package com.github.mikephil.charting.components;

import android.util.Log;

import com.github.mikephil.charting.formatter.DefaultAxisValueFormatter;
import com.github.mikephil.charting.formatter.IAxisValueFormatter;
import com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.Utils;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * Base-class of all axes (previously called labels).
 * @author Philipp Jahoda
public abstract class AxisBase extends ComponentBase {

     * custom formatter that is used instead of the auto-formatter if set
    protected IAxisValueFormatter mAxisValueFormatter;

    private int mGridColor = Color.GRAY;

    private float mGridLineWidth = 1f;

    private int mAxisLineColor = Color.GRAY;

    private float mAxisLineWidth = 1f;

     * the actual array of entries
    public float[] mEntries = new float[]{};

     * axis label entries only used for centered labels
    public float[] mCenteredEntries = new float[]{};

     * the number of entries the legend contains
    public int mEntryCount;

     * the number of decimal digits to use
    public int mDecimals;

     * the number of label entries the axis should have, default 6
    private int mLabelCount = 6;

     * the minimum interval between axis values
    protected float mGranularity = 1.0f;

     * When true, axis labels are controlled by the `granularity` property.
     * When false, axis values could possibly be repeated.
     * This could happen if two adjacent axis values are rounded to same value.
     * If using granularity this could be avoided by having fewer axis values visible.
    protected boolean mGranularityEnabled = false;

     * if true, the set number of y-labels will be forced
    protected boolean mForceLabels = false;

     * flag indicating if the grid lines for this axis should be drawn
    protected boolean mDrawGridLines = true;

     * flag that indicates if the line alongside the axis is drawn or not
    protected boolean mDrawAxisLine = true;

     * flag that indicates of the labels of this axis should be drawn or not
    protected boolean mDrawLabels = true;

    protected boolean mCenterAxisLabels = false;

     * the path effect of the axis line that makes dashed lines possible
    private DashPathEffect mAxisLineDashPathEffect = null;

     * the path effect of the grid lines that makes dashed lines possible
    private DashPathEffect mGridDashPathEffect = null;

     * array of limit lines that can be set for the axis
    protected List<LimitLine> mLimitLines;

     * flag indicating the limit lines layer depth
    protected boolean mDrawLimitLineBehindData = false;

     * Extra spacing for `axisMinimum` to be added to automatically calculated `axisMinimum`
    protected float mSpaceMin = 0.f;

     * Extra spacing for `axisMaximum` to be added to automatically calculated `axisMaximum`
    protected float mSpaceMax = 0.f;

     * flag indicating that the axis-min value has been customized
    protected boolean mCustomAxisMin = false;

     * flag indicating that the axis-max value has been customized
    protected boolean mCustomAxisMax = false;

     * don't touch this direclty, use setter
    public float mAxisMaximum = 0f;

     * don't touch this directly, use setter
    public float mAxisMinimum = 0f;

     * the total range of values this axis covers
    public float mAxisRange = 0f;

     * default constructor
    public AxisBase() {
        this.mTextSize = Utils.convertDpToPixel(10f);
        this.mXOffset = Utils.convertDpToPixel(5f);
        this.mYOffset = Utils.convertDpToPixel(5f);
        this.mLimitLines = new ArrayList<LimitLine>();

     * Set this to true to enable drawing the grid lines for this axis.
     * @param enabled
    public void setDrawGridLines(boolean enabled) {
        mDrawGridLines = enabled;

     * Returns true if drawing grid lines is enabled for this axis.
     * @return
    public boolean isDrawGridLinesEnabled() {
        return mDrawGridLines;

     * Set this to true if the line alongside the axis should be drawn or not.
     * @param enabled
    public void setDrawAxisLine(boolean enabled) {
        mDrawAxisLine = enabled;

     * Returns true if the line alongside the axis should be drawn.
     * @return
    public boolean isDrawAxisLineEnabled() {
        return mDrawAxisLine;

     * Centers the axis labels instead of drawing them at their original position.
     * This is useful especially for grouped BarChart.
     * @param enabled
    public void setCenterAxisLabels(boolean enabled) {
        mCenterAxisLabels = enabled;

    public boolean isCenterAxisLabelsEnabled() {
        return mCenterAxisLabels && mEntryCount > 0;

     * Sets the color of the grid lines for this axis (the horizontal lines
     * coming from each label).
     * @param color
    public void setGridColor(int color) {
        mGridColor = color;

     * Returns the color of the grid lines for this axis (the horizontal lines
     * coming from each label).
     * @return
    public int getGridColor() {
        return mGridColor;

     * Sets the width of the border surrounding the chart in dp.
     * @param width
    public void setAxisLineWidth(float width) {
        mAxisLineWidth = Utils.convertDpToPixel(width);

     * Returns the width of the axis line (line alongside the axis).
     * @return
    public float getAxisLineWidth() {
        return mAxisLineWidth;

     * Sets the width of the grid lines that are drawn away from each axis
     * label.
     * @param width
    public void setGridLineWidth(float width) {
        mGridLineWidth = Utils.convertDpToPixel(width);

     * Returns the width of the grid lines that are drawn away from each axis
     * label.
     * @return
    public float getGridLineWidth() {
        return mGridLineWidth;

     * Sets the color of the border surrounding the chart.
     * @param color
    public void setAxisLineColor(int color) {
        mAxisLineColor = color;

     * Returns the color of the axis line (line alongside the axis).
     * @return
    public int getAxisLineColor() {
        return mAxisLineColor;

     * Set this to true to enable drawing the labels of this axis (this will not
     * affect drawing the grid lines or axis lines).
     * @param enabled
    public void setDrawLabels(boolean enabled) {
        mDrawLabels = enabled;

     * Returns true if drawing the labels is enabled for this axis.
     * @return
    public boolean isDrawLabelsEnabled() {
        return mDrawLabels;

     * Sets the number of label entries for the y-axis max = 25, min = 2, default: 6, be aware
     * that this number is not fixed.
     * @param count the number of y-axis labels that should be displayed
    public void setLabelCount(int count) {

        if (count > 25)
            count = 25;
        if (count < 2)
            count = 2;

        mLabelCount = count;
        mForceLabels = false;

     * sets the number of label entries for the y-axis max = 25, min = 2, default: 6, be aware
     * that this number is not
     * fixed (if force == false) and can only be approximated.
     * @param count the number of y-axis labels that should be displayed
     * @param force if enabled, the set label count will be forced, meaning that the exact
     *              specified count of labels will
     *              be drawn and evenly distributed alongside the axis - this might cause labels
     *              to have uneven values
    public void setLabelCount(int count, boolean force) {

        mForceLabels = force;

     * Returns true if focing the y-label count is enabled. Default: false
     * @return
    public boolean isForceLabelsEnabled() {
        return mForceLabels;

     * Returns the number of label entries the y-axis should have
     * @return
    public int getLabelCount() {
        return mLabelCount;

     * @return true if granularity is enabled
    public boolean isGranularityEnabled() {
        return mGranularityEnabled;

     * Enabled/disable granularity control on axis value intervals. If enabled, the axis
     * interval is not allowed to go below a certain granularity. Default: false
     * @param enabled
    public void setGranularityEnabled(boolean enabled) {
        mGranularityEnabled = enabled;

     * @return the minimum interval between axis values
    public float getGranularity() {
        return mGranularity;

     * Set a minimum interval for the axis when zooming in. The axis is not allowed to go below
     * that limit. This can be used to avoid label duplicating when zooming in.
     * @param granularity
    public void setGranularity(float granularity) {
        mGranularity = granularity;
        // set this to true if it was disabled, as it makes no sense to call this method with granularity disabled
        mGranularityEnabled = true;

     * Adds a new LimitLine to this axis.
     * @param l
    public void addLimitLine(LimitLine l) {

        if (mLimitLines.size() > 6) {
                    "Warning! You have more than 6 LimitLines on your axis, do you really want " +

     * Removes the specified LimitLine from the axis.
     * @param l
    public void removeLimitLine(LimitLine l) {

     * Removes all LimitLines from the axis.
    public void removeAllLimitLines() {

     * Returns the LimitLines of this axis.
     * @return
    public List<LimitLine> getLimitLines() {
        return mLimitLines;

     * If this is set to true, the LimitLines are drawn behind the actual data,
     * otherwise on top. Default: false
     * @param enabled
    public void setDrawLimitLinesBehindData(boolean enabled) {
        mDrawLimitLineBehindData = enabled;

    public boolean isDrawLimitLinesBehindDataEnabled() {
        return mDrawLimitLineBehindData;

     * Returns the longest formatted label (in terms of characters), this axis
     * contains.
     * @return
    public String getLongestLabel() {

        String longest = "";

        for (int i = 0; i < mEntries.length; i++) {
            String text = getFormattedLabel(i);

            if (text != null && longest.length() < text.length())
                longest = text;

        return longest;

    public String getFormattedLabel(int index) {

        if (index < 0 || index >= mEntries.length)
            return "";
            return getValueFormatter().getFormattedValue(mEntries[index], this);

     * Sets the formatter to be used for formatting the axis labels. If no formatter is set, the
     * chart will
     * automatically determine a reasonable formatting (concerning decimals) for all the values
     * that are drawn inside
     * the chart. Use chart.getDefaultValueFormatter() to use the formatter calculated by the chart.
     * @param f
    public void setValueFormatter(IAxisValueFormatter f) {

        if (f == null)
            mAxisValueFormatter = new DefaultAxisValueFormatter(mDecimals);
            mAxisValueFormatter = f;

     * Returns the formatter used for formatting the axis labels.
     * @return
    public IAxisValueFormatter getValueFormatter() {

        if (mAxisValueFormatter == null ||
                (mAxisValueFormatter instanceof DefaultAxisValueFormatter &&
                        ((DefaultAxisValueFormatter)mAxisValueFormatter).getDecimalDigits() != mDecimals))
            mAxisValueFormatter = new DefaultAxisValueFormatter(mDecimals);

        return mAxisValueFormatter;

     * Enables the grid line to be drawn in dashed mode, e.g. like this
     * Keep in mind that hardware acceleration boosts performance.
     * @param lineLength  the length of the line pieces
     * @param spaceLength the length of space in between the pieces
     * @param phase       offset, in degrees (normally, use 0)
    public void enableGridDashedLine(float lineLength, float spaceLength, float phase) {
        mGridDashPathEffect = new DashPathEffect(new float[]{
                lineLength, spaceLength
        }, phase);

     * Enables the grid line to be drawn in dashed mode, e.g. like this
     * Keep in mind that hardware acceleration boosts performance.
     * @param effect the DashPathEffect
    public void setGridDashedLine(DashPathEffect effect) {
        mGridDashPathEffect = effect;

     * Disables the grid line to be drawn in dashed mode.
    public void disableGridDashedLine() {
        mGridDashPathEffect = null;

     * Returns true if the grid dashed-line effect is enabled, false if not.
     * @return
    public boolean isGridDashedLineEnabled() {
        return mGridDashPathEffect == null ? false : true;

     * returns the DashPathEffect that is set for grid line
     * @return
    public DashPathEffect getGridDashPathEffect() {
        return mGridDashPathEffect;

     * Enables the axis line to be drawn in dashed mode, e.g. like this
     * Keep in mind that hardware acceleration boosts performance.
     * @param lineLength  the length of the line pieces
     * @param spaceLength the length of space in between the pieces
     * @param phase       offset, in degrees (normally, use 0)
    public void enableAxisLineDashedLine(float lineLength, float spaceLength, float phase) {
        mAxisLineDashPathEffect = new DashPathEffect(new float[]{
                lineLength, spaceLength
        }, phase);

     * Enables the axis line to be drawn in dashed mode, e.g. like this
     * Keep in mind that hardware acceleration boosts performance.
     * @param effect the DashPathEffect
    public void setAxisLineDashedLine(DashPathEffect effect) {
        mAxisLineDashPathEffect = effect;

     * Disables the axis line to be drawn in dashed mode.
    public void disableAxisLineDashedLine() {
        mAxisLineDashPathEffect = null;

     * Returns true if the axis dashed-line effect is enabled, false if not.
     * @return
    public boolean isAxisLineDashedLineEnabled() {
        return mAxisLineDashPathEffect == null ? false : true;

     * returns the DashPathEffect that is set for axis line
     * @return
    public DashPathEffect getAxisLineDashPathEffect() {
        return mAxisLineDashPathEffect;


    public float getAxisMaximum() {
        return mAxisMaximum;

    public float getAxisMinimum() {
        return mAxisMinimum;

     * By calling this method, any custom maximum value that has been previously set is reseted,
     * and the calculation is
     * done automatically.
    public void resetAxisMaximum() {
        mCustomAxisMax = false;

     * Returns true if the axis max value has been customized (and is not calculated automatically)
     * @return
    public boolean isAxisMaxCustom() {
        return mCustomAxisMax;

     * By calling this method, any custom minimum value that has been previously set is reseted,
     * and the calculation is
     * done automatically.
    public void resetAxisMinimum() {
        mCustomAxisMin = false;

     * Returns true if the axis min value has been customized (and is not calculated automatically)
     * @return
    public boolean isAxisMinCustom() {
        return mCustomAxisMin;

     * Set a custom minimum value for this axis. If set, this value will not be calculated
     * automatically depending on
     * the provided data. Use resetAxisMinValue() to undo this. Do not forget to call
     * setStartAtZero(false) if you use
     * this method. Otherwise, the axis-minimum value will still be forced to 0.
     * @param min
    public void setAxisMinimum(float min) {
        mCustomAxisMin = true;
        mAxisMinimum = min;
        this.mAxisRange = Math.abs(mAxisMaximum - min);

     * Use setAxisMinimum(...) instead.
     * @param min
    public void setAxisMinValue(float min) {

     * Set a custom maximum value for this axis. If set, this value will not be calculated
     * automatically depending on
     * the provided data. Use resetAxisMaxValue() to undo this.
     * @param max
    public void setAxisMaximum(float max) {
        mCustomAxisMax = true;
        mAxisMaximum = max;
        this.mAxisRange = Math.abs(max - mAxisMinimum);

     * Use setAxisMaximum(...) instead.
     * @param max
    public void setAxisMaxValue(float max) {

     * Calculates the minimum / maximum  and range values of the axis with the given
     * minimum and maximum values from the chart data.
     * @param dataMin the min value according to chart data
     * @param dataMax the max value according to chart data
    public void calculate(float dataMin, float dataMax) {

        // if custom, use value as is, else use data value
        float min = mCustomAxisMin ? mAxisMinimum : (dataMin - mSpaceMin);
        float max = mCustomAxisMax ? mAxisMaximum : (dataMax + mSpaceMax);

        // temporary range (before calculations)
        float range = Math.abs(max - min);

        // in case all values are equal
        if (range == 0f) {
            max = max + 1f;
            min = min - 1f;

        this.mAxisMinimum = min;
        this.mAxisMaximum = max;

        // actual range
        this.mAxisRange = Math.abs(max - min);

     * Gets extra spacing for `axisMinimum` to be added to automatically calculated `axisMinimum`
    public float getSpaceMin()
        return mSpaceMin;

     * Sets extra spacing for `axisMinimum` to be added to automatically calculated `axisMinimum`
    public void setSpaceMin(float mSpaceMin)
        this.mSpaceMin = mSpaceMin;

     * Gets extra spacing for `axisMaximum` to be added to automatically calculated `axisMaximum`
    public float getSpaceMax()
        return mSpaceMax;

     * Sets extra spacing for `axisMaximum` to be added to automatically calculated `axisMaximum`
    public void setSpaceMax(float mSpaceMax)
        this.mSpaceMax = mSpaceMax;