 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
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package org.apache.lucene.search.suggest.tst;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.lucene.search.suggest.InputIterator;
import org.apache.lucene.search.suggest.Lookup;
import org.apache.lucene.search.suggest.SortedInputIterator;
import org.apache.lucene.store.DataInput;
import org.apache.lucene.store.DataOutput;
import org.apache.lucene.store.Directory;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.CharsRefBuilder;
import org.apache.lucene.util.RamUsageEstimator;

 * Suggest implementation based on a 
 * <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ternary_search_tree">Ternary Search Tree</a>
 * @see TSTAutocomplete
public class TSTLookup extends Lookup {
  TernaryTreeNode root = new TernaryTreeNode();
  TSTAutocomplete autocomplete = new TSTAutocomplete();

  /** Number of entries the lookup was built with */
  private long count = 0;

  private final Directory tempDir;
  private final String tempFileNamePrefix;
   * Creates a new TSTLookup with an empty Ternary Search Tree.
   * @see #build(InputIterator)
  public TSTLookup() {
    this(null, null);

   * Creates a new TSTLookup, for building.
   * @see #build(InputIterator)
  public TSTLookup(Directory tempDir, String tempFileNamePrefix) {
    this.tempDir = tempDir;
    this.tempFileNamePrefix = tempFileNamePrefix;
  // TODO: Review if this comparator is really needed for TST to work correctly!!!

  /** TST uses UTF-16 sorting, so we need a suitable BytesRef comparator to do this. */
  private final static Comparator<BytesRef> utf8SortedAsUTF16SortOrder = (a, b) -> {
    final byte[] aBytes = a.bytes;
    int aUpto = a.offset;
    final byte[] bBytes = b.bytes;
    int bUpto = b.offset;
    final int aStop = aUpto + Math.min(a.length, b.length);

    while(aUpto < aStop) {
      int aByte = aBytes[aUpto++] & 0xff;
      int bByte = bBytes[bUpto++] & 0xff;

      if (aByte != bByte) {

        // See http://icu-project.org/docs/papers/utf16_code_point_order.html#utf-8-in-utf-16-order

        // We know the terms are not equal, but, we may
        // have to carefully fixup the bytes at the
        // difference to match UTF16's sort order:
        // NOTE: instead of moving supplementary code points (0xee and 0xef) to the unused 0xfe and 0xff, 
        // we move them to the unused 0xfc and 0xfd [reserved for future 6-byte character sequences]
        // this reserves 0xff for preflex's term reordering (surrogate dance), and if unicode grows such
        // that 6-byte sequences are needed we have much bigger problems anyway.
        if (aByte >= 0xee && bByte >= 0xee) {
          if ((aByte & 0xfe) == 0xee) {
            aByte += 0xe;
          if ((bByte&0xfe) == 0xee) {
            bByte += 0xe;
        return aByte - bByte;

    // One is a prefix of the other, or, they are equal:
    return a.length - b.length;

  public void build(InputIterator iterator) throws IOException {
    if (iterator.hasPayloads()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("this suggester doesn't support payloads");
    if (iterator.hasContexts()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("this suggester doesn't support contexts");
    root = new TernaryTreeNode();

    // make sure it's sorted and the comparator uses UTF16 sort order
    iterator = new SortedInputIterator(tempDir, tempFileNamePrefix, iterator, utf8SortedAsUTF16SortOrder);
    count = 0;
    ArrayList<String> tokens = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<Number> vals = new ArrayList<>();
    BytesRef spare;
    CharsRefBuilder charsSpare = new CharsRefBuilder();
    while ((spare = iterator.next()) != null) {
    autocomplete.balancedTree(tokens.toArray(), vals.toArray(), 0, tokens.size() - 1, root);

   * Adds a new node if <code>key</code> already exists,
   * otherwise replaces its value.
   * <p>
   * This method always returns true.
  public boolean add(CharSequence key, Object value) {
    autocomplete.insert(root, key, value, 0);
    // XXX we don't know if a new node was created
    return true;

   * Returns the value for the specified key, or null
   * if the key does not exist.
  public Object get(CharSequence key) {
    List<TernaryTreeNode> list = autocomplete.prefixCompletion(root, key, 0);
    if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) {
      return null;
    for (TernaryTreeNode n : list) {
      if (charSeqEquals(n.token, key)) {
        return n.val;
    return null;
  private static boolean charSeqEquals(CharSequence left, CharSequence right) {
    int len = left.length();
    if (len != right.length()) {
      return false;
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      if (left.charAt(i) != right.charAt(i)) {
        return false;
    return true;

  public List<LookupResult> lookup(CharSequence key, Set<BytesRef> contexts, boolean onlyMorePopular, int num) {
    if (contexts != null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("this suggester doesn't support contexts");
    List<TernaryTreeNode> list = autocomplete.prefixCompletion(root, key, 0);
    List<LookupResult> res = new ArrayList<>();
    if (list == null || list.size() == 0) {
      return res;
    int maxCnt = Math.min(num, list.size());
    if (onlyMorePopular) {
      LookupPriorityQueue queue = new LookupPriorityQueue(num);
      for (TernaryTreeNode ttn : list) {
        queue.insertWithOverflow(new LookupResult(ttn.token, ((Number)ttn.val).longValue()));
      for (LookupResult lr : queue.getResults()) {
    } else {
      for (int i = 0; i < maxCnt; i++) {
        TernaryTreeNode ttn = list.get(i);
        res.add(new LookupResult(ttn.token, ((Number)ttn.val).longValue()));
    return res;
  private static final byte LO_KID = 0x01;
  private static final byte EQ_KID = 0x02;
  private static final byte HI_KID = 0x04;
  private static final byte HAS_TOKEN = 0x08;
  private static final byte HAS_VALUE = 0x10;

  // pre-order traversal
  private void readRecursively(DataInput in, TernaryTreeNode node) throws IOException {
    node.splitchar = in.readString().charAt(0);
    byte mask = in.readByte();
    if ((mask & HAS_TOKEN) != 0) {
      node.token = in.readString();
    if ((mask & HAS_VALUE) != 0) {
      node.val = Long.valueOf(in.readLong());
    if ((mask & LO_KID) != 0) {
      node.loKid = new TernaryTreeNode();
      readRecursively(in, node.loKid);
    if ((mask & EQ_KID) != 0) {
      node.eqKid = new TernaryTreeNode();
      readRecursively(in, node.eqKid);
    if ((mask & HI_KID) != 0) {
      node.hiKid = new TernaryTreeNode();
      readRecursively(in, node.hiKid);

  // pre-order traversal
  private void writeRecursively(DataOutput out, TernaryTreeNode node) throws IOException {
    // write out the current node
    out.writeString(new String(new char[] {node.splitchar}, 0, 1));
    // prepare a mask of kids
    byte mask = 0;
    if (node.eqKid != null) mask |= EQ_KID;
    if (node.loKid != null) mask |= LO_KID;
    if (node.hiKid != null) mask |= HI_KID;
    if (node.token != null) mask |= HAS_TOKEN;
    if (node.val != null) mask |= HAS_VALUE;
    if (node.token != null) out.writeString(node.token);
    if (node.val != null) out.writeLong(((Number)node.val).longValue());
    // recurse and write kids
    if (node.loKid != null) {
      writeRecursively(out, node.loKid);
    if (node.eqKid != null) {
      writeRecursively(out, node.eqKid);
    if (node.hiKid != null) {
      writeRecursively(out, node.hiKid);

  public synchronized boolean store(DataOutput output) throws IOException {
    writeRecursively(output, root);
    return true;

  public synchronized boolean load(DataInput input) throws IOException {
    count = input.readVLong();
    root = new TernaryTreeNode();
    readRecursively(input, root);
    return true;

  /** Returns byte size of the underlying TST */
  public long ramBytesUsed() {
    long mem = RamUsageEstimator.shallowSizeOf(this);
    if (root != null) {
      mem += root.sizeInBytes();
    return mem;
  public long getCount() {
    return count;