  Copyright 2020 Kansaneläkelaitos
  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
  use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy
  of the License at
  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
  WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
  License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
  the License.
package fi.kela.kanta.util;

import java.util.Set;

import javax.validation.ConstraintViolation;
import javax.validation.Validation;
import javax.validation.Validator;
import javax.validation.ValidatorFactory;

 * Geneerinen luokka eri bean:ien validoimiseksi, niissä annettuja BeanValidation annotaatio-ehtoja vasten.
 * @param <T>
 *            Beanin tyyppi, jota validoidaan.
public class BeanValidator<T> {

    private static String begin = "[";
    private static String end = "]";

     * Validoi annettu bean:in siinä annettuja BeanValidation annotaatio-ehtoja vasten.
     * @param bean
     *            Validoitava bean.
     * @return Listaus löytyneistä validointivirheistä.
    public Set<ConstraintViolation<T>> doValidation(T bean) {

        ValidatorFactory factory = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory();
        Validator validator = factory.getValidator();
        Set<ConstraintViolation<T>> errors = validator.validate(bean);
        return errors;

     * @return Siisti printti virheistä, logitusta varten.
    public String prettyPrint(Set<ConstraintViolation<T>> virheet) {

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (ConstraintViolation<T> error : virheet) {
            sb.append("{" + error.getMessage());
            sb.append(", propertyPath = " + error.getPropertyPath());
            sb.append(", value = " + error.getInvalidValue());
            sb.append("}, ");
        sb.replace(sb.length() - 2, sb.length(), "");
        return sb.toString();