package codechicken.nei.recipe;

import codechicken.nei.api.DefaultOverlayRenderer;
import codechicken.nei.api.IOverlayHandler;
import codechicken.nei.api.IRecipeOverlayRenderer;
import codechicken.nei.api.IStackPositioner;
import codechicken.nei.api.stack.PositionedStack;
import codechicken.nei.config.KeyBindings;
import codechicken.nei.guihook.GuiContainerManager;
import codechicken.nei.guihook.IContainerInputHandler;
import codechicken.nei.guihook.IContainerTooltipHandler;
import codechicken.nei.util.NEIClientUtils;
import codechicken.nei.util.NEIServerUtils;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager;
import net.minecraft.inventory.Container;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;

import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.List;

import static codechicken.lib.gui.GuiDraw.drawTexturedModalRect;
import static codechicken.lib.gui.GuiDraw.getMousePosition;
import static codechicken.lib.texture.TextureUtils.changeTexture;

 * A Template Recipe Handler!
 * How about that.
 * Because it was sooo hard, and more seriously required lots of copied code to make a handler in the past.
 * you can now extend this class to make your custom recipe handlers much easier to create.
 * Just look at the 5 handlers included by default to work out how to do stuff if you are still stuck.
public abstract class TemplateRecipeHandler implements ICraftingHandler, IUsageHandler {

     * This Recipe Handler runs on this internal class
     * Fill the recipe array with subclasses of this to make transforming the different types of recipes out there into a nice format for NEI a much easier job.
    public abstract class CachedRecipe {

        final long offset = System.currentTimeMillis();

         * @return The item produced by this recipe, with position
        public abstract PositionedStack getResult();

         * The ingredients required to produce the result
         * Use this if you have more than one ingredient
         * @return A list of positioned ingredient items.
        public List<PositionedStack> getIngredients() {
            ArrayList<PositionedStack> stacks = new ArrayList<>();
            PositionedStack stack = getIngredient();
            if (stack != null) {
            return stacks;

         * @return The ingredient required to produce the result
        public PositionedStack getIngredient() {
            return null;

         * Return extra items that are not directly involved in the ingredient->result relationship. Eg fuels.
         * Use this if you have more than one other stack
         * @return A list of positioned items.
        public List<PositionedStack> getOtherStacks() {
            ArrayList<PositionedStack> stacks = new ArrayList<>();
            PositionedStack stack = getOtherStack();
            if (stack != null) {
            return stacks;

         * Simple utility
         * @return The another positioned stack
        public PositionedStack getOtherStack() {
            return null;

         * This will perform default cycling of ingredients, mulitItem capable
         * @return
        public List<PositionedStack> getCycledIngredients(int cycle, List<PositionedStack> ingredients) {
            for (int itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < ingredients.size(); itemIndex++) {
                randomRenderPermutation(ingredients.get(itemIndex), cycle + itemIndex);

            return ingredients;

        public void randomRenderPermutation(PositionedStack stack, long cycle) {
            Random rand = new Random(cycle + offset);
            stack.setPermutationToRender(Math.abs(rand.nextInt()) % stack.items.length);

         * Set all variable ingredients to this permutation.
         * @param ingredient
        public void setIngredientPermutation(Collection<PositionedStack> ingredients, ItemStack ingredient) {
            for (PositionedStack stack : ingredients) {
                for (int i = 0; i < stack.items.length; i++) {
                    if (NEIServerUtils.areStacksSameTypeCrafting(ingredient, stack.items[i])) {
                        stack.item = stack.items[i];
                        if (ingredient.hasTagCompound()) {
                            stack.item.setTagCompound((NBTTagCompound) ingredient.getTagCompound().copy());
                        stack.items = new ItemStack[] { stack.item };

         * @param ingredient
         * @return true if any of the permutations of any of the ingredients contain this stack
        public boolean contains(Collection<PositionedStack> ingredients, ItemStack ingredient) {
            for (PositionedStack stack : ingredients) {
                if (stack.contains(ingredient)) {
                    return true;

            return false;

         * @param ingred
         * @return true if any of the permutations of any of the ingredients contain this stack
        public boolean contains(Collection<PositionedStack> ingredients, Item ingred) {
            for (PositionedStack stack : ingredients) {
                if (stack.contains(ingred)) {
                    return true;
            return false;

     * The Rectangle is an region of the gui relative to the corner of the recipe that will activate the recipe with the corresponding outputId apon being clicked.
     * Apply this over fuel icons or arrows that the user may click to see all recipes pertaining to that action.
    public static class RecipeTransferRect {

        public RecipeTransferRect(Rectangle rectangle, String outputId, Object... results) {
            rect = rectangle;
            this.outputId = outputId;
            this.results = results;

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (!(obj instanceof RecipeTransferRect)) {
                return false;

            return rect.equals(((RecipeTransferRect) obj).rect);

        public int hashCode() {
            return rect.hashCode();

        Rectangle rect;
        String outputId;
        Object[] results;

    public static class RecipeTransferRectHandler implements IContainerInputHandler, IContainerTooltipHandler {

        private static HashMap<Class<? extends GuiContainer>, HashSet<RecipeTransferRect>> guiMap = new HashMap<>();

        public static void registerRectsToGuis(List<Class<? extends GuiContainer>> classes, List<RecipeTransferRect> rects) {
            if (classes == null) {

            for (Class<? extends GuiContainer> clazz : classes) {
                HashSet<RecipeTransferRect> set = guiMap.get(clazz);
                if (set == null) {
                    set = new HashSet<>();
                    guiMap.put(clazz, set);

        public boolean canHandle(GuiContainer gui) {
            return guiMap.containsKey(gui.getClass());

        public boolean lastKeyTyped(GuiContainer gui, char keyChar, int keyCode) {
            if (!canHandle(gui)) {
                return false;

            if (KeyBindings.get("nei.options.keys.gui.recipe").isActiveAndMatches(keyCode)) {
                return transferRect(gui, false);
            } else if (KeyBindings.get("nei.options.keys.gui.usage").isActiveAndMatches(keyCode)) {
                return transferRect(gui, true);

            return false;

        public boolean mouseClicked(GuiContainer gui, int mousex, int mousey, int button) {
            if (!canHandle(gui)) {
                return false;

            if (button == 0) {
                return transferRect(gui, false);
            } else if (button == 1) {
                return transferRect(gui, true);

            return false;

        private boolean transferRect(GuiContainer gui, boolean usage) {
            int[] offset = RecipeInfo.getGuiOffset(gui);
            return TemplateRecipeHandler.transferRect(gui, guiMap.get(gui.getClass()), offset[0], offset[1], usage);

        public void onKeyTyped(GuiContainer gui, char keyChar, int keyID) {

        public void onMouseClicked(GuiContainer gui, int mousex, int mousey, int button) {

        public void onMouseUp(GuiContainer gui, int mousex, int mousey, int button) {

        public boolean keyTyped(GuiContainer gui, char keyChar, int keyID) {
            return false;

        public boolean mouseScrolled(GuiContainer gui, int mousex, int mousey, int scrolled) {
            return false;

        public List<String> handleTooltip(GuiContainer gui, int mousex, int mousey, List<String> currenttip) {
            if (!canHandle(gui)) {
                return currenttip;

            if (GuiContainerManager.shouldShowTooltip(gui) && currenttip.size() == 0) {
                int[] offset = RecipeInfo.getGuiOffset(gui);
                currenttip = TemplateRecipeHandler.transferRectTooltip(gui, guiMap.get(gui.getClass()), offset[0], offset[1], currenttip);
            return currenttip;

        public List<String> handleItemDisplayName(GuiContainer gui, ItemStack itemstack, List<String> currenttip) {
            return currenttip;

        public List<String> handleItemTooltip(GuiContainer gui, ItemStack itemstack, int mousex, int mousey, List<String> currenttip) {
            return currenttip;

        public void onMouseDragged(GuiContainer gui, int mousex, int mousey, int button, long heldTime) {

    static {
        GuiContainerManager.addInputHandler(new RecipeTransferRectHandler());
        GuiContainerManager.addTooltipHandler(new RecipeTransferRectHandler());

     * Internal tick counter, initialised to random value and incremented every tick.
     * Used for cycling similar ingredients and progress bars.
    public int cycleticks = Math.abs((int) System.currentTimeMillis());
     * The list of matching recipes
    public ArrayList<CachedRecipe> arecipes = new ArrayList<>();
     * A list of transferRects that apon when clicked or R is pressed will open a new recipe.
    public LinkedList<RecipeTransferRect> transferRects = new LinkedList<>();

    public TemplateRecipeHandler() {
        RecipeTransferRectHandler.registerRectsToGuis(getRecipeTransferRectGuis(), transferRects);

     * Add all RecipeTransferRects to the transferRects list during this call.
     * Afterward they may be added to the input handler for the corresponding guis from getRecipeTransferRectGuis
    public void loadTransferRects() {


     * In this function you need to fill up the empty recipe array with recipes.
     * The default passes it to a cleaner handler if outputId is an item
     * @param outputId A String identifier representing the type of output produced. Eg. {"item", "fuel"}
     * @param results  Objects representing the results that matching recipes must produce.
    public void loadCraftingRecipes(String outputId, Object... results) {
        if (outputId.equals("item")) {
            loadCraftingRecipes((ItemStack) results[0]);

     * Simplified wrapper, implement this and fill the empty recipe array with recipes
     * @param result The result the recipes must output.
    public void loadCraftingRecipes(ItemStack result) {

     * In this function you need to fill up the empty recipe array with recipes
     * The default passes it to a cleaner handler if inputId is an item
     * @param inputId     A String identifier representing the type of ingredients used. Eg. {"item", "fuel"}
     * @param ingredients Objects representing the ingredients that matching recipes must contain.
    public void loadUsageRecipes(String inputId, Object... ingredients) {
        if (inputId.equals("item")) {
            loadUsageRecipes((ItemStack) ingredients[0]);

     * Simplified wrapper, implement this and fill the empty recipe array with recipes
     * @param ingredient The ingredient the recipes must contain.
    public void loadUsageRecipes(ItemStack ingredient) {

     * @return The filepath to the texture to use when drawing this recipe
    public abstract String getGuiTexture();

     * Simply works with the {@link DefaultOverlayRenderer}
     * If the current container has been registered with this identifier, the question mark appears and an overlay guide can be drawn.
     * @return The overlay identifier of this recipe type.
    public String getOverlayIdentifier() {
        return null;

     * Extension point for drawing progress bars and other overlays
     * @param recipe The recipeIndex being drawn
    public void drawExtras(int recipe) {

     * Draws a texture rectangle that changes size with time.
     * Commonly used for progress bars.
     * @param x         X position on screen
     * @param y         Y position on screen
     * @param tx        Texture X position
     * @param ty        Texture Y position
     * @param w         Texture width
     * @param h         Texture height
     * @param ticks     The amount of ticks for the bar to complete
     * @param direction 0 right, 1 down, 2 left, 3 up. If bit 3 is set the bar will shrink rather extend
    public void drawProgressBar(int x, int y, int tx, int ty, int w, int h, int ticks, int direction) {
        drawProgressBar(x, y, tx, ty, w, h, cycleticks % ticks / (float) ticks, direction);

     * Draws a texture rectangle that changes size with time.
     * Commonly used for progress bars.
     * If for some reason you don't like the default counter use this and specify the progress percentage.
     * @param x          X position on screen
     * @param y          Y position on screen
     * @param tx         Texture X position
     * @param ty         Texture Y position
     * @param w          Texture width
     * @param h          Texture height
     * @param completion the percentage of progress bar completion, 0-1
     * @param direction  0 right, 1 down, 2 left, 3 up. If bit 3 is set the bar will shrink rather extend
    public void drawProgressBar(int x, int y, int tx, int ty, int w, int h, float completion, int direction) {
        if (direction > 3) {
            completion = 1 - completion;
            direction %= 4;
        int var = (int) (completion * (direction % 2 == 0 ? w : h));

        switch (direction) {
            case 0://right
                drawTexturedModalRect(x, y, tx, ty, var, h);
            case 1://down
                drawTexturedModalRect(x, y, tx, ty, w, var);
            case 2://left
                drawTexturedModalRect(x + w - var, y, tx + w - var, ty, var, h);
            case 3://up
                drawTexturedModalRect(x, y + h - var, tx, ty + h - var, w, var);

     * @return The gui classes to which the transfer rects added in the constructor are to be located over. null if none.
    public List<Class<? extends GuiContainer>> getRecipeTransferRectGuis() {
        Class<? extends GuiContainer> clazz = getGuiClass();
        if (clazz != null) {
            LinkedList<Class<? extends GuiContainer>> list = new LinkedList<>();
            return list;
        return null;

     * @return The class of the GuiContainer that this recipe would be crafted in.
    public Class<? extends GuiContainer> getGuiClass() {
        return null;

    public TemplateRecipeHandler newInstance() {
        try {
            return getClass().newInstance();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public ICraftingHandler getRecipeHandler(String outputId, Object... results) {
        TemplateRecipeHandler handler = newInstance();
        handler.loadCraftingRecipes(outputId, results);
        return handler;

    public IUsageHandler getUsageHandler(String inputId, Object... ingredients) {
        TemplateRecipeHandler handler = newInstance();
        handler.loadUsageRecipes(inputId, ingredients);
        return handler;

    public int numRecipes() {
        return arecipes.size();

    public void drawBackground(int recipe) {
        GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
        drawTexturedModalRect(0, 0, 5, 11, 166, 65);

    public void drawForeground(int recipe) {
        GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);

    public List<PositionedStack> getIngredientStacks(int recipe) {
        return arecipes.get(recipe).getIngredients();

    public PositionedStack getResultStack(int recipe) {
        return arecipes.get(recipe).getResult();

    public List<PositionedStack> getOtherStacks(int recipe) {
        return arecipes.get(recipe).getOtherStacks();

    public void onUpdate() {
        if (!NEIClientUtils.shiftKey()) {

    public boolean hasOverlay(GuiContainer gui, Container container, int recipe) {
        return RecipeInfo.hasDefaultOverlay(gui, getOverlayIdentifier()) || RecipeInfo.hasOverlayHandler(gui, getOverlayIdentifier());

    public IRecipeOverlayRenderer getOverlayRenderer(GuiContainer gui, int recipe) {
        IStackPositioner positioner = RecipeInfo.getStackPositioner(gui, getOverlayIdentifier());
        if (positioner == null) {
            return null;
        return new DefaultOverlayRenderer(getIngredientStacks(recipe), positioner);

    public IOverlayHandler getOverlayHandler(GuiContainer gui, int recipe) {
        return RecipeInfo.getOverlayHandler(gui, getOverlayIdentifier());

    public int recipiesPerPage() {
        return 2;

    public List<String> handleTooltip(GuiRecipe gui, List<String> currenttip, int recipe) {
        if (GuiContainerManager.shouldShowTooltip(gui) && currenttip.size() == 0) {
            Point offset = gui.getRecipePosition(recipe);
            currenttip = transferRectTooltip(gui, transferRects, offset.x, offset.y, currenttip);
        return currenttip;

    public List<String> handleItemTooltip(GuiRecipe gui, ItemStack stack, List<String> currenttip, int recipe) {
        return currenttip;

    public boolean keyTyped(GuiRecipe gui, char keyChar, int keyCode, int recipe) {
        if (KeyBindings.get("nei.options.keys.gui.recipe").isActiveAndMatches(keyCode)) {
            return transferRect(gui, recipe, false);
        } else if (KeyBindings.get("nei.options.keys.gui.usage").isActiveAndMatches(keyCode)) {
            return transferRect(gui, recipe, true);

        return false;

    public boolean mouseClicked(GuiRecipe gui, int button, int recipe) {
        if (button == 0) {
            return transferRect(gui, recipe, false);
        } else if (button == 1) {
            return transferRect(gui, recipe, true);

        return false;

    private boolean transferRect(GuiRecipe gui, int recipe, boolean usage) {
        Point offset = gui.getRecipePosition(recipe);
        return transferRect(gui, transferRects, offset.x, offset.y, usage);

    private static boolean transferRect(GuiContainer gui, Collection<RecipeTransferRect> transferRects, int offsetx, int offsety, boolean usage) {
        Point pos = getMousePosition();
        Point relMouse = new Point(pos.x - gui.guiLeft - offsetx, pos.y - gui.guiTop - offsety);
        for (RecipeTransferRect rect : transferRects) {
            if (rect.rect.contains(relMouse) && (usage ? GuiUsageRecipe.openRecipeGui(rect.outputId, rect.results) : GuiCraftingRecipe.openRecipeGui(rect.outputId, rect.results))) {
                return true;

        return false;

    private static List<String> transferRectTooltip(GuiContainer gui, Collection<RecipeTransferRect> transferRects, int offsetx, int offsety, List<String> currenttip) {
        Point pos = getMousePosition();
        Point relMouse = new Point(pos.x - gui.guiLeft - offsetx, pos.y - gui.guiTop - offsety);
        for (RecipeTransferRect rect : transferRects) {
            if (rect.rect.contains(relMouse)) {

        return currenttip;