 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.flink.api.common.io;

import org.apache.flink.api.common.io.FileInputFormat.FileBaseStatistics;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.io.statistics.BaseStatistics;
import org.apache.flink.configuration.ConfigConstants;
import org.apache.flink.configuration.Configuration;
import org.apache.flink.core.fs.FSDataInputStream;
import org.apache.flink.core.fs.FileInputSplit;
import org.apache.flink.core.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.flink.core.fs.Path;
import org.apache.flink.testutils.TestFileUtils;
import org.apache.flink.types.IntValue;

import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder;

import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;

 * Tests for the FileInputFormat
public class FileInputFormatTest {

	public TemporaryFolder temporaryFolder = new TemporaryFolder();

	public void testGetPathWithoutSettingFirst() {
		final DummyFileInputFormat format = new DummyFileInputFormat();
		Assert.assertNull("Path should be null.", format.getFilePath());
	public void testGetPathsWithoutSettingFirst() {
		final DummyFileInputFormat format = new DummyFileInputFormat();
		Path[] paths = format.getFilePaths();
		Assert.assertNotNull("Paths should not be null.", paths);
		Assert.assertEquals("Paths size should be 0.", 0, paths.length);
	public void testToStringWithoutPathSet() {
		final DummyFileInputFormat format = new DummyFileInputFormat();
		Assert.assertEquals("The toString() should be correct.", "File Input (unknown file)", format.toString());
	@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
	public void testSetPathsNull() {
		final MultiDummyFileInputFormat format = new MultiDummyFileInputFormat();
		format.setFilePaths((String) null);

	@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
	public void testSetPathNullString() {
		final DummyFileInputFormat format = new DummyFileInputFormat();
		format.setFilePath((String) null);
	@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
	public void testSetPathNullPath() {
		final DummyFileInputFormat format = new DummyFileInputFormat();
		format.setFilePath((Path) null);
	@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
	public void testSetPathsOnePathNull() {
		final MultiDummyFileInputFormat format = new MultiDummyFileInputFormat();
		format.setFilePaths("/an/imaginary/path", null);

	@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
	public void testSetPathsEmptyArray() {
		final MultiDummyFileInputFormat format = new MultiDummyFileInputFormat();
		format.setFilePaths(new String[0]);

	public void testSetPath() {
		final DummyFileInputFormat format = new DummyFileInputFormat();
		Assert.assertEquals(format.getFilePath().toString(), "/some/imaginary/path");

	public void testSetPathOnMulti() {
		final MultiDummyFileInputFormat format = new MultiDummyFileInputFormat();
		final String myPath = "/an/imaginary/path";
		final Path[] filePaths = format.getFilePaths();

		Assert.assertEquals(1, filePaths.length);
		Assert.assertEquals(myPath, filePaths[0].toUri().toString());

		// ensure backwards compatibility
		Assert.assertEquals(myPath, format.filePath.toUri().toString());

	public void testSetPathsSingleWithMulti() {
		final MultiDummyFileInputFormat format = new MultiDummyFileInputFormat();
		final String myPath = "/an/imaginary/path";
		final Path[] filePaths = format.getFilePaths();

		Assert.assertEquals(1, filePaths.length);
		Assert.assertEquals(myPath, filePaths[0].toUri().toString());

		// ensure backwards compatibility
		Assert.assertEquals(myPath, format.filePath.toUri().toString());
	public void testSetPathsMulti() {
		final MultiDummyFileInputFormat format = new MultiDummyFileInputFormat();
		final String myPath = "/an/imaginary/path";
		final String myPath2 = "/an/imaginary/path2";
		format.setFilePaths(myPath, myPath2);
		final Path[] filePaths = format.getFilePaths();

		Assert.assertEquals(2, filePaths.length);
		Assert.assertEquals(myPath, filePaths[0].toUri().toString());
		Assert.assertEquals(myPath2, filePaths[1].toUri().toString());

	@Test(expected = UnsupportedOperationException.class)
	public void testMultiPathSetOnSinglePathIF() {
		final DummyFileInputFormat format = new DummyFileInputFormat();
		final String myPath = "/an/imaginary/path";
		final String myPath2 = "/an/imaginary/path2";

		format.setFilePaths(myPath, myPath2);

	@Test(expected = UnsupportedOperationException.class)
	public void testMultiPathSetOnSinglePathIF2() {
		final DummyFileInputFormat format = new DummyFileInputFormat();
		final String myPath = "/an/imaginary/path";
		final String myPath2 = "/an/imaginary/path2";

		format.setFilePaths(new Path(myPath), new Path(myPath2));

	@Test(expected = UnsupportedOperationException.class)
	public void testSinglePathGetOnMultiPathIF() {
		final MultiDummyFileInputFormat format = new MultiDummyFileInputFormat();
		final String myPath = "/an/imaginary/path";
		final String myPath2 = "/an/imaginary/path2";

		format.setFilePaths(myPath, myPath2);

	public void testSetFileViaConfiguration() {
		final DummyFileInputFormat format = new DummyFileInputFormat();
		final String filePath = "file:///some/none/existing/directory/";
		Configuration conf = new Configuration();
		conf.setString("input.file.path", filePath);

		Assert.assertEquals("Paths should be equal.", new Path(filePath), format.getFilePath());

	@Test (expected = RuntimeException.class)
	public void testSetFileViaConfigurationEmptyPath() {
		final DummyFileInputFormat format = new DummyFileInputFormat();
		final String filePath = null;
		Configuration conf = new Configuration();
		conf.setString("input.file.path", filePath);
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	//  Input Splits
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	public void testCreateInputSplitSingleFile() throws IOException {
		String tempFile = TestFileUtils.createTempFile("Hello World");
		FileInputFormat fif = new DummyFileInputFormat();
		fif.configure(new Configuration());
		FileInputSplit[] splits = fif.createInputSplits(2);
		Assert.assertEquals(2, splits.length);
		Assert.assertEquals(tempFile, splits[0].getPath().toString());
		Assert.assertEquals(tempFile, splits[1].getPath().toString());

	public void testCreateInputSplitMultiFiles() throws IOException {
		String tempFile1 = TestFileUtils.createTempFile(21);
		String tempFile2 = TestFileUtils.createTempFile(22);
		String tempFile3 = TestFileUtils.createTempFile(23);
		FileInputFormat fif = new MultiDummyFileInputFormat();
		fif.setFilePaths(tempFile1, tempFile2, tempFile3);

		fif.configure(new Configuration());
		FileInputSplit[] splits = fif.createInputSplits(3);

		int numSplitsFile1 = 0;
		int numSplitsFile2 = 0;
		int numSplitsFile3 = 0;

		Assert.assertEquals(3, splits.length);
		for (FileInputSplit fis : splits) {
			Assert.assertEquals(0, fis.getStart());
			if (fis.getPath().toString().equals(tempFile1)) {
				Assert.assertEquals(21, fis.getLength());
			} else if (fis.getPath().toString().equals(tempFile2)) {
				Assert.assertEquals(22, fis.getLength());
			} else if (fis.getPath().toString().equals(tempFile3)) {
				Assert.assertEquals(23, fis.getLength());
			} else {
				Assert.fail("Got split for unknown file.");
		Assert.assertEquals(1, numSplitsFile1);
		Assert.assertEquals(1, numSplitsFile2);
		Assert.assertEquals(1, numSplitsFile3);

	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	//  Statistics
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	public void testGetStatisticsNonExistingFile() {
		try {
			final DummyFileInputFormat format = new DummyFileInputFormat();
			format.configure(new Configuration());
			BaseStatistics stats = format.getStatistics(null);
			Assert.assertNull("The file statistics should be null.", stats);
		} catch (Exception ex) {
	public void testGetStatisticsOneFileNoCachedVersion() {
		try {
			final long SIZE = 1024 * 500;
			String tempFile = TestFileUtils.createTempFile(SIZE);
			final DummyFileInputFormat format = new DummyFileInputFormat();
			format.configure(new Configuration());
			BaseStatistics stats = format.getStatistics(null);
			Assert.assertEquals("The file size from the statistics is wrong.", SIZE, stats.getTotalInputSize());
		} catch (Exception ex) {
	public void testGetStatisticsMultipleFilesNoCachedVersion() {
		try {
			final long SIZE1 = 2077;
			final long SIZE2 = 31909;
			final long SIZE3 = 10;
			final long TOTAL = SIZE1 + SIZE2 + SIZE3;
			String tempDir = TestFileUtils.createTempFileDir(temporaryFolder.newFolder(), SIZE1, SIZE2, SIZE3);
			final DummyFileInputFormat format = new DummyFileInputFormat();
			format.configure(new Configuration());
			BaseStatistics stats = format.getStatistics(null);
			Assert.assertEquals("The file size from the statistics is wrong.", TOTAL, stats.getTotalInputSize());
		} catch (Exception ex) {
	public void testGetStatisticsOneFileWithCachedVersion() {
		try {
			final long SIZE = 50873;
			final long FAKE_SIZE = 10065;
			String tempFile = TestFileUtils.createTempFile(SIZE);
			DummyFileInputFormat format = new DummyFileInputFormat();
			format.configure(new Configuration());
			FileBaseStatistics stats = format.getStatistics(null);
			Assert.assertEquals("The file size from the statistics is wrong.", SIZE, stats.getTotalInputSize());
			format = new DummyFileInputFormat();
			format.configure(new Configuration());
			FileBaseStatistics newStats = format.getStatistics(stats);
			Assert.assertTrue("Statistics object was changed", newStats == stats);

			// insert fake stats with the correct modification time. the call should return the fake stats
			format = new DummyFileInputFormat();
			format.configure(new Configuration());
			FileBaseStatistics fakeStats = new FileBaseStatistics(stats.getLastModificationTime(), FAKE_SIZE, BaseStatistics.AVG_RECORD_BYTES_UNKNOWN);
			BaseStatistics latest = format.getStatistics(fakeStats);
			Assert.assertEquals("The file size from the statistics is wrong.", FAKE_SIZE, latest.getTotalInputSize());
			// insert fake stats with the expired modification time. the call should return new accurate stats
			format = new DummyFileInputFormat();
			format.configure(new Configuration());
			FileBaseStatistics outDatedFakeStats = new FileBaseStatistics(stats.getLastModificationTime() - 1, FAKE_SIZE, BaseStatistics.AVG_RECORD_BYTES_UNKNOWN);
			BaseStatistics reGathered = format.getStatistics(outDatedFakeStats);
			Assert.assertEquals("The file size from the statistics is wrong.", SIZE, reGathered.getTotalInputSize());
		} catch (Exception ex) {
	public void testGetStatisticsMultipleFilesWithCachedVersion() {
		try {
			FileSystem fs = FileSystem.getLocalFileSystem();

			final long SIZE1 = 2077;
			final long SIZE2 = 31909;
			final long SIZE3 = 10;
			final long TOTAL = SIZE1 + SIZE2 + SIZE3;
			final long FAKE_SIZE = 10065;
			File tempDirFile = temporaryFolder.newFolder();
			String tempDir = tempDirFile.getAbsolutePath();
			String f1 = TestFileUtils.createTempFileInDirectory(tempDir, SIZE1);
			long modTime1 = fs.getFileStatus(new Path(f1)).getModificationTime();
			String f2 = TestFileUtils.createTempFileInDirectory(tempDir, SIZE2);
			long modTime2 = fs.getFileStatus(new Path(f2)).getModificationTime();
			String f3 = TestFileUtils.createTempFileInDirectory(tempDir, SIZE3);
			long modTime3 = fs.getFileStatus(new Path(f3)).getModificationTime();
			DummyFileInputFormat format = new DummyFileInputFormat();
			format.configure(new Configuration());
			FileBaseStatistics stats = format.getStatistics(null);
			Assert.assertEquals("The file size from the statistics is wrong.", TOTAL, stats.getTotalInputSize());
			format = new DummyFileInputFormat();
			format.configure(new Configuration());
			FileBaseStatistics newStats = format.getStatistics(stats);
			Assert.assertTrue("Statistics object was changed", newStats == stats);

			// insert fake stats with the correct modification time. the call should return the fake stats
			format = new DummyFileInputFormat();
			format.configure(new Configuration());
			FileBaseStatistics fakeStats = new FileBaseStatistics(stats.getLastModificationTime(), FAKE_SIZE, BaseStatistics.AVG_RECORD_BYTES_UNKNOWN);
			BaseStatistics latest = format.getStatistics(fakeStats);
			Assert.assertEquals("The file size from the statistics is wrong.", FAKE_SIZE, latest.getTotalInputSize());
			// insert fake stats with the correct modification time. the call should return the fake stats
			format = new DummyFileInputFormat();
			format.configure(new Configuration());
			FileBaseStatistics outDatedFakeStats = new FileBaseStatistics(Math.min(Math.min(modTime1, modTime2), modTime3) - 1, FAKE_SIZE, BaseStatistics.AVG_RECORD_BYTES_UNKNOWN);
			BaseStatistics reGathered = format.getStatistics(outDatedFakeStats);
			Assert.assertEquals("The file size from the statistics is wrong.", TOTAL, reGathered.getTotalInputSize());
		} catch (Exception ex) {
	// -- Multiple Files -- //
	public void testGetStatisticsMultipleNonExistingFile() throws IOException {
		final MultiDummyFileInputFormat format = new MultiDummyFileInputFormat();
		format.configure(new Configuration());
		BaseStatistics stats = format.getStatistics(null);
		Assert.assertNull("The file statistics should be null.", stats);
	public void testGetStatisticsMultipleOneFileNoCachedVersion() throws IOException {
		final long size1 = 1024 * 500;
		String tempFile = TestFileUtils.createTempFile(size1);

		final long size2 = 1024 * 505;
		String tempFile2 = TestFileUtils.createTempFile(size2);

		final long totalSize = size1 + size2;
		final MultiDummyFileInputFormat format = new MultiDummyFileInputFormat();
		format.setFilePaths(tempFile, tempFile2);
		format.configure(new Configuration());
		BaseStatistics stats = format.getStatistics(null);
		Assert.assertEquals("The file size from the statistics is wrong.", totalSize, stats.getTotalInputSize());
	public void testGetStatisticsMultipleFilesMultiplePathsNoCachedVersion() throws IOException {
		final long size1 = 2077;
		final long size2 = 31909;
		final long size3 = 10;
		final long totalSize123 = size1 + size2 + size3;
		String tempDir = TestFileUtils.createTempFileDir(temporaryFolder.newFolder(), size1, size2, size3);
		final long size4 = 2051;
		final long size5 = 31902;
		final long size6 = 15;
		final long totalSize456 = size4 + size5 + size6;
		String tempDir2 = TestFileUtils.createTempFileDir(temporaryFolder.newFolder(), size4, size5, size6);

		final MultiDummyFileInputFormat format = new MultiDummyFileInputFormat();
		format.setFilePaths(tempDir, tempDir2);
		format.configure(new Configuration());
		BaseStatistics stats = format.getStatistics(null);
		Assert.assertEquals("The file size from the statistics is wrong.", totalSize123 + totalSize456, stats.getTotalInputSize());
	public void testGetStatisticsMultipleOneFileWithCachedVersion() throws IOException {
		FileSystem fs = FileSystem.getLocalFileSystem();

		final long size1 = 50873;
		final long fakeSize = 10065;
		String tempFile1 = TestFileUtils.createTempFile(size1);
		final long lastModTime1 = fs.getFileStatus(new Path(tempFile1)).getModificationTime();

		final long size2 = 52573;
		String tempFile2 = TestFileUtils.createTempFile(size2);
		final long lastModTime2 = fs.getFileStatus(new Path(tempFile2)).getModificationTime();

		final long sizeTotal = size1 + size2;
		MultiDummyFileInputFormat format = new MultiDummyFileInputFormat();
		format.setFilePaths(tempFile1, tempFile2);
		format.configure(new Configuration());
		FileBaseStatistics stats = format.getStatistics(null);
		Assert.assertEquals("The file size from the statistics is wrong.", sizeTotal, stats.getTotalInputSize());
		format = new MultiDummyFileInputFormat();
		format.configure(new Configuration());
		FileBaseStatistics newStats = format.getStatistics(stats);
		Assert.assertTrue("Statistics object was changed", newStats == stats);

		// insert fake stats with the correct modification time. the call should return the fake stats
		format = new MultiDummyFileInputFormat();
		format.configure(new Configuration());
		FileBaseStatistics fakeStats = new FileBaseStatistics(stats.getLastModificationTime(), fakeSize, BaseStatistics.AVG_RECORD_BYTES_UNKNOWN);
		BaseStatistics latest = format.getStatistics(fakeStats);
		Assert.assertEquals("The file size from the statistics is wrong.", fakeSize, latest.getTotalInputSize());
		// insert fake stats with the expired modification time. the call should return new accurate stats
		format = new MultiDummyFileInputFormat();
		format.setFilePaths(tempFile1, tempFile2);
		format.configure(new Configuration());
		FileBaseStatistics outDatedFakeStats = new FileBaseStatistics(Math.min(lastModTime1, lastModTime2) - 1, fakeSize, BaseStatistics.AVG_RECORD_BYTES_UNKNOWN);
		BaseStatistics reGathered = format.getStatistics(outDatedFakeStats);
		Assert.assertEquals("The file size from the statistics is wrong.", sizeTotal, reGathered.getTotalInputSize());
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	//  Unsplittable input files
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// ---- Tests for .deflate ---------
	 * Create directory with files with .deflate extension and see if it creates a split
	 * for each file. Each split has to start from the beginning.
	public void testFileInputSplit() {
		try {
			String tempFile = TestFileUtils.createTempFileDirExtension(temporaryFolder.newFolder(), ".deflate", "some", "stupid", "meaningless", "files");
			final DummyFileInputFormat format = new DummyFileInputFormat();
			format.configure(new Configuration());
			FileInputSplit[] splits = format.createInputSplits(2);
			Assert.assertEquals(4, splits.length);
			for(FileInputSplit split : splits) {
				Assert.assertEquals(-1L, split.getLength()); // unsplittable deflate files have this size as a flag for "read whole file"
				Assert.assertEquals(0L, split.getStart()); // always read from the beginning.
			// test if this also works for "mixed" directories
			TestFileUtils.createTempFileInDirectory(tempFile.replace("file:", ""), "this creates a test file with a random extension (at least not .deflate)");
			final DummyFileInputFormat formatMixed = new DummyFileInputFormat();
			formatMixed.configure(new Configuration());
			FileInputSplit[] splitsMixed = formatMixed.createInputSplits(2);
			Assert.assertEquals(5, splitsMixed.length);
			for(FileInputSplit split : splitsMixed) {
				if(split.getPath().getName().endsWith(".deflate")) {
					Assert.assertEquals(-1L, split.getLength()); // unsplittable deflate files have this size as a flag for "read whole file"
					Assert.assertEquals(0L, split.getStart()); // always read from the beginning.
				} else {
					Assert.assertEquals(0L, split.getStart());
					Assert.assertTrue("split size not correct", split.getLength() > 0);
		} catch (Exception ex) {

	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	//  Ignored Files
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	public void testIgnoredUnderscoreFiles() {
		try {
			final String contents = "CONTENTS";

			// create some accepted, some ignored files

			File child1 = temporaryFolder.newFile("dataFile1.txt");
			File child2 = temporaryFolder.newFile("another_file.bin");
			File luigiFile = temporaryFolder.newFile("_luigi");
			File success = temporaryFolder.newFile("_SUCCESS");

			createTempFiles(contents.getBytes(ConfigConstants.DEFAULT_CHARSET), child1, child2, luigiFile, success);

			// test that only the valid files are accepted
			final DummyFileInputFormat format = new DummyFileInputFormat();
			format.configure(new Configuration());
			FileInputSplit[] splits = format.createInputSplits(1);
			Assert.assertEquals(2, splits.length);
			final URI uri1 = splits[0].getPath().toUri();
			final URI uri2 = splits[1].getPath().toUri();

			final URI childUri1 = child1.toURI();
			final URI childUri2 = child2.toURI();
			Assert.assertTrue(  (uri1.equals(childUri1) && uri2.equals(childUri2)) ||
								(uri1.equals(childUri2) && uri2.equals(childUri1)) );
		catch (Exception e) {

	public void testExcludeFiles() {
		try {
			final String contents = "CONTENTS";

			// create some accepted, some ignored files

			File child1 = temporaryFolder.newFile("dataFile1.txt");
			File child2 = temporaryFolder.newFile("another_file.bin");

			File[] files = { child1, child2 };

			createTempFiles(contents.getBytes(ConfigConstants.DEFAULT_CHARSET), files);

			// test that only the valid files are accepted

			Configuration configuration = new Configuration();

			final DummyFileInputFormat format = new DummyFileInputFormat();
			format.setFilesFilter(new GlobFilePathFilter(
			FileInputSplit[] splits = format.createInputSplits(1);

			Assert.assertEquals(1, splits.length);

			final URI uri1 = splits[0].getPath().toUri();

			final URI childUri1 = child1.toURI();

			Assert.assertEquals(uri1, childUri1);
		catch (Exception e) {

	public void testReadMultiplePatterns() throws Exception {
		final String contents = "CONTENTS";

		// create some accepted, some ignored files

		File child1 = temporaryFolder.newFile("dataFile1.txt");
		File child2 = temporaryFolder.newFile("another_file.bin");
		createTempFiles(contents.getBytes(ConfigConstants.DEFAULT_CHARSET), child1, child2);

		// test that only the valid files are accepted

		Configuration configuration = new Configuration();

		final DummyFileInputFormat format = new DummyFileInputFormat();
		format.setFilesFilter(new GlobFilePathFilter(
			Arrays.asList("**/another_file.bin", "**/dataFile1.txt")
		FileInputSplit[] splits = format.createInputSplits(1);

		Assert.assertEquals(0, splits.length);

	public void testGetStatsIgnoredUnderscoreFiles() {
		try {
			final int SIZE = 2048;
			final long TOTAL = 2*SIZE;

			// create two accepted and two ignored files
			File child1 = temporaryFolder.newFile("dataFile1.txt");
			File child2 = temporaryFolder.newFile("another_file.bin");
			File luigiFile = temporaryFolder.newFile("_luigi");
			File success = temporaryFolder.newFile("_SUCCESS");

			createTempFiles(new byte[SIZE], child1, child2, luigiFile, success);

			final DummyFileInputFormat format = new DummyFileInputFormat();
			format.configure(new Configuration());

			// check that only valid files are used for statistics computation
			BaseStatistics stats = format.getStatistics(null);
			Assert.assertEquals(TOTAL, stats.getTotalInputSize());
		catch (Exception e) {

	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	//  Stream Decoration
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	public void testDecorateInputStream() throws IOException {
		// create temporary file with 3 blocks
		final File tempFile = File.createTempFile("input-stream-decoration-test", "tmp");
		final int blockSize = 8;
		final int numBlocks = 3;
		FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(tempFile);
		for (int i = 0; i < blockSize * numBlocks; i++) {
			fileOutputStream.write(new byte[]{(byte) i});

		final Configuration config = new Configuration();

		final FileInputFormat<byte[]> inputFormat = new MyDecoratedInputFormat();


		FileInputSplit[] inputSplits = inputFormat.createInputSplits(3);

		byte[] bytes = null;
		byte prev = 0;
		for (FileInputSplit inputSplit : inputSplits) {
			while (!inputFormat.reachedEnd()) {
				if ((bytes = inputFormat.nextRecord(bytes)) != null) {
					Assert.assertArrayEquals(new byte[]{--prev}, bytes);

	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

	private void createTempFiles(byte[] contents, File... files) throws IOException {
		for (File child : files) {

			BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(child));
			try {
			} finally {

	private class DummyFileInputFormat extends FileInputFormat<IntValue> {
		private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

		public boolean reachedEnd() throws IOException {
			return true;

		public IntValue nextRecord(IntValue record) throws IOException {
			return null;

	private class MultiDummyFileInputFormat extends DummyFileInputFormat {
		private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

		public boolean supportsMultiPaths() {
			return true;

	private static final class MyDecoratedInputFormat extends FileInputFormat<byte[]> {

		private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

		public boolean reachedEnd() throws IOException {
			return this.stream.getPos() >= this.splitStart + this.splitLength;

		public byte[] nextRecord(byte[] reuse) throws IOException {
			int read = this.stream.read();
			if (read == -1) throw new IllegalStateException();
			return new byte[]{(byte) read};

		protected FSDataInputStream decorateInputStream(FSDataInputStream inputStream, FileInputSplit fileSplit) throws Throwable {
			inputStream = super.decorateInputStream(inputStream, fileSplit);
			return new InputStreamFSInputWrapper(new InvertedInputStream(inputStream));

	private static final class InvertedInputStream extends InputStream {

		private final InputStream originalStream;

		private InvertedInputStream(InputStream originalStream) {
			this.originalStream = originalStream;

		public int read() throws IOException {
			int read = this.originalStream.read();
			return read == -1 ? -1 : (~read & 0xFF);

		public int available() throws IOException {
			return this.originalStream.available();