package edu.cmu.hcii.whyline.bytecode;

import java.util.SortedSet;

import edu.cmu.hcii.whyline.source.JavaSourceFile;
import edu.cmu.hcii.whyline.source.LineNumber;


    LineNumberTable_attribute {
    	u2 attribute_name_index;
    	u4 attribute_length;
    	u2 line_number_table_length;
    	{  u2 start_pc;	     
    	   u2 line_number;	     
    	} line_number_table[line_number_table_length];

 * @author Andrew J. Ko
 *	One assumption we can make is that the byte indices increase in the table.
 *	The line numbers don't necessarily increase.
public final class LineNumberTableAttribute extends Attribute {

	private final UTF8Info attributeName;
	private final int attributeLength;
	private final ConstantPool pool;
	private CodeAttribute code;
	private LineNumberTableEntry[] lines;
	private int lineNumberTableLength;
	private byte[] bytes;
	public LineNumberTableAttribute(UTF8Info attributeName, CodeAttribute owner, ConstantPool pool, DataInputStream data, int length) throws IOException {

		this.pool = pool;
		this.attributeName = attributeName;
		this.attributeLength = length;
		this.code = owner;
		// Save making the table for later.
		bytes = new byte[attributeLength];

	private LineNumberTableEntry[] parseLines() {

		if(lines == null) {
			try {
				DataInputStream data = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));
				lineNumberTableLength = data.readUnsignedShort();
				lines = new LineNumberTableEntry[lineNumberTableLength];
				for(int i = 0; i < lineNumberTableLength; i++) {
					int startPC = data.readUnsignedShort();
					int line = data.readUnsignedShort();
					Instruction inst = code.getInstructionAtByteIndex(startPC);
					lines[i] = new LineNumberTableEntry(pool.getClassfile(), inst, line);			
				bytes = null;
			} catch(IOException e) {

		return lines;
	public void toBytes(DataOutputStream stream) throws IOException {

		if(lines == null)
		else {
			for(LineNumberTableEntry pair : lines) {

	 * @param byteIndex
	 * @return -1 if there's no line number for this byte index.
	public LineNumber getLineNumberOf(Instruction inst) {

		LineNumberTableEntry[] entries = parseLines();
		if(entries.length == 1) return entries[0].getLineNumber();
		Instruction instructionOfPreviousRow = entries[0].startPC;
		for(int currentRow = 1; currentRow < entries.length; currentRow++) {
			if(instructionOfPreviousRow.getByteIndex() <= inst.getByteIndex() && inst.getByteIndex() < entries[currentRow].startPC.getByteIndex())
				return entries[currentRow - 1].getLineNumber();
			else instructionOfPreviousRow = entries[currentRow].startPC;
		if(inst.getByteIndex() >= entries[entries.length - 1].startPC.getByteIndex())
			return entries[entries.length - 1].getLineNumber();
		return null;

	public LineNumber getFirstLineNumber() {
		LineNumberTableEntry[] entries = parseLines();

		LineNumber smallest = null;
		for(int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
			if(smallest == null || entries[i].getLineNumber().isBefore(smallest))
				smallest = entries[i].getLineNumber();
		return smallest;
	public LineNumber getLastLineNumber() {

		LineNumberTableEntry[] entries = parseLines();

		LineNumber largest = null;
		for(int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
			if(largest == null || entries[i].getLineNumber().isAfter(largest))
				largest = entries[i].getLineNumber();
		return largest;

	public int getTotalAttributeLength() { 

//		return 2 + 4 + 2 + lines.length * 4; 
		return 2 + 4 + attributeLength;

	public void getInstructionsOnLineNumber(SortedSet<Instruction> instructions, LineNumber lineNumber) {

		LineNumberTableEntry[] entries = parseLines();
		// Need to find all of the byte index ranges that correspond to this line number
		int tableRowThatMatchesLineNumber = 0;
		for(tableRowThatMatchesLineNumber = 0; tableRowThatMatchesLineNumber < entries.length; tableRowThatMatchesLineNumber++) {
			// Find all of the instructions that match this range of byte indices.
			if(entries[tableRowThatMatchesLineNumber].getLineNumber().is(lineNumber)) {

				Instruction currentInstruction = entries[tableRowThatMatchesLineNumber].startPC;
				while(currentInstruction != null && currentInstruction.getLineNumber().is(lineNumber)) {
					currentInstruction = currentInstruction.getNext();
				// If the instruction is null, it's either the end of the code, or the code was generated by the compiler, and has no line number.


	private String getStringFormOfTable() {
		LineNumberTableEntry[] entries = parseLines();

		String string = "***\n";
		for(int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
			string = string + entries[i].line + " starts at byte index " + entries[i].startPC + "\n";

		return string + "***\n";

	private static class LineNumberTableEntry {
		public final Instruction startPC;
		private final int line;
		private LineNumber lineNumber;
		private final Classfile classfile;
		public LineNumberTableEntry(Classfile classfile, Instruction startPC, int line) {

			this.classfile = classfile;
			this.startPC = startPC;
			this.line = line;
		public LineNumber getLineNumber() {
			if(lineNumber == null) {
				JavaSourceFile source = classfile.getSourceFile();
				lineNumber = new LineNumber(source == null ? classfile : source, line);
			return lineNumber;
