 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.flink.state.api;

import org.apache.flink.annotation.PublicEvolving;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.operators.Keys;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.BasicArrayTypeInfo;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.TypeInformation;
import org.apache.flink.api.java.DataSet;
import org.apache.flink.api.java.functions.KeySelector;
import org.apache.flink.api.java.tuple.Tuple;
import org.apache.flink.api.java.typeutils.TypeExtractor;
import org.apache.flink.state.api.functions.BroadcastStateBootstrapFunction;
import org.apache.flink.state.api.functions.StateBootstrapFunction;
import org.apache.flink.state.api.output.operators.BroadcastStateBootstrapOperator;
import org.apache.flink.state.api.output.operators.StateBootstrapOperator;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.util.keys.KeySelectorUtil;

import java.util.OptionalInt;

 * {@code OneInputOperatorTransformation} represents a user defined transformation applied on
 * an {@link OperatorTransformation} with one input.
 * @param <T> The type of the elements in this operator.
public class OneInputOperatorTransformation<T> {

	/** The data set containing the data to bootstrap the operator state with. */
	private final DataSet<T> dataSet;

	/** Local max parallelism for the bootstrapped operator. */
	private OptionalInt operatorMaxParallelism = OptionalInt.empty();

	OneInputOperatorTransformation(DataSet<T> dataSet) {
		this.dataSet = dataSet;

	 * Sets the maximum parallelism of this operator.
	 * <p>The maximum parallelism specifies the upper bound for dynamic scaling. It also defines the
	 * number of key groups used for partitioned state.
	 * @param maxParallelism Maximum parallelism
	 * @return The operator with set maximum parallelism
	public OneInputOperatorTransformation<T> setMaxParallelism(int maxParallelism) {
		this.operatorMaxParallelism = OptionalInt.of(maxParallelism);
		return this;

	 * Applies the given {@link StateBootstrapFunction} on the non-keyed input.
	 * <p>The function will be called for every element in the input and can be used for writing
	 * operator state into a {@link Savepoint}.
	 * @param processFunction The {@link StateBootstrapFunction} that is called for each element.
	 * @return An {@link OperatorTransformation} that can be added to a {@link Savepoint}.
	public BootstrapTransformation<T> transform(StateBootstrapFunction<T> processFunction) {
		SavepointWriterOperatorFactory factory = (timestamp, path) -> new StateBootstrapOperator<>(timestamp, path, processFunction);

		return transform(factory);

	 * Applies the given {@link BroadcastStateBootstrapFunction} on the non-keyed input.
	 * <p>The function will be called for every element in the input and can be used for writing
	 * broadcast state into a {@link Savepoint}.
	 * @param processFunction The {@link BroadcastStateBootstrapFunction} that is called for each element.
	 * @return An {@link BootstrapTransformation} that can be added to a {@link Savepoint}.
	public BootstrapTransformation<T> transform(BroadcastStateBootstrapFunction<T> processFunction) {
		SavepointWriterOperatorFactory factory = (timestamp, path) -> new BroadcastStateBootstrapOperator<>(timestamp, path, processFunction);

		return transform(factory);

	 * Method for passing user defined operators along with the type information that will transform
	 * the OperatorTransformation.
	 * <p><b>IMPORTANT:</b> Any output from this operator will be discarded.
	 * @param factory A factory returning transformation logic type of the return stream
	 * @return An {@link BootstrapTransformation} that can be added to a {@link Savepoint}.
	public BootstrapTransformation<T> transform(SavepointWriterOperatorFactory factory) {
		return new BootstrapTransformation<>(dataSet, operatorMaxParallelism, factory);

	 * It creates a new {@link KeyedOperatorTransformation} that uses the provided key for partitioning its operator
	 * states.
	 * @param keySelector The KeySelector to be used for extracting the key for partitioning.
	 * @return The {@code BootstrapTransformation} with partitioned state.
	public <K> KeyedOperatorTransformation<K, T> keyBy(KeySelector<T, K> keySelector) {
		TypeInformation<K> keyType = TypeExtractor.getKeySelectorTypes(keySelector, dataSet.getType());
		return new KeyedOperatorTransformation<>(dataSet, operatorMaxParallelism, keySelector, keyType);

	 * It creates a new {@link KeyedOperatorTransformation} that uses the provided key with explicit type
	 * information for partitioning its operator states.
	 * @param keySelector The KeySelector to be used for extracting the key for partitioning.
	 * @param keyType The type information describing the key type.
	 * @return The {@code BootstrapTransformation} with partitioned state.
	public <K> KeyedOperatorTransformation<K, T> keyBy(KeySelector<T, K> keySelector, TypeInformation<K> keyType) {
		return new KeyedOperatorTransformation<>(dataSet, operatorMaxParallelism, keySelector, keyType);

	 * Partitions the operator state of a {@link OperatorTransformation} by the given key positions.
	 * @param fields The position of the fields on which the {@code OperatorTransformation} will be grouped.
	 * @return The {@code OperatorTransformation} with partitioned state.
	public KeyedOperatorTransformation<Tuple, T> keyBy(int... fields) {
		if (dataSet.getType() instanceof BasicArrayTypeInfo || dataSet.getType() instanceof PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo) {
			return keyBy(KeySelectorUtil.getSelectorForArray(fields, dataSet.getType()));
		} else {
			return keyBy(new Keys.ExpressionKeys<>(fields, dataSet.getType()));

	 * Partitions the operator state of a {@link OperatorTransformation} using field expressions. A field expression
	 * is either the name of a public field or a getter method with parentheses of the {@code
	 * OperatorTransformation}'s underlying type. A dot can be used to drill down into objects, as in {@code
	 * "field1.getInnerField2()" }.
	 * @param fields One or more field expressions on which the state of the {@link OperatorTransformation}
	 *     operators will be partitioned.
	 * @return The {@code OperatorTransformation} with partitioned state (i.e. KeyedStream)
	public KeyedOperatorTransformation<Tuple, T> keyBy(String... fields) {
		return keyBy(new Keys.ExpressionKeys<>(fields, dataSet.getType()));

	private KeyedOperatorTransformation<Tuple, T> keyBy(Keys<T> keys) {
		KeySelector<T, Tuple> keySelector = KeySelectorUtil.getSelectorForKeys(

		TypeInformation<Tuple> keyType = TypeExtractor.getKeySelectorTypes(keySelector, dataSet.getType());
		return new KeyedOperatorTransformation<>(dataSet, operatorMaxParallelism, keySelector, keyType);