.getPageCount() * MAX_STATS_SIZE) {
    } else {
    this.currentBlock.setTotalByteSize(currentBlock.getTotalByteSize() + uncompressedLength);
    this.uncompressedLength = 0;
    this.compressedLength = 0;
    columnIndexBuilder = null;
    offsetIndexBuilder = null;

   * ends a block once all column chunks have been written
   * @throws IOException if there is an error while writing
  public void endBlock() throws IOException {
    state = state.endBlock();
    LOG.debug("{}: end block", out.getPos());
    currentColumnIndexes = null;
    currentOffsetIndexes = null;
    currentBloomFilters = null;
    currentBlock = null;

   * @param conf a configuration
   * @param file a file path to append the contents of to this file
   * @throws IOException if there is an error while reading or writing
   * @deprecated will be removed in 2.0.0; use {@link #appendFile(InputFile)} instead
  public void appendFile(Configuration conf, Path file) throws IOException {
    ParquetFileReader.open(conf, file).appendTo(this);

  public void appendFile(InputFile file) throws IOException {
    try (ParquetFileReader reader = ParquetFileReader.open(file)) {

   * @param file a file stream to read from
   * @param rowGroups row groups to copy
   * @param dropColumns whether to drop columns from the file that are not in this file's schema
   * @throws IOException if there is an error while reading or writing
   * @deprecated will be removed in 2.0.0;
   *             use {@link #appendRowGroups(SeekableInputStream,List,boolean)} instead
  public void appendRowGroups(FSDataInputStream file,
                              List<BlockMetaData> rowGroups,
                              boolean dropColumns) throws IOException {
    appendRowGroups(HadoopStreams.wrap(file), rowGroups, dropColumns);

  public void appendRowGroups(SeekableInputStream file,
                              List<BlockMetaData> rowGroups,
                              boolean dropColumns) throws IOException {
    for (BlockMetaData block : rowGroups) {
      appendRowGroup(file, block, dropColumns);

   * @param from a file stream to read from
   * @param rowGroup row group to copy
   * @param dropColumns whether to drop columns from the file that are not in this file's schema
   * @throws IOException if there is an error while reading or writing
   * @deprecated will be removed in 2.0.0;
   *             use {@link #appendRowGroup(SeekableInputStream,BlockMetaData,boolean)} instead
  public void appendRowGroup(FSDataInputStream from, BlockMetaData rowGroup,
                             boolean dropColumns) throws IOException {
    appendRowGroup(HadoopStreams.wrap(from), rowGroup, dropColumns);

  public void appendRowGroup(SeekableInputStream from, BlockMetaData rowGroup,
                             boolean dropColumns) throws IOException {

    Map<String, ColumnChunkMetaData> columnsToCopy =
        new HashMap<String, ColumnChunkMetaData>();
    for (ColumnChunkMetaData chunk : rowGroup.getColumns()) {
      columnsToCopy.put(chunk.getPath().toDotString(), chunk);

    List<ColumnChunkMetaData> columnsInOrder =
        new ArrayList<ColumnChunkMetaData>();

    for (ColumnDescriptor descriptor : schema.getColumns()) {
      String path = ColumnPath.get(descriptor.getPath()).toDotString();
      ColumnChunkMetaData chunk = columnsToCopy.remove(path);
      if (chunk != null) {
      } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
            "Missing column '%s', cannot copy row group: %s", path, rowGroup));

    // complain if some columns would be dropped and that's not okay
    if (!dropColumns && !columnsToCopy.isEmpty()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
          "Columns cannot be copied (missing from target schema): %s",
          String.join(", ", columnsToCopy.keySet())));

    // copy the data for all chunks
    long start = -1;
    long length = 0;
    long blockUncompressedSize = 0L;
    for (int i = 0; i < columnsInOrder.size(); i += 1) {
      ColumnChunkMetaData chunk = columnsInOrder.get(i);

      // get this chunk's start position in the new file
      long newChunkStart = out.getPos() + length;

      // add this chunk to be copied with any previous chunks
      if (start < 0) {
        // no previous chunk included, start at this chunk's starting pos
        start = chunk.getStartingPos();
      length += chunk.getTotalSize();

      if ((i + 1) == columnsInOrder.size() ||
          columnsInOrder.get(i + 1).getStartingPos() != (start + length)) {
        // not contiguous. do the copy now.
        copy(from, out, start, length);
        // reset to start at the next column chunk
        start = -1;
        length = 0;

      // TODO: column/offset indexes are not copied
      // (it would require seeking to the end of the file for each row groups)


      blockUncompressedSize += chunk.getTotalUncompressedSize();



  // Buffers for the copy function.
  private static final ThreadLocal<byte[]> COPY_BUFFER = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> new byte[8192]);

   * Copy from a FS input stream to an output stream. Thread-safe
   * @param from a {@link SeekableInputStream}
   * @param to any {@link PositionOutputStream}
   * @param start where in the from stream to start copying
   * @param length the number of bytes to copy
   * @throws IOException if there is an error while reading or writing
  private static void copy(SeekableInputStream from, PositionOutputStream to,
                           long start, long length) throws IOException{
    LOG.debug("Copying {} bytes at {} to {}" ,length , start , to.getPos());
    long bytesCopied = 0;
    byte[] buffer = COPY_BUFFER.get();
    while (bytesCopied < length) {
      long bytesLeft = length - bytesCopied;
      int bytesRead = from.read(buffer, 0,
          (buffer.length < bytesLeft ? buffer.length : (int) bytesLeft));
      if (bytesRead < 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Unexpected end of input file at " + start + bytesCopied);
      to.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
      bytesCopied += bytesRead;

   * ends a file once all blocks have been written.
   * closes the file.
   * @param extraMetaData the extra meta data to write in the footer
   * @throws IOException if there is an error while writing
  public void end(Map<String, String> extraMetaData) throws IOException {
    state = state.end();
    serializeColumnIndexes(columnIndexes, blocks, out);
    serializeOffsetIndexes(offsetIndexes, blocks, out);
    serializeBloomFilters(bloomFilters, blocks, out);
    LOG.debug("{}: end", out.getPos());
    this.footer = new ParquetMetadata(new FileMetaData(schema, extraMetaData, Version.FULL_VERSION), blocks);
    serializeFooter(footer, out);

  private static void serializeColumnIndexes(
      List<List<ColumnIndex>> columnIndexes,
      List<BlockMetaData> blocks,
      PositionOutputStream out) throws IOException {
    LOG.debug("{}: column indexes", out.getPos());
    for (int bIndex = 0, bSize = blocks.size(); bIndex < bSize; ++bIndex) {
      List<ColumnChunkMetaData> columns = blocks.get(bIndex).getColumns();
      List<ColumnIndex> blockColumnIndexes = columnIndexes.get(bIndex);
      for (int cIndex = 0, cSize = columns.size(); cIndex < cSize; ++cIndex) {
        ColumnChunkMetaData column = columns.get(cIndex);
        org.apache.parquet.format.ColumnIndex columnIndex = ParquetMetadataConverter
            .toParquetColumnIndex(column.getPrimitiveType(), blockColumnIndexes.get(cIndex));
        if (columnIndex == null) {
        long offset = out.getPos();
        Util.writeColumnIndex(columnIndex, out);
        column.setColumnIndexReference(new IndexReference(offset, (int) (out.getPos() - offset)));

  private int toIntWithCheck(long size) {
    if ((int)size != size) {
      throw new ParquetEncodingException("Cannot write page larger than " + Integer.MAX_VALUE + " bytes: " + size);
    return (int)size;

  private static void serializeOffsetIndexes(
      List<List<OffsetIndex>> offsetIndexes,
      List<BlockMetaData> blocks,
      PositionOutputStream out) throws IOException {
    LOG.debug("{}: offset indexes", out.getPos());
    for (int bIndex = 0, bSize = blocks.size(); bIndex < bSize; ++bIndex) {
      List<ColumnChunkMetaData> columns = blocks.get(bIndex).getColumns();
      List<OffsetIndex> blockOffsetIndexes = offsetIndexes.get(bIndex);
      for (int cIndex = 0, cSize = columns.size(); cIndex < cSize; ++cIndex) {
        OffsetIndex offsetIndex = blockOffsetIndexes.get(cIndex);
        if (offsetIndex == null) {
        ColumnChunkMetaData column = columns.get(cIndex);
        long offset = out.getPos();
        Util.writeOffsetIndex(ParquetMetadataConverter.toParquetOffsetIndex(offsetIndex), out);
        column.setOffsetIndexReference(new IndexReference(offset, (int) (out.getPos() - offset)));

  private static void serializeBloomFilters(
    List<Map<String, BloomFilter>> bloomFilters,
    List<BlockMetaData> blocks,
    PositionOutputStream out) throws IOException {
    LOG.debug("{}: bloom filters", out.getPos());
    for (int bIndex = 0, bSize = blocks.size(); bIndex < bSize; ++bIndex) {
      List<ColumnChunkMetaData> columns = blocks.get(bIndex).getColumns();
      Map<String, BloomFilter> blockBloomFilters = bloomFilters.get(bIndex);
      if (blockBloomFilters.isEmpty()) continue;
      for (int cIndex = 0, cSize = columns.size(); cIndex < cSize; ++cIndex) {
        ColumnChunkMetaData column = columns.get(cIndex);
        BloomFilter bloomFilter = blockBloomFilters.get(column.getPath().toDotString());
        if (bloomFilter == null) {

        long offset = out.getPos();
        Util.writeBloomFilterHeader(ParquetMetadataConverter.toBloomFilterHeader(bloomFilter), out);

  private static void serializeFooter(ParquetMetadata footer, PositionOutputStream out) throws IOException {
    long footerIndex = out.getPos();
    ParquetMetadataConverter metadataConverter = new ParquetMetadataConverter();
    org.apache.parquet.format.FileMetaData parquetMetadata = metadataConverter.toParquetMetadata(CURRENT_VERSION, footer);
    writeFileMetaData(parquetMetadata, out);
    LOG.debug("{}: footer length = {}" , out.getPos(), (out.getPos() - footerIndex));
    BytesUtils.writeIntLittleEndian(out, (int) (out.getPos() - footerIndex));

  public ParquetMetadata getFooter() {
    Preconditions.checkState(state == STATE.ENDED, "Cannot return unfinished footer.");
    return footer;

   * Given a list of metadata files, merge them into a single ParquetMetadata
   * Requires that the schemas be compatible, and the extraMetadata be exactly equal.
   * @param files a list of files to merge metadata from
   * @param conf a configuration
   * @return merged parquet metadata for the files
   * @throws IOException if there is an error while writing
   * @deprecated metadata files are not recommended and will be removed in 2.0.0
  public static ParquetMetadata mergeMetadataFiles(List<Path> files,  Configuration conf) throws IOException {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(!files.isEmpty(), "Cannot merge an empty list of metadata");

    GlobalMetaData globalMetaData = null;
    List<BlockMetaData> blocks = new ArrayList<BlockMetaData>();

    for (Path p : files) {
      ParquetMetadata pmd = ParquetFileReader.readFooter(conf, p, ParquetMetadataConverter.NO_FILTER);
      FileMetaData fmd = pmd.getFileMetaData();
      globalMetaData = mergeInto(fmd, globalMetaData, true);

    // collapse GlobalMetaData into a single FileMetaData, which will throw if they are not compatible
    return new ParquetMetadata(globalMetaData.merge(), blocks);

   * Given a list of metadata files, merge them into a single metadata file.
   * Requires that the schemas be compatible, and the extraMetaData be exactly equal.
   * This is useful when merging 2 directories of parquet files into a single directory, as long
   * as both directories were written with compatible schemas and equal extraMetaData.
   * @param files a list of files to merge metadata from
   * @param outputPath path to write merged metadata to
   * @param conf a configuration
   * @throws IOException if there is an error while reading or writing
   * @deprecated metadata files are not recommended and will be removed in 2.0.0
  public static void writeMergedMetadataFile(List<Path> files, Path outputPath, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
    ParquetMetadata merged = mergeMetadataFiles(files, conf);
    writeMetadataFile(outputPath, merged, outputPath.getFileSystem(conf));

   * writes a _metadata and _common_metadata file
   * @param configuration the configuration to use to get the FileSystem
   * @param outputPath the directory to write the _metadata file to
   * @param footers the list of footers to merge
   * @throws IOException if there is an error while writing
   * @deprecated metadata files are not recommended and will be removed in 2.0.0
  public static void writeMetadataFile(Configuration configuration, Path outputPath, List<Footer> footers) throws IOException {
    writeMetadataFile(configuration, outputPath, footers, JobSummaryLevel.ALL);

   * writes _common_metadata file, and optionally a _metadata file depending on the {@link JobSummaryLevel} provided
   * @param configuration the configuration to use to get the FileSystem
   * @param outputPath the directory to write the _metadata file to
   * @param footers the list of footers to merge
   * @param level level of summary to write
   * @throws IOException if there is an error while writing
   * @deprecated metadata files are not recommended and will be removed in 2.0.0
  public static void writeMetadataFile(Configuration configuration, Path outputPath, List<Footer> footers, JobSummaryLevel level) throws IOException {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(level == JobSummaryLevel.ALL || level == JobSummaryLevel.COMMON_ONLY,
        "Unsupported level: " + level);

    FileSystem fs = outputPath.getFileSystem(configuration);
    outputPath = outputPath.makeQualified(fs);
    ParquetMetadata metadataFooter = mergeFooters(outputPath, footers);

    if (level == JobSummaryLevel.ALL) {
      writeMetadataFile(outputPath, metadataFooter, fs, PARQUET_METADATA_FILE);

    writeMetadataFile(outputPath, metadataFooter, fs, PARQUET_COMMON_METADATA_FILE);

   * @deprecated metadata files are not recommended and will be removed in 2.0.0
  private static void writeMetadataFile(Path outputPathRoot, ParquetMetadata metadataFooter, FileSystem fs, String parquetMetadataFile)
      throws IOException {
    Path metaDataPath = new Path(outputPathRoot, parquetMetadataFile);
    writeMetadataFile(metaDataPath, metadataFooter, fs);

   * @deprecated metadata files are not recommended and will be removed in 2.0.0
  private static void writeMetadataFile(Path outputPath, ParquetMetadata metadataFooter, FileSystem fs)
      throws IOException {
    PositionOutputStream metadata = HadoopStreams.wrap(fs.create(outputPath));
    serializeFooter(metadataFooter, metadata);

  static ParquetMetadata mergeFooters(Path root, List<Footer> footers) {
    String rootPath = root.toUri().getPath();
    GlobalMetaData fileMetaData = null;
    List<BlockMetaData> blocks = new ArrayList<BlockMetaData>();
    for (Footer footer : footers) {
        String footerPath = footer.getFile().toUri().getPath();
      if (!footerPath.startsWith(rootPath)) {
        throw new ParquetEncodingException(footerPath + " invalid: all the files must be contained in the root " + root);
      footerPath = footerPath.substring(rootPath.length());
      while (footerPath.startsWith("/")) {
        footerPath = footerPath.substring(1);
      fileMetaData = mergeInto(footer.getParquetMetadata().getFileMetaData(), fileMetaData);
      for (BlockMetaData block : footer.getParquetMetadata().getBlocks()) {
    return new ParquetMetadata(fileMetaData.merge(), blocks);

   * @return the current position in the underlying file
   * @throws IOException if there is an error while getting the current stream's position
  public long getPos() throws IOException {
    return out.getPos();

  public long getNextRowGroupSize() throws IOException {
    return alignment.nextRowGroupSize(out);

   * Will merge the metadata of all the footers together
   * @param footers the list files footers to merge
   * @return the global meta data for all the footers
  static GlobalMetaData getGlobalMetaData(List<Footer> footers) {
    return getGlobalMetaData(footers, true);

  static GlobalMetaData getGlobalMetaData(List<Footer> footers, boolean strict) {
    GlobalMetaData fileMetaData = null;
    for (Footer footer : footers) {
      ParquetMetadata currentMetadata = footer.getParquetMetadata();
      fileMetaData = mergeInto(currentMetadata.getFileMetaData(), fileMetaData, strict);
    return fileMetaData;

   * Will return the result of merging toMerge into mergedMetadata
   * @param toMerge the metadata toMerge
   * @param mergedMetadata the reference metadata to merge into
   * @return the result of the merge
  static GlobalMetaData mergeInto(
      FileMetaData toMerge,
      GlobalMetaData mergedMetadata) {
    return mergeInto(toMerge, mergedMetadata, true);

  static GlobalMetaData mergeInto(
      FileMetaData toMerge,
      GlobalMetaData mergedMetadata,
      boolean strict) {
    MessageType schema = null;
    Map<String, Set<String>> newKeyValues = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
    Set<String> createdBy = new HashSet<String>();
    if (mergedMetadata != null) {
      schema = mergedMetadata.getSchema();
    if ((schema == null && toMerge.getSchema() != null)
        || (schema != null && !schema.equals(toMerge.getSchema()))) {
      schema = mergeInto(toMerge.getSchema(), schema, strict);
    for (Entry<String, String> entry : toMerge.getKeyValueMetaData().entrySet()) {
      Set<String> values = newKeyValues.get(entry.getKey());
      if (values == null) {
        values = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
        newKeyValues.put(entry.getKey(), values);
    return new GlobalMetaData(

   * will return the result of merging toMerge into mergedSchema
   * @param toMerge the schema to merge into mergedSchema
   * @param mergedSchema the schema to append the fields to
   * @return the resulting schema
  static MessageType mergeInto(MessageType toMerge, MessageType mergedSchema) {
    return mergeInto(toMerge, mergedSchema, true);

   * will return the result of merging toMerge into mergedSchema
   * @param toMerge the schema to merge into mergedSchema
   * @param mergedSchema the schema to append the fields to
   * @param strict should schema primitive types match
   * @return the resulting schema
  static MessageType mergeInto(MessageType toMerge, MessageType mergedSchema, boolean strict) {
    if (mergedSchema == null) {
      return toMerge;

    return mergedSchema.union(toMerge, strict);

  private interface AlignmentStrategy {
    void alignForRowGroup(PositionOutputStream out) throws IOException;

    long nextRowGroupSize(PositionOutputStream out) throws IOException;

  private static class NoAlignment implements AlignmentStrategy {
    public static NoAlignment get(long rowGroupSize) {
      return new NoAlignment(rowGroupSize);

    private final long rowGroupSize;

    private NoAlignment(long rowGroupSize) {
      this.rowGroupSize = rowGroupSize;

    public void alignForRowGroup(PositionOutputStream out) {

    public long nextRowGroupSize(PositionOutputStream out) {
      return rowGroupSize;

   * Alignment strategy that pads when less than half the row group size is
   * left before the next DFS block.
  private static class PaddingAlignment implements AlignmentStrategy {
    private static final byte[] zeros = new byte[4096];

    public static PaddingAlignment get(long dfsBlockSize, long rowGroupSize,
                                       int maxPaddingSize) {
      return new PaddingAlignment(dfsBlockSize, rowGroupSize, maxPaddingSize);

    protected final long dfsBlockSize;
    protected final long rowGroupSize;
    protected final int maxPaddingSize;

    private PaddingAlignment(long dfsBlockSize, long rowGroupSize,
                             int maxPaddingSize) {
      this.dfsBlockSize = dfsBlockSize;
      this.rowGroupSize = rowGroupSize;
      this.maxPaddingSize = maxPaddingSize;

    public void alignForRowGroup(PositionOutputStream out) throws IOException {
      long remaining = dfsBlockSize - (out.getPos() % dfsBlockSize);

      if (isPaddingNeeded(remaining)) {
        LOG.debug("Adding {} bytes of padding (row group size={}B, block size={}B)", remaining, rowGroupSize, dfsBlockSize);
        for (; remaining > 0; remaining -= zeros.length) {
          out.write(zeros, 0, (int) Math.min((long) zeros.length, remaining));

    public long nextRowGroupSize(PositionOutputStream out) throws IOException {
      if (maxPaddingSize <= 0) {
        return rowGroupSize;

      long remaining = dfsBlockSize - (out.getPos() % dfsBlockSize);

      if (isPaddingNeeded(remaining)) {
        return rowGroupSize;

      return Math.min(remaining, rowGroupSize);

    protected boolean isPaddingNeeded(long remaining) {
      return (remaining <= maxPaddingSize);