package de.blox.graphview.tree;


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import de.blox.graphview.Algorithm;
import de.blox.graphview.edgerenderer.EdgeRenderer;
import de.blox.graphview.Graph;
import de.blox.graphview.Node;
import de.blox.graphview.Size;
import de.blox.graphview.Vector;

import static de.blox.graphview.tree.BuchheimWalkerConfiguration.ORIENTATION_BOTTOM_TOP;
import static de.blox.graphview.tree.BuchheimWalkerConfiguration.ORIENTATION_LEFT_RIGHT;
import static de.blox.graphview.tree.BuchheimWalkerConfiguration.ORIENTATION_RIGHT_LEFT;
import static de.blox.graphview.tree.BuchheimWalkerConfiguration.ORIENTATION_TOP_BOTTOM;

public class BuchheimWalkerAlgorithm implements Algorithm {

    private BuchheimWalkerConfiguration configuration;
    private Map<Node, BuchheimWalkerNodeData> mNodeData = new HashMap<>();
    private EdgeRenderer edgeRenderer;
    private int minNodeHeight = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    private int minNodeWidth = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    private int maxNodeWidth = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    private int maxNodeHeight = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    private Size size = new Size(0, 0);

    public BuchheimWalkerAlgorithm(BuchheimWalkerConfiguration configuration) {
        this.configuration = configuration;
        edgeRenderer = new TreeEdgeRenderer(configuration);

     * Creates a new BuchheimWalkerAlgorithm with default configuration.
    public BuchheimWalkerAlgorithm() {
        this(new BuchheimWalkerConfiguration.Builder().build());

    private static int compare(int x, int y) {
        return (x < y) ? -1 : ((x == y) ? 0 : 1);

    private BuchheimWalkerNodeData createNodeData(Node node) {
        BuchheimWalkerNodeData nodeData = new BuchheimWalkerNodeData();
        mNodeData.put(node, nodeData);

        return nodeData;

    private BuchheimWalkerNodeData getNodeData(Node node) {
        return mNodeData.get(node);

    private void firstWalk(Graph graph, Node node, int depth, int number) {
        BuchheimWalkerNodeData nodeData = createNodeData(node);
        minNodeHeight = Math.min(minNodeHeight, node.getHeight());
        minNodeWidth = Math.min(minNodeWidth, node.getWidth());
        maxNodeWidth = Math.max(maxNodeWidth, node.getWidth());
        maxNodeHeight = Math.max(maxNodeHeight, node.getHeight());

        if (isLeaf(graph, node)) {
            // if the node has no left sibling, prelim(node) should be set to 0, but we don't have to set it
            // here, because it's already initialized with 0
            if (hasLeftSibling(graph, node)) {
                Node leftSibling = getLeftSibling(graph, node);
                nodeData.setPrelim(getPrelim(leftSibling) + getSpacing(graph, leftSibling, node));
        } else {
            Node leftMost = getLeftMostChild(graph, node);
            Node rightMost = getRightMostChild(graph, node);
            Node defaultAncestor = leftMost;

            Node next = leftMost;
            int i = 1;
            while (next != null) {
                firstWalk(graph, next, depth + 1, i++);
                defaultAncestor = apportion(graph, next, defaultAncestor);

                next = getRightSibling(graph, next);

            executeShifts(graph, node);

            final boolean isVertical = isVertical();
            double midPoint = 0.5 * ((getPrelim(leftMost) + getPrelim(rightMost)
                    + (isVertical ? rightMost.getWidth() : rightMost.getHeight()))
                    - (isVertical ? node.getWidth() : node.getHeight()));

            if (hasLeftSibling(graph, node)) {
                Node leftSibling = getLeftSibling(graph, node);
                nodeData.setPrelim(getPrelim(leftSibling) + getSpacing(graph, leftSibling, node));
                nodeData.setModifier(nodeData.getPrelim() - midPoint);
            } else {

    private void secondWalk(Graph graph, Node node, double modifier) {
        BuchheimWalkerNodeData nodeData = getNodeData(node);
        final int depth = nodeData.getDepth();

        final boolean vertical = isVertical();
        node.setPos(new Vector((float) (nodeData.getPrelim() + modifier),
                depth * (vertical ? minNodeHeight : minNodeWidth) + depth * configuration.getLevelSeparation()));

        for (Node w : graph.successorsOf(node)) {
            secondWalk(graph, w, modifier + nodeData.getModifier());


    private void calculateGraphSize(Graph graph) {

        int left = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        int top = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        int right = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        int bottom = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        for (Node node : graph.getNodes()) {
            left = (int) Math.min(left, node.getX());
            top = (int) Math.min(top, node.getY());
            right = (int) Math.max(right, node.getX() + node.getWidth());
            bottom = (int) Math.max(bottom, node.getY() + node.getHeight());

        size = new Size(right - left, bottom - top);

    private boolean isVertical() {
        final int orientation = configuration.getOrientation();

        return orientation == ORIENTATION_TOP_BOTTOM ||
                orientation == ORIENTATION_BOTTOM_TOP;

    private void executeShifts(Graph graph, Node node) {
        double shift = 0, change = 0;
        Node w = getRightMostChild(graph, node);
        while (w != null) {
            BuchheimWalkerNodeData nodeData = getNodeData(w);

            nodeData.setPrelim(nodeData.getPrelim() + shift);
            nodeData.setModifier(nodeData.getModifier() + shift);
            change += nodeData.getChange();
            shift += nodeData.getShift() + change;

            w = getLeftSibling(graph, w);

    private Node apportion(Graph graph, Node node, Node defaultAncestor) {
        if (hasLeftSibling(graph, node)) {
            Node leftSibling = getLeftSibling(graph, node);

            Node vip = node;
            Node vop = node;
            Node vim = leftSibling;
            Node vom = getLeftMostChild(graph, graph.predecessorsOf(vip).get(0));

            double sip = getModifier(vip);
            double sop = getModifier(vop);
            double sim = getModifier(vim);
            double som = getModifier(vom);

            Node nextRight = nextRight(graph, vim);
            Node nextLeft = nextLeft(graph, vip);

            while (nextRight != null && nextLeft != null) {
                vim = nextRight;
                vip = nextLeft;
                vom = nextLeft(graph, vom);
                vop = nextRight(graph, vop);

                setAncestor(vop, node);

                double shift = (getPrelim(vim) + sim) - (getPrelim(vip) + sip) + getSpacing(graph, vim, node);
                if (shift > 0) {
                    moveSubtree(ancestor(graph, vim, node, defaultAncestor), node, shift);
                    sip += shift;
                    sop += shift;

                sim += getModifier(vim);
                sip += getModifier(vip);
                som += getModifier(vom);
                sop += getModifier(vop);

                nextRight = nextRight(graph, vim);
                nextLeft = nextLeft(graph, vip);

            if (nextRight != null && nextRight(graph, vop) == null) {
                setThread(vop, nextRight);
                setModifier(vop, getModifier(vop) + sim - sop);

            if (nextLeft != null && nextLeft(graph, vom) == null) {
                setThread(vom, nextLeft);
                setModifier(vom, getModifier(vom) + sip - som);
                defaultAncestor = node;

        return defaultAncestor;

    private void setAncestor(Node v, Node ancestor) {

    private void setModifier(Node v, double modifier) {

    private void setThread(Node v, Node thread) {

    private double getPrelim(Node v) {
        return getNodeData(v).getPrelim();

    private double getModifier(Node vip) {
        return getNodeData(vip).getModifier();

    private void moveSubtree(Node wm, Node wp, double shift) {
        BuchheimWalkerNodeData wpNodeData = getNodeData(wp);
        BuchheimWalkerNodeData wmNodeData = getNodeData(wm);

        int subtrees = wpNodeData.getNumber() - wmNodeData.getNumber();
        wpNodeData.setChange(wpNodeData.getChange() - shift / subtrees);
        wpNodeData.setShift(wpNodeData.getShift() + shift);
        wmNodeData.setChange(wmNodeData.getChange() + shift / subtrees);
        wpNodeData.setPrelim(wpNodeData.getPrelim() + shift);
        wpNodeData.setModifier(wpNodeData.getModifier() + shift);

    private Node ancestor(Graph graph, Node vim, Node node, Node defaultAncestor) {
        BuchheimWalkerNodeData vipNodeData = getNodeData(vim);

        if (graph.predecessorsOf(vipNodeData.getAncestor()).get(0) == graph.predecessorsOf(node).get(0)) {
            return vipNodeData.getAncestor();

        return defaultAncestor;

    private Node nextRight(Graph graph, Node node) {
        if (graph.hasSuccessor(node)) {
            return getRightMostChild(graph, node);

        return getNodeData(node).getThread();

    private Node nextLeft(Graph graph, Node node) {
        if (graph.hasSuccessor(node)) {
            return getLeftMostChild(graph, node);

        return getNodeData(node).getThread();

    private int getSpacing(Graph graph, Node leftNode, Node rightNode) {
        int separation = configuration.getSubtreeSeparation();

        if (isSibling(graph, leftNode, rightNode)) {
            separation = configuration.getSiblingSeparation();

        boolean vertical = isVertical();
        return separation + (vertical ? leftNode.getWidth() : leftNode.getHeight());

    private boolean isSibling(Graph graph, Node leftNode, Node rightNode) {
        Node leftParent = graph.predecessorsOf(leftNode).get(0);
        return graph.successorsOf(leftParent).contains(rightNode);

    private boolean isLeaf(Graph graph, Node node) {
        return graph.successorsOf(node).isEmpty();

    private Node getLeftSibling(Graph graph, Node node) {
        if (!hasLeftSibling(graph, node)) {
            return null;

        Node parent = graph.predecessorsOf(node).get(0);
        List<Node> children = graph.successorsOf(parent);
        int nodeIndex = children.indexOf(node);
        return children.get(nodeIndex - 1);

    private boolean hasLeftSibling(Graph graph, Node node) {
        List<Node> parents = graph.predecessorsOf(node);
        if (parents.isEmpty()) {
            return false;

        Node parent = parents.get(0);
        int nodeIndex = graph.successorsOf(parent).indexOf(node);
        return nodeIndex > 0;

    private Node getRightSibling(Graph graph, Node node) {
        if (!hasRightSibling(graph, node)) {
            return null;

        Node parent = graph.predecessorsOf(node).get(0);
        List<Node> children = graph.successorsOf(parent);
        int nodeIndex = children.indexOf(node);
        return children.get(nodeIndex + 1);

    private boolean hasRightSibling(Graph graph, Node node) {
        List<Node> parents = graph.predecessorsOf(node);
        if (parents.isEmpty()) {
            return false;
        Node parent = parents.get(0);
        List<Node> children = graph.successorsOf(parent);
        int nodeIndex = children.indexOf(node);
        return nodeIndex < children.size() - 1;

    private Node getLeftMostChild(Graph graph, Node node) {
        return graph.successorsOf(node).get(0);

    private Node getRightMostChild(Graph graph, Node node) {
        List<Node> children = graph.successorsOf(node);
        if (children.isEmpty()) {
            return null;

        return children.get(children.size() - 1);

    public void run(Graph graph) {
        // TODO check for cycles and multiple parents

        final Node firstNode = graph.getNode(0);
        firstWalk(graph, firstNode, 0, 0);

        secondWalk(graph, firstNode, 0);



    private void positionNodes(Graph graph) {
        int globalPadding = 0;
        int localPadding = 0;
        Vector offset = getOffset(graph);

        final int orientation = configuration.getOrientation();
        final boolean needReverseOrder = orientation == ORIENTATION_BOTTOM_TOP
                || orientation == ORIENTATION_RIGHT_LEFT;
        List<Node> nodes = sortByLevel(graph, needReverseOrder);

        int firstLevel = getNodeData(nodes.get(0)).getDepth();
        Size localMaxSize = findMaxSize(filterByLevel(nodes, firstLevel));
        int currentLevel = needReverseOrder ? firstLevel : 0;

        for (Node node : nodes) {
            int depth = getNodeData(node).getDepth();
            if (depth != currentLevel) {
                switch (configuration.getOrientation()) {
                    case ORIENTATION_TOP_BOTTOM:
                    case ORIENTATION_LEFT_RIGHT:
                        globalPadding += localPadding;
                    case ORIENTATION_BOTTOM_TOP:
                    case ORIENTATION_RIGHT_LEFT:
                        globalPadding -= localPadding;
                localPadding = 0;
                currentLevel = depth;

                localMaxSize = findMaxSize(filterByLevel(nodes, currentLevel));

            final int height = node.getHeight();
            final int width = node.getWidth();
            switch (configuration.getOrientation()) {
                case ORIENTATION_TOP_BOTTOM:
                    if (height > minNodeHeight) {
                        int diff = height - minNodeHeight;
                        localPadding = Math.max(localPadding, diff);
                case ORIENTATION_BOTTOM_TOP:
                    if (height < localMaxSize.getHeight()) {
                        int diff = localMaxSize.getHeight() - height;
                        node.setPos(node.getPosition().subtract(new Vector(0, diff)));
                        localPadding = Math.max(localPadding, diff);
                case ORIENTATION_LEFT_RIGHT:
                    if (width > minNodeWidth) {
                        int diff = width - minNodeWidth;
                        localPadding = Math.max(localPadding, diff);
                case ORIENTATION_RIGHT_LEFT:
                    if (width < localMaxSize.getWidth()) {
                        int diff = localMaxSize.getWidth() - width;
                        node.setPos(node.getPosition().subtract(new Vector(0, diff)));
                        localPadding = Math.max(localPadding, diff);

            node.setPos(getPosition(node, globalPadding, offset));

    private Size findMaxSize(List<Node> nodes) {
        int width = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        int height = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

        for (Node node : nodes) {
            width = Math.max(width, node.getWidth());
            height = Math.max(height, node.getHeight());

        return new Size(width, height);

    private Vector getOffset(Graph graph) {
        float offsetX = Float.MAX_VALUE;
        float offsetY = Float.MAX_VALUE;
        switch (configuration.getOrientation()) {
            case ORIENTATION_BOTTOM_TOP:
            case ORIENTATION_RIGHT_LEFT:
                offsetY = Float.MIN_VALUE;

        final int orientation = configuration.getOrientation();
        for (Node node : graph.getNodes()) {
            switch (orientation) {
                case ORIENTATION_TOP_BOTTOM:
                case ORIENTATION_LEFT_RIGHT:
                    offsetX = Math.min(offsetX, node.getX());
                    offsetY = Math.min(offsetY, node.getY());
                case ORIENTATION_BOTTOM_TOP:
                case ORIENTATION_RIGHT_LEFT:
                    offsetX = Math.min(offsetX, node.getX());
                    offsetY = Math.max(offsetY, node.getY());
        return new Vector(offsetX, offsetY);

    private Vector getPosition(Node node, int globalPadding, Vector offset) {
        Vector position = null;
        switch (configuration.getOrientation()) {
            case ORIENTATION_TOP_BOTTOM:
                position = new Vector(node.getX() - offset.getX(),
                        node.getY() + globalPadding);
            case ORIENTATION_BOTTOM_TOP:
                position = new Vector(node.getX() - offset.getX(),
                        offset.getY() - node.getY() - globalPadding);
            case ORIENTATION_LEFT_RIGHT:
                position = new Vector(node.getY() + globalPadding,
                        node.getX() - offset.getX());
            case ORIENTATION_RIGHT_LEFT:
                position = new Vector(offset.getY() - node.getY() - globalPadding,
                        node.getX() - offset.getX());

        return position;

    private List<Node> sortByLevel(Graph graph, boolean descending) {
        List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>(graph.getNodes());
        Comparator<Node> comparator = new Comparator<Node>() {
            public int compare(Node o1, Node o2) {
                final BuchheimWalkerNodeData data1 = getNodeData(o1);
                final BuchheimWalkerNodeData data2 = getNodeData(o2);
                return, data2.getDepth());

        if (descending) {
            comparator = Collections.reverseOrder(comparator);

        Collections.sort(nodes, comparator);

        return nodes;

    private List<Node> filterByLevel(List<Node> nodes, int level) {
        List<Node> nodeList = new ArrayList<>(nodes);

        Iterator<Node> iterator = nodeList.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            Node node =;
            int depth = getNodeData(node).getDepth();
            if (depth != level) {

        return nodeList;

    public void drawEdges(Canvas canvas, Graph graph, Paint linePaint) {
        edgeRenderer.render(canvas, graph, linePaint);

    public void setEdgeRenderer(EdgeRenderer renderer) {
        this.edgeRenderer = renderer;

    public Size getGraphSize() {
        return size;