 * Copyright (c) 1998-2018 John Caron and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
 * See LICENSE for license information.

package ucar.nc2.units;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import ucar.nc2.time.CalendarDate;
import ucar.nc2.time.CalendarDateFormatter;
import ucar.nc2.time.CalendarPeriod;

 * Implements the thredds "dateType" and "dateTypeFormatted" XML element types.
 * This is mostly a general way to specify dates in a string.
 * It allows a date to mean "present". <strong>"Present" always sorts after any date, including dates in the
 * future.</strong>
 * It allows an optional attribute called "type" which is an enumeration like "created", "modified", etc
 * taken from Dublin Core vocabulary.
 * <p/>
 * A DateType can be specified in the following ways:
 * <ol>
 * <li>an xsd:date, with form "CCYY-MM-DD"
 * <li>an xsd:dateTime with form "CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss"
 * <li>a valid udunits date string
 * <li>the string "present"
 * </ol>
 * @author john caron
 * @see <a href=""https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/projects/THREDDS/tech/catalog/InvCatalogSpec.html#dateType"">THREDDS
 *      dateType</a>

public class DateType {
  private String text, format, type;
  private boolean isPresent, isBlank;
  private final CalendarDate date;

   * Constructor using a java.util.Date
   * @param isPresent if true, this represents the "present time"
   * @param date the given Date
  public DateType(boolean isPresent, java.util.Date date) {
    this.isPresent = isPresent;
    this.date = isPresent ? null : CalendarDate.of(date);

   * Constructor using a java.util.CalendarDate
   * @param date the given CalendarDate
  public DateType(CalendarDate date) {
    this.isPresent = false;
    this.date = date;

   * no argument constructor for beans
  public DateType() {
    isBlank = true;
    date = null;

   * copy constructor
   * @param src copy from here
  public DateType(DateType src) {
    text = src.getText();
    format = src.getFormat();
    type = src.getType();
    isPresent = src.isPresent();
    isBlank = src.isBlank();
    date = src.getCalendarDate();

   * Constructor.
   * @param text string representation
   * @param format using java.text.SimpleDateFormat, or null
   * @param type type of date, or null
   * @throws java.text.ParseException if error parsing text
  public DateType(String text, String format, String type) throws java.text.ParseException {

    text = (text == null) ? "" : text.trim();
    this.text = text;
    this.format = format;
    this.type = type;

    // see if its blank
    if (text.isEmpty()) {
      isBlank = true;
      date = null;

    // see if its the string "present"
    isPresent = text.equalsIgnoreCase("present");
    if (isPresent) {
      this.date = null;

    // see if its got a format
    if (format != null) {
      SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(format);
      Date d = dateFormat.parse(text);
      date = CalendarDate.of(d);

    // see if its a udunits string
    if (text.indexOf("since") > 0) {
      date = CalendarDate.parseUdunits(null, text);
      if (date == null)
        throw new java.text.ParseException("invalid udunit date unit =" + text, 0);

    date = CalendarDate.parseISOformat(null, text);
    if (date == null)
      throw new java.text.ParseException("invalid ISO date unit =" + text, 0);

   * Constructor.
   * @param text string representation
   * @param format using java.text.SimpleDateFormat, or null
   * @param type type of date, or null
   * @param cal2 ucar.nc2.time.Calendar of date, or null
   * @throws java.text.ParseException if error parsing text
  public DateType(String text, String format, String type, ucar.nc2.time.Calendar cal2)
      throws java.text.ParseException {

    if (cal2 == null)
      cal2 = ucar.nc2.time.Calendar.getDefault();

    text = (text == null) ? "" : text.trim();
    this.text = text;
    this.format = format;
    this.type = type;

    // see if its blank
    if (text.isEmpty()) {
      isBlank = true;
      date = null;

    // see if its the string "present"
    isPresent = text.equalsIgnoreCase("present");
    if (isPresent) {
      date = null;

    // see if its got a format
    if (format != null) {
      SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(format);
      java.util.Calendar c = java.util.Calendar.getInstance();
      date = CalendarDate.of(cal2, c.getTimeInMillis());

    // see if its a udunits string
    String calName = (cal2 == null) ? null : cal2.name();
    if (text.indexOf("since") > 0) {
      date = CalendarDate.parseUdunits(calName, text);
      if (date == null)
        throw new java.text.ParseException("invalid udunit date unit =" + text, 0);

    date = CalendarDate.parseISOformat(calName, text);
    if (date == null)
      throw new java.text.ParseException("invalid ISO date unit =" + text, 0);

   * Get this as a Date.
   * Does not handle non-standard Calendars.
   * @deprecated use getCalendarDate()
   * @return Date
  public Date getDate() {
    return isPresent() ? new Date() : date.toDate();

   * Get this as a CalendarDate
   * @return CalendarDate
  public CalendarDate getCalendarDate() {
    return isPresent() ? CalendarDate.present() : date;

   * Does this represent the present time.
   * @return true if present time.
  public boolean isPresent() {
    return isPresent;

   * Was blank text passed to the constructor.
   * @return true if blank text passed to the constructor.
  public boolean isBlank() {
    return isBlank;

   * Get a text representation.
   * @return text representation
  public String getText() {
    if (isPresent)
      text = "present";
    if (text == null)
      text = toDateTimeString();
    return text;

   * Get the SimpleDateFormat format for parsing the text.
   * @return SimpleDateFormat format, or null
  public String getFormat() {
    return format;

   * Get the type of Date.
   * @return type of Date, or null
  public String getType() {
    return type;

   * Set the type of Date.
   * @param type type of Date
  public DateType setType(String type) {
    this.type = type;
    return this;

   * Is this date before the given date. if isPresent, always false.
   * @param d test against this date
   * @return true if this date before the given date
  public boolean before(Date d) {
    if (isPresent())
      return false;
    return date.isBefore(CalendarDate.of(d));

   * Is this date before the given date. if d.isPresent, always true, else if this.isPresent, false.
   * @param d test against this date
   * @return true if this date before the given date
  public boolean before(DateType d) {
    if (d.isPresent())
      return true;
    if (isPresent())
      return false;
    return date.isBefore(d.getCalendarDate());

   * Is this date after the given date. if isPresent, always true.
   * @param d test against this date
   * @return true if this date after the given date
  public boolean after(Date d) {
    if (isPresent())
      return true;
    return date.isAfter(CalendarDate.of(d));

   * Same as DateFormatter.toDateOnlyString()
   * @return formatted date
  public String toDateString() {
    if (isPresent())
      return CalendarDateFormatter.toDateStringPresent();
      return CalendarDateFormatter.toDateString(date);

   * Same as CalendarDateFormatter.toDateTimeStringISO
   * @return formatted date
  public String toDateTimeString() {
    if (isPresent())
      return CalendarDateFormatter.toDateTimeStringISO(new Date());
      return CalendarDateFormatter.toDateTimeStringISO(date);

   * Get ISO formatted string
   * @return ISO formatted date
  public String toDateTimeStringISO() {
    return toDateTimeString();

   * String representation
   * @return getText()
  public String toString() {
    return getText();

  public int hashCode() {
    if (isBlank())
      return 0;
    if (isPresent())
      return 1;
    return getDate().hashCode();

  public boolean equals(Object o) {
    if (this == o)
      return true;
    if (!(o instanceof DateType))
      return false;
    DateType oo = (DateType) o;
    if (isPresent() && oo.isPresent())
      return true;
    if (isBlank() && oo.isBlank())
      return true;
    return oo.getDate().equals(getDate());

  // private java.util.Calendar cal = null;

  public DateType add(TimeDuration d) {
    return add(d.getTimeUnit());

  public DateType add(TimeUnit d) {
    CalendarDate useDate = getCalendarDate();
    CalendarDate result = useDate.add((int) d.getValueInSeconds(), CalendarPeriod.Field.Second);
    return new DateType(result);

  public DateType subtract(TimeDuration d) {
    return subtract(d.getTimeUnit());

  public DateType subtract(TimeUnit d) {
    CalendarDate useDate = getCalendarDate();
    CalendarDate result = useDate.add((int) -d.getValueInSeconds(), CalendarPeriod.Field.Second);
    return new DateType(result);