package org.openrdf.repository.object;

import junit.framework.TestCase;

import org.openrdf.annotations.Bind;
import org.openrdf.annotations.Iri;
import org.openrdf.annotations.ParameterTypes;
import org.openrdf.annotations.Sparql;
import org.openrdf.model.URI;
import org.openrdf.model.ValueFactory;
import org.openrdf.repository.object.config.ObjectRepositoryConfig;
import org.openrdf.repository.object.config.ObjectRepositoryFactory;
import org.openrdf.repository.object.traits.ObjectMessage;
import org.openrdf.repository.sail.SailRepository;
import org.openrdf.result.Result;
import org.openrdf.sail.memory.MemoryStore;

public class SmokeTest extends TestCase {
	private static final String FOAF = "urn:test:foaf:";
	private static final String PREFIX = "PREFIX foaf:<" + FOAF + ">\n";
	private static final String DEFAULT_IMAGE_URI = "about:blank";

	@Iri(Document.NS + "Document")
	public static class Document {
		public static final String NS = "";

		@Iri(NS + "title")
		String title;

		public String getTitle() {
			return title;

		public void setTitle(String title) {
			this.title = title;

		// retrieve a Document by title using a named query
		@Sparql("PREFIX gs:<>\n"
				+ "SELECT ?doc WHERE {?doc gs:title $title}")
		public Document findDocumentByTitle(@Bind("title") String title) {
			return null;

	@Iri(FOAF + "Person")
	public interface Person {
		@Iri(FOAF + "depiction")
		Image getDepiction();

		@Iri(FOAF + "depiction")
		void setDepiction(Image depiction);

	@Iri(FOAF + "Image")
	public interface Image {

		@Sparql(PREFIX + "SELECT ?person { ?person foaf:depiction $this }")
		Person getDepicts();

		@Sparql(PREFIX + "DELETE { ?p foaf:depiction $this } WHERE { ?p foaf:depiction $this } ;\n"
				+ "INSERT { $person foaf:depiction $this } WHERE {} ")
		void setDepicts(@Bind("person") Person person);

	public abstract static class PersonSupport implements Person, RDFObject {

		public Image getDepiction(ObjectMessage msg) throws Exception {
			Image depiction = (Image) msg.proceed();
			if (depiction == null) {
				return (Image) getObjectConnection().getObject(
			return depiction;

	private ObjectRepository repository;
	private ObjectConnection con;

	public void setUp() throws Exception {
		ObjectRepositoryFactory orf = new ObjectRepositoryFactory();
		ObjectRepositoryConfig config = orf.getConfig();
		MemoryStore store = new MemoryStore();
		SailRepository delegate = new SailRepository(store);
		repository = orf.createRepository(config, delegate);
		con = repository.getConnection();

	public void tearDown() throws Exception {

	public void testCreateDocument() throws Exception {
		// create a Document
		Document doc = new Document();
		doc.setTitle("Getting Started");

		// add a Document to the repository
		ValueFactory vf = con.getValueFactory();
		URI id = vf
		con.addObject(id, doc);

		// retrieve a Document by id
		doc = con.getObject(Document.class, id);
		assertEquals("Getting Started", doc.getTitle());


	public void testRemoveDocument() throws Exception {
		// create a Document
		Document doc = new Document();
		doc.setTitle("Getting Started");

		// add a Document to the repository
		ValueFactory vf = con.getValueFactory();
		URI id = vf
		con.addObject(id, doc);

		// retrieve a Document by id
		doc = con.getObject(Document.class, id);
		assertEquals("Getting Started", doc.getTitle());

		// remove a Document from the repository
		doc = con.getObject(Document.class, id);
		con.removeDesignation(doc, Document.class);


	public void testAllDocuments() throws Exception {
		// create a Document
		Document doc = new Document();
		doc.setTitle("Getting Started");

		// add a Document to the repository
		ValueFactory vf = con.getValueFactory();
		URI id = vf
		con.addObject(id, doc);

		// retrieve a Document by id
		doc = con.getObject(Document.class, id);
		assertEquals("Getting Started", doc.getTitle());

		// retrieve all Documents
		Result<Document> result = con.getObjects(Document.class);
		while (result.hasNext()) {
			assertEquals("Getting Started",;

	public void testDynamicQuery() throws Exception {
		// create a Document
		Document doc = new Document();
		doc.setTitle("Getting Started");

		// add a Document to the repository
		ValueFactory vf = con.getValueFactory();
		URI id = vf
		con.addObject(id, doc);

		// retrieve a Document by id
		doc = con.getObject(Document.class, id);
		assertEquals("Getting Started", doc.getTitle());

		// retrieve a Document by title using a dynamic query
		ObjectQuery query = con
				.prepareObjectQuery("PREFIX gs:<>\n"
						+ "SELECT ?doc WHERE {?doc gs:title ?title}");
		query.setObject("title", "Getting Started");
		doc = query.evaluate(Document.class).singleResult();
		assertEquals("Getting Started", doc.getTitle());

	public void testMethodQuery() throws Exception {
		// create a Document
		Document doc = new Document();
		doc.setTitle("Getting Started");

		// add a Document to the repository
		ValueFactory vf = con.getValueFactory();
		URI id = vf
		con.addObject(id, doc);

		// retrieve a Document by id
		doc = con.getObject(Document.class, id);
		assertEquals("Getting Started", doc.getTitle());

		doc = doc.findDocumentByTitle("Getting Started");
		assertEquals("Getting Started", doc.getTitle());

	public void testProperty() throws Exception {
		Image nil = con.addDesignation(con.getObject(DEFAULT_IMAGE_URI),
		Person me = con.addDesignation(con.getObject("urn:test:me"),
		Person myself = con.addDesignation(con.getObject("urn:test:myself"),
		Image image = con.addDesignation(con.getObject("urn:test:image"),
		me = con.getObject(Person.class, "urn:test:me");
		myself = con.getObject(Person.class, "urn:test:myself");
		image = con.getObject(Image.class, "urn:test:image");
		assertEquals(image, me.getDepiction());
		assertEquals(nil, myself.getDepiction());
		assertEquals(me, image.getDepicts());
		me = con.getObject(Person.class, "urn:test:me");
		myself = con.getObject(Person.class, "urn:test:myself");
		image = con.getObject(Image.class, "urn:test:image");
		assertEquals(image, myself.getDepiction());
		assertEquals(nil, me.getDepiction());
		assertEquals(myself, image.getDepicts());

	public void testInverse() throws Exception {
		Image nil = con.addDesignation(con.getObject(DEFAULT_IMAGE_URI),
		Person me = con.addDesignation(con.getObject("urn:test:me"),
		Person myself = con.addDesignation(con.getObject("urn:test:myself"),
		Image image = con.addDesignation(con.getObject("urn:test:image"),
		me = con.getObject(Person.class, "urn:test:me");
		myself = con.getObject(Person.class, "urn:test:myself");
		image = con.getObject(Image.class, "urn:test:image");
		assertEquals(image, me.getDepiction());
		assertEquals(nil, myself.getDepiction());
		assertEquals(me, image.getDepicts());
		me = con.refresh(me);
		myself = con.refresh(myself);
		image = con.refresh(image);
		assertEquals(image, myself.getDepiction());
		assertEquals(nil, me.getDepiction());
		assertEquals(myself, image.getDepicts());