 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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package org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kafka.shuffle;

import org.apache.flink.annotation.Experimental;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.operators.Keys;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.serialization.TypeInformationSerializationSchema;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.BasicArrayTypeInfo;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.TypeInformation;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.TypeSerializer;
import org.apache.flink.api.java.functions.KeySelector;
import org.apache.flink.api.java.tuple.Tuple;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.state.KeyGroupRangeAssignment;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.TimeCharacteristic;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStreamUtils;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.KeyedStream;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.source.SourceFunction;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.transformations.SinkTransformation;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kafka.FlinkKafkaProducer;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.util.keys.KeySelectorUtil;
import org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions;
import org.apache.flink.util.PropertiesUtil;

import java.util.Properties;

 * {@link FlinkKafkaShuffle} uses Kafka as a message bus to shuffle and persist data at the same time.
 * <p>Persisting shuffle data is useful when
 *     - you would like to reuse the shuffle data and/or,
 *     - you would like to avoid a full restart of a pipeline during failure recovery
 * <p>Persisting shuffle is achieved by wrapping a {@link FlinkKafkaShuffleProducer} and
 * a {@link FlinkKafkaShuffleConsumer} together into a {@link FlinkKafkaShuffle}.
 * Here is an example how to use a {@link FlinkKafkaShuffle}.
 * <p><pre>{@code
 *	StreamExecutionEnvironment env = ... 					// create execution environment
 * 	DataStream<X> source = env.addSource(...)				// add data stream source
 * 	DataStream<Y> dataStream = ...							// some transformation(s) based on source
 *	KeyedStream<Y, KEY> keyedStream = FlinkKafkaShuffle
 *		.persistentKeyBy(									// keyBy shuffle through kafka
 * 			dataStream,										// data stream to be shuffled
 * 			topic,											// Kafka topic written to
 * 			producerParallelism,							// the number of tasks of a Kafka Producer
 * 			numberOfPartitions,								// the number of partitions of the Kafka topic written to
 * 			kafkaProperties,								// kafka properties for Kafka Producer and Consumer
 * 			keySelector<Y, KEY>);							// key selector to retrieve key from `dataStream'
 *	keyedStream.transform...								// some other transformation(s)
 * 	KeyedStream<Y, KEY> keyedStreamReuse = FlinkKafkaShuffle
 * 		.readKeyBy(											// Read the Kafka shuffle data again for other usages
 * 			topic,											// the topic of Kafka where data is persisted
 * 			env,											// execution environment, and it can be a new environment
 * 			typeInformation<Y>,								// type information of the data persisted in Kafka
 * 			kafkaProperties,								// kafka properties for Kafka Consumer
 * 			keySelector<Y, KEY>);							// key selector to retrieve key
 * 	keyedStreamReuse.transform...							// some other transformation(s)
 * }</pre>
 * <p>Usage of {@link FlinkKafkaShuffle#persistentKeyBy} is similar to {@link DataStream#keyBy(KeySelector)}.
 * The differences are:
 * <p>1). Partitioning is done through {@link FlinkKafkaShuffleProducer}. {@link FlinkKafkaShuffleProducer} decides
 * 			which partition a key goes when writing to Kafka
 * <p>2). Shuffle data can be reused through {@link FlinkKafkaShuffle#readKeyBy}, as shown in the example above.
 * <p>3). Job execution is decoupled by the persistent Kafka message bus. In the example, the job execution graph is
 * 			decoupled to three regions: `KafkaShuffleProducer', `KafkaShuffleConsumer' and `KafkaShuffleConsumerReuse'
 * 			through `PERSISTENT DATA` as shown below. If any region fails the execution, the other two keep progressing.
 * <p><pre>
 *     source -> ... KafkaShuffleProducer -> PERSISTENT DATA -> KafkaShuffleConsumer -> ...
 *                                                |
 *                                                | ----------> KafkaShuffleConsumerReuse -> ...
 * </pre>
public class FlinkKafkaShuffle {
	static final String PRODUCER_PARALLELISM = "producer parallelism";
	static final String PARTITION_NUMBER = "partition number";

	 * Uses Kafka as a message bus to persist keyBy shuffle.
	 * <p>Persisting keyBy shuffle is achieved by wrapping a {@link FlinkKafkaShuffleProducer} and
	 * {@link FlinkKafkaShuffleConsumer} together.
	 * <p>On the producer side, {@link FlinkKafkaShuffleProducer}
	 * is similar to {@link DataStream#keyBy(KeySelector)}. They use the same key group assignment function
	 * {@link KeyGroupRangeAssignment#assignKeyToParallelOperator} to decide which partition a key goes.
	 * Hence, each producer task can potentially write to each Kafka partition based on where the key goes.
	 * Here, `numberOfPartitions` equals to the key group size.
	 * In the case of using {@link TimeCharacteristic#EventTime}, each producer task broadcasts its watermark
	 * to ALL of the Kafka partitions to make sure watermark information is propagated correctly.
	 * <p>On the consumer side, each consumer task should read partitions equal to the key group indices
	 * it is assigned. `numberOfPartitions` is the maximum parallelism of the consumer. This version only
	 * supports numberOfPartitions = consumerParallelism.
	 * In the case of using {@link TimeCharacteristic#EventTime}, a consumer task is responsible to emit
	 * watermarks. Watermarks are read from the corresponding Kafka partitions. Notice that a consumer task only starts
	 * to emit a watermark after reading at least one watermark from each producer task to make sure watermarks
	 * are monotonically increasing. Hence a consumer task needs to know `producerParallelism` as well.
	 * @see FlinkKafkaShuffle#writeKeyBy
	 * @see FlinkKafkaShuffle#readKeyBy
	 * @param dataStream 			Data stream to be shuffled
	 * @param topic 				Kafka topic written to
	 * @param producerParallelism 	Parallelism of producer
	 * @param numberOfPartitions 	Number of partitions
	 * @param properties 			Kafka properties
	 * @param keySelector 			Key selector to retrieve key from `dataStream'
	 * @param <T> 					Type of the input data stream
	 * @param <K> 					Type of key
	public static <T, K> KeyedStream<T, K> persistentKeyBy(
			DataStream<T> dataStream,
			String topic,
			int producerParallelism,
			int numberOfPartitions,
			Properties properties,
			KeySelector<T, K> keySelector) {
		// KafkaProducer#propsToMap uses Properties purely as a HashMap without considering the default properties
		// So we have to flatten the default property to first level elements.
		Properties kafkaProperties = PropertiesUtil.flatten(properties);
		kafkaProperties.setProperty(PRODUCER_PARALLELISM, String.valueOf(producerParallelism));
		kafkaProperties.setProperty(PARTITION_NUMBER, String.valueOf(numberOfPartitions));

		StreamExecutionEnvironment env = dataStream.getExecutionEnvironment();

		writeKeyBy(dataStream, topic, kafkaProperties, keySelector);
		return readKeyBy(topic, env, dataStream.getType(), kafkaProperties, keySelector);

	 * Uses Kafka as a message bus to persist keyBy shuffle.
	 * <p>Persisting keyBy shuffle is achieved by wrapping a {@link FlinkKafkaShuffleProducer} and
	 * {@link FlinkKafkaShuffleConsumer} together.
	 * <p>On the producer side, {@link FlinkKafkaShuffleProducer}
	 * is similar to {@link DataStream#keyBy(KeySelector)}. They use the same key group assignment function
	 * {@link KeyGroupRangeAssignment#assignKeyToParallelOperator} to decide which partition a key goes.
	 * Hence, each producer task can potentially write to each Kafka partition based on where the key goes.
	 * Here, `numberOfPartitions` equals to the key group size.
	 * In the case of using {@link TimeCharacteristic#EventTime}, each producer task broadcasts its watermark
	 * to ALL of the Kafka partitions to make sure watermark information is propagated correctly.
	 * <p>On the consumer side, each consumer task should read partitions equal to the key group indices
	 * it is assigned. `numberOfPartitions` is the maximum parallelism of the consumer. This version only
	 * supports numberOfPartitions = consumerParallelism.
	 * In the case of using {@link TimeCharacteristic#EventTime}, a consumer task is responsible to emit
	 * watermarks. Watermarks are read from the corresponding Kafka partitions. Notice that a consumer task only starts
	 * to emit a watermark after reading at least one watermark from each producer task to make sure watermarks
	 * are monotonically increasing. Hence a consumer task needs to know `producerParallelism` as well.
	 * @see FlinkKafkaShuffle#writeKeyBy
	 * @see FlinkKafkaShuffle#readKeyBy
	 * @param dataStream 			Data stream to be shuffled
	 * @param topic 				Kafka topic written to
	 * @param producerParallelism 	Parallelism of producer
	 * @param numberOfPartitions 	Number of partitions
	 * @param properties 			Kafka properties
	 * @param fields 				Key positions from the input data stream
	 * @param <T> 					Type of the input data stream
	public static <T> KeyedStream<T, Tuple> persistentKeyBy(
			DataStream<T> dataStream,
			String topic,
			int producerParallelism,
			int numberOfPartitions,
			Properties properties,
			int... fields) {
		return persistentKeyBy(
			keySelector(dataStream, fields));

	 * The write side of {@link FlinkKafkaShuffle#persistentKeyBy}.
	 * <p>This function contains a {@link FlinkKafkaShuffleProducer} to shuffle and persist data in Kafka.
	 * {@link FlinkKafkaShuffleProducer} uses the same key group assignment function
	 * {@link KeyGroupRangeAssignment#assignKeyToParallelOperator} to decide which partition a key goes.
	 * Hence, each producer task can potentially write to each Kafka partition based on the key.
	 * Here, the number of partitions equals to the key group size.
	 * In the case of using {@link TimeCharacteristic#EventTime}, each producer task broadcasts each watermark
	 * to all of the Kafka partitions to make sure watermark information is propagated properly.
	 * <p>Attention: make sure kafkaProperties include
	 * {@link FlinkKafkaShuffle#PRODUCER_PARALLELISM} and {@link FlinkKafkaShuffle#PARTITION_NUMBER} explicitly.
	 * {@link FlinkKafkaShuffle#PRODUCER_PARALLELISM} is the parallelism of the producer.
	 * {@link FlinkKafkaShuffle#PARTITION_NUMBER} is the number of partitions.
	 * They are not necessarily the same and allowed to be set independently.
	 * @see FlinkKafkaShuffle#persistentKeyBy
	 * @see FlinkKafkaShuffle#readKeyBy
	 * @param dataStream 			Data stream to be shuffled
	 * @param topic 				Kafka topic written to
	 * @param kafkaProperties 		Kafka properties for Kafka Producer
	 * @param keySelector 			Key selector to retrieve key from `dataStream'
	 * @param <T> 					Type of the input data stream
	 * @param <K> 					Type of key
	public static <T, K> void writeKeyBy(
			DataStream<T> dataStream,
			String topic,
			Properties kafkaProperties,
			KeySelector<T, K> keySelector) {

		StreamExecutionEnvironment env = dataStream.getExecutionEnvironment();
		TypeSerializer<T> typeSerializer = dataStream.getType().createSerializer(env.getConfig());

		// write data to Kafka
		FlinkKafkaShuffleProducer<T, K> kafkaProducer = new FlinkKafkaShuffleProducer<>(

		// make sure the sink parallelism is set to producerParallelism
			kafkaProperties.getProperty(PRODUCER_PARALLELISM) != null,
			"Missing producer parallelism for Kafka Shuffle");
		int producerParallelism = PropertiesUtil.getInt(kafkaProperties, PRODUCER_PARALLELISM, Integer.MIN_VALUE);

		addKafkaShuffle(dataStream, kafkaProducer, producerParallelism);

	 * The write side of {@link FlinkKafkaShuffle#persistentKeyBy}.
	 * <p>This function contains a {@link FlinkKafkaShuffleProducer} to shuffle and persist data in Kafka.
	 * {@link FlinkKafkaShuffleProducer} uses the same key group assignment function
	 * {@link KeyGroupRangeAssignment#assignKeyToParallelOperator} to decide which partition a key goes.
	 * <p>Hence, each producer task can potentially write to each Kafka partition based on the key.
	 * Here, the number of partitions equals to the key group size.
	 * In the case of using {@link TimeCharacteristic#EventTime}, each producer task broadcasts each watermark
	 * to all of the Kafka partitions to make sure watermark information is propagated properly.
	 * <p>Attention: make sure kafkaProperties include
	 * {@link FlinkKafkaShuffle#PRODUCER_PARALLELISM} and {@link FlinkKafkaShuffle#PARTITION_NUMBER} explicitly.
	 * {@link FlinkKafkaShuffle#PRODUCER_PARALLELISM} is the parallelism of the producer.
	 * {@link FlinkKafkaShuffle#PARTITION_NUMBER} is the number of partitions.
	 * They are not necessarily the same and allowed to be set independently.
	 * @see FlinkKafkaShuffle#persistentKeyBy
	 * @see FlinkKafkaShuffle#readKeyBy
	 * @param dataStream 		Data stream to be shuffled
	 * @param topic				Kafka topic written to
	 * @param kafkaProperties 	Kafka properties for Kafka Producer
	 * @param fields 			Key positions from the input data stream
	 * @param <T> 				Type of the input data stream
	public static <T> void writeKeyBy(
			DataStream<T> dataStream,
			String topic,
			Properties kafkaProperties,
			int... fields) {
		writeKeyBy(dataStream, topic, kafkaProperties, keySelector(dataStream, fields));

	 * The read side of {@link FlinkKafkaShuffle#persistentKeyBy}.
	 * <p>Each consumer task should read kafka partitions equal to the key group indices it is assigned.
	 * The number of kafka partitions is the maximum parallelism of the consumer.
	 * This version only supports numberOfPartitions = consumerParallelism.
	 * In the case of using {@link TimeCharacteristic#EventTime}, a consumer task is responsible to emit
	 * watermarks. Watermarks are read from the corresponding Kafka partitions. Notice that a consumer task only starts
	 * to emit a watermark after receiving at least one watermark from each producer task to make sure watermarks
	 * are monotonically increasing. Hence a consumer task needs to know `producerParallelism` as well.
	 * <p>Attention: make sure kafkaProperties include
	 * {@link FlinkKafkaShuffle#PRODUCER_PARALLELISM} and {@link FlinkKafkaShuffle#PARTITION_NUMBER} explicitly.
	 * {@link FlinkKafkaShuffle#PRODUCER_PARALLELISM} is the parallelism of the producer.
	 * {@link FlinkKafkaShuffle#PARTITION_NUMBER} is the number of partitions.
	 * They are not necessarily the same and allowed to be set independently.
	 * @see FlinkKafkaShuffle#persistentKeyBy
	 * @see FlinkKafkaShuffle#writeKeyBy
	 * @param topic 			The topic of Kafka where data is persisted
	 * @param env 				Execution environment. readKeyBy's environment can be different from writeKeyBy's
	 * @param typeInformation 	Type information of the data persisted in Kafka
	 * @param kafkaProperties 	kafka properties for Kafka Consumer
	 * @param keySelector 		key selector to retrieve key
	 * @param <T> 				Schema type
	 * @param <K> 				Key type
	 * @return Keyed data stream
	public static <T, K> KeyedStream<T, K> readKeyBy(
			String topic,
			StreamExecutionEnvironment env,
			TypeInformation<T> typeInformation,
			Properties kafkaProperties,
			KeySelector<T, K> keySelector) {

		TypeSerializer<T> typeSerializer = typeInformation.createSerializer(env.getConfig());
		TypeInformationSerializationSchema<T> schema =
			new TypeInformationSerializationSchema<>(typeInformation, typeSerializer);

		SourceFunction<T> kafkaConsumer  =
			new FlinkKafkaShuffleConsumer<>(topic, schema, typeSerializer, kafkaProperties);

		// TODO: consider situations where numberOfPartitions != consumerParallelism
			kafkaProperties.getProperty(PARTITION_NUMBER) != null,
			"Missing partition number for Kafka Shuffle");
		int numberOfPartitions = PropertiesUtil.getInt(kafkaProperties, PARTITION_NUMBER, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
		DataStream<T> outputDataStream = env.addSource(kafkaConsumer).setParallelism(numberOfPartitions);

		return DataStreamUtils.reinterpretAsKeyedStream(outputDataStream, keySelector);

	 * Adds a {@link StreamKafkaShuffleSink} to {@link DataStream}.
	 * <p>{@link StreamKafkaShuffleSink} is associated a {@link FlinkKafkaShuffleProducer}.
	 * @param inputStream 				Input data stream connected to the shuffle
	 * @param kafkaShuffleProducer 		Kafka shuffle sink function that can handle both records and watermark
	 * @param producerParallelism 		The number of tasks writing to the kafka shuffle
	private static <T, K> void addKafkaShuffle(
			DataStream<T> inputStream,
			FlinkKafkaShuffleProducer<T, K> kafkaShuffleProducer,
			int producerParallelism) {

		// read the output type of the input Transform to coax out errors about MissingTypeInfo

		StreamKafkaShuffleSink<T> shuffleSinkOperator = new StreamKafkaShuffleSink<>(kafkaShuffleProducer);
		SinkTransformation<T> transformation = new SinkTransformation<>(

	// A better place to put this function is DataStream; but put it here for now to avoid changing DataStream
	private static <T> KeySelector<T, Tuple> keySelector(DataStream<T> source, int... fields) {
		KeySelector<T, Tuple> keySelector;
		if (source.getType() instanceof BasicArrayTypeInfo || source.getType() instanceof PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo) {
			keySelector = KeySelectorUtil.getSelectorForArray(fields, source.getType());
		} else {
			Keys<T> keys = new Keys.ExpressionKeys<>(fields, source.getType());
			keySelector = KeySelectorUtil.getSelectorForKeys(

		return keySelector;