package rendering;

import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import org.lwjgl.util.vector.Vector4f;

import terrains.Terrain;

 * A simple renderer that renders terrains.
 * @author Karl
public class TerrainRenderer {

	private final TerrainShader shader;
	private final boolean hasIndices;

	 * @param shader
	 *            - The shader program used for rendering this terrain.
	 * @param usesIndices
	 *            - Indicates whether the terrain will be rendered with an index
	 *            buffer or not.
	public TerrainRenderer(TerrainShader shader, boolean usesIndices) {
		this.shader = shader;
		this.hasIndices = usesIndices;

	 * Renders a terrain to the screen. If the terrain has an index buffer the
	 * glDrawElements is used. Otherwise glDrawArrays is used.
	 * @param terrain
	 *            - The terrain to be rendered.
	 * @param camera
	 *            - The camera being used for rendering the terrain.
	 * @param light
	 *            - The light being used to iluminate the terrain.
	 * @param clipPlane
	 *            - The equation of the clipping plane to be used when rendering
	 *            the terrain. The clipping planes cut off anything in the scene
	 *            that is rendered outside of the plane.
	public void render(Terrain terrain, ICamera camera, Light light, Vector4f clipPlane) {
		prepare(terrain, camera, light, clipPlane);
		if (hasIndices) {
			GL11.glDrawElements(GL11.GL_TRIANGLES, terrain.getVertexCount(), GL11.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0);
		} else {
			GL11.glDrawArrays(GL11.GL_TRIANGLES, 0, terrain.getVertexCount());

	 * Used when the program closes. Deletes the shader program.
	public void cleanUp() {

	 * Starts the shader program and loads up any necessary uniform variables.
	 * @param terrain
	 *            - The terrain to be rendered.
	 * @param camera
	 *            - The camera being used to render the scene.
	 * @param light
	 *            - The light in the scene.
	 * @param clipPlane
	 *            - The equation of the clipping plane to be used when rendering
	 *            the terrain. The clipping planes cut off anything in the scene
	 *            that is rendered outside of the plane.
	private void prepare(Terrain terrain, ICamera camera, Light light, Vector4f clipPlane) {

	 * End the rendering process by unbinding the VAO and stopping the shader
	 * program.
	 * @param terrain
	private void finish(Terrain terrain) {
