Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package dan200.qcraft.shared;

import com.google.common.base.CaseFormat;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
import dan200.QCraft;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockPane;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.CompressedStreamTools;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagString;
import net.minecraft.network.NetworkManager;
import net.minecraft.network.Packet;
import net.minecraft.network.play.server.S35PacketUpdateTileEntity;
import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB;
import net.minecraft.util.Facing;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.Constants;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;

public class TileEntityQuantumComputer extends TileEntity
    public static final EntanglementRegistry<TileEntityQuantumComputer> ComputerRegistry = new EntanglementRegistry<TileEntityQuantumComputer>();
    public static final EntanglementRegistry<TileEntityQuantumComputer> ClientComputerRegistry = new EntanglementRegistry<TileEntityQuantumComputer>();
    private static boolean tooManyPossiblePortals = false;

    public static EntanglementRegistry<TileEntityQuantumComputer> getEntanglementRegistry( World world )
        if( !world.isRemote )
            return ComputerRegistry;
            return ClientComputerRegistry;

    public static class AreaShape
        public int m_xMin;
        public int m_xMax;
        public int m_yMin;
        public int m_yMax;
        public int m_zMin;
        public int m_zMax;

        public boolean equals( AreaShape o )
                o.m_xMin == m_xMin &&
                o.m_xMax == m_xMax &&
                o.m_yMin == m_yMin &&
                o.m_yMax == m_yMax &&
                o.m_zMin == m_zMin &&
                o.m_zMax == m_zMax;

    public static class AreaData
        public AreaShape m_shape;
        public Block[] m_blocks;
        public int[] m_metaData;

        public NBTTagCompound encode()
            NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = new NBTTagCompound();
            nbttagcompound.setInteger( "xmin", m_shape.m_xMin );
            nbttagcompound.setInteger( "xmax", m_shape.m_xMax );
            nbttagcompound.setInteger( "ymin", m_shape.m_yMin );
            nbttagcompound.setInteger( "ymax", m_shape.m_yMax );
            nbttagcompound.setInteger( "zmin", m_shape.m_zMin );
            nbttagcompound.setInteger( "zmax", m_shape.m_zMax );

            NBTTagList blockNames = new NBTTagList();
            for( int i=0; i<m_blocks.length; ++i )
                String name = null;
                Block block = m_blocks[i];
                if( block != null )
                    name = Block.blockRegistry.getNameForObject( block );
                if( name != null && name.length() > 0 )
                    blockNames.appendTag( new NBTTagString( name ) );
                    blockNames.appendTag( new NBTTagString( "null" ) );
            nbttagcompound.setTag( "blockNames", blockNames );

            nbttagcompound.setIntArray( "metaData", m_metaData );
            return nbttagcompound;

        public static AreaData decode( NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound )
            AreaData storedData = new AreaData();
            storedData.m_shape = new AreaShape();
            storedData.m_shape.m_xMin = nbttagcompound.getInteger( "xmin" );
            storedData.m_shape.m_xMax = nbttagcompound.getInteger( "xmax" );
            storedData.m_shape.m_yMin = nbttagcompound.getInteger( "ymin" );
            storedData.m_shape.m_yMax = nbttagcompound.getInteger( "ymax" );
            storedData.m_shape.m_zMin = nbttagcompound.getInteger( "zmin" );
            storedData.m_shape.m_zMax = nbttagcompound.getInteger( "zmax" );

            int size =
                ( storedData.m_shape.m_xMax - storedData.m_shape.m_xMin + 1 ) *
                ( storedData.m_shape.m_yMax - storedData.m_shape.m_yMin + 1 ) *
                ( storedData.m_shape.m_zMax - storedData.m_shape.m_zMin + 1 );
            storedData.m_blocks = new Block[ size ];
            if( nbttagcompound.hasKey( "blockData" ) )
                int[] blockIDs = nbttagcompound.getIntArray( "blockData" );
                for( int i=0; i<size; ++i )
                    storedData.m_blocks[i] = Block.getBlockById( blockIDs[i] );
                NBTTagList blockNames = nbttagcompound.getTagList( "blockNames", Constants.NBT.TAG_STRING );
                for( int i=0; i<size; ++i )
                    String name = blockNames.getStringTagAt( i );
                    if( name.length() > 0 && !name.equals( "null" ) )
                        storedData.m_blocks[i] = Block.getBlockFromName( name );
            storedData.m_metaData = nbttagcompound.getIntArray( "metaData" );
            return storedData;

    // Shared state
    private boolean m_powered;
    private int m_entanglementFrequency;
    private int m_timeSinceEnergize;

    // Area Teleportation state
    private AreaData m_storedData;

    // Server Teleportation state
    private String m_portalID;
    private boolean m_portalNameConflict;
    private String m_remoteServerAddress;
    private String m_remoteServerName;
    private String m_remotePortalID;

    public TileEntityQuantumComputer()
        m_powered = false;
        m_entanglementFrequency = -1;
        m_timeSinceEnergize = 0;

        m_storedData = null;

        m_portalID = null;
        m_portalNameConflict = false;
        m_remoteServerAddress = null;
        m_remoteServerName = null;
        m_remotePortalID = null;

    private EntanglementRegistry<TileEntityQuantumComputer> getEntanglementRegistry()
        return getEntanglementRegistry( worldObj );

    private PortalRegistry getPortalRegistry()
        return PortalRegistry.getPortalRegistry( worldObj );

    public void validate()

    public void invalidate()

    public void onDestroy()
        PortalLocation location = getPortal();
        if( location != null && isPortalDeployed( location ) )
            undeployPortal( location );

    // Entanglement

    private void register()
        if( m_entanglementFrequency >= 0 )
            getEntanglementRegistry().register( m_entanglementFrequency, this, this.getWorldObj() );

    private void unregister()
        if( m_entanglementFrequency >= 0 )
            getEntanglementRegistry().unregister( m_entanglementFrequency, this, this.getWorldObj() );

    public void setEntanglementFrequency( int frequency )
        if( m_entanglementFrequency != frequency )
            m_entanglementFrequency = frequency;

    public int getEntanglementFrequency()
        return m_entanglementFrequency;

    private TileEntityQuantumComputer findEntangledTwin()
        if( m_entanglementFrequency >= 0 )
            List<TileEntityQuantumComputer> twins = ComputerRegistry.getEntangledObjects( m_entanglementFrequency );
            if( twins != null )
                Iterator<TileEntityQuantumComputer> it = twins.iterator();
                while( it.hasNext() )
                    TileEntityQuantumComputer computer = it.next();
                    if( computer != this )
                        return computer;
        return null;

    // Area Teleportation

    public void setStoredData( AreaData data )
        m_storedData = data;

    public AreaData getStoredData()
        return m_storedData;

    private boolean isPillarBase( int x, int y, int z, int side )
        if( y < 0 || y >= 256 )
            return false;

        TileEntity entity = worldObj.getTileEntity( x, y, z );
        if( entity != null && entity instanceof TileEntityQBlock )
            TileEntityQBlock quantum = (TileEntityQBlock) entity;
            int[] types = quantum.getTypes();
            for( int i = 0; i < 6; ++i )
                if( i == side )
                    if( types[ i ] != 31 ) // GOLD
                        return false;
                    if( types[ i ] != 21 ) // OBSIDIAN
                        return false;
            return true;
        return false;

    private boolean isPillar( int x, int y, int z )
        if( y < 0 || y >= 256 )
            return false;

        Block block = worldObj.getBlock( x, y, z );
        if( block == Blocks.obsidian )
            return true;
        return false;

    private boolean isGlass( int x, int y, int z )
        if( y < 0 || y >= 256 )
            return false;

        Block block = worldObj.getBlock( x, y, z );
        if( block.getMaterial() == Material.glass && !(block instanceof BlockPane) )
            return true;
        return false;

    private AreaShape calculateShape()
        AreaShape shape = new AreaShape();
        shape.m_xMin = -99;
        shape.m_xMax = -99;
        shape.m_yMin = 0;
        shape.m_yMax = 0;
        shape.m_zMin = -99;
        shape.m_zMax = -99;
        for( int i = 0; i < QCraft.maxQTPSize; ++i )
            if( shape.m_xMin == -99 && isPillarBase( xCoord - i - 1, yCoord, zCoord, 5 ) )
                shape.m_xMin = -i;
            if( shape.m_xMax == -99 && isPillarBase( xCoord + i + 1, yCoord, zCoord, 4 ) )
                shape.m_xMax = i;
            if( shape.m_zMin == -99 && isPillarBase( xCoord, yCoord, zCoord - i - 1, 3 ) )
                shape.m_zMin = -i;
            if( shape.m_zMax == -99 && isPillarBase( xCoord, yCoord, zCoord + i + 1, 2 ) )
                shape.m_zMax = i;

        if( shape.m_xMin != -99 &&
                shape.m_xMax != -99 &&
                shape.m_zMin != -99 &&
                shape.m_zMax != -99 )
            // Find Y Min
            for( int i = 1; i < QCraft.maxQTPSize; ++i )
                if( isPillar( xCoord + shape.m_xMin - 1, yCoord - i, zCoord ) &&
                        isPillar( xCoord + shape.m_xMax + 1, yCoord - i, zCoord ) &&
                        isPillar( xCoord, yCoord - i, zCoord + shape.m_zMin - 1 ) &&
                        isPillar( xCoord, yCoord - i, zCoord + shape.m_zMax + 1 ) )
                    shape.m_yMin = -i;

            // Find Y Max
            for( int i = 1; i < QCraft.maxQTPSize; ++i )
                if( isPillar( xCoord + shape.m_xMin - 1, yCoord + i, zCoord ) &&
                        isPillar( xCoord + shape.m_xMax + 1, yCoord + i, zCoord ) &&
                        isPillar( xCoord, yCoord + i, zCoord + shape.m_zMin - 1 ) &&
                        isPillar( xCoord, yCoord + i, zCoord + shape.m_zMax + 1 ) )
                    shape.m_yMax = i;

            // Check glass caps
            int top = yCoord + shape.m_yMax + 1;
            if( isGlass( xCoord + shape.m_xMin - 1, top, zCoord ) &&
                    isGlass( xCoord + shape.m_xMax + 1, top, zCoord ) &&
                    isGlass( xCoord, top, zCoord + shape.m_zMin - 1 ) &&
                    isGlass( xCoord, top, zCoord + shape.m_zMax + 1 ) )
                return shape;
        return null;

    private AreaData storeArea()
        AreaShape shape = calculateShape();
        if( shape == null )
            return null;

        AreaData storedData = new AreaData();
        int minX = shape.m_xMin;
        int maxX = shape.m_xMax;
        int minY = shape.m_yMin;
        int maxY = shape.m_yMax;
        int minZ = shape.m_zMin;
        int maxZ = shape.m_zMax;

        int size = ( maxX - minX + 1 ) * ( maxY - minY + 1 ) * ( maxZ - minZ + 1 );
        int index = 0;

        storedData.m_shape = shape;
        storedData.m_blocks = new Block[ size ];
        storedData.m_metaData = new int[ size ];
        for( int y = minY; y <= maxY; ++y )
            for( int x = minX; x <= maxX; ++x )
                for( int z = minZ; z <= maxZ; ++z )
                    int worldX = xCoord + x;
                    int worldY = yCoord + y;
                    int worldZ = zCoord + z;
                    if( !( worldX == xCoord && worldY == yCoord && worldZ == zCoord ) )
                        TileEntity tileentity = worldObj.getTileEntity( worldX, worldY, worldZ );
                        if( tileentity != null )
                            return null;

                        Block block = worldObj.getBlock( worldX, worldY, worldZ );
                        int meta = worldObj.getBlockMetadata( worldX, worldY, worldZ );
                        storedData.m_blocks[ index ] = block;
                        storedData.m_metaData[ index ] = meta;

        return storedData;

    private void notifyBlockOfNeighborChange( int x, int y, int z )
        worldObj.notifyBlockOfNeighborChange( x, y, z, worldObj.getBlock( x, y, z ) );

    private void notifyEdgeBlocks( AreaShape shape )
        // Notify the newly transported blocks on the edges of the area that their neighbours have changed
        int minX = shape.m_xMin;
        int maxX = shape.m_xMax;
        int minY = shape.m_yMin;
        int maxY = shape.m_yMax;
        int minZ = shape.m_zMin;
        int maxZ = shape.m_zMax;
        for( int x = minX; x <= maxX; ++x )
            for( int y = minY; y <= maxY; ++y )
                notifyBlockOfNeighborChange( xCoord + x, yCoord + y, zCoord + minZ );
                notifyBlockOfNeighborChange( xCoord + x, yCoord + y, zCoord + maxZ );
                notifyBlockOfNeighborChange( xCoord + x, yCoord + y, zCoord + minZ );
                notifyBlockOfNeighborChange( xCoord + x, yCoord + y, zCoord + maxZ + 1 );
        for( int x = minX; x <= maxX; ++x )
            for( int z = minZ; z <= maxZ; ++z )
                notifyBlockOfNeighborChange( xCoord + x, yCoord + minY, zCoord + z );
                notifyBlockOfNeighborChange( xCoord + x, yCoord + maxY, zCoord + z );
                notifyBlockOfNeighborChange( xCoord + x, yCoord + minY - 1, zCoord + z );
                notifyBlockOfNeighborChange( xCoord + x, yCoord + maxY + 1, zCoord + z );
        for( int y = minY; y <= maxY; ++y )
            for( int z = minZ; z <= maxZ; ++z )
                notifyBlockOfNeighborChange( xCoord + minX, yCoord + y, zCoord + z );
                notifyBlockOfNeighborChange( xCoord + maxX, yCoord + y, zCoord + z );
                notifyBlockOfNeighborChange( xCoord + minX - 1, yCoord + y, zCoord + z );
                notifyBlockOfNeighborChange( xCoord + maxX + 1, yCoord + y, zCoord + z );

    private Set<EntityItem> getEntityItemsInArea( AreaShape shape )
        AxisAlignedBB aabb = AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(
                (double) ( xCoord + shape.m_xMin ),
                (double) ( yCoord + shape.m_yMin ),
                (double) ( zCoord + shape.m_zMin ),
                (double) ( xCoord + shape.m_xMax + 1 ),
                (double) ( yCoord + shape.m_yMax + 1 ),
                (double) ( zCoord + shape.m_zMax + 1 )

        List list = worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity( null, aabb );
        Set<EntityItem> set = new HashSet<EntityItem>();
        for( int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i )
            Entity entity = (Entity) list.get( i );
            if( entity instanceof EntityItem && !entity.isDead )
                set.add( (EntityItem) entity );
        return set;

    private void killNewItems( Set<EntityItem> before, Set<EntityItem> after )
        Iterator<EntityItem> it = after.iterator();
        while( it.hasNext() )
            EntityItem item = it.next();
            if( !item.isDead && !before.contains( item ) )

    private void clearArea( AreaShape shape )
        // Cache the loose entities
        Set<EntityItem> before = getEntityItemsInArea( shape );

        // Set the area around us to air, notifying the adjacent blocks
        int minX = shape.m_xMin;
        int maxX = shape.m_xMax;
        int minY = shape.m_yMin;
        int maxY = shape.m_yMax;
        int minZ = shape.m_zMin;
        int maxZ = shape.m_zMax;
        for( int y = minY; y <= maxY; ++y )
            for( int x = minX; x <= maxX; ++x )
                for( int z = minZ; z <= maxZ; ++z )
                    int worldX = xCoord + x;
                    int worldY = yCoord + y;
                    int worldZ = zCoord + z;
                    if( !( worldX == xCoord && worldY == yCoord && worldZ == zCoord ) )
                        worldObj.setBlockToAir( worldX, worldY, worldZ );

        // Kill the new entities
        Set<EntityItem> after = getEntityItemsInArea( shape );
        killNewItems( before, after );

        // Notify edge blocks
        notifyEdgeBlocks( shape );

    private void unpackArea( AreaData storedData )
        // Cache the loose entities
        Set<EntityItem> before = getEntityItemsInArea( storedData.m_shape );

        // Set the area around us to the stored data
        int index = 0;
        int minX = storedData.m_shape.m_xMin;
        int maxX = storedData.m_shape.m_xMax;
        int minY = storedData.m_shape.m_yMin;
        int maxY = storedData.m_shape.m_yMax;
        int minZ = storedData.m_shape.m_zMin;
        int maxZ = storedData.m_shape.m_zMax;
        for( int y = minY; y <= maxY; ++y )
            for( int x = minX; x <= maxX; ++x )
                for( int z = minZ; z <= maxZ; ++z )
                    int worldX = xCoord + x;
                    int worldY = yCoord + y;
                    int worldZ = zCoord + z;
                    if( !( worldX == xCoord && worldY == yCoord && worldZ == zCoord ) )
                        Block block = storedData.m_blocks[ index ];
                        if( block != null )
                            int meta = storedData.m_metaData[ index ];
                            worldObj.setBlock( worldX, worldY, worldZ, block, meta, 2 );
                            worldObj.setBlockToAir( worldX, worldY, worldZ );

        // Kill the new entities
        Set<EntityItem> after = getEntityItemsInArea( storedData.m_shape );
        killNewItems( before, after );

        // Notify edge blocks
        notifyEdgeBlocks( storedData.m_shape );

    private boolean checkCooling()
        for( int i = 0; i < 6; ++i )
            int x = xCoord + Facing.offsetsXForSide[ i ];
            int y = yCoord + Facing.offsetsYForSide[ i ];
            int z = zCoord + Facing.offsetsZForSide[ i ];
            Block block = worldObj.getBlock( x, y, z );
            if( block != null && (block.getMaterial() == Material.ice || block.getMaterial() == Material.packedIce) )
                return true;
        return false;

    public static enum TeleportError

        public static String decode( TeleportError error )
            if( error != Ok )
                return "gui.qcraft:computer.error_" + CaseFormat.UPPER_CAMEL.to( CaseFormat.LOWER_UNDERSCORE, error.toString() );
            return null;

    private TeleportError canTeleport()
        // Check entangled:
        TileEntityQuantumComputer twin = null;
        if( m_entanglementFrequency >= 0 )
            // Find entangled twin:
            twin = findEntangledTwin();

            // Check the twin exists:
            if( twin == null )
                return TeleportError.NoTwin;

        // Check the shape is big enough:
        AreaShape localShape = calculateShape();
        if( localShape == null )
            return TeleportError.FrameIncomplete;

        if( twin != null )
            // Check the twin shape matches
            AreaShape twinShape = twin.calculateShape();
            if( twinShape == null )
                return TeleportError.DestinationFrameIncomplete;
            if( !localShape.equals( twinShape ) )
                return TeleportError.FrameMismatch;
            // Check the stored shape matches
            if( m_storedData != null )
                if( !localShape.equals( m_storedData.m_shape ) )
                    return TeleportError.FrameMismatch;

        // Check cooling
        if( !checkCooling() )
            return TeleportError.InsufficientCooling;

        // Store the two areas:
        AreaData localData = storeArea();
        if( localData == null )
            return TeleportError.AreaNotTransportable;

        if( twin != null )
            AreaData twinData = twin.storeArea();
            if( twinData == null )
                return TeleportError.DestinationNotTransportable;

        return TeleportError.Ok;

    private TeleportError tryTeleport()
        TeleportError error = canTeleport();
        if( error == TeleportError.Ok )
            if( m_entanglementFrequency >= 0 )
                // Store the two areas:
                TileEntityQuantumComputer twin = findEntangledTwin();
                if( twin != null )
                    AreaData localData = storeArea();
                    AreaData twinData = twin.storeArea();
                    if( localData != null && twinData != null )
                        // Unpack the two areas:
                        unpackArea( twinData );
                        twin.unpackArea( localData );
                // Store the local area:
                AreaData localData = storeArea();

                // Unpack the stored area:
                if( m_storedData != null )
                    unpackArea( m_storedData );
                    clearArea( localData.m_shape );

                m_storedData = localData;

            // Effects
            worldObj.playSoundEffect( xCoord + 0.5, yCoord + 0.5, zCoord + 0.5, "mob.endermen.portal", 1.0F, 1.0F );
        return error;

    // Server Teleportation

    private void registerPortal()
        PortalLocation location = findPortal();
        if( location != null )
            if( m_portalID == null )
                m_portalID = getPortalRegistry().getUnusedID();
                worldObj.markBlockForUpdate( xCoord, yCoord, zCoord );
            if( !getPortalRegistry().register( m_portalID, location ) )
                m_portalNameConflict = true;
                m_portalNameConflict = false;
            EntanglementSavedData.get(this.getWorldObj()).markDirty(); //Notify that this needs to be saved on world save
        tooManyPossiblePortals = false;

    private void unregisterPortal()
        if( m_portalID != null )
            if( !m_portalNameConflict )
                getPortalRegistry().unregister( m_portalID );
                EntanglementSavedData.get(this.getWorldObj()).markDirty(); //Notify that this needs to be saved on world save
            m_portalNameConflict = false;

    public void setPortalID( String id )
        m_portalID = id;

    public String getPortalID()
        return m_portalID;

    public void setRemoteServerAddress( String address )
        m_remoteServerAddress = address;
        m_remoteServerName = getPortalRegistry().getServerName( address );

    public String getRemoteServerAddress()
        return m_remoteServerAddress;

    public String getRemoteServerName()
        return m_remoteServerName;

    public void cycleRemoteServerAddress( String previousAddress )
        m_remoteServerAddress = getPortalRegistry().getServerAddressAfter( previousAddress );
        m_remoteServerName = getPortalRegistry().getServerName( m_remoteServerAddress );

    public void setRemotePortalID( String id )
        m_remotePortalID = id;

    public String getRemotePortalID()
        return m_remotePortalID;

    public boolean isTeleporter()
        if( m_entanglementFrequency >= 0 )
            return false;
        if( !QCraft.canAnybodyCreatePortals() )
            return false;
        PortalLocation location = getPortal();
        if( location != null )
            return true;
        return false;

    public boolean isTeleporterEnergized()
        return canDeactivatePortal() == TeleportError.Ok;

    private boolean isPortalCorner( int x, int y, int z, int dir )
        if( y < 0 || y >= 256 )
            return false;

        TileEntity entity = worldObj.getTileEntity( x, y, z );
        if( entity != null && entity instanceof TileEntityQBlock )
            TileEntityQBlock quantum = (TileEntityQBlock) entity;
            int[] types = quantum.getTypes();
            for( int i = 0; i < 6; ++i )
                if( i == dir || i == Facing.oppositeSide[ dir ] )
                    if( types[ i ] != 31 ) // GOLD
                        return false;
                    if( types[ i ] != 21 ) // OBSIDIAN
                        return false;
            return true;
        return false;

    public static class PortalLocation
        public int m_dimensionID;
        public int m_x1;
        public int m_x2;
        public int m_y1;
        public int m_y2;
        public int m_z1;
        public int m_z2;
        private PortalLocation(int x1, int y1, int z1, int x2, int y2, int z2, int id) {
            m_dimensionID = id;
            m_x1 = x1;
            m_x2 = x2;
            m_y1 = y1;
            m_y2 = y2;
            m_z1 = z1;
            m_z2 = z2;
        public NBTTagCompound encode()
            NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = new NBTTagCompound();
            nbttagcompound.setInteger( "dimensionID", m_dimensionID );
            nbttagcompound.setInteger( "x1", m_x1 );
            nbttagcompound.setInteger( "y1", m_y1 );
            nbttagcompound.setInteger( "z1", m_z1 );
            nbttagcompound.setInteger( "x2", m_x2 );
            nbttagcompound.setInteger( "y2", m_y2 );
            nbttagcompound.setInteger( "z2", m_z2 );
            return nbttagcompound;

        public static PortalLocation decode( NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound )
            int dimID;
            if( nbttagcompound.hasKey( "dimensionID" ) )
                dimID = nbttagcompound.getInteger( "dimensionID" );
                dimID = 0;
            int x1 = nbttagcompound.getInteger( "x1" );
            int y1 = nbttagcompound.getInteger( "y1" );
            int z1 = nbttagcompound.getInteger( "z1" );
            int x2 = nbttagcompound.getInteger( "x2" );
            int y2 = nbttagcompound.getInteger( "y2" );
            int z2 = nbttagcompound.getInteger( "z2" );
            return new PortalLocation(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, dimID);

    private boolean portalExistsAt( PortalLocation location )
        int lookDir; //direction the portal is looking
        int c1;
        int c2;
        if (location.m_x1 == location.m_x2) {
            lookDir = 4;
            c1 = location.m_z1;
            c2 = location.m_z2;
        } else {
            lookDir = 2;
            c1 = location.m_x1;
            c2 = location.m_x2;
        // Check walls from bottom to top
        for( int y = Math.min(location.m_y1, location.m_y2) + 1; y < Math.max(location.m_y1, location.m_y2); ++y )
            if( !isGlass( location.m_x1, y, location.m_z1) )
                return false;
            if( !isGlass( location.m_x2, y, location.m_z2) )
                return false;
        // Check ceiling and floor
        for( int xz = Math.min(c1, c2) + 1; xz < Math.max(c1, c2); ++xz )
            if( !isGlass( (location.m_x1 == location.m_x2 ? location.m_x1 : xz) , location.m_y1, (location.m_z1 == location.m_z2 ? location.m_z1 : xz) ) )
                return false;
            if( !isGlass( (location.m_x1 == location.m_x2 ? location.m_x1 : xz), location.m_y2, (location.m_z1 == location.m_z2 ? location.m_z1 : xz) ) )
                return false;
        // Check corners
        if( !isPortalCorner( location.m_x1, location.m_y1, location.m_z1, lookDir ) )
            return false;
        if( !isPortalCorner( location.m_x1, location.m_y2, location.m_z1, lookDir ) )
            return false;
        if( !isPortalCorner( location.m_x2, location.m_y1, location.m_z2, lookDir ) )
            return false;
        if( !isPortalCorner( location.m_x2, location.m_y2, location.m_z2, lookDir ) )
            return false;
        return true;

    private PortalLocation getPortal()
        if( m_portalID != null )
            if( !m_portalNameConflict )
                PortalLocation portal = getPortalRegistry().getPortal( m_portalID );
                if( portal != null )
                    return portal;
                PortalLocation portal = findPortal();
                if( portal != null )
                    return portal;
        return null;
    private ArrayList<PortalLocation> findPortalsAt(int x, int y, int z) {
        ArrayList<PortalLocation> returnValue = new ArrayList();
        ArrayList<int[]> possibleCornerPairs = new ArrayList<int[]>();
        if (isGlass(x,y,z)) { //must find a pair of corner blocks that are on the same line and have the same facing.            
            int x1 = 0;
            int y1 = 0;
            int z1 = 0;        
            for( int dir = 0; dir < 6; ++dir ) {
                int tempX = x;
                int tempY = y;
                int tempZ = z;
                for (int i = 0; i < QCraft.maxPortalSize + 1; i++) { // maximum portal size
                    tempX += Facing.offsetsXForSide[ dir ];
                    tempY += Facing.offsetsYForSide[ dir ];
                    tempZ += Facing.offsetsZForSide[ dir ];
                    if (!isGlass(tempX, tempY, tempZ)) {
                if (dir % 2 == 0) { //every first corner
                     x1 = tempX;
                     y1 = tempY;
                     z1 = tempZ;
                } else { // every second corner
                    if (dir < 2) { //if direction of search was up/down
                        for (int i = 0; i<2; i++) {
                            if (isPortalCorner(tempX, tempY, tempZ, (i+1)*2) &&
                                    isPortalCorner(x1, y1, z1, (i+1)*2) &&
                                    Math.abs(tempY-y1) < QCraft.maxPortalSize + 2) { //+2: +1 for the extra corner block and +1 for the "<" boolean operator
                                int[] temp = {tempX, tempY, tempZ, x1, y1, z1, (i+1)*2};
                    } else { //if search direction was sideways
                        int perpenDir = ((dir - 1) % 4) + 2;
                        if (isPortalCorner(tempX, tempY, tempZ, perpenDir) &&
                                isPortalCorner(x1, y1, z1, perpenDir) &&
                                Math.abs(tempX-x1) < QCraft.maxPortalSize + 2 &&
                                Math.abs(tempZ-z1) < QCraft.maxPortalSize + 2) {
                            int[] temp = {tempX, tempY, tempZ, x1, y1, z1, perpenDir};
        } else { //if it's a corner
            for( int dir = 0; dir < 6; ++dir ) {
                if (isPortalCorner(x, y, z, dir)) {
                    continue; //skipping the two directions in which this portalCorner can not be part of a portal.
                int tempX = x;
                int tempY = y;
                int tempZ = z;
                for (int i = 0; i < QCraft.maxPortalSize + 1; i++) { // maximum portal size
                    tempX += Facing.offsetsXForSide[ dir ];
                    tempY += Facing.offsetsYForSide[ dir ];
                    tempZ += Facing.offsetsZForSide[ dir ];
                    if (!isGlass(tempX, tempY, tempZ)) {
                if (dir < 2) { //if direction of search was up/down
                    for (int i = 0; i<2; i++) { //northsouth OR eastwest
                        if (isPortalCorner(x, y, z, (i+1)*2) && isPortalCorner(tempX, tempY, tempZ, (i+1)*2)) {
                            int[] temp = {x, y, z, tempX, tempY, tempZ, (i+1)*2};
                } else { //if search direction was sideways
                    int perpenDir = ((dir - 1) % 4) + 2;
                    if (isPortalCorner(tempX, tempY, tempZ, perpenDir)) { // we already know that THIS portalcorner is in this direction, since we are skipping the other directions
                        int[] temp = {x, y, z, tempX, tempY, tempZ, perpenDir};
        for (int[] i : possibleCornerPairs) {
            ArrayList<PortalLocation> temp = findRestOfPortal(i);
            if (temp != null) {
                for (PortalLocation location : temp) {
        return returnValue; //contains 0 up to 6 portal locations
    private ArrayList<PortalLocation> findRestOfPortal(int[] cornerPair) {
        ArrayList<PortalLocation> returnValue = new ArrayList();
        int x1 = cornerPair[0]; //x = east/west = dir 4 5
        int y1 = cornerPair[1]; //y = up/down = dir 0 1
        int z1 = cornerPair[2]; //z = north/south = dir 2 3 
        int x2 = cornerPair[3];
        int y2 = cornerPair[4];
        int z2 = cornerPair[5];
        int lookDir = cornerPair[6]; //direction the portal should be looking
        int searchDir = ((lookDir - (lookDir % 2)) % 4) + 2; //converts {2, 3, 4, 5} to {4, 4, 2, 2}
        if (Math.abs(y1 - y2) < 4 && (Math.abs(x1 - x2) < 3) && (Math.abs(z1 - z2) < 3)) { //if the portal would be too small if this pair of corners would make a portal
            return null;
        } else  if (y1 == y2){ //both corners and the glass between them would form the upper OR lower portal border
            for (int dir = 0; dir < 2; dir++) {
                int tempY = y2;
                for (int i = 0; i < QCraft.maxPortalSize + 1; i++) { //check for maximal portal size
                    tempY += Facing.offsetsYForSide[ dir ];
                    if (!isGlass(x1, tempY, z1) || !isGlass(x2, tempY,z2)) { //once connected glass stops
                if (isGlass(x1, tempY, z1) || isGlass(x2, tempY, z2) || Math.abs(y1 - tempY) < 4) { //if not both are non-glass OR the portal wouldn't be high enough
                if (isPortalCorner(x1, tempY, z1, lookDir) && isPortalCorner(x2, tempY, z2, lookDir)) {
                    int c1;
                    int c2;
                    if (x1 == x2) {
                        c1 = z1;
                        c2 = z2;
                    } else {
                        c1 = x1;
                        c2 = x2;
                    //check for completeness of last horizontal border.
                    for(int i = Math.min(c1, c2) + 1; i < Math.max(c1, c2); i++ ) {
                        if (!isGlass((x1 == x2) ? x1 : i, tempY, (z1 == z2) ? z1 : i )) {
                        if (i == Math.max(c1, c2) - 1) {
                            returnValue.add(new PortalLocation(x1, y1, z1, x2, tempY, z2, worldObj.provider.dimensionId));
        } else { //if the z and x coordinates of both corners are equal (corners are above eachother)
            for (int dir = searchDir; dir < searchDir+2 ; dir++) {
                int tempX = x2;
                int tempZ = z2;
                for (int i = 0; i < QCraft.maxPortalSize + 1; i++) { //check for maximal portal size
                    tempX += Facing.offsetsXForSide[ dir ];
                    tempZ += Facing.offsetsZForSide[ dir ];
                    if (!isGlass(tempX, y1, tempZ) || !isGlass(tempX, y2,tempZ)) { //once connected glass stops
                if (isGlass(tempX, y1, tempZ) || isGlass(tempX, y2, tempZ) || (Math.abs(x1 - tempX) < 3 && Math.abs(z1 - tempZ) < 3) ) { //if not both are non-glass OR the portal wouldn't be high enough
                if (isPortalCorner(tempX, y1, tempZ, lookDir) && isPortalCorner(tempX, y2, tempZ, lookDir)) {
                    //check for completeness of last vertical border.
                    for(int i = Math.min(y1, y2) + 1; i < Math.max(y1, y2); i++ ) {
                        if (!isGlass(tempX, i, tempZ )) {
                        if (i == Math.max(y1, y2) - 1) {
                            returnValue.add(new PortalLocation(x1, y1, z1, tempX, y2, tempZ, worldObj.provider.dimensionId));
        return returnValue; //contains 0 up to 2 portal locations

    private PortalLocation findPortal() 
        ArrayList<PortalLocation> portalLocations = new ArrayList();
        tooManyPossiblePortals = false;
        for( int dir = 0; dir < 6; ++dir )
            // See if this adjoining block is part of a portal:
            int x = xCoord + Facing.offsetsXForSide[ dir ];
            int y = yCoord + Facing.offsetsYForSide[ dir ];
            int z = zCoord + Facing.offsetsZForSide[ dir ];
            if( !isGlass( x, y, z ) && !isPortalCorner( x, y, z, 2 ) && !isPortalCorner( x, y, z, 4 ) )
            ArrayList<PortalLocation> tempLocations = findPortalsAt(x, y, z);
            if ( (tempLocations.size() == 2 && ! (isPortalCorner( x, y, z, 2 ) || isPortalCorner( x, y, z, 4 ) ) ) || tempLocations.size() > 2)  {
                    tooManyPossiblePortals = true;
                    return null;
            if (portalLocations.size() > 2) {
                tooManyPossiblePortals = true;
                return null;
        if (portalLocations.size() < 1) {
            return null;
        } else if (portalLocations.size() == 2) {
            PortalLocation portal1 = portalLocations.get(0);
            PortalLocation portal2 = portalLocations.get(1);            
            if( Math.min(portal1.m_x1,  portal1.m_x2) == Math.min(portal2.m_x1,  portal2.m_x2) &&
                    Math.min(portal1.m_y1,  portal1.m_y2) == Math.min(portal2.m_y1,  portal2.m_y2) &&
                    Math.min(portal1.m_z1,  portal1.m_z2) == Math.min(portal2.m_z1,  portal2.m_z2))
                return portalLocations.get(0);
            } else {
                tooManyPossiblePortals = true;
                return null;
        } else if (portalLocations.size() > 2) {
            tooManyPossiblePortals = true;
            return null;
        } else {
            return portalLocations.get(0);

    private boolean isPortalClear( PortalLocation portal )
        for( int y = Math.min(portal.m_y1, portal.m_y2) + 1; y < Math.max(portal.m_y1, portal.m_y2); ++y )
            for( int x = Math.min(portal.m_x1, portal.m_x2) + 1; x < Math.max(portal.m_x1, portal.m_x2); ++x )
                if( !worldObj.isAirBlock( x, y, portal.m_z1 ) )
                    return false;
            for( int z = Math.min(portal.m_z1, portal.m_z2) + 1; z < Math.max(portal.m_z1, portal.m_z2); ++z )
                if( !worldObj.isAirBlock( portal.m_x1, y, z ) )
                    return false;
        return true;

    private void deployPortal( PortalLocation portal )
        for( int y = Math.min(portal.m_y1, portal.m_y2) + 1; y < Math.max(portal.m_y1, portal.m_y2); ++y )
            for( int x = Math.min(portal.m_x1, portal.m_x2) + 1; x < Math.max(portal.m_x1, portal.m_x2); ++x )
                worldObj.setBlock( x, y, portal.m_z1, QCraft.Blocks.quantumPortal, 0, 2 );
            for( int z = Math.min(portal.m_z1, portal.m_z2) + 1; z < Math.max(portal.m_z1, portal.m_z2); ++z )
                worldObj.setBlock( portal.m_x1, y, z, QCraft.Blocks.quantumPortal, 0, 2 );

    private void undeployPortal( PortalLocation portal )
        for( int y = Math.min(portal.m_y1, portal.m_y2) + 1; y < Math.max(portal.m_y1, portal.m_y2); ++y )
            for( int x = Math.min(portal.m_x1, portal.m_x2) + 1; x < Math.max(portal.m_x1, portal.m_x2); ++x )
                worldObj.setBlockToAir( x, y, portal.m_z1 );
            for( int z = Math.min(portal.m_z1, portal.m_z2) + 1; z < Math.max(portal.m_z1, portal.m_z2); ++z )
                worldObj.setBlockToAir( portal.m_x1, y, z );

    private boolean isPortalDeployed( PortalLocation portal )
        for( int y = Math.min(portal.m_y1, portal.m_y2) + 1; y < Math.max(portal.m_y1, portal.m_y2); ++y )
            for( int x = Math.min(portal.m_x1, portal.m_x2) + 1; x < Math.max(portal.m_x1, portal.m_x2); ++x )
                if( worldObj.getBlock( x, y, portal.m_z1 ) != QCraft.Blocks.quantumPortal )
                    return false;
            for( int z = Math.min(portal.m_z1, portal.m_z2) + 1; z < Math.max(portal.m_z1, portal.m_z2); ++z )
                if( worldObj.getBlock( portal.m_x1, y, z ) != QCraft.Blocks.quantumPortal )
                    return false;
        return true;

    private TeleportError canActivatePortal()
        if( m_entanglementFrequency >= 0 )
            return TeleportError.FrameIncomplete;
        if( !QCraft.canAnybodyCreatePortals() )
            return TeleportError.FrameIncomplete;

        tooManyPossiblePortals = false;
        PortalLocation location = getPortal();
        if(tooManyPossiblePortals) {
            tooManyPossiblePortals = false;
            return TeleportError.MultiplePossiblePortalsFound;
        if( location == null )
            return TeleportError.FrameIncomplete;
        if( isPortalDeployed( location ) )
            return TeleportError.FrameDeployed;
        if( m_portalNameConflict )
            return TeleportError.NameConflict;
        if( !isPortalClear( location ) )
            return TeleportError.FrameObstructed;
        if( !checkCooling() )
            return TeleportError.InsufficientCooling;
        return TeleportError.Ok;

    private TeleportError tryActivatePortal()
        TeleportError error = canActivatePortal();
        if( error == TeleportError.Ok )
            // Deploy
            PortalLocation location = getPortal();
            if( location != null )
                deployPortal( location );

            // Effects
            worldObj.playSoundEffect( xCoord + 0.5, yCoord + 0.5, zCoord + 0.5, "mob.endermen.portal", 1.0F, 1.0F );
        return error;

    public TeleportError canDeactivatePortal()
        if( m_entanglementFrequency >= 0 )
            return TeleportError.FrameIncomplete;
        PortalLocation location = getPortal();
        if( location == null )
            return TeleportError.FrameIncomplete;
        if( !isPortalDeployed( location ) )
            return TeleportError.FrameIncomplete;
        return TeleportError.Ok;

    private TeleportError tryDeactivatePortal()
        TeleportError error = canDeactivatePortal();
        if( error == TeleportError.Ok )
            // Deploy
            PortalLocation location = getPortal();
            if( location != null )
                undeployPortal( location );

            // Effects
            worldObj.playSoundEffect( xCoord + 0.5, yCoord + 0.5, zCoord + 0.5, "mob.endermen.portal", 1.0F, 1.0F );
        return error;

    // Common

    public void setRedstonePowered( boolean powered )
        if( m_powered != powered )
            m_powered = powered;
            if( !worldObj.isRemote )
                if( m_powered && m_timeSinceEnergize >= 4 )

    public TeleportError canEnergize()
        TeleportError error = canTeleport();
        if( error == TeleportError.Ok )
            return error;

        TeleportError serverError = canActivatePortal();
        if( serverError == TeleportError.Ok )
            return serverError;

        TeleportError deactivateError = canDeactivatePortal();
        if( deactivateError == TeleportError.Ok )
            return deactivateError;

        if( error.ordinal() >= serverError.ordinal() )
            return error;
            return serverError;

    public TeleportError tryEnergize()
        TeleportError error = tryTeleport();
        if( error == TeleportError.Ok )
            m_timeSinceEnergize = 0;
            return error;

        TeleportError serverError = tryActivatePortal();
        if( serverError == TeleportError.Ok )
            m_timeSinceEnergize = 0;
            return serverError;

        TeleportError deactivateError = tryDeactivatePortal();
        if( deactivateError == TeleportError.Ok )
            return deactivateError;

        if( error.ordinal() >= serverError.ordinal() )
            return error;
            return serverError;

    public void updateEntity()

        if( !worldObj.isRemote )
            // Try to register conflicted portal
            if( m_portalNameConflict )

            // Validate existing portal
            PortalLocation location = getPortal();
            if( location != null )
                if( !portalExistsAt( location ) )
                    if( isPortalDeployed( location ) )
                        undeployPortal( location );
                    location = null;
                else if( !checkCooling() )
                    if( isPortalDeployed( location ) )
                        undeployPortal( location );
                location = null;

            // Find new portal
            if( location == null )
                location = getPortal();

            // Try teleporting entities through portal
            if( location != null && isPortalDeployed( location ) )
                // Search for players
                int x1 = Math.min(location.m_x1, location.m_x2);
                int x2 = Math.max(location.m_x1, location.m_x2);
                int y1 = Math.min(location.m_y1, location.m_y2);
                int y2 = Math.max(location.m_y1, location.m_y2);
                int z1 = Math.min(location.m_z1, location.m_z2);
                int z2 = Math.max(location.m_z1, location.m_z2);
                AxisAlignedBB aabb = AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(
                    ((double) x1 ) + (x1 == x2 ? 0.25 : 1),
                    ((double) y1 + 1),
                    ((double) z1 ) + (z1 == z2 ? 0.25 : 1),
                    ((double) x2 ) + (x1 == x2 ? 0.75 : 0),
                    ((double) y2 ),
                    ((double) z2 ) + (z1 == z2 ? 0.75 : 0)

                List entities = worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB( EntityPlayer.class, aabb );
                if( entities != null && entities.size() > 0 )
                    Iterator it = entities.iterator();
                    while( it.hasNext() )
                        Object next = it.next();
                        if( next != null && next instanceof EntityPlayer )
                            EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer)next;
                            if( player.timeUntilPortal <= 0 && player.ticksExisted >= 200 &&
                                player.ridingEntity == null && player.riddenByEntity == null )
                                // Teleport them:
                                teleportPlayer( player );

    private void teleportPlayer( EntityPlayer player )
        if( m_remoteServerAddress != null )
            queryTeleportPlayerRemote( player );
            teleportPlayerLocal( player, m_remotePortalID );

    private void queryTeleportPlayerRemote( EntityPlayer player )
        QCraft.requestQueryGoToServer( player, this );
        player.timeUntilPortal = 50;

    public void teleportPlayerRemote( EntityPlayer player, boolean takeItems )
        teleportPlayerRemote( player, m_remoteServerAddress, m_remotePortalID, takeItems );

    public static void teleportPlayerRemote( EntityPlayer player, String remoteServerAddress, String remotePortalID, boolean takeItems )
        // Log the trip
        QCraft.log( "Sending player " + player.getDisplayName() + " to server \"" + remoteServerAddress + "\"" );

        NBTTagCompound luggage = new NBTTagCompound();
        if( takeItems )
            // Remove and encode the items from the players inventory we want them to take with them
            NBTTagList items = new NBTTagList();
            InventoryPlayer playerInventory = player.inventory;
            for( int i = 0; i < playerInventory.getSizeInventory(); ++i )
                ItemStack stack = playerInventory.getStackInSlot( i );
                if( stack != null && stack.stackSize > 0 )
                    // Ignore entangled items
                    if( stack.getItem() == Item.getItemFromBlock( QCraft.Blocks.quantumComputer ) && ItemQuantumComputer.getEntanglementFrequency( stack ) >= 0 )
                    if( stack.getItem() == Item.getItemFromBlock( QCraft.Blocks.qBlock ) && ItemQBlock.getEntanglementFrequency( stack ) >= 0 )

                    // Store items
                    NBTTagCompound itemTag = new NBTTagCompound();
                    if (stack.getItem() == QCraft.Items.missingItem) {
                        itemTag = stack.stackTagCompound;
                    } else {
                        GameRegistry.UniqueIdentifier uniqueId = GameRegistry.findUniqueIdentifierFor(stack.getItem());
                        String itemName = uniqueId.modId + ":" + uniqueId.name;
                        itemTag.setString("Name", itemName);
                        stack.writeToNBT( itemTag );
                    items.appendTag( itemTag );

                    // Remove items
                    playerInventory.setInventorySlotContents( i, null );

            if( items.tagCount() > 0 )
                QCraft.log( "Removed " + items.tagCount() + " items from " + player.getDisplayName() + "'s inventory." );
                luggage.setTag( "items", items );

        // Set the destination portal ID
        if( remotePortalID != null )
            luggage.setString( "destinationPortal", remotePortalID );

            // Cryptographically sign the luggage
            luggage.setString( "uuid", UUID.randomUUID().toString() );
            byte[] luggageData = CompressedStreamTools.compress( luggage );
            byte[] luggageSignature = EncryptionRegistry.Instance.signData( luggageData );
            NBTTagCompound signedLuggage = new NBTTagCompound();
            signedLuggage.setByteArray( "key", EncryptionRegistry.Instance.encodePublicKey( EncryptionRegistry.Instance.getLocalKeyPair().getPublic() ) );
            signedLuggage.setByteArray( "luggage", luggageData );
            signedLuggage.setByteArray( "signature", luggageSignature );

            // Send the player to the remote server with the luggage
            byte[] signedLuggageData = CompressedStreamTools.compress( signedLuggage );
            QCraft.requestGoToServer( player, remoteServerAddress, signedLuggageData );
        catch( IOException e )
            throw new RuntimeException( "Error encoding inventory" );
            // Prevent the player from being warped twice
            player.timeUntilPortal = 200;

    public void teleportPlayerLocal( EntityPlayer player )
        teleportPlayerLocal( player, m_remotePortalID );

    public static void teleportPlayerLocal( EntityPlayer player, String portalID )
        PortalLocation location = (portalID != null) ?
            PortalRegistry.PortalRegistry.getPortal( portalID ) :

        if( location != null )
            double xPos = ((double)location.m_x1 + location.m_x2 + 1) / 2;
            double yPos = (double) Math.min(location.m_y1, location.m_y2) + 1;
            double zPos = ((double)location.m_z1 + location.m_z2 + 1) / 2;
            if( location.m_dimensionID == player.dimension )
                player.timeUntilPortal = 40;
                player.setPositionAndUpdate( xPos, yPos, zPos );
            else if( player instanceof EntityPlayerMP )
                player.timeUntilPortal = 40;
                    new QuantumTeleporter(
                        MinecraftServer.getServer().worldServerForDimension( location.m_dimensionID ),
                        xPos, yPos, zPos

    public void readFromNBT( NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound )
        // Read properties
        super.readFromNBT( nbttagcompound );
        m_powered = nbttagcompound.getBoolean( "p" );
        m_timeSinceEnergize = nbttagcompound.getInteger( "tse" );
        m_entanglementFrequency = nbttagcompound.getInteger( "f" );
        if( nbttagcompound.hasKey( "d" ) )
            m_storedData = AreaData.decode( nbttagcompound.getCompoundTag( "d" ) );
        if( nbttagcompound.hasKey( "portalID" ) )
            m_portalID = nbttagcompound.getString( "portalID" );
        m_portalNameConflict = nbttagcompound.getBoolean( "portalNameConflict" );
        if( nbttagcompound.hasKey( "remoteIPAddress" ) )
            m_remoteServerAddress = nbttagcompound.getString( "remoteIPAddress" );
        if( nbttagcompound.hasKey( "remoteIPName" ) )
            m_remoteServerName = nbttagcompound.getString( "remoteIPName" );
            m_remoteServerName = m_remoteServerAddress;
        if( nbttagcompound.hasKey( "remotePortalID" ) )
            m_remotePortalID = nbttagcompound.getString( "remotePortalID" );

    public void writeToNBT( NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound )
        // Write properties
        super.writeToNBT( nbttagcompound );
        nbttagcompound.setBoolean( "p", m_powered );
        nbttagcompound.setInteger( "tse", m_timeSinceEnergize );
        nbttagcompound.setInteger( "f", m_entanglementFrequency );
        if( m_storedData != null )
            nbttagcompound.setTag( "d", m_storedData.encode() );
        if( m_portalID != null )
            nbttagcompound.setString( "portalID", m_portalID );
        nbttagcompound.setBoolean( "portalNameConflict", m_portalNameConflict );
        if( m_remoteServerAddress != null )
            nbttagcompound.setString( "remoteIPAddress", m_remoteServerAddress );
        if( m_remoteServerName != null )
            nbttagcompound.setString( "remoteIPName", m_remoteServerName );
        if( m_remotePortalID != null )
            nbttagcompound.setString( "remotePortalID", m_remotePortalID );

    public Packet getDescriptionPacket()
        // Communicate networked state
        NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = new NBTTagCompound();
        nbttagcompound.setInteger( "f", m_entanglementFrequency );
        if( m_portalID != null )
            nbttagcompound.setString( "portalID", m_portalID );
        nbttagcompound.setBoolean( "portalNameConflict", m_portalNameConflict );
        if( m_remoteServerAddress != null )
            nbttagcompound.setString( "remoteIPAddress", m_remoteServerAddress );
        if( m_remoteServerName != null )
            nbttagcompound.setString( "remoteIPName", m_remoteServerName );
        if( m_remotePortalID != null )
            nbttagcompound.setString( "remotePortalID", m_remotePortalID );
        return new S35PacketUpdateTileEntity( this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord, 0, nbttagcompound );

    public void onDataPacket( NetworkManager net, S35PacketUpdateTileEntity packet )
        switch( packet.func_148853_f() ) // actionType
            case 0:
                // Read networked state
                NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = packet.func_148857_g(); // data
                setEntanglementFrequency( nbttagcompound.getInteger( "f" ) );
                if( nbttagcompound.hasKey( "portalID" ) )
                    m_portalID = nbttagcompound.getString( "portalID" );
                    m_portalID = null;
                m_portalNameConflict = nbttagcompound.getBoolean( "portalNameConflict" );
                if( nbttagcompound.hasKey( "remoteIPAddress" ) )
                    m_remoteServerAddress = nbttagcompound.getString( "remoteIPAddress" );
                    m_remoteServerAddress = null;
                if( nbttagcompound.hasKey( "remoteIPName" ) )
                    m_remoteServerName = nbttagcompound.getString( "remoteIPName" );
                    m_remoteServerName = null;
                if( nbttagcompound.hasKey( "remotePortalID" ) )
                    m_remotePortalID = nbttagcompound.getString( "remotePortalID" );
                    m_remotePortalID = null;