 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.ignite.internal.jdbc.thin;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.SocketTimeoutException;
import java.sql.Array;
import java.sql.BatchUpdateException;
import java.sql.Blob;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.Clob;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.NClob;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLClientInfoException;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException;
import java.sql.SQLPermission;
import java.sql.SQLTimeoutException;
import java.sql.SQLWarning;
import java.sql.SQLXML;
import java.sql.Savepoint;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Struct;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteCheckedException;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteException;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryObjectException;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryType;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.query.QueryCancelledException;
import org.apache.ignite.client.ClientException;
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.BinaryConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.IgniteConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.MarshallerPlatformIds;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryCachingMetadataHandler;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryContext;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryMarshaller;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryMetadata;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryMetadataHandler;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryTypeImpl;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.jdbc2.JdbcUtils;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.affinity.AffinityTopologyVersion;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheUtils;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.query.IgniteQueryErrorCode;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.ClientListenerResponse;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.SqlStateCode;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.jdbc.JdbcBinaryTypeGetRequest;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.jdbc.JdbcBinaryTypeGetResult;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.jdbc.JdbcBinaryTypeNameGetRequest;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.jdbc.JdbcBinaryTypeNameGetResult;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.jdbc.JdbcBinaryTypeNamePutRequest;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.jdbc.JdbcBinaryTypePutRequest;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.jdbc.JdbcBulkLoadBatchRequest;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.jdbc.JdbcCachePartitionsRequest;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.jdbc.JdbcCachePartitionsResult;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.jdbc.JdbcOrderedBatchExecuteRequest;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.jdbc.JdbcOrderedBatchExecuteResult;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.jdbc.JdbcQuery;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.jdbc.JdbcQueryCancelRequest;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.jdbc.JdbcQueryExecuteRequest;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.jdbc.JdbcQueryExecuteResult;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.jdbc.JdbcRequest;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.jdbc.JdbcResponse;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.jdbc.JdbcResult;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.jdbc.JdbcResultWithIo;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.jdbc.JdbcStatementType;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.jdbc.JdbcUpdateBinarySchemaResult;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.sql.command.SqlCommand;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.sql.command.SqlSetStreamingCommand;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.sql.optimizer.affinity.PartitionClientContext;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.sql.optimizer.affinity.PartitionResult;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.HostAndPortRange;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.future.GridFutureAdapter;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.F;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.U;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgnitePredicate;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteProductVersion;
import org.apache.ignite.logger.NullLogger;
import org.apache.ignite.marshaller.MarshallerContext;
import org.apache.ignite.marshaller.jdk.JdkMarshaller;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;

import static java.sql.ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT;
import static java.sql.ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY;
import static java.sql.ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT;
import static java.sql.ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.SqlStateCode.CLIENT_CONNECTION_FAILED;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.SqlStateCode.CONNECTION_CLOSED;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.SqlStateCode.CONNECTION_FAILURE;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.SqlStateCode.INTERNAL_ERROR;
import static org.apache.ignite.marshaller.MarshallerUtils.processSystemClasses;

 * JDBC connection implementation.
 * See documentation of {@link org.apache.ignite.IgniteJdbcThinDriver} for details.
public class JdbcThinConnection implements Connection {
    /** Logger. */
    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(JdbcThinConnection.class.getName());

    /** Request timeout period. */
    private static final int REQUEST_TIMEOUT_PERIOD = 1_000;

    /** Reconnection period. */
    public static final int RECONNECTION_DELAY = 200;

    /** Reconnection maximum period. */
    private static final int RECONNECTION_MAX_DELAY = 300_000;

    /** Network timeout permission */
    private static final String SET_NETWORK_TIMEOUT_PERM = "setNetworkTimeout";

    /** Zero timeout as query timeout means no timeout. */
    static final int NO_TIMEOUT = 0;

    /** Index generator. */
    private static final AtomicLong IDX_GEN = new AtomicLong();

    /** Default retires count. */
    public static final int DFLT_RETRIES_CNT = 4;

    /** No retries. */
    public static final int NO_RETRIES = 0;

    /** Partition awareness enabled flag. */
    private final boolean partitionAwareness;

    /** Statements modification mutex. */
    private final Object stmtsMux = new Object();

    /** Schema name. */
    private String schema;

    /** Closed flag. */
    private volatile boolean closed;

    /** Current transaction isolation. */
    private int txIsolation;

    /** Auto-commit flag. */
    private boolean autoCommit;

    /** Read-only flag. */
    private boolean readOnly;

    /** Streaming flag. */
    private volatile StreamState streamState;

    /** Current transaction holdability. */
    private int holdability;

    /** Jdbc metadata. Cache the JDBC object on the first access */
    private JdbcThinDatabaseMetadata metadata;

    /** Connection properties. */
    private final ConnectionProperties connProps;

    /** The amount of potentially alive {@code JdbcThinTcpIo} instances - connections to server nodes. */
    private final AtomicInteger connCnt = new AtomicInteger();

    /** Tracked statements to close on disconnect. */
    private final Set<JdbcThinStatement> stmts = Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<>());

    /** Affinity cache. */
    private AffinityCache affinityCache;

    /** Ignite endpoint. */
    private volatile JdbcThinTcpIo singleIo;

    /** Node Ids tp ignite endpoints. */
    private final ConcurrentSkipListMap<UUID, JdbcThinTcpIo> ios = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>();

    /** Server index. */
    private int srvIdx;

    /** Ignite server version. */
    private Thread ownThread;

    /** Mutex. */
    private final Object mux = new Object();

    /** Ignite endpoint to use within transactional context. */
    private volatile JdbcThinTcpIo txIo;

    /** Random generator. */
    private static final Random RND = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());

    /** Network timeout. */
    private int netTimeout;

    /** Query timeout. */
    private int qryTimeout;

    /** Background periodical maintenance: query timeouts and reconnection handler. */
    private final ScheduledExecutorService maintenanceExecutor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(2);

    /** Cancelable future for query timeout task. */
    private ScheduledFuture<?> qryTimeoutScheduledFut;

    /** Cancelable future for connections handler task. */
    private ScheduledFuture<?> connectionsHndScheduledFut;

    /** Connections handler timer. */
    private final IgniteProductVersion baseEndpointVer;

    /** Binary context. */
    private volatile BinaryContext ctx;

    /** Binary metadata handler. */
    private volatile JdbcBinaryMetadataHandler metaHnd;

    /** Marshaller context. */
    private final JdbcMarshallerContext marshCtx;

     * Creates new connection.
     * @param connProps Connection properties.
     * @throws SQLException In case Ignite client failed to start.
    public JdbcThinConnection(ConnectionProperties connProps) throws SQLException {
        this.connProps = connProps;

        metaHnd = new JdbcBinaryMetadataHandler();
        marshCtx = new JdbcMarshallerContext();
        ctx = createBinaryCtx(metaHnd, marshCtx);
        holdability = HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT;
        autoCommit = true;
        txIsolation = Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE;
        netTimeout = connProps.getConnectionTimeout();
        qryTimeout = connProps.getQueryTimeout();

        schema = JdbcUtils.normalizeSchema(connProps.getSchema());

        partitionAwareness = connProps.isPartitionAwareness();

        if (partitionAwareness) {
            baseEndpointVer = connectInBestEffortAffinityMode(null);

            connectionsHndScheduledFut = maintenanceExecutor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new ConnectionHandlerTask(),
                0, RECONNECTION_DELAY, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        else {

            baseEndpointVer = null;

    /** Create new binary context. */
    private BinaryContext createBinaryCtx(JdbcBinaryMetadataHandler metaHnd, JdbcMarshallerContext marshCtx) {
        BinaryMarshaller marsh = new BinaryMarshaller();

        BinaryConfiguration binCfg = new BinaryConfiguration().setCompactFooter(true);
        BinaryContext ctx = new BinaryContext(metaHnd, new IgniteConfiguration(), new NullLogger());

        ctx.configure(marsh, binCfg);


        return ctx;

     * @throws SQLException On connection error.
    private void ensureConnected() throws SQLException {
        if (connCnt.get() > 0)

        assert !closed;

        assert ios.isEmpty();

        if (partitionAwareness)

     * @return Whether this connection is streamed or not.
    boolean isStream() {
        return streamState != null;

     * @param sql Statement.
     * @param cmd Parsed form of {@code sql}.
     * @param stmt Jdbc thin statement.
     * @throws SQLException if failed.
    void executeNative(String sql, SqlCommand cmd, JdbcThinStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
        if (cmd instanceof SqlSetStreamingCommand) {
            SqlSetStreamingCommand cmd0 = (SqlSetStreamingCommand)cmd;

            // If streaming is already on, we have to close it first.
            if (streamState != null) {

                streamState = null;

            boolean newVal = ((SqlSetStreamingCommand)cmd).isTurnOn();


            JdbcThinTcpIo cliIo = cliIo(null);

            // Actual ON, if needed.
            if (newVal) {
                if (!cmd0.isOrdered() && !cliIo.isUnorderedStreamSupported()) {
                    throw new SQLException("Streaming without order doesn't supported by server [remoteNodeVer="
                        + cliIo.igniteVersion() + ']', INTERNAL_ERROR);

                streamState = new StreamState((SqlSetStreamingCommand)cmd, cliIo);

                sendRequest(new JdbcQueryExecuteRequest(JdbcStatementType.ANY_STATEMENT_TYPE,
                    schema, 1, 1, autoCommit, sql, null), stmt, cliIo);

            throw IgniteQueryErrorCode.createJdbcSqlException("Unsupported native statement: " + sql,

     * Add another query for batched execution.
     * @param sql Query.
     * @param args Arguments.
     * @throws SQLException On error.
    void addBatch(String sql, List<Object> args) throws SQLException {
        assert isStream();

        streamState.addBatch(sql, args);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public Statement createStatement() throws SQLException {

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public Statement createStatement(int resSetType, int resSetConcurrency) throws SQLException {
        return createStatement(resSetType, resSetConcurrency, HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public Statement createStatement(int resSetType, int resSetConcurrency,
        int resSetHoldability) throws SQLException {

        checkCursorOptions(resSetType, resSetConcurrency);

        JdbcThinStatement stmt = new JdbcThinStatement(this, resSetHoldability, schema);


        synchronized (stmtsMux) {

        return stmt;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql) throws SQLException {

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int resSetType,
        int resSetConcurrency) throws SQLException {
        return prepareStatement(sql, resSetType, resSetConcurrency, HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int resSetType, int resSetConcurrency,
        int resSetHoldability) throws SQLException {

        checkCursorOptions(resSetType, resSetConcurrency);

        if (sql == null)
            throw new SQLException("SQL string cannot be null.");

        JdbcThinPreparedStatement stmt = new JdbcThinPreparedStatement(this, sql, resSetHoldability, schema);

        synchronized (stmtsMux) {

        return stmt;

     * @param resSetType Cursor option.
     * @param resSetConcurrency Cursor option.
     * @throws SQLException If options unsupported.
    private void checkCursorOptions(int resSetType, int resSetConcurrency) throws SQLException {
        if (resSetType != TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY)
            throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Invalid result set type (only forward is supported).");

        if (resSetConcurrency != CONCUR_READ_ONLY)
            throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Invalid concurrency (updates are not supported).");

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public CallableStatement prepareCall(String sql) throws SQLException {

        throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Callable functions are not supported.");

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public CallableStatement prepareCall(String sql, int resSetType, int resSetConcurrency)
        throws SQLException {

        throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Callable functions are not supported.");

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public String nativeSQL(String sql) throws SQLException {

        if (sql == null)
            throw new SQLException("SQL string cannot be null.");

        return sql;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public void setAutoCommit(boolean autoCommit) throws SQLException {

        // Do nothing if resulting value doesn't actually change.
        if (autoCommit != this.autoCommit) {

            this.autoCommit = autoCommit;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public boolean getAutoCommit() throws SQLException {

        return autoCommit;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public void commit() throws SQLException {

        if (autoCommit)
            throw new SQLException("Transaction cannot be committed explicitly in auto-commit mode.");


    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public void rollback() throws SQLException {

        if (autoCommit)
            throw new SQLException("Transaction cannot be rolled back explicitly in auto-commit mode.");

        try (Statement s = createStatement()) {

     * Send to the server {@code COMMIT} command.
     * @throws SQLException if failed.
    private void doCommit() throws SQLException {
        try (Statement s = createStatement()) {

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public void close() throws SQLException {
        if (isClosed())

        closed = true;


        if (streamState != null) {

            streamState = null;

        synchronized (stmtsMux) {

        SQLException err = null;

        if (partitionAwareness) {
            for (JdbcThinTcpIo clioIo : ios.values())

        else {
            if (singleIo != null)

        if (err != null)
            throw err;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public boolean isClosed() {
        return closed;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public DatabaseMetaData getMetaData() throws SQLException {

        if (metadata == null)
            metadata = new JdbcThinDatabaseMetadata(this);

        return metadata;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) throws SQLException {

        this.readOnly = readOnly;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public boolean isReadOnly() throws SQLException {

        return readOnly;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public void setCatalog(String catalog) throws SQLException {

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public String getCatalog() throws SQLException {

        return null;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public void setTransactionIsolation(int level) throws SQLException {

        switch (level) {
            case Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED:
            case Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED:
            case Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ:
            case Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE:
            case Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE:

                throw new SQLException("Invalid transaction isolation level.", SqlStateCode.INVALID_TRANSACTION_LEVEL);

        txIsolation = level;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public int getTransactionIsolation() throws SQLException {

        return txIsolation;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public SQLWarning getWarnings() throws SQLException {

        return null;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public void clearWarnings() throws SQLException {

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public Map<String, Class<?>> getTypeMap() throws SQLException {

        throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Types mapping is not supported.");

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public void setTypeMap(Map<String, Class<?>> map) throws SQLException {

        throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Types mapping is not supported.");

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public void setHoldability(int holdability) throws SQLException {

        if (holdability != HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT && holdability != CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT)
            throw new SQLException("Invalid result set holdability value.");

        this.holdability = holdability;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public int getHoldability() throws SQLException {

        return holdability;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public Savepoint setSavepoint() throws SQLException {

        if (autoCommit)
            throw new SQLException("Savepoint cannot be set in auto-commit mode.");

        throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Savepoints are not supported.");

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public Savepoint setSavepoint(String name) throws SQLException {

        if (name == null)
            throw new SQLException("Savepoint name cannot be null.");

        if (autoCommit)
            throw new SQLException("Savepoint cannot be set in auto-commit mode.");

        throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Savepoints are not supported.");

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public void rollback(Savepoint savepoint) throws SQLException {

        if (savepoint == null)
            throw new SQLException("Invalid savepoint.");

        if (autoCommit)
            throw new SQLException("Auto-commit mode.");

        throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Savepoints are not supported.");

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public void releaseSavepoint(Savepoint savepoint) throws SQLException {

        if (savepoint == null)
            throw new SQLException("Savepoint cannot be null.");

        throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Savepoints are not supported.");

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public CallableStatement prepareCall(String sql, int resSetType, int resSetConcurrency,
        int resSetHoldability) throws SQLException {

        throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Callable functions are not supported.");

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException {

        throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Auto generated keys are not supported.");

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int[] colIndexes) throws SQLException {

        throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Auto generated keys are not supported.");

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, String[] colNames) throws SQLException {

        throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Auto generated keys are not supported.");

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public Clob createClob() throws SQLException {

        throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("SQL-specific types are not supported.");

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public Blob createBlob() throws SQLException {

        throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("SQL-specific types are not supported.");

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public NClob createNClob() throws SQLException {

        throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("SQL-specific types are not supported.");

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public SQLXML createSQLXML() throws SQLException {

        throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("SQL-specific types are not supported.");

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public boolean isValid(int timeout) throws SQLException {
        if (timeout < 0)
            throw new SQLException("Invalid timeout: " + timeout);

        return !closed;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public void setClientInfo(String name, String val) throws SQLClientInfoException {
        if (closed)
            throw new SQLClientInfoException("Connection is closed.", null);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public void setClientInfo(Properties props) throws SQLClientInfoException {
        if (closed)
            throw new SQLClientInfoException("Connection is closed.", null);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public String getClientInfo(String name) throws SQLException {

        return null;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public Properties getClientInfo() throws SQLException {

        return new Properties();

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public Array createArrayOf(String typeName, Object[] elements) throws SQLException {

        if (typeName == null)
            throw new SQLException("Type name cannot be null.");

        throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("SQL-specific types are not supported.");

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public Struct createStruct(String typeName, Object[] attrs) throws SQLException {

        if (typeName == null)
            throw new SQLException("Type name cannot be null.");

        throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("SQL-specific types are not supported.");

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public <T> T unwrap(Class<T> iface) throws SQLException {
        if (!isWrapperFor(iface))
            throw new SQLException("Connection is not a wrapper for " + iface.getName());

        return (T)this;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public boolean isWrapperFor(Class<?> iface) throws SQLException {
        return iface != null && iface.isAssignableFrom(JdbcThinConnection.class);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public void setSchema(String schema) throws SQLException {

        this.schema = JdbcUtils.normalizeSchema(schema);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public String getSchema() throws SQLException {

        return schema;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public void abort(Executor executor) throws SQLException {
        if (executor == null)
            throw new SQLException("Executor cannot be null.");


    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public void setNetworkTimeout(Executor executor, int ms) throws SQLException {

        if (ms < 0)
            throw new SQLException("Network timeout cannot be negative.");

        SecurityManager secMgr = System.getSecurityManager();

        if (secMgr != null)
            secMgr.checkPermission(new SQLPermission(SET_NETWORK_TIMEOUT_PERM));

        netTimeout = ms;

        if (partitionAwareness) {
            for (JdbcThinTcpIo clioIo : ios.values())

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public int getNetworkTimeout() throws SQLException {

        return netTimeout;

     * Ensures that connection is not closed.
     * @throws SQLException If connection is closed.
    public void ensureNotClosed() throws SQLException {
        if (closed)
            throw new SQLException("Connection is closed.", CONNECTION_CLOSED);

     * @return Ignite server version.
    IgniteProductVersion igniteVersion() {
        if (partitionAwareness) {
            return ios.values().stream().map(JdbcThinTcpIo::igniteVersion).min(IgniteProductVersion::compareTo).
            return singleIo.igniteVersion();

     * @return Auto close server cursors flag.
    boolean autoCloseServerCursor() {
        return connProps.isAutoCloseServerCursor();

     * Send request for execution via corresponding singleIo from {@link #ios}.
     * @param req Request.
     * @return Server response.
     * @throws SQLException On any error.
    JdbcResultWithIo sendRequest(JdbcRequest req) throws SQLException {
        return sendRequest(req, null, null);

     * Send request for execution via corresponding singleIo from {@link #ios} or sticky singleIo.
     * @param req Request.
     * @param stmt Jdbc thin statement.
     * @param stickyIo Sticky ignite endpoint.
     * @return Server response.
     * @throws SQLException On any error.
    JdbcResultWithIo sendRequest(JdbcRequest req, JdbcThinStatement stmt, @Nullable JdbcThinTcpIo stickyIo)
        throws SQLException {

        RequestTimeoutTask reqTimeoutTask = null;


        try {
            int retryAttemptsLeft = 1;

            Exception lastE = null;

            while (retryAttemptsLeft > 0) {
                JdbcThinTcpIo cliIo = null;


                try {
                    cliIo = (stickyIo == null || !stickyIo.connected()) ? cliIo(calculateNodeIds(req)) : stickyIo;

                    if (stmt != null && stmt.requestTimeout() != NO_TIMEOUT) {
                        reqTimeoutTask = new RequestTimeoutTask(
                            req instanceof JdbcBulkLoadBatchRequest ? stmt.currentRequestId() : req.requestId(),

                        qryTimeoutScheduledFut = maintenanceExecutor.scheduleAtFixedRate(reqTimeoutTask, 0,
                            REQUEST_TIMEOUT_PERIOD, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

                    JdbcQueryExecuteRequest qryReq = null;

                    if (req instanceof JdbcQueryExecuteRequest)
                        qryReq = (JdbcQueryExecuteRequest)req;

                    JdbcResponse res = cliIo.sendRequest(req, stmt);

                    txIo = res.activeTransaction() ? cliIo : null;

                    if (res.status() == IgniteQueryErrorCode.QUERY_CANCELED && stmt != null &&
                        stmt.requestTimeout() != NO_TIMEOUT && reqTimeoutTask != null &&
                        reqTimeoutTask.expired.get()) {

                        throw new SQLTimeoutException(QueryCancelledException.ERR_MSG, SqlStateCode.QUERY_CANCELLED,
                    else if (res.status() != ClientListenerResponse.STATUS_SUCCESS)
                        throw new SQLException(res.error(), IgniteQueryErrorCode.codeToSqlState(res.status()),

                    updateAffinityCache(qryReq, res);

                    return new JdbcResultWithIo(res.response(), cliIo);
                catch (SQLException e) {
                    if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
                        LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Exception during sending an sql request.", e);

                    throw e;
                catch (Exception e) {
                    if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
                        LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Exception during sending an sql request.", e);

                    // We reuse the same connection when deals with binary objects to synchronize the binary schema,
                    // so if any error occurred during synchronization, we close the underlying IO when handling problem
                    // for the first time and should skip it during next processing
                    if (cliIo != null && cliIo.connected())

                    if (e instanceof SocketTimeoutException)
                        throw new SQLException("Connection timed out.", CONNECTION_FAILURE, e);
                    else {
                        if (lastE == null) {
                            retryAttemptsLeft = calculateRetryAttemptsCount(stickyIo, req);
                            lastE = e;

            throw new SQLException("Failed to communicate with Ignite cluster.", CONNECTION_FAILURE, lastE);
        finally {
            if (stmt != null && stmt.requestTimeout() != NO_TIMEOUT && reqTimeoutTask != null)


     * Calculate node UUIDs.
     * @param req Jdbc request for which we'll try to calculate node id.
     * @return node UUID or null if failed to calculate.
     * @throws IOException If Exception occurred during the network partition distribution retrieval.
     * @throws SQLException If Failed to calculate derived partitions.
    @Nullable private List<UUID> calculateNodeIds(JdbcRequest req) throws IOException, SQLException {
        if (!partitionAwareness || !(req instanceof JdbcQueryExecuteRequest))
            return null;

        JdbcQueryExecuteRequest qry = (JdbcQueryExecuteRequest)req;

        if (affinityCache == null) {

            return null;

        JdbcThinPartitionResultDescriptor partResDesc = affinityCache.partitionResult(
            new QualifiedSQLQuery(qry.schemaName(), qry.sqlQuery()));

        // Value is empty.
        if (partResDesc == JdbcThinPartitionResultDescriptor.EMPTY_DESCRIPTOR)
            return null;

        // Key is missing.
        if (partResDesc == null) {

            return null;

        Collection<Integer> parts = calculatePartitions(partResDesc, qry.arguments());

        if (parts == null || parts.isEmpty())
            return null;

        UUID[] cacheDistr = retrieveCacheDistribution(partResDesc.cacheId(),

        if (parts.size() == 1)
            return Collections.singletonList(cacheDistr[parts.iterator().next()]);
        else {
            List<UUID> partitionAwarenessNodeIds = new ArrayList<>();

            for (int part : parts)

            return partitionAwarenessNodeIds;

     * Retrieve cache distribution for specified cache Id.
     * @param cacheId Cache Id.
     * @param partCnt Partitions count.
     * @return Partitions cache distribution.
     * @throws IOException If Exception occurred during the network partition distribution retrieval.
    private UUID[] retrieveCacheDistribution(int cacheId, int partCnt) throws IOException {
        UUID[] cacheDistr = affinityCache.cacheDistribution(cacheId);

        if (cacheDistr != null)
            return cacheDistr;

        JdbcResponse res;

        res = cliIo(null).sendRequest(new JdbcCachePartitionsRequest(Collections.singleton(cacheId)),

        assert res.status() == ClientListenerResponse.STATUS_SUCCESS;

        AffinityTopologyVersion resAffinityVer = res.affinityVersion();

        if (affinityCache.version().compareTo(resAffinityVer) < 0) {
            affinityCache = new AffinityCache(
        else if (affinityCache.version().compareTo(resAffinityVer) > 0) {
            // Jdbc thin affinity cache is binded to the newer affinity topology version, so we should ignore retrieved
            // partition distribution. Given situation might occur in case of concurrent race and is not
            // possible in single-threaded jdbc thin client, so it's a reserve for the future.
            return null;

        List<JdbcThinPartitionAwarenessMappingGroup> mappings =

        // Despite the fact that, at this moment, we request partition distribution only for one cache,
        // we might retrieve multiple caches but exactly with same distribution.
        assert mappings.size() == 1;

        JdbcThinPartitionAwarenessMappingGroup mappingGrp = mappings.get(0);

        cacheDistr = mappingGrp.revertMappings(partCnt);

        for (int mpCacheId : mappingGrp.cacheIds())
            affinityCache.addCacheDistribution(mpCacheId, cacheDistr);

        return cacheDistr;

     * Calculate partitions for the query.
     * @param partResDesc Partition result descriptor.
     * @param args Arguments.
     * @return Calculated partitions or {@code null} if failed to calculate and there should be a broadcast.
     * @throws SQLException If Failed to calculate derived partitions.
    public static Collection<Integer> calculatePartitions(JdbcThinPartitionResultDescriptor partResDesc, Object[] args)
        throws SQLException {
        PartitionResult derivedParts = partResDesc.partitionResult();

        if (derivedParts != null) {
            try {
                return derivedParts.tree().apply(partResDesc.partitionClientContext(), args);
            catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
                throw new SQLException("Failed to calculate derived partitions for query.",

        return null;

     * Send request for execution via corresponding singleIo from {@link #ios} or sticky singleIo.
     * Response is waited at the separate thread (see {@link StreamState#asyncRespReaderThread}).
     * @param req Request.
     * @throws SQLException On any error.
    void sendQueryCancelRequest(JdbcQueryCancelRequest req, JdbcThinTcpIo cliIo) throws SQLException {
        if (connCnt.get() == 0)
            throw new SQLException("Failed to communicate with Ignite cluster.", CONNECTION_FAILURE);

        assert cliIo != null;

        try {
        catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SQLException("Failed to communicate with Ignite cluster.", CONNECTION_FAILURE, e);

     * Send request for execution via corresponding singleIo from {@link #ios} or sticky singleIo.
     * Response is waited at the separate thread (see {@link StreamState#asyncRespReaderThread}).
     * @param req Request.
     * @param stickyIO Sticky ignite endpoint.
     * @throws SQLException On any error.
    private void sendRequestNotWaitResponse(JdbcRequest req, JdbcThinTcpIo stickyIO)
        throws SQLException {


        try {
        catch (SQLException e) {
            throw e;
        catch (Exception e) {

            if (e instanceof SocketTimeoutException)
                throw new SQLException("Connection timed out.", CONNECTION_FAILURE, e);
                throw new SQLException("Failed to communicate with Ignite cluster.",
                    CONNECTION_FAILURE, e);
        finally {

     * Acquire mutex. Allows subsequent acquire by the same thread.
     * <p>
     * How to use:
     * <pre>
     *     acquireMutex();
     *     try {
     *         // do some work here
     *     }
     *     finally {
     *         releaseMutex();
     *     }
     * </pre>
     * @throws SQLException If mutex already acquired by another thread.
     * @see JdbcThinConnection#releaseMutex()
    private void acquireMutex() throws SQLException {
        synchronized (mux) {
            Thread curr = Thread.currentThread();

            if (ownThread != null && ownThread != curr) {
                throw new SQLException("Concurrent access to JDBC connection is not allowed"
                    + " [ownThread=" + ownThread.getName()
                    + ", curThread=" + curr.getName(), CONNECTION_FAILURE);

            ownThread = curr;

     * Release mutex. Does nothing if nobody own the mutex.
     * <p>
     * How to use:
     * <pre>
     *     acquireMutex();
     *     try {
     *         // do some work here
     *     }
     *     finally {
     *         releaseMutex();
     *     }
     * </pre>
     * @throws IllegalStateException If mutex is owned by another thread.
     * @see JdbcThinConnection#acquireMutex()
    private void releaseMutex() {
        synchronized (mux) {
            Thread curr = Thread.currentThread();

            if (ownThread != null && ownThread != curr)
                throw new IllegalStateException("Mutex is owned by another thread");

            ownThread = null;

     * @return Connection URL.
    public String url() {
        return connProps.getUrl();

     * Called on IO disconnect: close the client IO and opened statements.
    private void onDisconnect(JdbcThinTcpIo cliIo) {
        assert connCnt.get() > 0;

        if (partitionAwareness) {

        else {
            if (singleIo != null)


        if (streamState != null) {

            streamState = null;

        synchronized (stmtsMux) {
            for (JdbcThinStatement s : stmts)


        // Clear local metadata cache on disconnect.
        metaHnd = new JdbcBinaryMetadataHandler();
        ctx = createBinaryCtx(metaHnd, marshCtx);

     * @param stmt Statement to close.
    void closeStatement(JdbcThinStatement stmt) {
        synchronized (stmtsMux) {

     * Streamer state and
    private class StreamState {
        /** Maximum requests count that may be sent before any responses. */
        private static final int MAX_REQUESTS_BEFORE_RESPONSE = 10;

        /** Batch size for streaming. */
        private int streamBatchSize;

        /** Batch for streaming. */
        private List<JdbcQuery> streamBatch;

        /** Last added query to recognize batches. */
        private String lastStreamQry;

        /** Keep request order on execution. */
        private long order;

        /** Async response reader thread. */
        private Thread asyncRespReaderThread;

        /** Async response error. */
        private volatile Exception err;

        /** The order of the last batch request at the stream. */
        private long lastRespOrder = -1;

        /** Last response future. */
        private final GridFutureAdapter<Void> lastRespFut = new GridFutureAdapter<>();

        /** Response semaphore sem. */
        private Semaphore respSem = new Semaphore(MAX_REQUESTS_BEFORE_RESPONSE);

        /** Streaming sticky ignite endpoint. */
        private final JdbcThinTcpIo streamingStickyIo;

         * @param cmd Stream cmd.
         * @param stickyIo Sticky ignite endpoint.
        StreamState(SqlSetStreamingCommand cmd, JdbcThinTcpIo stickyIo) {
            streamBatchSize = cmd.batchSize();

            asyncRespReaderThread = new Thread(this::readResponses);

            streamingStickyIo = stickyIo;

         * Start reader.
        void start() {

         * Add another query for batched execution.
         * @param sql Query.
         * @param args Arguments.
         * @throws SQLException On error.
        void addBatch(String sql, List<Object> args) throws SQLException {

            boolean newQry = (args == null || !F.eq(lastStreamQry, sql));

            // Providing null as SQL here allows for recognizing subbatches on server and handling them more efficiently.
            JdbcQuery q = new JdbcQuery(newQry ? sql : null, args != null ? args.toArray() : null);

            if (streamBatch == null)
                streamBatch = new ArrayList<>(streamBatchSize);


            // Null args means "addBatch(String)" was called on non-prepared Statement,
            // we don't want to remember its query string.
            lastStreamQry = (args != null ? sql : null);

            if (streamBatch.size() == streamBatchSize)

         * @param lastBatch Whether open data streamers must be flushed and closed after this batch.
         * @throws SQLException if failed.
        private void executeBatch(boolean lastBatch) throws SQLException {

            if (lastBatch)
                lastRespOrder = order;

            try {

                    new JdbcOrderedBatchExecuteRequest(schema, streamBatch, autoCommit, lastBatch, order),

                streamBatch = null;

                lastStreamQry = null;

                if (lastBatch) {
                    try {
                    catch (IgniteCheckedException ignored) {
                        // No-op.
                        // No exceptions are expected here.

            catch (InterruptedException e) {
                throw new SQLException("Streaming operation was interrupted", INTERNAL_ERROR, e);

         * Throws at the user thread exception that was thrown at the {@link #asyncRespReaderThread} thread.
         * @throws SQLException Saved exception.
        void checkError() throws SQLException {
            if (err != null) {
                Exception err0 = err;

                err = null;

                if (err0 instanceof SQLException)
                    throw (SQLException)err0;
                else {

                    if (err0 instanceof SocketTimeoutException)
                        throw new SQLException("Connection timed out.", CONNECTION_FAILURE, err0);
                    throw new SQLException("Failed to communicate with Ignite cluster on JDBC streaming.",
                        CONNECTION_FAILURE, err0);

         * @throws SQLException On error.
        void close() throws SQLException {


        /** */
        void close0() {
            if (connCnt.get() > 0) {
                try {
                catch (SQLException e) {
                    err = e;

                    LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception during batch send on streamed connection close", e);

            if (asyncRespReaderThread != null)

        /** */
        void readResponses() {
            try {
                while (true) {
                    JdbcResponse resp = streamingStickyIo.readResponse();

                    if (resp.response() instanceof JdbcOrderedBatchExecuteResult) {
                        JdbcOrderedBatchExecuteResult res = (JdbcOrderedBatchExecuteResult)resp.response();


                        if (res.errorCode() != ClientListenerResponse.STATUS_SUCCESS) {
                            err = new BatchUpdateException(res.errorMessage(),
                                res.errorCode(), res.updateCounts());

                        // Receive the response for the last request.
                        if (res.order() == lastRespOrder) {

                    else if (resp.response() instanceof JdbcBinaryTypeGetResult)

                    else if (resp.response() instanceof JdbcBinaryTypeNameGetResult)

                    else if (resp.response() instanceof JdbcUpdateBinarySchemaResult) {
                        JdbcUpdateBinarySchemaResult binarySchemaRes = (JdbcUpdateBinarySchemaResult)resp.response();

                        if (!marshCtx.handleResult(binarySchemaRes) && !metaHnd.handleResult(binarySchemaRes))
                            LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Neither marshaller context nor metadata handler" +
                                " wait for update binary schema result (req=" + binarySchemaRes + ")");
                    else if (resp.status() != ClientListenerResponse.STATUS_SUCCESS)
                        err = new SQLException(resp.error(), IgniteQueryErrorCode.codeToSqlState(resp.status()));
                        assert false : "Invalid response: " + resp;
            catch (Exception e) {
                err = e;

     * @return True if query cancellation supported, false otherwise.
    boolean isQueryCancellationSupported() {
        return partitionAwareness || singleIo.isQueryCancellationSupported();

     * Whether custom objects are supported or not.
     * @return True if custom objects are supported, false otherwise.
    boolean isCustomObjectSupported() {
        return singleIo.isCustomObjectSupported();

     * @param nodeIds Set of node's UUIDs.
     * @return Ignite endpoint to use for request/response transferring.
    private JdbcThinTcpIo cliIo(List<UUID> nodeIds) {
        if (!partitionAwareness)
            return singleIo;

        if (txIo != null)
            return txIo;

        if (nodeIds == null || nodeIds.isEmpty())
            return randomIo();

        JdbcThinTcpIo io = null;

        if (nodeIds.size() == 1)
            io = ios.get(nodeIds.get(0));
        else {
            int initNodeId = RND.nextInt(nodeIds.size());

            int iterCnt = 0;

            while (io == null) {
                io = ios.get(nodeIds.get(initNodeId));

                initNodeId = initNodeId == nodeIds.size() ? 0 : initNodeId + 1;


                if (iterCnt == nodeIds.size())

        return io != null ? io : randomIo();

     * Returns random tcpIo, based on random UUID, generated in a custom way
     * with the help of {@code Random} instead of {@code SecureRandom}. It's
     * valid, cause cryptographically strong pseudo random number generator is
     * not required in this particular case. {@code Random} is much faster
     * than {@code SecureRandom}.
     * @return random tcpIo
    private JdbcThinTcpIo randomIo() {
        byte[] randomBytes = new byte[16];


        randomBytes[6] &= 0x0f;  /* clear version        */
        randomBytes[6] |= 0x40;  /* set to version 4     */
        randomBytes[8] &= 0x3f;  /* clear variant        */
        randomBytes[8] |= 0x80;  /* set to IETF variant  */

        long msb = 0;

        long lsb = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            msb = (msb << 8) | (randomBytes[i] & 0xff);

        for (int i = 8; i < 16; i++)
            lsb = (lsb << 8) | (randomBytes[i] & 0xff);

        UUID randomUUID = new UUID(msb, lsb);

        Map.Entry<UUID, JdbcThinTcpIo> entry = ios.ceilingEntry(randomUUID);

        return entry != null ? entry.getValue() : ios.floorEntry(randomUUID).getValue();

     * @return Current server index.
    public int serverIndex() {
        return srvIdx;

     * Get next server index.
     * @param len Number of servers.
     * @return Index of the next server to connect to.
    private static int nextServerIndex(int len) {
        if (len == 1)
            return 0;
        else {
            long nextIdx = IDX_GEN.getAndIncrement();

            return (int)(nextIdx % len);

     * Establishes a connection to ignite endpoint, trying all specified hosts and ports one by one.
     * Stops as soon as any connection is established.
     * @throws SQLException If failed to connect to ignite cluster.
    private void connectInCommonMode() throws SQLException {
        HostAndPortRange[] srvs = connProps.getAddresses();

        List<Exception> exceptions = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < srvs.length; i++) {
            srvIdx = nextServerIndex(srvs.length);

            HostAndPortRange srv = srvs[srvIdx];

            try {
                InetAddress[] addrs = InetAddress.getAllByName(srv.host());

                for (InetAddress addr : addrs) {
                    for (int port = srv.portFrom(); port <= srv.portTo(); ++port) {
                        try {
                            JdbcThinTcpIo cliIo = new JdbcThinTcpIo(connProps, new InetSocketAddress(addr, port), ctx, 0);


                            singleIo = cliIo;


                        catch (Exception exception) {
                            if (exceptions == null)
                                exceptions = new ArrayList<>();


            catch (Exception exception) {
                if (exceptions == null)
                    exceptions = new ArrayList<>();



     * Prepare and throw general {@code SQLException} with all specified exceptions as suppressed items.
     * @param exceptions Exceptions list.
     * @throws SQLException Umbrella exception.
    private void handleConnectExceptions(List<Exception> exceptions) throws SQLException {
        if (connCnt.get() == 0 && exceptions != null) {

            if (exceptions.size() == 1) {
                Exception ex = exceptions.get(0);

                if (ex instanceof SQLException)
                    throw (SQLException)ex;
                else if (ex instanceof IOException)
                    throw new SQLException("Failed to connect to Ignite cluster [url=" + connProps.getUrl() + ']',
                        CLIENT_CONNECTION_FAILED, ex);

            SQLException e = new SQLException("Failed to connect to server [url=" + connProps.getUrl() + ']',

            for (Exception ex : exceptions)

            throw e;

     * Establishes a connection to ignite endpoint, trying all specified hosts
     * and ports one by one.
     * Stops as soon as all iosArr are established.
     * @param baseEndpointVer Base endpoint version.
     * @return last connected endpoint version.
     * @throws SQLException If failed to connect to at least one ignite
     * endpoint, or if endpoints versions are less than base endpoint version.
    private IgniteProductVersion connectInBestEffortAffinityMode(
        IgniteProductVersion baseEndpointVer) throws SQLException {
        List<Exception> exceptions = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < connProps.getAddresses().length; i++) {
            HostAndPortRange srv = connProps.getAddresses()[i];

            try {
                InetAddress[] addrs = InetAddress.getAllByName(srv.host());

                for (InetAddress addr : addrs) {
                    for (int port = srv.portFrom(); port <= srv.portTo(); ++port) {
                        try {
                            JdbcThinTcpIo cliIo =
                                new JdbcThinTcpIo(connProps, new InetSocketAddress(addr, port), ctx, 0);

                            if (!cliIo.isPartitionAwarenessSupported()) {

                                throw new SQLException("Failed to connect to Ignite node [url=" +
                                    connProps.getUrl() + "]. address = [" + addr + ':' + port + "]." +
                                    "Node doesn't support partition awareness mode.",

                            IgniteProductVersion endpointVer = cliIo.igniteVersion();

                            if (baseEndpointVer != null && baseEndpointVer.compareTo(endpointVer) > 0) {

                                throw new SQLException("Failed to connect to Ignite node [url=" +
                                    connProps.getUrl() + "], address = [" + addr + ':' + port + "]," +
                                    "the node version [" + endpointVer + "] " +
                                    "is smaller than the base one [" + baseEndpointVer + "].",


                            JdbcThinTcpIo ioToSameNode = ios.putIfAbsent(cliIo.nodeId(), cliIo);

                            // This can happen if the same node has several IPs or if connection manager background
                            // timer task runs concurrently.
                            if (ioToSameNode != null)

                            return cliIo.igniteVersion();
                        catch (Exception exception) {
                            if (exceptions == null)
                                exceptions = new ArrayList<>();

            catch (Exception exception) {
                if (exceptions == null)
                    exceptions = new ArrayList<>();



        return null;

     * Recreates affinity cache if affinity topology version was changed and adds partition result to sql cache.
     * @param qryReq Query request.
     * @param res Jdbc Response.
    private void updateAffinityCache(JdbcQueryExecuteRequest qryReq, JdbcResponse res) {
        if (partitionAwareness) {
            AffinityTopologyVersion resAffVer = res.affinityVersion();

            if (resAffVer != null && (affinityCache == null || affinityCache.version().compareTo(resAffVer) < 0)) {
                affinityCache = new AffinityCache(

            // Partition result was requested.
            if (res.response() instanceof JdbcQueryExecuteResult && qryReq.partitionResponseRequest()) {
                PartitionResult partRes = ((JdbcQueryExecuteResult)res.response()).partitionResult();

                if (partRes == null || affinityCache.version().equals(partRes.topologyVersion())) {
                    int cacheId = (partRes != null && partRes.tree() != null) ?
                        GridCacheUtils.cacheId(partRes.cacheName()) :

                    PartitionClientContext partClientCtx = partRes != null ?
                        new PartitionClientContext(partRes.partitionsCount()) :

                    QualifiedSQLQuery qry = new QualifiedSQLQuery(qryReq.schemaName(), qryReq.sqlQuery());

                    JdbcThinPartitionResultDescriptor partResDescr =
                        new JdbcThinPartitionResultDescriptor(partRes, cacheId, partClientCtx);

                    affinityCache.addSqlQuery(qry, partResDescr);

     * Calculates query retries count for given {@param req}.
     * @param stickyIo sticky connection, if any.
     * @param req Jdbc request.
     * @return retries count.
    private int calculateRetryAttemptsCount(JdbcThinTcpIo stickyIo, JdbcRequest req) {
        if (!partitionAwareness)
            return NO_RETRIES;

        if (stickyIo != null)
            return NO_RETRIES;

        if (req.type() == JdbcRequest.META_TABLES ||
            req.type() == JdbcRequest.META_COLUMNS ||
            req.type() == JdbcRequest.META_INDEXES ||
            req.type() == JdbcRequest.META_PARAMS ||
            req.type() == JdbcRequest.META_PRIMARY_KEYS ||
            req.type() == JdbcRequest.META_SCHEMAS ||
            req.type() == JdbcRequest.CACHE_PARTITIONS)
            return DFLT_RETRIES_CNT;

        if (req.type() == JdbcRequest.QRY_EXEC) {
            JdbcQueryExecuteRequest qryExecReq = (JdbcQueryExecuteRequest)req;

            String trimmedQry = qryExecReq.sqlQuery().trim();

            // Last symbol is ignored.
            for (int i = 0; i < trimmedQry.length() - 1; i++) {
                if (trimmedQry.charAt(i) == ';')
                    return NO_RETRIES;

            return trimmedQry.toUpperCase().startsWith("SELECT") ? DFLT_RETRIES_CNT : NO_RETRIES;

        return NO_RETRIES;

     * Request Timeout Task
    private class RequestTimeoutTask implements Runnable {
        /** Request id. */
        private final long reqId;

        /** Sticky singleIo. */
        private final JdbcThinTcpIo stickyIO;

        /** Remaining query timeout. */
        private int remainingQryTimeout;

        /** Flag that shows whether TimerTask was expired or not. */
        private AtomicBoolean expired;

         * @param reqId Request Id to cancel in case of timeout
         * @param initReqTimeout Initial request timeout
        RequestTimeoutTask(long reqId, JdbcThinTcpIo stickyIO, int initReqTimeout) {
            this.reqId = reqId;

            this.stickyIO = stickyIO;

            remainingQryTimeout = initReqTimeout;

            expired = new AtomicBoolean(false);

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        @Override public void run() {
            try {
                if (remainingQryTimeout <= 0) {

                    sendQueryCancelRequest(new JdbcQueryCancelRequest(reqId), stickyIO);



                remainingQryTimeout -= REQUEST_TIMEOUT_PERIOD;
            catch (SQLException e) {
                    "Request timeout processing failure: unable to cancel request [reqId=" + reqId + ']', e);


     * Connection Handler Task
    private class ConnectionHandlerTask implements Runnable {
        /** Map with reconnection delays. */
        private Map<InetSocketAddress, Integer> reconnectionDelays = new HashMap<>();

        /** Map with reconnection delays remainder. */
        private Map<InetSocketAddress, Integer> reconnectionDelaysRemainder = new HashMap<>();

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        @Override public void run() {
            try {
                for (Map.Entry<InetSocketAddress, Integer> delayEntry : reconnectionDelaysRemainder.entrySet())
                    reconnectionDelaysRemainder.put(delayEntry.getKey(), delayEntry.getValue() - RECONNECTION_DELAY);

                Set<InetSocketAddress> aliveSockAddrs =

                IgniteProductVersion prevIgniteEndpointVer = null;

                for (int i = 0; i < connProps.getAddresses().length; i++) {
                    HostAndPortRange srv = connProps.getAddresses()[i];

                    try {
                        InetAddress[] addrs = InetAddress.getAllByName(srv.host());

                        for (InetAddress addr : addrs) {
                            for (int port = srv.portFrom(); port <= srv.portTo(); ++port) {
                                InetSocketAddress sockAddr = null;

                                try {
                                    sockAddr = new InetSocketAddress(addr, port);

                                    if (aliveSockAddrs.contains(sockAddr)) {


                                    Integer delayRemainder = reconnectionDelaysRemainder.get(sockAddr);

                                    if (delayRemainder != null && delayRemainder != 0)

                                    if (closed) {


                                    JdbcThinTcpIo cliIo =
                                        new JdbcThinTcpIo(connProps, new InetSocketAddress(addr, port), ctx, 0);

                                    if (!cliIo.isPartitionAwarenessSupported()) {

                                        LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to connect to Ignite node [url=" +
                                            connProps.getUrl() + "]. address = [" + addr + ':' + port + "]." +
                                            "Node doesn't support best effort affinity mode.");



                                    if (prevIgniteEndpointVer != null &&
                                        !prevIgniteEndpointVer.equals(cliIo.igniteVersion())) {

                                        LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to connect to Ignite node [url=" +
                                            connProps.getUrl() + "]. address = [" + addr + ':' + port + "]." +
                                            "Different versions of nodes are not supported in best " +
                                            "effort affinity mode.");




                                    JdbcThinTcpIo ioToSameNode = ios.putIfAbsent(cliIo.nodeId(), cliIo);

                                    // This can happen if the same node has several IPs or if ensureConnected() runs
                                    // concurrently
                                    if (ioToSameNode != null)

                                    prevIgniteEndpointVer = cliIo.igniteVersion();

                                    if (closed) {



                                catch (Exception exception) {
                                    if (sockAddr != null)

                                    LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to connect to Ignite node [url=" +
                                        connProps.getUrl() + "]. address = [" + addr + ':' + port + "].");
                    catch (Exception exception) {
                        LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to connect to Ignite node [url=" +
                            connProps.getUrl() + "]. server = [" + srv + "].");
            catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Connection handler processing failure. Reconnection processes was stopped.", e);


         * Increase reconnection delay if needed and store it to corresponding maps.
         * @param sockAddr Socket address.
        private void processDelay(InetSocketAddress sockAddr) {
            Integer delay = reconnectionDelays.get(sockAddr);

            delay = delay == null ? RECONNECTION_DELAY : delay * 2;

            if (delay > RECONNECTION_MAX_DELAY)
                delay = RECONNECTION_MAX_DELAY;

            reconnectionDelays.put(sockAddr, delay);

            reconnectionDelaysRemainder.put(sockAddr, delay);

     * JDBC implementation of {@link MarshallerContext}.
    private class JdbcMarshallerContext extends BlockingJdbcChannel implements MarshallerContext {
        /** Type ID -> class name map. */
        private final Map<Integer, String> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

        /** */
        private final Set<String> sysTypes = new HashSet<>();

         * Default constructor.
        public JdbcMarshallerContext() {
            try {
                processSystemClasses(U.gridClassLoader(), null, sysTypes::add);
            catch (IOException e) {
                throw new IgniteException("Unable to initialize marshaller context", e);

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        @Override public boolean registerClassName(
            byte platformId,
            int typeId,
            String clsName,
            boolean failIfUnregistered
        ) throws IgniteCheckedException {
            assert platformId == MarshallerPlatformIds.JAVA_ID
                : String.format("Only Java platform is supported [expPlatformId=%d, actualPlatformId=%d].",
                MarshallerPlatformIds.JAVA_ID, platformId);

            boolean res = true;

            if (!cache.containsKey(typeId)) {
                try {
                    JdbcUpdateBinarySchemaResult updateRes = doRequest(
                        new JdbcBinaryTypeNamePutRequest(typeId, platformId, clsName));

                    res = updateRes.success();
                catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException | ClientException | SQLException e) {
                    throw new IgniteCheckedException(e);

                if (res)
                    cache.put(typeId, clsName);

            return res;

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        @Override public boolean registerClassName(byte platformId, int typeId,
            String clsName) throws IgniteCheckedException {
            return registerClassName(platformId, typeId, clsName, false);

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        @Override public boolean registerClassNameLocally(byte platformId, int typeId, String clsName) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("registerClassNameLocally not supported by " + this.getClass().getSimpleName());

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        @Override public Class getClass(int typeId, ClassLoader ldr)
            throws ClassNotFoundException, IgniteCheckedException {

            return U.forName(getClassName(MarshallerPlatformIds.JAVA_ID, typeId), ldr, null);

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        @Override public String getClassName(byte platformId, int typeId) throws ClassNotFoundException, IgniteCheckedException {
            assert platformId == MarshallerPlatformIds.JAVA_ID
                : String.format("Only Java platform is supported [expPlatformId=%d, actualPlatformId=%d].", MarshallerPlatformIds.JAVA_ID, platformId);

            String clsName = cache.get(typeId);
            if (clsName == null) {
                try {
                    JdbcBinaryTypeNameGetResult res = doRequest(new JdbcBinaryTypeNameGetRequest(typeId, platformId));
                    clsName = res.typeName();
                catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException | ClientException | SQLException e) {
                    throw new IgniteCheckedException(e);

            if (clsName == null)
                throw new ClassNotFoundException(String.format("Unknown type id [%s]", typeId));

            return clsName;

         * Handle update binary schema result.
         * @param res Result.
         * @return {@code true} if marshaller was waiting for result with given request ID.
        public boolean handleResult(JdbcUpdateBinarySchemaResult res) {
            return handleResult(res.reqId(), res);

         * Handle binary type name result.
         * @param res Result.
         * @return {@code true} if marshaller was waiting for result with given request ID.
        public boolean handleResult(JdbcBinaryTypeNameGetResult res) {
            return handleResult(res.reqId(), res);

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        @Override public boolean isSystemType(String typeName) {
            return sysTypes.contains(typeName);

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        @Override public IgnitePredicate<String> classNameFilter() {
            return null;

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        @Override public JdkMarshaller jdkMarshaller() {
            return new JdkMarshaller();

     * JDBC implementation of {@link BinaryMetadataHandler}.
    private class JdbcBinaryMetadataHandler extends BlockingJdbcChannel implements BinaryMetadataHandler {
        /** In-memory metadata cache. */
        private final BinaryMetadataHandler cache = BinaryCachingMetadataHandler.create();

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        @Override public void addMeta(int typeId, BinaryType meta, boolean failIfUnregistered)
            throws BinaryObjectException {
            try {
                doRequest(new JdbcBinaryTypePutRequest(((BinaryTypeImpl)meta).metadata()));
            catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException | ClientException | SQLException e) {
                throw new BinaryObjectException(e);

            cache.addMeta(typeId, meta, failIfUnregistered); // merge

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        @Override public void addMetaLocally(int typeId, BinaryType meta,
            boolean failIfUnregistered) throws BinaryObjectException {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't register metadata locally for thin client.");

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        @Override public BinaryType metadata(int typeId) throws BinaryObjectException {
            BinaryType meta = cache.metadata(typeId);

            if (meta == null)
                meta = getBinaryType(typeId);

            return meta;

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        @Override public BinaryMetadata metadata0(int typeId) throws BinaryObjectException {
            BinaryMetadata meta = cache.metadata0(typeId);

            if (meta == null) {
                BinaryTypeImpl binType = (BinaryTypeImpl)getBinaryType(typeId);

                if (binType != null)
                    meta = binType.metadata();

            return meta;

         * Request binary type from grid.
         * @param typeId Type ID.
         * @return Binary type.
        private @Nullable BinaryType getBinaryType(int typeId) throws BinaryObjectException {
            BinaryType binType = null;
            try {
                JdbcBinaryTypeGetResult res = doRequest(new JdbcBinaryTypeGetRequest(typeId));

                BinaryMetadata meta = res.meta();

                if (meta != null) {
                    binType = new BinaryTypeImpl(ctx, meta);

                    cache.addMeta(typeId, binType, false);
            catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException | ClientException | SQLException e) {
                throw new BinaryObjectException(e);

            return binType;

         * Handle update binary schema result.
         * @param res Result.
         * @return {@code true} if handler was waiting for result with given
         * request ID.
        public boolean handleResult(JdbcUpdateBinarySchemaResult res) {
            return handleResult(res.reqId(), res);

         * Handle binary type schema result.
         * @param res Result.
         * @return {@code true} if handler was waiting for result with given
         * request ID.
        public boolean handleResult(JdbcBinaryTypeGetResult res) {
            return handleResult(res.reqId(), res);

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        @Override public BinaryType metadata(int typeId, int schemaId) throws BinaryObjectException {
            BinaryType type = metadata(typeId);

            return type != null && ((BinaryTypeImpl)type).metadata().hasSchema(schemaId) ? type : null;

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        @Override public Collection<BinaryType> metadata() throws BinaryObjectException {
            return cache.metadata();

     * Jdbc channel to communicate in blocking style, regardless of whether
     * streaming mode is enabled or not.
    private abstract class BlockingJdbcChannel {
        /** Request ID -> Jdbc result map. */
        private Map<Long, CompletableFuture<JdbcResult>> results = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

         * Do request in blocking style. It just call
         * {@link JdbcThinConnection#sendRequest(JdbcRequest)} for non-streaming
         * mode and creates future and waits it completion when streaming is
         * enabled.
         * @param req Request.
         * @return Result for given request.
        <R extends JdbcResult> R doRequest(JdbcRequest req) throws SQLException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
            R res;

            if (isStream()) {
                CompletableFuture<JdbcResult> resFut = new CompletableFuture<>();

                CompletableFuture<JdbcResult> oldFut = results.put(req.requestId(), resFut);

                assert oldFut == null : "Another request with the same id is waiting for result.";

                sendRequestNotWaitResponse(req, streamState.streamingStickyIo);

                res = (R)resFut.get();
                res = sendRequest(req).response();

            return res;

         * Handles result for specified request ID.
         * @param reqId Request id.
         * @param res Result.
        boolean handleResult(long reqId, JdbcResult res) {
            boolean handled = false;

            CompletableFuture<JdbcResult> fut = results.remove(reqId);

            if (fut != null) {

                handled = true;

            return handled;