 * JGrass - Free Open Source Java GIS http://www.jgrass.org 
 * (C) HydroloGIS - www.hydrologis.com 
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
 * later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Foundation, Inc., 59
 * Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package org.hortonmachine.gears.io.dxfdwg.libs.dwg;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.hortonmachine.gears.io.dxfdwg.libs.dwg.utils.ByteUtils;
import org.hortonmachine.gears.io.dxfdwg.libs.dwg.utils.HexUtil;

 * The DwgUtil class contains the essential set of functions for reading bitstreams
 * in DWG files
 * @author jmorell
public final class DwgUtil {
	 * Read the extended data for a DWG object
	 * Don't use in this version. Serious bugs detected
	 * @param data Array of unsigned bytes obtained from the DWG binary file
	 * @param offset The current bit offset where the value begins
	 * @throws Exception If an unexpected bit value is found in the DWG file. Occurs
	 * 		   when we are looking for LwPolylines.
	 * @return Vector This vector has two parts. First is an int value that represents
	 * 		   the new offset, and second is the extended data of a DWG object 
	public static Vector readExtendedData(int[] data, int offset) throws Exception {
		int bitPos = offset;
		Vector extData = new Vector();
		while (true) {
			int newBitPos = ((Integer)getBitShort(data, bitPos).get(0)).intValue();
			int size = ((Integer)getBitShort(data, bitPos).get(1)).intValue();
			bitPos = newBitPos;
			if (size==0) {
			newBitPos = ((Integer)((Vector)getHandle(data, bitPos)).get(0)).intValue();
			// TODO: Esto no es correcto. Repasar ...
			int handle = ((Integer)((Vector)getHandle(data, bitPos)).get(1)).intValue();
			bitPos = newBitPos;
			Vector eedata = new Vector();
			while (size>0) {
				newBitPos = ((Integer)getRawChar(data, bitPos).get(0)).intValue();
				int cb = ((Integer)getRawChar(data, bitPos).get(1)).intValue();
				bitPos = newBitPos;
				size = size-1;
				if (cb==0x0) {
					newBitPos = ((Integer)getRawChar(data, bitPos).get(0)).intValue();
					int len = ((Integer)getRawChar(data, bitPos).get(1)).intValue();
					bitPos = newBitPos;
					newBitPos = ((Integer)getRawShort(data, bitPos).get(0)).intValue();
					int cp = ((Integer)getRawShort(data, bitPos).get(1)).intValue();
					bitPos = newBitPos;
					Vector chars = new Vector();
					for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
						newBitPos = ((Integer)getRawChar(data, bitPos).get(0)).intValue();
						int charr = ((Integer)getRawChar(data, bitPos).get(1)).intValue();
						bitPos = newBitPos;
						// int o char?
						chars.add(new Integer(charr));
					// Incorrecto. Repasar ...
					size = size-len-3;
				} else if (cb==0x1) {
					System.out.println("Invalid EXX code byte: 0x1");
				} else if (cb==0x2) {
					newBitPos = ((Integer)getRawChar(data, bitPos).get(0)).intValue();
					int charr = ((Integer)getRawChar(data, bitPos).get(1)).intValue();
					bitPos = newBitPos;
					if (charr==0x0) {
					} else if (charr==0x1) {
					} else {
						System.out.println("Unexpected EXX char: " + charr);
					size = size - 1;
				} else if (cb==0x3 || cb==0x5) {
					Vector chars = new Vector();
					for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
						newBitPos = ((Integer)getRawChar(data, bitPos).get(0)).intValue();
						int charr = ((Integer)getRawChar(data, bitPos).get(1)).intValue();
						bitPos = newBitPos;
						chars.add(new Integer(charr));
					size = size - 8;
				} else if (cb==0x4) {
					newBitPos = ((Integer)getRawChar(data, bitPos).get(0)).intValue();
					int len = ((Integer)getRawChar(data, bitPos).get(1)).intValue();
					bitPos = newBitPos;
					Vector chars = new Vector();
					for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
						newBitPos = ((Integer)getRawChar(data, bitPos).get(0)).intValue();
						int charr = ((Integer)getRawChar(data, bitPos).get(1)).intValue();
						bitPos = newBitPos;
						chars.add(new Integer(charr));
					size = size - len -1;
				} else if (0xa<=cb && cb<=0xd) {
					newBitPos = ((Integer)((Vector)getRawDouble(data, bitPos)).get(0)).intValue();
					double d1 = ((Double)((Vector)getRawDouble(data, bitPos)).get(1)).doubleValue();
					bitPos = newBitPos;
					newBitPos = ((Integer)((Vector)getRawDouble(data, bitPos)).get(0)).intValue();
					double d2 = ((Double)((Vector)getRawDouble(data, bitPos)).get(1)).doubleValue();
					bitPos = newBitPos;
					newBitPos = ((Integer)((Vector)getRawDouble(data, bitPos)).get(0)).intValue();
					double d3 = ((Double)((Vector)getRawDouble(data, bitPos)).get(1)).doubleValue();
					bitPos = newBitPos;
					eedata.add(new double[]{d1, d2, d3});
					size = size - 24;
				} else if (0x28<=cb && cb<=0x2a) {
					newBitPos = ((Integer)((Vector)getRawDouble(data, bitPos)).get(0)).intValue();
					double d = ((Double)((Vector)getRawDouble(data, bitPos)).get(1)).doubleValue();
					bitPos = newBitPos;
					eedata.add(new Double(d));
				} else if (cb==0x46) {
					newBitPos = ((Integer)getRawShort(data, bitPos).get(0)).intValue();
					int shortt = ((Integer)getRawShort(data, bitPos).get(1)).intValue();
					bitPos = newBitPos;
					eedata.add(new Integer(shortt));
				} else if (cb==0x47) {
					newBitPos = ((Integer)getRawLong(data, bitPos).get(0)).intValue();
					int longg = ((Integer)getRawLong(data, bitPos).get(1)).intValue();
					bitPos = newBitPos;
					eedata.add(new Integer(longg));
				} else {
					System.out.println("Unexpected code byte: " + cb);
			Vector v = new Vector();
			//v.add(handle, eedata);
		Vector v = new Vector();
		v.add(new Integer(bitPos));
		return v;
	 * Read a double value from a group of unsigned bytes and a default double
	 * @param data Array of unsigned bytes obtained from the DWG binary file
	 * @param offset The current bit offset where the value begins
	 * @param defVal Default double value
	 * @throws Exception If an unexpected bit value is found in the DWG file. Occurs
	 * 		   when we are looking for LwPolylines.
	 * @return Vector This vector has two parts. First is an int value that represents
	 * 		   the new offset, and second is the double value
	public static Vector getDefaultDouble(int[] data, int offset, double defVal) throws Exception {
    	int flags = ((Integer)getBits(data, 2, offset)).intValue();
    	int read = 2;
    	double val;
    	if (flags==0x0) {
    		val = defVal;
    	} else {
    		int _offset = offset + 2;
    		String dstr;
    		if (flags==0x3) {
    			byte[] bytes = (byte[])getBits(data, 64, _offset);
    			ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);
    			val = bb.getDouble();
    			read = 66;
    		} else {
    			byte[] dstrArrayAux = new byte[8];
    			int[] doubleOffset = new int[]{0};
    			ByteUtils.doubleToBytes(defVal, dstrArrayAux, doubleOffset);
    			byte[] dstrArrayAuxx = new byte[8];
    			dstrArrayAuxx[0] = dstrArrayAux[7];
    			dstrArrayAuxx[1] = dstrArrayAux[6];
    			dstrArrayAuxx[2] = dstrArrayAux[5];
    			dstrArrayAuxx[3] = dstrArrayAux[4];
    			dstrArrayAuxx[4] = dstrArrayAux[3];
    			dstrArrayAuxx[5] = dstrArrayAux[2];
    			dstrArrayAuxx[6] = dstrArrayAux[1];
    			dstrArrayAuxx[7] = dstrArrayAux[0];
    			int[] dstrArrayAuxxx = new int[8];
    			for (int i=0;i<dstrArrayAuxxx.length;i++) {
        			dstrArrayAuxxx[i] = ByteUtils.getUnsigned(dstrArrayAuxx[i]);
    			byte[] dstrArray = new byte[8];
    			for (int i=0;i<dstrArray.length;i++) {
    				dstrArray[i] = (byte)dstrArrayAuxxx[i];
    			if (flags==0x1) {
        			byte[] ddArray = (byte[])getBits(data, 32, _offset);
    				dstrArray[0] = ddArray[0];
        			dstrArray[1] = ddArray[1];
        			dstrArray[2] = ddArray[2];
        			dstrArray[3] = ddArray[3];
        			read = 34;
    			} else {
        			byte[] ddArray = (byte[])getBits(data, 48, _offset);
    				dstrArray[4] = ddArray[0];
        			dstrArray[5] = ddArray[1];
        			dstrArray[0] = ddArray[2];
        			dstrArray[1] = ddArray[3];
        			dstrArray[2] = ddArray[4];
        			dstrArray[3] = ddArray[5];
        			read = 50;
    			ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(dstrArray);
    			val = bb.getDouble();
    	Vector v = new Vector();
		v.add(new Integer(offset+read));
		v.add(new Double(val));
		return v;
	 * Read a double value from a group of unsigned bytes
	 * @param data Array of unsigned bytes obtained from the DWG binary file
	 * @param offset The current bit offset where the value begins
	 * @throws Exception If an unexpected bit value is found in the DWG file. Occurs
	 * 		   when we are looking for LwPolylines.
	 * @return Vector This vector has two parts. First is an int value that represents
	 * 		   the new offset, and second is the double value
	public static Vector getBitDouble(int[] data, int offset) throws Exception {
		Vector v = new Vector();
		int type = ((Integer)getBits(data, 2, offset)).intValue();
		int read = 2;
		double val = 0.0;
		if (type==0x00) {
			byte[] bytes = (byte[])getBits(data, 64, (offset+2));
			ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);
			val = bb.getDouble();
			read = 66;
		} else if (type==0x01) {
			val = 1.0;
		} else if (type==0x02) {
			val = 0.0;
		} else {
			System.out.println("Bad type at bit offset: " + offset);
		v.add(new Integer(offset+read));
		v.add(new Double(val));
		return v;
	 * Read a double value from a group of unsigned bytes
	 * @param data Array of unsigned bytes obtained from the DWG binary file
	 * @param offset The current bit offset where the value begins
	 * @throws Exception If an unexpected bit value is found in the DWG file. Occurs
	 * 		   when we are looking for LwPolylines.
	 * @return Vector This vector has two parts. First is an int value that represents
	 * 		   the new offset, and second is the double value
	public static Vector getRawDouble(int[] data, int offset) throws Exception {
    	byte[] bytes = (byte[])getBits(data, 64, offset);
		ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);
		double val = bb.getDouble();
		Vector v = new Vector();
		v.add(new Integer(offset+64));
		v.add(new Double(val));
		return v;
	 * Read a short value from a group of unsigned bytes
	 * @param data Array of unsigned bytes obtained from the DWG binary file
	 * @param offset The current bit offset where the value begins
	 * @throws Exception If an unexpected bit value is found in the DWG file. Occurs
	 * 		   when we are looking for LwPolylines.
	 * @return Vector This vector has two parts. First is an int value that represents
	 * 		   the new offset, and second is the short value
	public static Vector getBitShort(int[] data, int offset) throws Exception {
		Vector v = new Vector();
		int type = ((Integer)getBits(data, 2, offset)).intValue();
		int read = 2;
		int val = 0;
		if (type==0x00) {
			byte[] bytes = (byte[])getBits(data, 16, (offset+2));
			ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);
			val = bb.getShort();
			read = 18;
		} else if (type==0x01) {
			val = ((Integer)getBits(data, 8, (offset+2))).intValue();
			read = 10;
		} else if (type==0x02) {
			val = 0;
		} else if (type==0x03) {
			val = 256;
		v.add(new Integer(offset+read));
		v.add(new Integer(val));
		return v;
	 * Read a short value from a group of unsigned bytes
	 * @param data Array of unsigned bytes obtained from the DWG binary file
	 * @param offset The current bit offset where the value begins
	 * @throws Exception If an unexpected bit value is found in the DWG file. Occurs
	 * 		   when we are looking for LwPolylines.
	 * @return Vector This vector has two parts. First is an int value that represents
	 * 		   the new offset, and second is the short value
	public static Vector getRawShort(int[] data, int offset) throws Exception {
		byte[] bytes = (byte[])getBits(data, 16, offset);
		ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);
		int val = bb.getShort();
		Vector v = new Vector();
		v.add(new Integer(offset+16));
		v.add(new Integer(val));
		return v;
	 * Read a long value from a group of unsigned bytes
	 * @param data Array of unsigned bytes obtained from the DWG binary file
	 * @param offset The current bit offset where the value begins
	 * @throws Exception If an unexpected bit value is found in the DWG file. Occurs
	 * 		   when we are looking for LwPolylines.
	 * @return Vector This vector has two parts. First is an int value that represents
	 * 		   the new offset, and second is the long value
	public static Vector getBitLong(int[] data, int offset) throws Exception {
    	int type = ((Integer)getBits(data, 2, offset)).intValue();
    	int read = 2;
    	int val = 0;
    	if (type==0x0) {
    		byte[] bytes = (byte[])getBits(data, 32, (offset+2));
    		ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);
    		val = bb.getInt();
    		read = 34;
    	} else if (type==0x01) {
    		val = ((Integer)getBits(data, 8, (offset+2))).intValue();
    		read = 10;
    	} else if (type==0x02) {
    		val = 0;
    	} else {
			System.out.println("Bad type at bit offset: " + offset);
    	Vector v = new Vector();
    	v.add(new Integer(offset+read));
    	v.add(new Integer(val));
    	return v;
	 * Read a long value from a group of unsigned bytes
	 * @param data Array of unsigned bytes obtained from the DWG binary file
	 * @param offset The current bit offset where the value begins
	 * @throws Exception If an unexpected bit value is found in the DWG file. Occurs
	 * 		   when we are looking for LwPolylines.
	 * @return Vector This vector has two parts. First is an int value that represents
	 * 		   the new offset, and second is the long value
	public static Vector getRawLong(int[] data, int offset) {
		Vector v = new Vector();
		// TODO: Incorrecto. Repasar ...
	    // _val = struct.unpack('<l', _long)[0]
		int val = 0;
		v.add(new Integer(offset+32));
		v.add(new Integer(val));
		return v;
	 * Read a char value from a group of unsigned bytes
	 * @param data Array of unsigned bytes obtained from the DWG binary file
	 * @param offset The current bit offset where the value begins
	 * @throws Exception If an unexpected bit value is found in the DWG file. Occurs
	 * 		   when we are looking for LwPolylines.
	 * @return Vector This vector has two parts. First is an int value that represents
	 * 		   the new offset, and second is the char value
	public static Vector getRawChar(int[] data, int offset) throws Exception {
		int charr = ((Integer)getBits(data, 8, offset)).intValue();
    	Vector v = new Vector();
    	v.add(new Integer(offset+8));
    	v.add(new Integer(charr));
		return v;
	 * Read a char value from a group of unsigned bytes
	 * @param data Array of unsigned bytes obtained from the DWG binary file
	 * @param offset The current bit offset where the value begins
	 * @throws Exception If an unexpected bit value is found in the DWG file. Occurs
	 * 		   when we are looking for LwPolylines.
	 * @return Vector This vector has two parts. First is an int value that represents
	 * 		   the new offset, and second is the char value
	public static Vector getModularChar(int[] data, int offset) throws Exception {
		int val=0;
		Vector bytes = new Vector();
		boolean read = true;
		int offsett = offset;
		int fac = 1;
		while (read) {
			int bytee = ((Integer)getBits(data, 8, offsett)).intValue();
			offsett = offsett + 8;
			if ((bytee & 0x80)==0) {
				read = false;
				if ((bytee & 0x40)>0) {
					fac = -1;
					bytee = bytee & 0xbf;
			bytes.add(new Integer(bytee & 0x7f));
		if (bytes.size()==1) val = ((Integer)bytes.get(0)).intValue();
		else if (bytes.size()==2) val = ((Integer)bytes.get(0)).intValue() | (((Integer)bytes.get(1)).intValue() << 7);
		else if (bytes.size()==3) val = ((Integer)bytes.get(0)).intValue() | (((Integer)bytes.get(1)).intValue() << 7) | (((Integer)bytes.get(2)).intValue() << 14);
		else if (bytes.size()==4) val = ((Integer)bytes.get(0)).intValue() | (((Integer)bytes.get(1)).intValue() << 7) | (((Integer)bytes.get(2)).intValue() << 14) | (((Integer)bytes.get(3)).intValue() << 21);
		else System.out.println("Unexpected byte array length: " + bytes.size());
		Vector v = new Vector();
		v.add(new Integer(offsett));
		v.add(new Integer(fac*val));
		return v;
	 * Read a String from a group of unsigned bytes
	 * @param data Array of unsigned bytes obtained from the DWG binary file
	 * @param offset The current bit offset where the value begins
	 * @throws Exception If an unexpected bit value is found in the DWG file. Occurs
	 * 		   when we are looking for LwPolylines.
	 * @return Vector This vector has two parts. First is an int value that represents
	 * 		   the new offset, and second is the String
	public static Vector getTextString(int[] data, int offset) throws Exception {
		int bitPos = offset;
	    int newBitPos = ((Integer)DwgUtil.getBitShort(data, bitPos).get(0)).intValue();
	    int len = ((Integer)DwgUtil.getBitShort(data, bitPos).get(1)).intValue();
	    bitPos = newBitPos;
	    int bitLen = len * 8;
	    Object cosa = DwgUtil.getBits(data, bitLen, bitPos);
	    String string;
	    if (cosa instanceof byte[]) {
		    string = new String((byte[])cosa);
	    } else {
	    	//string = ((Integer)cosa).toString();
	    	byte[] bytes = new byte[]{((Integer)cosa).byteValue()};
	    	string = new String((byte[])bytes);
	    bitPos = bitPos + bitLen;
	    Vector v = new Vector();
	    v.add(new Integer(bitPos));
	    return v;
	 * Read a int value (the handle of a DWG object) from a group of unsigned bytes
	 * @param data Array of unsigned bytes obtained from the DWG binary file
	 * @param offset The current bit offset where the value begins
	 * @throws Exception If an unexpected bit value is found in the DWG file. Occurs
	 * 		   when we are looking for LwPolylines.
	 * @return Vector This vector has two parts. First is an int value that represents
	 * 		   the new offset, and second is the int value (handle of a DWG object)
	public static Vector getHandle(int[] data, int offset) throws Exception {
		Vector v = new Vector();
		int code = ((Integer)DwgUtil.getBits(data, 4, offset)).intValue();
	    int counter = ((Integer)DwgUtil.getBits(data, 4, (offset + 4))).intValue();
	    int read = 8;
	    Vector hlist = new Vector();
	    if (counter>0) {
	        int hlen = counter * 8;
	        Object handle = DwgUtil.getBits(data, hlen, (offset + 8));
	        read = read + hlen;
	        if (hlen > 8) {
	        	byte[] handleBytes = (byte[])handle;
	        	int[] handleInts = new int[handleBytes.length];
	    		// Hacerlos unsigned ...
	    		for (int i=0; i<handleBytes.length; i++) {
	    			handleInts[i] = ByteUtils.getUnsigned(handleBytes[i]);
	        	for (int i=0; i<handleInts.length; i++) {
	        		hlist.add(new Integer(handleInts[i]));
	        } else {
	    v.add(new Integer(offset+read));
	    v.add(new Integer(code));
	    v.add(new Integer(counter));
	    for (int i=0;i<hlist.size();i++) {
		return v;
	 * Read a int value (the size of a modular short) from a ByteBuffer
	 * @param bb Data given as a ByteBuffer
	 * @return int Size of the modular short
	public static int getModularShort(ByteBuffer bb) {
		Vector shorts = new Vector();
		short shortt = bb.getShort();
		int size = 0;
		while ((shortt & 0x80)>0) {
			shorts.add(new Short(shortt));
			shortt = bb.getShort();
		shorts.add(new Short(shortt));
		for (int i=0; i<shorts.size(); i++) {
			shortt = ((Short)shorts.get(i)).shortValue();
			shorts.set(i, new Integer(((shortt & 0xff00) >> 8) | ((shortt & 0xff) << 8)));
		int slen = shorts.size();
		if (slen==1) {
			size = (((Integer)shorts.get(0)).intValue()) & 0x7fff;//(new Integer(((Integer)shorts.get(0)).shortValue() & 0x7fff)).byteValue();
		} else if (slen==2) {
			int tmp = ((Integer)shorts.get(0)).intValue();
			shorts.set(0, shorts.get(1));
			shorts.set(1, new Integer(tmp));
			size = (((((Integer)shorts.get(0)).intValue()) & 0x7fff) << 15) | (((((Integer)shorts.get(1)).intValue()) & 0x7fff));//(new Integer(((Integer)shorts.get(0)).shortValue() & 0x7fff)).byteValue();
		} else {
			System.out.println("Unexpected array length: " + slen);
		return size;
	 * Returns a set of bits from a group of unsigned bytes
	 * @param data Array of unsigned bytes obtained from the DWG binary file
	 * @param count Bit counter
	 * @param offset The current bit offset where the value begins
	 * @throws Exception If an unexpected bit value is found in the DWG file. Occurs
	 * 		   when we are looking for LwPolylines.
	 * @return This method returns an array of bytes or an int value
	public static Object getBits(int[] data, int count, int offset) throws Exception {
		int idx = offset/8;
		int bitidx = offset%8;
		 * mask1: bit mask to apply to the current byte
		 * lshift: left shift amount of mask results
		 * mask2: bit mask to apply to the next byte
		 * rshift: right shift amount of the mask results
		int[][] maskTable = new int[][]{
		    {0xff, 0, 0x00, 0}, // bit offset == 0
		    {0x7f, 1, 0x80, 7}, // bit offset == 1
		    {0x3f, 2, 0xc0, 6}, // bit offset == 2
		    {0x1f, 3, 0xe0, 5}, // bit offset == 3
		    {0x0f, 4, 0xf0, 4}, // bit offset == 4
		    {0x07, 5, 0xf8, 3}, // bit offset == 5
		    {0x03, 6, 0xfc, 2}, // bit offset == 6
		    {0x01, 7, 0xfe, 1}, // bit offset == 7
		int mask1 = maskTable[bitidx][0];
		int lsh = maskTable[bitidx][1];
		int mask2 = maskTable[bitidx][2];
		int rsh = maskTable[bitidx][3];
		int binc = 8 - bitidx;
		int read = 0;
		int rem = count;
		int bytee = 0x0;
		Vector bytes = new Vector();
		while (read < count) {
			int b1 = 0;
			if (rem > binc) {
				b1 = (data[idx] & mask1);
				read = read + binc;
				rem = rem - binc;
			} else {
	            b1 = ((data[idx] & mask1) >> (8 - bitidx - rem));
	            bytee = b1;
				read = read + rem;
				rem = 0;
			if (read < count) {
				idx = idx + 1;
				if (rem > bitidx) {
	                int b2 = (data[idx] & mask2);
	                bytee = (b1 << lsh) | (b2 >> rsh);
	                read = read + bitidx;
	                rem = rem - bitidx;
				} else {
	                int mask = maskTable[rem][2];
	                int b2 = data[idx] & mask;
	                bytee = (b1 << rem) | (b2 >> (8 - rem));
	                read = read + rem;
	                rem = 0;
			if (count > 8) {
				bytes.add(new Integer(bytee));
		if (bytes.size()>0) {
			byte[] newBytes = new byte[bytes.size()];
			for (int i=0; i<newBytes.length; i++) {
				newBytes[i] = ((Integer)bytes.get(i)).byteValue();
			return newBytes;
		return new Integer(bytee);
	 * Test a bit obtained from a set of unsigned bytes
	 * @param data Array of unsigned bytes obtained from the DWG binary file
	 * @param offset The current bit offset where the value begins
	 * @return Vector This vector has two parts. First is an int value that represents
	 * 		   the new offset, and second is a bit flag
	public static Vector testBit(int[] data, int offset) {
		int idx = offset/8;
		int bitidx = offset%8;
		int mask = 0x1 << (7-bitidx);
		boolean val = false;
		if ((data[idx] & mask) > 0) val = true;
		Vector v = new Vector();
		v.add(new Integer(offset+1));
		v.add(new Boolean(val));
		return v;
	 * Convert bytes to machine value bytes
	 * @param data Input of array of bytes
	 * @return int[] Output of array of machine bytes
	public static int[] bytesToMachineBytes(byte[] data) {
		String[] dataString = new String[data.length];
		int[] dataOut = new int[data.length];
		for (int i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
			dataString[i] = HexUtil.bytesToHex(new byte[]{data[i]});
			Integer dataInt = Integer.decode("0x" + dataString[i]);
			dataOut[i] = dataInt.intValue();
		return dataOut;
	 * Obtain the int value of a handle given in binary format 
	 * @param layerHandle Handle in binary format
	 * @return int Int value of the handle
	public static int handleBinToHandleInt(Vector layerHandle) {
		byte[] layerBytes = new byte[]{0,0,0,0};
		if (layerHandle.size()>2) layerBytes[3] = (byte)((Integer)layerHandle.get(2)).intValue();
		if (layerHandle.size()>3) {
			layerBytes[3] = (byte)((Integer)layerHandle.get(3)).intValue();
			layerBytes[2] = (byte)((Integer)layerHandle.get(2)).intValue();
		if (layerHandle.size()>4) {
			layerBytes[3] = (byte)((Integer)layerHandle.get(4)).intValue();
			layerBytes[2] = (byte)((Integer)layerHandle.get(3)).intValue();
			layerBytes[1] = (byte)((Integer)layerHandle.get(2)).intValue();
		if (layerHandle.size()>5) {
			layerBytes[3] = (byte)((Integer)layerHandle.get(5)).intValue();
			layerBytes[2] = (byte)((Integer)layerHandle.get(4)).intValue();
			layerBytes[1] = (byte)((Integer)layerHandle.get(3)).intValue();
			layerBytes[0] = (byte)((Integer)layerHandle.get(2)).intValue();
		int layer = ByteUtils.bytesToInt(layerBytes, new int[]{0});
		return layer;