 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.lucene.index;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;

import org.apache.lucene.util.automaton.CompiledAutomaton;

 * Exposes flex API, merged from flex API of
 * sub-segments.
 * @lucene.experimental
public final class MultiTerms extends Terms {
  private final Terms[] subs;
  private final ReaderSlice[] subSlices;
  private final boolean hasFreqs;
  private final boolean hasOffsets;
  private final boolean hasPositions;
  private final boolean hasPayloads;

   * Sole constructor.  Use {@link #getTerms(IndexReader, String)} instead if possible.
   * @param subs The {@link Terms} instances of all sub-readers. 
   * @param subSlices A parallel array (matching {@code
   *        subs}) describing the sub-reader slices.
   * @lucene.internal
  public MultiTerms(Terms[] subs, ReaderSlice[] subSlices) throws IOException { //TODO make private?
    this.subs = subs;
    this.subSlices = subSlices;
    assert subs.length > 0 : "inefficient: don't use MultiTerms over one sub";
    boolean _hasFreqs = true;
    boolean _hasOffsets = true;
    boolean _hasPositions = true;
    boolean _hasPayloads = false;
    for(int i=0;i<subs.length;i++) {
      _hasFreqs &= subs[i].hasFreqs();
      _hasOffsets &= subs[i].hasOffsets();
      _hasPositions &= subs[i].hasPositions();
      _hasPayloads |= subs[i].hasPayloads();

    hasFreqs = _hasFreqs;
    hasOffsets = _hasOffsets;
    hasPositions = _hasPositions;
    hasPayloads = hasPositions && _hasPayloads; // if all subs have pos, and at least one has payloads.

  /** This method may return null if the field does not exist or if it has no terms. */
  public static Terms getTerms(IndexReader r, String field) throws IOException {
    final List<LeafReaderContext> leaves = r.leaves();
    if (leaves.size() == 1) {
      return leaves.get(0).reader().terms(field);

    final List<Terms> termsPerLeaf = new ArrayList<>(leaves.size());
    final List<ReaderSlice> slicePerLeaf = new ArrayList<>(leaves.size());

    for (int leafIdx = 0; leafIdx < leaves.size(); leafIdx++) {
      LeafReaderContext ctx = leaves.get(leafIdx);
      Terms subTerms = ctx.reader().terms(field);
      if (subTerms != null) {
        slicePerLeaf.add(new ReaderSlice(ctx.docBase, r.maxDoc(), leafIdx));

    if (termsPerLeaf.size() == 0) {
      return null;
    } else {
      return new MultiTerms(termsPerLeaf.toArray(EMPTY_ARRAY),

  /** Returns {@link PostingsEnum} for the specified
   *  field and term.  This will return null if the field or
   *  term does not exist or positions were not indexed.
   *  @see #getTermPostingsEnum(IndexReader, String, BytesRef, int) */
  public static PostingsEnum getTermPostingsEnum(IndexReader r, String field, BytesRef term) throws IOException {
    return getTermPostingsEnum(r, field, term, PostingsEnum.ALL);

  /** Returns {@link PostingsEnum} for the specified
   *  field and term, with control over whether freqs, positions, offsets or payloads
   *  are required.  Some codecs may be able to optimize
   *  their implementation when offsets and/or payloads are not
   *  required. This will return null if the field or term does not
   *  exist. See {@link TermsEnum#postings(PostingsEnum,int)}. */
  public static PostingsEnum getTermPostingsEnum(IndexReader r, String field, BytesRef term, int flags) throws IOException {
    assert field != null;
    assert term != null;
    final Terms terms = getTerms(r, field);
    if (terms != null) {
      final TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.iterator();
      if (termsEnum.seekExact(term)) {
        return termsEnum.postings(null, flags);
    return null;

  /** Expert: returns the Terms being merged. */
  public Terms[] getSubTerms() {
    return subs;

  /** Expert: returns  pointers to the sub-readers corresponding to the Terms being merged. */
  public ReaderSlice[] getSubSlices() {
    return subSlices;

  public TermsEnum intersect(CompiledAutomaton compiled, BytesRef startTerm) throws IOException {
    final List<MultiTermsEnum.TermsEnumIndex> termsEnums = new ArrayList<>();
    for(int i=0;i<subs.length;i++) {
      final TermsEnum termsEnum = subs[i].intersect(compiled, startTerm);
      if (termsEnum != null) {
        termsEnums.add(new MultiTermsEnum.TermsEnumIndex(termsEnum, i));

    if (termsEnums.size() > 0) {
      return new MultiTermsEnum(subSlices).reset(termsEnums.toArray(MultiTermsEnum.TermsEnumIndex.EMPTY_ARRAY));
    } else {
      return TermsEnum.EMPTY;
  public BytesRef getMin() throws IOException {
    BytesRef minTerm = null;
    for(Terms terms : subs) {
      BytesRef term = terms.getMin();
      if (minTerm == null || term.compareTo(minTerm) < 0) {
        minTerm = term;

    return minTerm;

  public BytesRef getMax() throws IOException {
    BytesRef maxTerm = null;
    for(Terms terms : subs) {
      BytesRef term = terms.getMax();
      if (maxTerm == null || term.compareTo(maxTerm) > 0) {
        maxTerm = term;

    return maxTerm;

  public TermsEnum iterator() throws IOException {

    final List<MultiTermsEnum.TermsEnumIndex> termsEnums = new ArrayList<>();
    for(int i=0;i<subs.length;i++) {
      final TermsEnum termsEnum = subs[i].iterator();
      if (termsEnum != null) {
        termsEnums.add(new MultiTermsEnum.TermsEnumIndex(termsEnum, i));

    if (termsEnums.size() > 0) {
      return new MultiTermsEnum(subSlices).reset(termsEnums.toArray(MultiTermsEnum.TermsEnumIndex.EMPTY_ARRAY));
    } else {
      return TermsEnum.EMPTY;

  public long size() {
    return -1;

  public long getSumTotalTermFreq() throws IOException {
    long sum = 0;
    for(Terms terms : subs) {
      final long v = terms.getSumTotalTermFreq();
      assert v != -1;
      sum += v;
    return sum;
  public long getSumDocFreq() throws IOException {
    long sum = 0;
    for(Terms terms : subs) {
      final long v = terms.getSumDocFreq();
      assert v != -1;
      sum += v;
    return sum;
  public int getDocCount() throws IOException {
    int sum = 0;
    for(Terms terms : subs) {
      final int v = terms.getDocCount();
      assert v != -1;
      sum += v;
    return sum;

  public boolean hasFreqs() {
    return hasFreqs;

  public boolean hasOffsets() {
    return hasOffsets;

  public boolean hasPositions() {
    return hasPositions;
  public boolean hasPayloads() {
    return hasPayloads;