package org.jenkinsci.plugins.sma;

import org.eclipse.jgit.api.DiffCommand;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git;
import org.eclipse.jgit.diff.DiffEntry;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectReader;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevTree;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk;
import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.CanonicalTreeParser;
import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.TreeWalk;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

 * Wrapper for git interactions using jGit.
public class SMAGit
    public enum Mode { STD, INI, PRB }

    private final String SOURCEDIR = "src/";

    private Git git;
    private Repository repository;
    private List<DiffEntry> diffs;
    private String prevCommit, curCommit;

    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(SMAGit.class.getName());

     * Creates an SMAGit instance
     * @param pathToWorkspace
     * @param curCommit
     * @param diffAgainst
     * @param smaMode
     * @throws Exception
    public SMAGit(String pathToWorkspace,
                  String curCommit,
                  String diffAgainst,
                  Mode smaMode) throws Exception
        String pathToRepo = pathToWorkspace + "/.git";
        File repoDir = new File(pathToRepo);
        FileRepositoryBuilder builder = new FileRepositoryBuilder();
        repository = builder.setGitDir(repoDir).readEnvironment().build();
        git = new Git(repository);
        this.curCommit = curCommit;

        if (smaMode == Mode.PRB)
            ObjectId branchId = repository.resolve("refs/remotes/origin/" + diffAgainst);
            RevCommit targetCommit = new RevWalk(repository).parseCommit(branchId);

            this.prevCommit = targetCommit.getName();
        else if (smaMode == Mode.STD)
            this.prevCommit = diffAgainst;

        if (smaMode != Mode.INI)

     * Returns all of the items that were added in the current commit.
     * @return The ArrayList containing all of the additions in the current commit.
     * @throws IOException
    public Map<String, byte[]> getNewMetadata() throws Exception
        Map<String, byte[]> additions = new HashMap<String, byte[]>();

        for (DiffEntry diff : diffs)
            if (diff.getChangeType().toString().equals("ADD"))
                String item = SMAUtility.checkMeta(diff.getNewPath());
                if (!additions.containsKey(item) && item.contains(SOURCEDIR))
                    additions.put(diff.getNewPath(), getBlob(diff.getNewPath(), curCommit));

        return additions;

     * Returns all of the items that were deleted in the current commit.
     * @return The ArrayList containing all of the items that were deleted in the current commit.
    public Map<String, byte[]> getDeletedMetadata() throws Exception
        Map<String, byte[]> deletions = new HashMap<String, byte[]>();

        for (DiffEntry diff : diffs)
            if (diff.getChangeType().toString().equals("DELETE"))
                String item = SMAUtility.checkMeta(diff.getOldPath());
                if (!deletions.containsKey(item) && item.contains(SOURCEDIR))
                    deletions.put(diff.getOldPath(), getBlob(diff.getOldPath(), prevCommit));

        return deletions;

     * Returns all of the updated changes in the current commit.
     * @return The ArrayList containing the items that were modified (new paths) and added to the repository.
     * @throws IOException
    public Map<String, byte[]> getUpdatedMetadata() throws Exception
        Map<String, byte[]> modifiedMetadata = new HashMap<String, byte[]>();

        for (DiffEntry diff : diffs)
            if (diff.getChangeType().toString().equals("MODIFY"))
                String item = SMAUtility.checkMeta(diff.getNewPath());
                if (!modifiedMetadata.containsKey(item) && item.contains(SOURCEDIR))
                    modifiedMetadata.put(diff.getNewPath(), getBlob(diff.getNewPath(), curCommit));
        return modifiedMetadata;

     * Returns all of the modified (old paths) changes in the current commit.
     * @return ArrayList containing the items that were modified (old paths).
    public Map<String, byte[]> getOriginalMetadata() throws Exception
        Map<String, byte[]> originalMetadata = new HashMap<String, byte[]>();

        for (DiffEntry diff : diffs)
            if (diff.getChangeType().toString().equals("MODIFY"))
                String item = SMAUtility.checkMeta(diff.getOldPath());
                if (!originalMetadata.containsKey(item) && item.contains(SOURCEDIR))
                    originalMetadata.put(diff.getOldPath(), getBlob(diff.getOldPath(), prevCommit));

        return originalMetadata;

     * Returns the blob information for the file at the specified path and commit
     * @param repoItem
     * @param commit
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public byte[] getBlob(String repoItem, String commit) throws Exception
        byte[] data;

        String parentPath = repository.getDirectory().getParent();

        ObjectId commitId = repository.resolve(commit);

        ObjectReader reader = repository.newObjectReader();
        RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(reader);
        RevCommit revCommit = revWalk.parseCommit(commitId);
        RevTree tree = revCommit.getTree();
        TreeWalk treeWalk = TreeWalk.forPath(reader, repoItem, tree);

        if (treeWalk != null)
            data =;
            throw new IllegalStateException("Did not find expected file '" + repoItem + "'");


        return data;

     * Replicates ls-tree for the current commit.
     * @return Map containing the full path and the data for all items in the repository.
     * @throws IOException
    public Map<String, byte[]> getAllMetadata() throws Exception
        Map<String, byte[]> contents = new HashMap<String, byte[]>();
        ObjectReader reader = repository.newObjectReader();
        ObjectId commitId = repository.resolve(curCommit);
        RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(reader);
        RevCommit commit = revWalk.parseCommit(commitId);
        RevTree tree = commit.getTree();
        TreeWalk treeWalk = new TreeWalk(reader);

        while (
            if (treeWalk.isSubtree())
                String member = treeWalk.getPathString();
                if (member.contains(SOURCEDIR))
                    byte[] data = getBlob(member, curCommit);
                    contents.put(member, data);


        return contents;

     * Creates an updated package.xml file and commits it to the repository
     * @param workspace The workspace.
     * @param userName  The user name of the committer.
     * @param userEmail The email of the committer.
     * @param manifest  The SMAPackage representation of a package manifest
     * @return A boolean value indicating whether an update was required or not.
     * @throws Exception
    public boolean updatePackageXML(String workspace,
                                    String userName,
                                    String userEmail,
                                    SMAPackage manifest) throws Exception
        File packageXml;

        // Only need to update the manifest if we have additions or deletions
        if (!getNewMetadata().isEmpty() || !getDeletedMetadata().isEmpty())
            // Fine the existing package.xml file in the repository
            String packageLocation = SMAUtility.findPackage(new File(workspace));

            if (!packageLocation.isEmpty())
                packageXml = new File(packageLocation);
                // We couldn't find one, so just create one.
                packageXml = new File(workspace + "/unpackaged/package.xml");

            // Write the manifest to the location of the package.xml in the fs
            FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(packageXml, false);

            String path = packageXml.getPath();

            // Commit the updated package.xml file to the repository
            git.commit().setCommitter(userName, userEmail).setMessage("Jenkins updated package.xml").call();

            return true;

        return false;

    public Git getRepo()
        return git;

    public String getPrevCommit()
        return prevCommit;

    public String getCurCommit()
        return curCommit;

     * Returns the diff between two commits.
     * @return List that contains DiffEntry objects of the changes made between the previous and current commits.
     * @throws Exception
    private void getDiffs() throws Exception
        OutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        CanonicalTreeParser oldTree = getTree(prevCommit);
        CanonicalTreeParser newTree = getTree(curCommit);
        DiffCommand diff = git.diff().setOutputStream(out).setOldTree(oldTree).setNewTree(newTree);
        diffs =;

     * Returns the Canonical Tree Parser representation of a commit.
     * @param commit Commit in the repository.
     * @return CanonicalTreeParser representing the tree for the commit.
     * @throws IOException
    private CanonicalTreeParser getTree(String commit) throws IOException
        CanonicalTreeParser tree = new CanonicalTreeParser();
        ObjectReader reader = repository.newObjectReader();
        ObjectId head = repository.resolve(commit + "^{tree}");
        tree.reset(reader, head);
        return tree;