 *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 *  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 *  distributed with this work for additional information
 *  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.metron.profiler;

import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Ticker;
import org.adrianwalker.multilinestring.Multiline;
import org.apache.metron.common.configuration.profiler.ProfileConfig;
import org.apache.metron.common.utils.JSONUtils;
import org.apache.metron.stellar.dsl.Context;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.*;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;

public class DefaultMessageDistributorTest {

   * {
   *   "ip_src_addr": "",
   *   "value": "22"
   * }
  private String inputOne;
  private JSONObject messageOne;

   * {
   *   "ip_src_addr": "",
   *   "value": "22"
   * }
  private String inputTwo;
  private JSONObject messageTwo;

   * {
   *   "profile": "profile-one",
   *   "foreach": "ip_src_addr",
   *   "init":   { "x": "0" },
   *   "update": { "x": "x + 1" },
   *   "result": "x"
   * }
  private String profileOne;

   * {
   *   "profile": "profile-two",
   *   "foreach": "ip_src_addr",
   *   "init":   { "x": "0" },
   *   "update": { "x": "x + 1" },
   *   "result": "x"
   * }
  private String profileTwo;

  private DefaultMessageDistributor distributor;
  private Context context;
  private long periodDurationMillis = MINUTES.toMillis(15);
  private long profileTimeToLiveMillis = MINUTES.toMillis(30);
  private long maxNumberOfRoutes = Long.MAX_VALUE;

  public void setup() throws Exception {

    context = Context.EMPTY_CONTEXT();
    JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
    messageOne = (JSONObject) parser.parse(inputOne);
    messageTwo = (JSONObject) parser.parse(inputTwo);

    distributor = new DefaultMessageDistributor(

   * Creates a profile definition based on a string of JSON.
   * @param json The string of JSON.
  private ProfileConfig createDefinition(String json) throws IOException {
    return JSONUtils.INSTANCE.load(json, ProfileConfig.class);

   * Tests that one message can be distributed to one profile.
  public void testDistribute() throws Exception {

    // setup
    long timestamp = 100;
    ProfileConfig definition = createDefinition(profileOne);
    String entity = (String) messageOne.get("ip_src_addr");
    MessageRoute route = new MessageRoute(definition, entity, messageOne, timestamp);

    // distribute one message and flush
    distributor.distribute(route, context);
    List<ProfileMeasurement> measurements = distributor.flush();

    // expect one measurement coming from one profile
    assertEquals(1, measurements.size());
    ProfileMeasurement m = measurements.get(0);
    assertEquals(definition.getProfile(), m.getProfileName());
    assertEquals(entity, m.getEntity());

  public void testDistributeWithTwoProfiles() throws Exception {

    // setup
    long timestamp = 100;
    String entity = (String) messageOne.get("ip_src_addr");

    // distribute one message to the first profile
    MessageRoute routeOne = new MessageRoute(createDefinition(profileOne), entity, messageOne, timestamp);
    distributor.distribute(routeOne, context);

    // distribute another message to the second profile, but same entity
    MessageRoute routeTwo = new MessageRoute(createDefinition(profileTwo), entity, messageOne, timestamp);
    distributor.distribute(routeTwo, context);

    // expect 2 measurements; 1 for each profile
    List<ProfileMeasurement> measurements = distributor.flush();
    assertEquals(2, measurements.size());

  public void testDistributeWithTwoEntities() throws Exception {

    // setup
    long timestamp = 100;

    // distribute one message
    String entityOne = (String) messageOne.get("ip_src_addr");
    MessageRoute routeOne = new MessageRoute(createDefinition(profileOne), entityOne, messageOne, timestamp);
    distributor.distribute(routeOne, context);

    // distribute another message with a different entity
    String entityTwo = (String) messageTwo.get("ip_src_addr");
    MessageRoute routeTwo =  new MessageRoute(createDefinition(profileTwo), entityTwo, messageTwo, timestamp);
    distributor.distribute(routeTwo, context);

    // expect 2 measurements; 1 for each entity
    List<ProfileMeasurement> measurements = distributor.flush();
    assertEquals(2, measurements.size());

   * A profile should expire after a fixed period of time.  This test ensures that
   * profiles are not expired before they are supposed to be.
  public void testNotYetTimeToExpireProfiles() throws Exception {

    // the ticker drives time to allow us to test cache expiration
    FixedTicker ticker = new FixedTicker();

    // setup
    ProfileConfig definition = createDefinition(profileOne);
    String entity = (String) messageOne.get("ip_src_addr");
    MessageRoute route = new MessageRoute(definition, entity, messageOne, ticker.read());
    distributor = new DefaultMessageDistributor(

    // distribute one message
    distributor.distribute(route, context);

    // advance time to just shy of the profile TTL
    ticker.advanceTime(profileTimeToLiveMillis - 1000, MILLISECONDS);

    // the profile should NOT have expired yet
    assertEquals(0, distributor.flushExpired().size());
    assertEquals(1, distributor.flush().size());

   * A profile should expire after a fixed period of time.
  public void testProfilesShouldExpire() throws Exception {

    // the ticker drives time to allow us to test cache expiration
    FixedTicker ticker = new FixedTicker();

    // setup
    ProfileConfig definition = createDefinition(profileOne);
    String entity = (String) messageOne.get("ip_src_addr");
    MessageRoute route = new MessageRoute(definition, entity, messageOne, ticker.read());
    distributor = new DefaultMessageDistributor(

    // distribute one message
    distributor.distribute(route, context);

    // advance time to just beyond the period duration
    ticker.advanceTime(profileTimeToLiveMillis + 1000, MILLISECONDS);

    // the profile should have expired by now
    assertEquals(1, distributor.flushExpired().size());
    assertEquals(0, distributor.flush().size());

   * An expired profile is only kept around for a fixed period of time.  It should be removed, if it
   * has been on the expired cache for too long.
  public void testExpiredProfilesShouldBeRemoved() throws Exception {

    // the ticker drives time to allow us to test cache expiration
    FixedTicker ticker = new FixedTicker();

    // setup
    ProfileConfig definition = createDefinition(profileOne);
    String entity = (String) messageOne.get("ip_src_addr");
    MessageRoute route = new MessageRoute(definition, entity, messageOne, ticker.read());
    distributor = new DefaultMessageDistributor(

    // distribute one message
    distributor.distribute(route, context);

    // advance time a couple of hours
    ticker.advanceTime(2, HOURS);

    // the profile should have been expired
    assertEquals(0, distributor.flush().size());

    // advance time a couple of hours
    ticker.advanceTime(2, HOURS);

    // the profile should have been removed from the expired cache
    assertEquals(0, distributor.flushExpired().size());

   * An implementation of Ticker that can be used to drive time
   * when testing the Guava caches.
  private class FixedTicker implements Ticker {

     * The time that will be reported.
    private long timestampNanos;

    public FixedTicker() {
      this.timestampNanos = Ticker.systemTicker().read();

    public FixedTicker startAt(long timestampNanos) {
      this.timestampNanos = timestampNanos;
      return this;

    public FixedTicker advanceTime(long time, TimeUnit units) {
      this.timestampNanos += units.toNanos(time);
      return this;
    public long read() {
      return this.timestampNanos;
