 *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package meka.classifiers.multilabel;

import meka.classifiers.multitarget.MultiTargetClassifier;
import meka.classifiers.MultiXClassifier;
import meka.core.MLEvalUtils;
import meka.core.MLUtils;
import meka.core.Result;
import weka.core.Instance;
import weka.core.Instances;
import weka.core.Option;
import weka.core.SerializationHelper;
import weka.core.Utils;
import weka.core.converters.AbstractFileSaver;
import weka.core.converters.ArffSaver;
import weka.core.converters.ConverterUtils;
import weka.core.converters.ConverterUtils.DataSource;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Random;

 * Evaluation.java - Evaluation functionality.
 * @author 		Jesse Read
 * @version 	March 2014
public class Evaluation {

	 * RunExperiment - Build and evaluate a model with command-line options.
	 * @param	h		multi-label classifier
	 * @param	options	command line options
	public static void runExperiment(MultiLabelClassifier h, String options[]) throws Exception {

		// Help
		if(Utils.getOptionPos('h',options) >= 0) {
			System.out.println("\nHelp requested");


		if (h.getDebug()) System.out.println("Loading and preparing dataset ...");

		// Load Instances from a file
		Instances D_train = loadDataset(options);

		Instances D_full = D_train;

		// Try extract and set a class index from the @relation name

		// Override the number of classes with command-line option (optional)
		if(Utils.getOptionPos('C',options) >= 0) {
			int L = Integer.parseInt(Utils.getOption('C',options));

		// We we still haven't found -C option, we can't continue (don't know how many labels)
		int L = D_train.classIndex();
		if(L <= 0) {
			throw new Exception("[Error] Number of labels not specified.\n\tYou must set the number of labels with the -C option, either inside the @relation tag of the Instances file, or on the command line.");
			// apparently the dataset didn't contain the '-C' flag, check in the command line options ...

		// Randomize (Instances) 
		int seed = (Utils.getOptionPos('s',options) >= 0) ? Integer.parseInt(Utils.getOption('s',options)) : 0;
		if(Utils.getFlag('R',options)) {
			D_train.randomize(new Random(seed));
		boolean Threaded =false;
		if(Utils.getOptionPos("Thr",options) >= 0) {
			Threaded = Utils.getFlag("Thr",options);

		// Verbosity Option
		String voption = "1";
		if (Utils.getOptionPos("verbosity",options) >= 0) {
			voption = Utils.getOption("verbosity",options);

		// Save for later?
		//String fname = null;
		//if (Utils.getOptionPos('f',options) >= 0) {
		//	fname = Utils.getOption('f',options);
		// Dump for later?
		String dname = null;
		if (Utils.getOptionPos('d',options) >= 0) {
			dname = Utils.getOption('d',options);
		// Load from file?
		String lname = null;
		Instances dataHeader = null;
		if (Utils.getOptionPos('l',options) >= 0) {
			lname = Utils.getOption('l',options);
			Object[] data = SerializationHelper.readAll(lname);
			h = (MultiLabelClassifier)data[0];
			if (data.length > 1)
				dataHeader = (Instances) data[1];
			//Object o[] = SerializationHelper.readAll(lname);
			//h = (MultilabelClassifier)o[0];

		try {

			Result r = null;

			// Threshold OPtion
			String top = "PCut1"; // default
			if (Utils.getOptionPos("threshold",options) >= 0)
				top = Utils.getOption("threshold",options);

			// output predictions to file?
			String predictions = Utils.getOption("predictions", options);

			// suppress evaluation?
			boolean doEval = !Utils.getFlag("no-eval", options);

			if(Utils.getOptionPos('x',options) >= 0) {

				// TODO output predictions?
				if (!predictions.isEmpty())
					System.err.println("Predictions cannot be saved when using cross-validation!");

				int numFolds = MLUtils.getIntegerOption(Utils.getOption('x',options),10); // default 10
				// Check for remaining options
				r = Evaluation.cvModel(h,D_train,numFolds,top,voption);
			else {

				Instances D_test = null;

				if(Utils.getOptionPos('T',options) >= 0) {
					// load separate test set
					try {
						D_test = loadDataset(options,'T');
					} catch(Exception e) {
						throw new Exception("[Error] Failed to Load Test Instances from file.", e);
				else {
					// split training set into train and test sets
					// default split
					int N_T = (int)(D_train.numInstances() * 0.60);
					if(Utils.getOptionPos("split-percentage",options) >= 0) {
						// split by percentage
						double percentTrain = Double.parseDouble(Utils.getOption("split-percentage",options));
						N_T = (int)Math.round((D_train.numInstances() * (percentTrain/100.0)));
					else if(Utils.getOptionPos("split-number",options) >= 0) {
						// split by number
						N_T = Integer.parseInt(Utils.getOption("split-number",options));

					int N_t = D_train.numInstances() - N_T;
					D_test = new Instances(D_train,N_T,N_t);
					D_train = new Instances(D_train,0,N_T);

				// Invert the split?
				if(Utils.getFlag('i',options)) { //boolean INVERT 			= Utils.getFlag('i',options);
					Instances temp = D_test;
					D_test = D_train;
					D_train = temp;

				// Check for remaining options

				if (h.getDebug()) System.out.println(":- Dataset -: "+MLUtils.getDatasetName(D_train)+"\tL="+L+"\tD(t:T)=("+D_train.numInstances()+":"+D_test.numInstances()+")\tLC(t:T)="+Utils.roundDouble(MLUtils.labelCardinality(D_train,L),2)+":"+Utils.roundDouble(MLUtils.labelCardinality(D_test,L),2)+")");

				if (lname != null) {
					// h is already built, and loaded from a file, test it!
					if (doEval) {
						r = testClassifier(h, D_test);

						String t = top;

						if (top.startsWith("PCut")) {
							// if PCut is specified we need the training data,
							// so that we can calibrate the threshold!
							t = MLEvalUtils.getThreshold(r.predictions, D_train, top);
						r = evaluateModel(h, D_test, t, voption);
				else {
					//check if train and test set size are > 0
					if(D_train.numInstances() > 0 &&
						D_test.numInstances() > 0){
						if (doEval) {
							if (Threaded) {
								r = evaluateModelM(h, D_train, D_test, top, voption);
							else {
								r = evaluateModel(h, D_train, D_test, top, voption);
						else {
					} else {
						// otherwise just train on full set. Maybe better throw an exception.

				// @todo, if D_train==null, assume h is already trained
				if(D_train.numInstances() > 0 &&
					D_test.numInstances() > 0 &&
				    r != null) {

				// predictions
				if (!predictions.isEmpty()) {
					Instances predicted = new Instances(D_test, 0);
					for (int i = 0; i < D_test.numInstances(); i++) {
						double pred[] = h.distributionForInstance(D_test.instance(i));
						// Cut off any [no-longer-needed] probabalistic information from MT classifiers.
						if (h instanceof MultiTargetClassifier)
                                                    pred = Arrays.copyOfRange(pred, D_test.classIndex(), D_test.classIndex()*2);
						Instance predInst = (Instance) D_test.instance(i).copy();
						for (int j = 0; j < pred.length; j++)
							predInst.setValue(j, Math.round(pred[j])); // ML have probabilities; MT have discrete label indices
					AbstractFileSaver saver = ConverterUtils.getSaverForFile(predictions);
					if (saver == null) {
						System.err.println("Failed to determine saver for '" + predictions + "', using " + ArffSaver.class.getName());
						saver = new ArffSaver();
					saver.setFile(new File(predictions));
					System.out.println("Predictions saved to: " + predictions);

			// Save model to file?
			if (dname != null) {
				dataHeader = new Instances(D_train, 0);
				SerializationHelper.writeAll(dname, new Object[]{h, dataHeader});

		} catch(Exception e) {


	 * IsMT - see if dataset D is multi-target (else only multi-label)
	 * @param	D	data
	 * @return	true iff D is multi-target only (else false)
	public static boolean isMT(Instances D) {
		int L = D.classIndex();
		for(int j = 0; j < L; j++) {
			if (D.attribute(j).isNominal()) {
				// Classification
				if (D.attribute(j).numValues() > 2) {
					// Multi-class
					return true;
			else {
				// Regression?
				System.err.println("[Warning] Found a non-nominal class -- not sure how this happened?");
		return false;

	 * EvaluateModel - Build model 'h' on 'D_train', test it on 'D_test', threshold it according to 'top', using default verbosity option.
	 * @param	h		a multi-dim. classifier
	 * @param	D_train	training data
	 * @param	D_test 	test data
	 * @param	top    	Threshold OPtion (pertains to multi-label data only)
	 * @return	Result	raw prediction data with evaluation statistics included.
	public static Result evaluateModel(MultiXClassifier h, Instances D_train, Instances D_test, String top) throws Exception {
		return Evaluation.evaluateModel(h,D_train,D_test,top,"1");

	 * EvaluateModel - Build model 'h' on 'D_train', test it on 'D_test', threshold it according to 'top', verbosity 'vop'.
	 * @param	h		a multi-dim. classifier
	 * @param	D_train	training data
	 * @param	D_test 	test data
	 * @param	top    	Threshold OPtion (pertains to multi-label data only)
	 * @param	vop    	Verbosity OPtion (which measures do we want to calculate/output)
	 * @return	Result	raw prediction data with evaluation statistics included.
	public static Result evaluateModel(MultiXClassifier h, Instances D_train, Instances D_test, String top, String vop) throws Exception {
		Result r = evaluateModel(h,D_train,D_test);
		if (h instanceof MultiTargetClassifier || isMT(D_test)) {
		else if (h instanceof MultiLabelClassifier) {
			r.setInfo("Threshold",MLEvalUtils.getThreshold(r.predictions,D_train,top)); // <-- only relevant to ML (for now), but we'll put it in here in any case
		r.output = Result.getStats(r, vop);
		return r;

	 * EvaluateModel - Assume 'h' is already built, test it on 'D_test', threshold it according to 'top', verbosity 'vop'.
	 * @param	h		a multi-dim. classifier
	 * @param	D_test 	test data
	 * @param	tal    	Threshold VALUES (not option)
	 * @param	vop    	Verbosity OPtion (which measures do we want to calculate/output)
	 * @return	Result	raw prediction data with evaluation statistics included.
	public static Result evaluateModel(MultiXClassifier h, Instances D_test, String tal, String vop) throws Exception {
		Result r = testClassifier(h,D_test);
		if (h instanceof MultiTargetClassifier || isMT(D_test)) {
		else if (h instanceof MultiLabelClassifier) {
		r.output = Result.getStats(r, vop);
		return r;

	 * CVModel - Split D into train/test folds, and then train and evaluate on each one.
	 * @param	h		 a multi-output classifier
	 * @param	D      	 test data Instances
	 * @param	numFolds number of folds of CV
	 * @param	top    	 Threshold OPtion (pertains to multi-label data only)
	 * @return	Result	raw prediction data with evaluation statistics included.
	public static Result cvModel(MultiLabelClassifier h, Instances D, int numFolds, String top) throws Exception {
		return cvModel(h,D,numFolds,top,"1");

	 * CVModel - Split D into train/test folds, and then train and evaluate on each one.
	 * @param	h		 a multi-output classifier
	 * @param	D      	 test data Instances
	 * @param	numFolds number of folds of CV
	 * @param	top    	 Threshold OPtion (pertains to multi-label data only)
	 * @param	vop    	Verbosity OPtion (which measures do we want to calculate/output)
	 * @return	Result	raw prediction data with evaluation statistics included.
	public static Result cvModel(MultiLabelClassifier h, Instances D, int numFolds, String top, String vop) throws Exception {
		Result r_[] = new Result[numFolds];
		for(int i = 0; i < numFolds; i++) {
			Instances D_train = D.trainCV(numFolds,i);
			Instances D_test = D.testCV(numFolds,i);
			if (h.getDebug()) System.out.println(":- Fold ["+i+"/"+numFolds+"] -: "+MLUtils.getDatasetName(D)+"\tL="+D.classIndex()+"\tD(t:T)=("+D_train.numInstances()+":"+D_test.numInstances()+")\tLC(t:T)="+Utils.roundDouble(MLUtils.labelCardinality(D_train,D.classIndex()),2)+":"+Utils.roundDouble(MLUtils.labelCardinality(D_test,D.classIndex()),2)+")");
			r_[i] = evaluateModel(h, D_train, D_test); // <-- should not run stats yet!
		Result r = MLEvalUtils.combinePredictions(r_);
		if (h instanceof MultiTargetClassifier || isMT(D)) {
		else if (h instanceof MultiLabelClassifier) {
			try {
			} catch(Exception e) {
				System.err.println("[WARNING] Automatic threshold calibration not currently enabled for cross-fold validation, setting threshold = 0.5.\n");
		r.output = Result.getStats(r, vop);
		// Need to reset this because of CV
		r.setValue("Number of training instances",D.numInstances());
		r.setValue("Number of test instances",D.numInstances());
		return r;

	 * EvaluateModel - Build model 'h' on 'D_train', test it on 'D_test'.
	 * Note that raw multi-label predictions returned in Result may not have been thresholded yet.
	 * However, data statistics, classifier info, and running times are inpregnated into the Result here.
	 * @param	h		a multi-dim. classifier
	 * @param	D_train	training data
	 * @param	D_test 	test data
	 * @return	raw prediction data (no evaluation yet)
	public static Result evaluateModel(MultiXClassifier h, Instances D_train, Instances D_test) throws Exception {

		long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
		// Set test data as unlabelled data, if SemisupervisedClassifier
		if (h instanceof SemisupervisedClassifier) {
			((SemisupervisedClassifier)h).introduceUnlabelledData(MLUtils.setLabelsMissing(new Instances(D_test)));
		// Train
		long after = System.currentTimeMillis();

		//System.out.println(":- Classifier -: "+h.getClass().getName()+": "+Arrays.toString(h.getOptions()));

		// Test
		long before_test = System.currentTimeMillis();
		Result result = testClassifier(h,D_test);
		long after_test = System.currentTimeMillis();

		result.setValue("Number of training instances",D_train.numInstances());
		result.setValue("Number of test instances",D_test.numInstances());
		result.setValue("Label cardinality (train set)",MLUtils.labelCardinality(D_train));
		result.setValue("Label cardinality (test set)",MLUtils.labelCardinality(D_test));

		result.setValue("Build Time",(after - before)/1000.0);
		result.setValue("Test Time",(after_test - before_test)/1000.0);
		result.setValue("Total Time", (after_test - before) / 1000.0);

		result.setInfo("Additional Info",h.toString());
		result.setInfo("Number of labels (L)",String.valueOf(D_train.classIndex()));

		String model = h.getModel();
		if (model.length() > 0)

		return result;

	/* allow threaded evaluation of model,
	 * all instances are passed to the classifier then they are gathered in results,
	 * for short datasets the overhead might be significant
	public static Result evaluateModelM(MultiXClassifier h, Instances D_train, Instances D_test, String top, String vop) throws Exception {
		// Train
		long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
				/*if (h instanceof SemisupervisedClassifier) { // *NEW* for semi-supervised 
					((SemisupervisedClassifier)h).setUnlabelledData(MLUtils.setLabelsMissing(new Instances(D_test)));
		long after = System.currentTimeMillis();

		//System.out.println(":- Classifier -: "+h.getClass().getName()+": "+Arrays.toString(h.getOptions()));

		// Test
		long before_test = System.currentTimeMillis();
		Result result = testClassifierM(h,D_test);
		long after_test = System.currentTimeMillis();


		result.setValue("Build_time",(after - before)/1000.0);
		result.setValue("Test_time",(after_test - before_test)/1000.0);
		result.setValue("Total_time",(after_test - before)/1000.0);


		if (h instanceof MultiTargetClassifier || isMT(D_test)) {
		else if (h instanceof MultiLabelClassifier) {
		result.setInfo("Threshold",MLEvalUtils.getThreshold(result.predictions,D_train,top)); // <-- only relevant to ML (for now), but we'll put it in here in any case
		result.output = Result.getStats(result, vop);
		return result;

	 * TestClassifier - test classifier h on D_test
	 * @param	h		a multi-dim. classifier, ALREADY BUILT
	 * @param	D_test 	test data
	 * @return	Result	with raw prediction data ONLY
	public static Result testClassifier(MultiXClassifier h, Instances D_test) throws Exception {

		int L = D_test.classIndex();
		Result result = new Result(D_test.numInstances(),L);

		if(h.getDebug()) System.out.print(":- Evaluate ");
		for (int i = 0, c = 0; i < D_test.numInstances(); i++) {

			if(h.getDebug()) { int t = i*50/D_test.numInstances(); if(t > c) { System.out.print("#"); c = t; } }

			// No cheating allowed; clear all class information
			Instance x = (Instance)(D_test.instance(i)).copy();
			for(int v = 0; v < D_test.classIndex(); v++)

			// Get and store ranking
			double y[] = h.distributionForInstance(x);
			// Cut off any [no-longer-needed] probabalistic information from MT classifiers.
			if (h instanceof MultiTargetClassifier)
                            y = Arrays.copyOfRange(y, L, L*2);

			// Store the result
		if(h.getDebug()) System.out.println(":-");

		if(h.getDebug()) {

			for(int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
				System.out.println("\t"+Arrays.toString(result.rowTrue(i))+" vs "+Arrays.toString(result.rowRanking(i)));

		return result;
	 *Test Classifier but threaded (Multiple)
	 * @param	h		a multi-dim. classifier, ALREADY BUILT (threaded, implements MultiLabelThreaded)
	 * @param	D_test 	test data
	 * @return	Result	with raw prediction data ONLY
	public static Result testClassifierM(MultiXClassifier h, Instances D_test) throws Exception {

		int L = D_test.classIndex();
		Result result = new Result(D_test.numInstances(),L);
		if(h.getDebug()) System.out.print(":- Evaluate ");
		if(h instanceof MultiLabelClassifierThreaded){
			double y[][] = ((MultiLabelClassifierThreaded)h).distributionForInstanceM(D_test);

			for (int i = 0, c = 0; i < D_test.numInstances(); i++) {
				// Store the result
			if(h.getDebug()) System.out.println(":-");

		if(h.getDebug()) {

			for(int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
				System.out.println("\t"+Arrays.toString(result.rowActual(i))+" vs "+Arrays.toString(result.rowRanking(i)));

		return result;

	 * GetDataset - load a dataset, given command line options specifying an arff file, and set the class index correctly to indicate the number of labels.
	 * @param	options	command line options
	 * @param	T		set to 'T' if we want to load a test file
	 * @return	An Instances representing the dataset
	public static Instances getDataset(String options[], char T) throws Exception {
	Instances D = loadDataset(options, T);
	return D;

	 * GetDataset - load a dataset, given command line options specifying an arff file, and set the class index correctly to indicate the number of labels.
	 * @param	options	command line options
	 * @return	An Instances representing the dataset
	public static Instances getDataset(String options[]) throws Exception {
	return getDataset(options,'t');

	 * loadDataset - load a dataset, given command line option '-t' specifying an arff file.
	 * @param	options	command line options, specifying dataset filename
	 * @return	the dataset
	public static Instances loadDataset(String options[]) throws Exception {
		return loadDataset(options,'t');

	 * loadDataset - load a dataset, given command line options specifying an arff file.
	 * @param	options	command line options, specifying dataset filename
	 * @param	T		set to 'T' if we want to load a test file (default 't': load train or train-test file)
	 * @return	the dataset
	public static Instances loadDataset(String options[], char T) throws Exception {

		Instances D = null;
		String filename = Utils.getOption(T, options);

		// Check for filename
		if (filename == null || filename.isEmpty())
			throw new Exception("[Error] You did not specify a dataset!");

		// Check for existence of file
		File file = new File(filename);
		if (!file.exists())
			throw new Exception("[Error] File does not exist: " + filename);
		if (file.isDirectory())
			throw new Exception("[Error] "+filename+ " points to a directory!");

		try {
			DataSource source = new DataSource(filename);
			D = source.getDataSet();
		} catch(Exception e) {
			throw new Exception("[Error] Failed to load Instances from file '"+filename+"'.");

		return D;

	 * GetL - get number of labels (option 'C' from options 'options').
	private static int getL(String options[]) throws Exception {
		return (Utils.getOptionPos('C', options) >= 0) ? Integer.parseInt(Utils.getOption('C',options)) : 0;

	 * SetClassesFromOptions - set the class index correctly in a dataset 'D', given command line options 'options'.
	 * <br>
	 * NOTE: there is a similar function in Exlorer.prepareData(D) but that function can only take -C from the dataset options.
	 * <br>
	 * TODO: replace the call to Exlorer.prepareData(D) with this method here (use the name 'prepareData' -- it souds better).
	public static void setClassesFromOptions(Instances D, String options[]) throws Exception {
		try {
			// get L
			int L = getL(options);
			// if negative, then invert first
			if ( L < 0) {
				L = -L;
				D = F.mulan2meka(D,L);
			// set L
		} catch(Exception e) {
			throw new Exception ("[Error] Failed to Set Classes from options. You must supply the number of labels either in the @Relation Name of the dataset or on the command line using the option: -C <num. labels>");

	public static void printOptions(Enumeration e) {

		// Evaluation Options
		StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer();
		text.append("\n\nEvaluation Options:\n\n");
		text.append("\tOutput help information.\n");
		text.append("-t <name of training file>\n");
		text.append("\tSets training file.\n");
		text.append("-T <name of test file>\n");
		text.append("\tSets test file (will be used for making predictions).\n");
		text.append("-predictions <name of output file for predictions>\n");
		text.append("\tSets the file to store the predictions in (does not work with cross-validation).\n");
		text.append("-x <number of folds>\n");
		text.append("\tDo cross-validation with this many folds.\n");
		text.append("\tSkips evaluation, e.g., used when test set contains no class labels.\n");
		text.append("\tRandomize the order of instances in the dataset.\n");
		text.append("-split-percentage <percentage>\n");
		text.append("\tSets the percentage for the train/test set split, e.g., 66.\n");
		text.append("-split-number <number>\n");
		text.append("\tSets the number of training examples, e.g., 800\n");
		text.append("\tInvert the specified train/test split.\n");
		text.append("-s <random number seed>\n");
		text.append("\tSets random number seed (use with -R, for different CV or train/test splits).\n");
		text.append("-threshold <threshold>\n");
		text.append("\tSets the type of thresholding; where\n\t\t'PCut1' automatically calibrates a threshold (the default);\n\t\t'PCutL' automatically calibrates one threshold for each label;\n\t\tany number, e.g. '0.5', specifies that threshold.\n");
		text.append("-C <number of labels>\n");
		text.append("\tSets the number of target variables (labels) to assume (indexed from the beginning).\n");
		//text.append("-f <results_file>\n");
		//text.append("\tSpecify a file to output results and evaluation statistics into.\n");
		text.append("-d <classifier_file>\n");
		text.append("\tSpecify a file to dump classifier into.\n");
		text.append("-l <classifier_file>\n");
		text.append("\tSpecify a file to load classifier from.\n");
		text.append("-verbosity <verbosity level>\n");
		text.append("\tSpecify more/less evaluation output\n");
		// Multilabel Options
		text.append("\n\nClassifier Options:\n\n");
		while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
			Option o = (Option) (e.nextElement());

