 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.flink.table.runtime.hashtable;

import org.apache.flink.core.memory.MemorySegment;
import org.apache.flink.core.memory.MemorySegmentFactory;
import org.apache.flink.core.memory.SeekableDataInputView;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.io.disk.iomanager.AbstractChannelWriterOutputView;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.io.disk.iomanager.BlockChannelWriter;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.io.disk.iomanager.BulkBlockChannelReader;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.io.disk.iomanager.ChannelReaderInputView;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.io.disk.iomanager.FileIOChannel;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.io.disk.iomanager.IOManager;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.memory.AbstractPagedInputView;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.memory.AbstractPagedOutputView;
import org.apache.flink.table.data.binary.BinaryRowData;
import org.apache.flink.table.runtime.typeutils.BinaryRowDataSerializer;
import org.apache.flink.table.runtime.util.FileChannelUtil;
import org.apache.flink.table.runtime.util.LazyMemorySegmentPool;
import org.apache.flink.table.runtime.util.RowIterator;
import org.apache.flink.util.MathUtils;
import org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.io.EOFException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;

import static org.apache.flink.table.runtime.hashtable.BaseHybridHashTable.partitionLevelHash;
import static org.apache.flink.table.runtime.hashtable.LongHybridHashTable.hashLong;
import static org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions.checkArgument;

 * Partition for {@link LongHybridHashTable}.
 * <p>The layout of the buckets inside a memory segment is as follows:</p>
 * <p>Hash mode:
 * +----------------------------- Bucket area ----------------------------
 * | long key (8 bytes) | address (8 bytes) |
 * | long key (8 bytes) | address (8 bytes) |
 * | long key (8 bytes) | address (8 bytes) |
 * | ...
 * +----------------------------- Data area --------------------------
 * | size & address of next row with the same key (8bytes) | binary row |
 * | size & address of next row with the same key (8bytes) | binary row |
 * | size & address of next row with the same key (8bytes) | binary row |
 * | ...
 * <p>Dense mode:
 * +----------------------------- Bucket area ----------------------------
 * | address1 (8 bytes) | address2 (8 bytes) | address3 (8 bytes) | ...
 * Directly addressed by the index of the corresponding array of key values.
public class LongHashPartition extends AbstractPagedInputView implements SeekableDataInputView {

	private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LongHashPartition.class);

	// The number of bits for size in address
	private static final int SIZE_BITS = 28;
	private static final int SIZE_MASK = 0xfffffff;

	// bucket element size in sparse mode: long key (8 bytes) + address pointer (8 bytes)
	private static final int SPARSE_BUCKET_ELEMENT_SIZE_IN_BYTES = 16;

	static final long INVALID_ADDRESS = 0x00000FFFFFFFFFL;

	private final LongHybridHashTable longTable;

	// segment size related properties
	private final int segmentSize;
	private final int segmentSizeBits;
	private final int segmentSizeMask;

	private int partitionNum;
	private final BinaryRowDataSerializer buildSideSerializer;
	private final BinaryRowData buildReuseRow;
	private int recursionLevel;

	// The minimum key
	private long minKey = Long.MAX_VALUE;

	// The maximum key
	private long maxKey = Long.MIN_VALUE;

	// The bucket area for this partition
	private MemorySegment[] buckets;
	private int numBuckets;
	private int numBucketsMask;

	// The in-memory data area for this partition
	private MemorySegment[] partitionBuffers;

	private int finalBufferLimit;
	private int currentBufferNum;
	private BuildSideBuffer buildSideWriteBuffer;
	AbstractChannelWriterOutputView probeSideBuffer;
	long probeSideRecordCounter; // number of probe-side records in this partition

	// The number of unique keys.
	private long numKeys;

	private final MatchIterator iterator;

	// the channel writer for the build side, if partition is spilled
	private BlockChannelWriter<MemorySegment> buildSideChannel;

	// number of build-side records in this partition
	private long buildSideRecordCounter;

	int probeNumBytesInLastSeg;

	 * Entrance 1: Init LongHashPartition for new insert and search.
			LongHybridHashTable longTable,
			int partitionNum,
			BinaryRowDataSerializer buildSideSerializer,
			double estimatedRowCount,
			int maxSegs,
			int recursionLevel) {
				getBucketBuffersByRowCount((long) estimatedRowCount, maxSegs, longTable.pageSize()),
		this.buildSideWriteBuffer = new BuildSideBuffer(longTable.nextSegment());

	 * Entrance 2: build table from spilled partition when the partition fits entirely into main
	 * memory.
			LongHybridHashTable longTable,
			int partitionNum,
			BinaryRowDataSerializer buildSideSerializer,
			int bucketNumSegs,
			int recursionLevel,
			List<MemorySegment> buffers,
			int lastSegmentLimit) {
		this(longTable, buildSideSerializer, listToArray(buffers));
		this.partitionNum = partitionNum;
		this.recursionLevel = recursionLevel;

		int numBuckets = MathUtils.roundDownToPowerOf2(bucketNumSegs * segmentSize / 16);
		MemorySegment[] buckets = new MemorySegment[bucketNumSegs];
		for (int i = 0; i < bucketNumSegs; i++) {
			buckets[i] = longTable.nextSegment();
		setNewBuckets(buckets, numBuckets);
		this.finalBufferLimit = lastSegmentLimit;

	 * Entrance 3: dense mode for just data search (bucket in LongHybridHashTable of dense mode).
			LongHybridHashTable longTable,
			BinaryRowDataSerializer buildSideSerializer,
			MemorySegment[] partitionBuffers) {
		this.longTable = longTable;
		this.buildSideSerializer = buildSideSerializer;
		this.buildReuseRow = buildSideSerializer.createInstance();
		this.segmentSize = longTable.pageSize();
		Preconditions.checkArgument(segmentSize % 16 == 0);
		this.partitionBuffers = partitionBuffers;
		this.segmentSizeBits = MathUtils.log2strict(segmentSize);
		this.segmentSizeMask = segmentSize - 1;
		this.finalBufferLimit = segmentSize;
		this.iterator = new MatchIterator();

	private static MemorySegment[] listToArray(List<MemorySegment> list) {
		if (list != null) {
			return list.toArray(new MemorySegment[0]);
		return null;

	private static int getBucketBuffersByRowCount(long rowCount, int maxSegs, int segmentSize) {
		int minNumBuckets = (int) Math.ceil((rowCount / 0.5));
		Preconditions.checkArgument(segmentSize % 16 == 0);
		return MathUtils.roundDownToPowerOf2((int) Math.max(1,
				Math.min(maxSegs, Math.ceil(((double) minNumBuckets) * 16 / segmentSize))));

	private void setNewBuckets(MemorySegment[] buckets, int numBuckets) {
		for (MemorySegment segment : buckets) {
			for (int i = 0; i < segmentSize; i += 16) {
				// Maybe we don't need init key, cause always verify address
				segment.putLong(i, 0);
				segment.putLong(i + 8, INVALID_ADDRESS);
		this.buckets = buckets;
		this.numBuckets = numBuckets;
		this.numBucketsMask = numBuckets - 1;
		this.numKeys = 0;

	private static long toAddrAndLen(long address, int size) {
		return (address << SIZE_BITS) | size;

	private static long toAddress(long addrAndLen) {
		return addrAndLen >>> SIZE_BITS;

	private static int toLength(long addrAndLen) {
		return (int) (addrAndLen & SIZE_MASK);

	 * Returns an iterator of BinaryRowData for multiple linked values.
	MatchIterator valueIter(long address) {
		return iterator;

	 * Returns an iterator for all the values for the given key, or null if no value found.
	public MatchIterator get(long key, int hashCode) {
		int bucket = findBucket(hashCode);

		int bucketOffset = bucket << 4;
		MemorySegment segment = buckets[bucketOffset >>> segmentSizeBits];
		int segOffset = bucketOffset & segmentSizeMask;

		while (true) {
			long address = segment.getLong(segOffset + 8);
			if (address != INVALID_ADDRESS) {
				if (segment.getLong(segOffset) == key) {
					return valueIter(address);
				} else {
					bucket = (bucket + 1) & numBucketsMask;
					if (segOffset + 16 < segmentSize) {
						segOffset += 16;
					} else {
						bucketOffset = bucket << 4;
						segOffset = bucketOffset & segmentSizeMask;
						segment = buckets[bucketOffset >>> segmentSizeBits];
			} else {
				return valueIter(INVALID_ADDRESS);

	 * Update the address in array for given key.
	private void updateIndex(
			long key,
			int hashCode,
			long address,
			int size,
			MemorySegment dataSegment,
			int currentPositionInSegment) throws IOException {
		assert (numKeys <= numBuckets / 2);
		int bucketId = findBucket(hashCode);

		// each bucket occupied 16 bytes (long key + long pointer to data address)
		int bucketOffset = bucketId * SPARSE_BUCKET_ELEMENT_SIZE_IN_BYTES;
		MemorySegment segment = buckets[bucketOffset >>> segmentSizeBits];
		int segOffset = bucketOffset & segmentSizeMask;
		long currAddress;

		while (true) {
			currAddress = segment.getLong(segOffset + 8);
			if (segment.getLong(segOffset) != key && currAddress != INVALID_ADDRESS) {
				// hash conflicts, the bucket is occupied by another key

				// TODO test Conflict resolution:
				// now:    +1 +1 +1... cache friendly but more conflict, so we set factor to 0.5
				// other1: +1 +2 +3... less conflict, factor can be 0.75
				// other2: Secondary hashCode... less and less conflict, but need compute hash again
				bucketId = (bucketId + 1) & numBucketsMask;
				if (segOffset + SPARSE_BUCKET_ELEMENT_SIZE_IN_BYTES < segmentSize) {
					// if the new bucket still in current segment, we only need to update offset
					// within this segment
				} else {
					// otherwise, we should re-calculate segment and offset
					bucketOffset = bucketId * 16;
					segment = buckets[bucketOffset >>> segmentSizeBits];
					segOffset = bucketOffset & segmentSizeMask;
			} else {
		if (currAddress == INVALID_ADDRESS) {
			// this is the first value for this key, put the address in array.
			segment.putLong(segOffset, key);
			segment.putLong(segOffset + 8, address);
			numKeys += 1;
			// dataSegment may be null if we only have to rehash bucket area
			if (dataSegment != null) {
				dataSegment.putLong(currentPositionInSegment, toAddrAndLen(INVALID_ADDRESS, size));
			if (numKeys * 2 > numBuckets) {
		} else {
			// there are some values for this key, put the address in the front of them.
			dataSegment.putLong(currentPositionInSegment, toAddrAndLen(currAddress, size));
			segment.putLong(segOffset + 8, address);

	private int findBucket(int hash) {
		return partitionLevelHash(hash) & this.numBucketsMask;

	private void resize() throws IOException {
		MemorySegment[] oldBuckets = this.buckets;
		int oldNumBuckets = numBuckets;
		int newNumSegs = oldBuckets.length * 2;
		int newNumBuckets = MathUtils.roundDownToPowerOf2(newNumSegs * segmentSize / 16);

		// request new buckets.
		MemorySegment[] newBuckets = new MemorySegment[newNumSegs];
		for (int i = 0; i < newNumSegs; i++) {
			MemorySegment seg = longTable.getNextBuffer();
			if (seg == null) {
				final int spilledPart = longTable.spillPartition();
				if (spilledPart == partitionNum) {
					// this bucket is no longer in-memory
					// free new segments.
				seg = longTable.getNextBuffer();
				if (seg == null) {
					throw new RuntimeException(
							"Bug in HybridHashJoin: No memory became available after spilling a partition.");
			newBuckets[i] = seg;

		setNewBuckets(newBuckets, newNumBuckets);
		reHash(oldBuckets, oldNumBuckets);

	private void reHash(MemorySegment[] oldBuckets, int oldNumBuckets) throws IOException {
		long reHashStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
		int bucketOffset = 0;
		MemorySegment segment = oldBuckets[bucketOffset];
		int segOffset = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < oldNumBuckets; i++) {
			long address = segment.getLong(segOffset + 8);
			if (address != INVALID_ADDRESS) {
				long key = segment.getLong(segOffset);
				// size/dataSegment/currentPositionInSegment should never be used.
				updateIndex(key, hashLong(key, recursionLevel), address, 0, null, 0);

			// not last bucket, move to next.
			if (i != oldNumBuckets - 1) {
				if (segOffset + 16 < segmentSize) {
					segOffset += 16;
				} else {
					segment = oldBuckets[++bucketOffset];
					segOffset = 0;

		LOG.info("The rehash take {} ms for {} segments", (System.currentTimeMillis() - reHashStartTime), numBuckets);

	public MemorySegment[] getBuckets() {
		return buckets;

	int getBuildSideBlockCount() {
		return this.partitionBuffers == null ? this.buildSideWriteBuffer.getBlockCount()
				: this.partitionBuffers.length;

	int getProbeSideBlockCount() {
		return this.probeSideBuffer == null ? -1 : this.probeSideBuffer.getBlockCount();

	BlockChannelWriter<MemorySegment> getBuildSideChannel() {
		return this.buildSideChannel;

	int getPartitionNumber() {
		return this.partitionNum;

	MemorySegment[] getPartitionBuffers() {
		return partitionBuffers;

	int getRecursionLevel() {
		return this.recursionLevel;

	int getNumOccupiedMemorySegments() {
		// either the number of memory segments, or one for spilling
		final int numPartitionBuffers = this.partitionBuffers != null ?
				: this.buildSideWriteBuffer.getNumOccupiedMemorySegments();
		return numPartitionBuffers + buckets.length;

	int spillPartition(IOManager ioAccess, FileIOChannel.ID targetChannel,
			LinkedBlockingQueue<MemorySegment> bufferReturnQueue) throws IOException {
		// sanity checks
		if (!isInMemory()) {
			throw new RuntimeException("Bug in Hybrid Hash Join: " +
					"Request to spill a partition that has already been spilled.");
		if (getNumOccupiedMemorySegments() < 2) {
			throw new RuntimeException("Bug in Hybrid Hash Join: " +
					"Request to spill a partition with less than two buffers.");

		// create the channel block writer and spill the current buffers
		// that keep the build side buffers current block, as it is most likely not full, yet
		// we return the number of blocks that become available
		this.buildSideChannel = FileChannelUtil.createBlockChannelWriter(
		return this.buildSideWriteBuffer.spill(this.buildSideChannel);

	 * After build phase.
	 * @return build spill return buffer, if have spilled, it returns the current write buffer,
	 * because it was used all the time in build phase, so it can only be returned at this time.
	int finalizeBuildPhase(
			IOManager ioAccess,
			FileIOChannel.Enumerator probeChannelEnumerator) throws IOException {
		this.finalBufferLimit = this.buildSideWriteBuffer.getCurrentPositionInSegment();
		this.partitionBuffers = this.buildSideWriteBuffer.close();

		if (!isInMemory()) {
			// close the channel.

			this.probeSideBuffer = FileChannelUtil.createOutputView(
			return 1;
		} else {
			return 0;

	void finalizeProbePhase(List<LongHashPartition> spilledPartitions) throws IOException {
		if (isInMemory()) {
			this.partitionBuffers = null;
		} else {
			if (this.probeSideRecordCounter == 0) {
				// delete the spill files
			} else {
				// flush the last probe side buffer and register this partition as pending
				probeNumBytesInLastSeg = this.probeSideBuffer.close();

	final PartitionIterator newPartitionIterator() {
		return new PartitionIterator();

	final int getLastSegmentLimit() {
		return this.finalBufferLimit;

	// ------------------ PagedInputView for read --------------------

	public void setReadPosition(long pointer) {
		final int bufferNum = (int) (pointer >>> this.segmentSizeBits);
		final int offset = (int) (pointer & segmentSizeMask);

		this.currentBufferNum = bufferNum;

		seekInput(this.partitionBuffers[bufferNum], offset,
				bufferNum < partitionBuffers.length - 1 ? segmentSize : finalBufferLimit);

	protected MemorySegment nextSegment(MemorySegment current) throws IOException {
		if (this.currentBufferNum < this.partitionBuffers.length) {
			return this.partitionBuffers[this.currentBufferNum];
		} else {
			throw new EOFException();

	protected int getLimitForSegment(MemorySegment segment) {
		return segment == partitionBuffers[partitionBuffers.length - 1] ? finalBufferLimit : segmentSize;

	boolean isInMemory() {
		return buildSideChannel == null;

	final void insertIntoProbeBuffer(
			BinaryRowDataSerializer probeSer,
			BinaryRowData record) throws IOException {
		probeSer.serialize(record, this.probeSideBuffer);

	long getBuildSideRecordCount() {
		return buildSideRecordCounter;

	long getMinKey() {
		return minKey;

	long getMaxKey() {
		return maxKey;

	private void updateMinMax(long key) {
		if (key < minKey) {
			minKey = key;
		if (key > maxKey) {
			maxKey = key;

	void insertIntoBucket(long key, int hashCode, int size, long address) throws IOException {

		final int bufferNum = (int) (address >>> this.segmentSizeBits);
		final int offset = (int) (address & (this.segmentSize - 1));
		updateIndex(key, hashCode, address, size, partitionBuffers[bufferNum], offset);

	void insertIntoTable(long key, int hashCode, BinaryRowData row) throws IOException {
		int sizeInBytes = row.getSizeInBytes();
		if (sizeInBytes >= (1 << SIZE_BITS)) {
			throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Does not support row that is larger than 256M");
		if (isInMemory()) {
			// after advance, we may run out memory and spill this partition, check still in memory
			// again
			if (isInMemory()) {
			} else {
						toAddrAndLen(INVALID_ADDRESS, sizeInBytes));

			if (row.getSegments().length == 1) {
				buildSideWriteBuffer.write(row.getSegments()[0], row.getOffset(), sizeInBytes);
			} else {
				BinaryRowDataSerializer.serializeWithoutLengthSlow(row, buildSideWriteBuffer);
		} else {

	public void serializeToPages(BinaryRowData row) throws IOException {

		int sizeInBytes = row.getSizeInBytes();

				toAddrAndLen(INVALID_ADDRESS, row.getSizeInBytes()));

		if (row.getSegments().length == 1) {
			buildSideWriteBuffer.write(row.getSegments()[0], row.getOffset(), sizeInBytes);
		} else {
			BinaryRowDataSerializer.serializeWithoutLengthSlow(row, buildSideWriteBuffer);

	void releaseBuckets() {
		if (buckets != null) {
			buckets = null;

	// ------------------ PagedInputView for read end --------------------

	 * Write Buffer.
	private class BuildSideBuffer extends AbstractPagedOutputView {

		private final ArrayList<MemorySegment> targetList;
		private int currentBlockNumber;
		private BlockChannelWriter<MemorySegment> writer;

		private BuildSideBuffer(MemorySegment segment) {
			super(segment, segment.size(), 0);
			this.targetList = new ArrayList<>();

		protected MemorySegment nextSegment(
				MemorySegment current,
				int positionInCurrent) throws IOException {
			final MemorySegment next;
			if (this.writer == null) {
				// Must first add current segment:
				// This may happen when you need to spill:
				// A partition called nextSegment, can not get memory, need to spill, the result
				// give itself to the spill, Since it is switching currentSeg, it is necessary
				// to give the previous currSeg to spill.
				next = longTable.nextSegment();
			} else {
				try {
					next = this.writer.getReturnQueue().take();
				} catch (InterruptedException iex) {
					throw new IOException("Hash Join Partition was interrupted while " +
							"grabbing a new write-behind buffer.");

			return next;

		long getCurrentPointer() {
			return (((long) this.currentBlockNumber) << segmentSizeBits) + getCurrentPositionInSegment();

		int getBlockCount() {
			return this.currentBlockNumber + 1;

		int getNumOccupiedMemorySegments() {
			// return the current segment + all filled segments
			return this.targetList.size() + 1;

		int spill(BlockChannelWriter<MemorySegment> writer) throws IOException {
			this.writer = writer;
			final int numSegments = this.targetList.size();
			for (MemorySegment segment : this.targetList) {
			return numSegments;

		MemorySegment[] close() throws IOException {
			final MemorySegment current = getCurrentSegment();
			if (current == null) {
				throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal State in LongHashTable: " +
						"No current buffer when finalizing build side.");

			if (this.writer == null) {
				MemorySegment[] buffers = this.targetList.toArray(new MemorySegment[0]);
				return buffers;
			} else {
				return null;

	 * Iterator for probe match.
	public class MatchIterator implements RowIterator<BinaryRowData> {
		private long address;

		public void set(long address) {
			this.address = address;

		public boolean advanceNext() {
			if (address != INVALID_ADDRESS) {
				long addrAndLen = getCurrentSegment().getLong(getCurrentPositionInSegment());
				this.address = toAddress(addrAndLen);
				int size = toLength(addrAndLen);
				try {
					buildSideSerializer.pointTo(size, buildReuseRow, LongHashPartition.this);
				} catch (IOException e) {
					throw new RuntimeException(e);
				return true;
			return false;

		public BinaryRowData getRow() {
			return buildReuseRow;

	void clearAllMemory(LazyMemorySegmentPool pool) {
		// return current buffers from build side and probe side
		if (this.buildSideWriteBuffer != null) {
			if (this.buildSideWriteBuffer.getCurrentSegment() != null) {
			this.buildSideWriteBuffer = null;

		// return the partition buffers
		if (this.partitionBuffers != null) {
			this.partitionBuffers = null;

		// clear the channels
		try {
			if (this.buildSideChannel != null) {
			if (this.probeSideBuffer != null) {
				this.probeSideBuffer = null;
		} catch (IOException ioex) {
			throw new RuntimeException("Error deleting the partition files. " +
					"Some temporary files might not be removed.", ioex);

	 * For spilled partition to rebuild index and hashcode when memory can
	 * store all the build side data.
	 * (After bulk load to memory, see {@link BulkBlockChannelReader}).
	final class PartitionIterator implements RowIterator<BinaryRowData> {

		private long currentPointer;

		private BinaryRowData reuse;

		private PartitionIterator() {
			this.reuse = buildSideSerializer.createInstance();

		public boolean advanceNext() {
			try {

				int pos = getCurrentPositionInSegment();
				this.currentPointer = (((long) currentBufferNum) << segmentSizeBits) + pos;

				long addrAndLen = getCurrentSegment().getLong(pos);
				buildSideSerializer.pointTo(toLength(addrAndLen), reuse, LongHashPartition.this);
				return true;
			} catch (EOFException e) {
				return false;
			} catch (IOException e) {
				throw new RuntimeException(e);

		final long getPointer() {
			return this.currentPointer;

		public BinaryRowData getRow() {
			return this.reuse;

	private void checkWriteAdvance() throws IOException {
		if (shouldAdvance(
				buildSideWriteBuffer.getSegmentSize() - buildSideWriteBuffer.getCurrentPositionInSegment(),
				buildSideSerializer)) {

	private void checkReadAdvance() throws IOException {
		if (shouldAdvance(getCurrentSegmentLimit() - getCurrentPositionInSegment(), buildSideSerializer)) {

	private static boolean shouldAdvance(int available, BinaryRowDataSerializer serializer) {
		return available < 8 + serializer.getFixedLengthPartSize();

	static void deserializeFromPages(BinaryRowData reuse, ChannelReaderInputView inView,
			BinaryRowDataSerializer buildSideSerializer) throws IOException {
		if (shouldAdvance(
				inView.getCurrentSegmentLimit() - inView.getCurrentPositionInSegment(),
				buildSideSerializer)) {
		MemorySegment segment = (reuse.getSegments() != null) ? reuse.getSegments()[0] : null;

		int length = toLength(inView.getCurrentSegment().getLong(inView.getCurrentPositionInSegment()));

		if (segment == null || segment.size() < length) {
			segment = MemorySegmentFactory.wrap(new byte[length]);
		inView.readFully(segment.getHeapMemory(), 0, length);
		reuse.pointTo(segment, 0, length);

	void iteratorToDenseBucket(MemorySegment[] denseBuckets, long addressOffset,
			long globalMinKey) {
		int bucketOffset = 0;
		MemorySegment segment = buckets[bucketOffset];
		int segOffset = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < numBuckets; i++) {
			long address = segment.getLong(segOffset + 8);
			if (address != INVALID_ADDRESS) {
				long key = segment.getLong(segOffset);
				long denseBucket = key - globalMinKey;
				long denseBucketOffset = denseBucket << 3;
				int denseSegIndex = (int) (denseBucketOffset >>> segmentSizeBits);
				int denseSegOffset = (int) (denseBucketOffset & segmentSizeMask);
				denseBuckets[denseSegIndex].putLong(denseSegOffset, address + addressOffset);

			// not last bucket, move to next.
			if (i != numBuckets - 1) {
				if (segOffset + 16 < segmentSize) {
					segOffset += 16;
				} else {
					segment = buckets[++bucketOffset];
					segOffset = 0;

	void updateDenseAddressOffset(long addressOffset) {
		if (addressOffset != 0) {
			while (true) {
				try {
					long addrAndLen = getCurrentSegment().getLong(getCurrentPositionInSegment());
					long address = LongHashPartition.toAddress(addrAndLen);
					int len = LongHashPartition.toLength(addrAndLen);
					if (address != INVALID_ADDRESS) {
								LongHashPartition.toAddrAndLen(address + addressOffset, len));
					skipBytesToRead(8 + len);
				} catch (EOFException e) {
				} catch (IOException e) {
					throw new RuntimeException(e);