package net.bootsfaces.component.image;

import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.event.AbortProcessingException;
import javax.faces.event.ComponentSystemEvent;
import javax.faces.event.ListenerFor;
import javax.faces.event.ListenersFor;
import javax.faces.event.PostAddToViewEvent;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.el.ValueExpression;
import javax.faces.component.FacesComponent;
import javax.faces.component.behavior.ClientBehaviorHolder;

import net.bootsfaces.C;
import net.bootsfaces.component.ajax.IAJAXComponent;
import net.bootsfaces.component.ajax.IAJAXComponent2;
import net.bootsfaces.listeners.AddResourcesListener;
import net.bootsfaces.render.IResponsive;
import net.bootsfaces.render.Tooltip;
import net.bootsfaces.utils.BsfUtils;

/** This class holds the attributes of <b:image />. */
@ListenersFor({ @ListenerFor(systemEventClass = PostAddToViewEvent.class) })
public class Image extends ImageCore
		implements net.bootsfaces.render.IHasTooltip, IAJAXComponent, IAJAXComponent2, ClientBehaviorHolder, IResponsive {

	public static final String COMPONENT_TYPE = C.BSFCOMPONENT + ".image.Image";

	public static final String COMPONENT_FAMILY = C.BSFCOMPONENT;

	public static final String DEFAULT_RENDERER = "net.bootsfaces.component.image.Image";

	public Image() {
		AddResourcesListener.addBasicJSResource("bsf", "js/image-loader.js");

	public void setValueExpression(String name, ValueExpression binding) {
		name = BsfUtils.snakeCaseToCamelCase(name);
		super.setValueExpression(name, binding);

	private static final Collection<String> EVENT_NAMES = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(Arrays.asList("click",
			"dblclick", "dragstart", "dragover", "drop", "mousedown", "mousemove", "mouseout", "mouseover", "mouseup"));

	 * returns the subset of AJAX requests that are implemented by jQuery
	 * callback or other non-standard means (such as the onclick event of
	 * b:tabView, which has to be implemented manually).
	 * @return
	public Map<String, String> getJQueryEvents() {
		return null;

	 * Returns the subset of the parameter list of jQuery and other non-standard JS callbacks which is sent to the server via AJAX.
	 * If there's no parameter list for a certain event, the default is simply null.
	 * @return A hash map containing the events. May be null.
	public Map<String, String> getJQueryEventParameterListsForAjax() {
		return null;

	 * Returns the parameter list of jQuery and other non-standard JS callbacks.
	 * If there's no parameter list for a certain event, the default is simply "event".
	 * @return A hash map containing the events. May be null.
	public Map<String, String> getJQueryEventParameterLists() {
		return null;

	public Collection<String> getEventNames() {
		return EVENT_NAMES;

	public String getDefaultEventName() {
		return "click";

		public void processEvent(ComponentSystemEvent event) throws AbortProcessingException {
		if (isAutoUpdate()) {
			if (FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().isPostback()) {

public String getFamily() {