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package dan200.qcraft.shared;

import dan200.QCraft;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.world.World;

import java.util.List;

public class ItemQBlock extends ItemBlock
    public ItemQBlock( Block block )
        super( block );
        setMaxStackSize( 64 );
        setHasSubtypes( true );
        setUnlocalizedName( "qcraft:odb" );
        setCreativeTab( QCraft.getCreativeTab() );

    public static ItemStack create( int subType, int[] types, int entanglementFrequency, int quantity )
        ItemStack result = new ItemStack( QCraft.Blocks.qBlock, quantity, subType );
        setTypes( result, types );
        setEntanglementFrequency( result, entanglementFrequency );
        return result;

    public static int getSubType( ItemStack stack )
        return stack.getItemDamage();

    public static void setTypes( ItemStack stack, int[] types )
        // Ensure the nbt
        if( !stack.hasTagCompound() )
            stack.setTagCompound( new NBTTagCompound() );

        // Set the tags
        NBTTagCompound nbt = stack.getTagCompound();
        for( int i = 0; i < types.length; ++i )
            nbt.setInteger( "s" + i, types[ i ] );

    public static int[] getTypes( ItemStack stack )
        // Get the tags
        int[] types = new int[ 6 ];
        if( stack.hasTagCompound() )
            NBTTagCompound nbt = stack.getTagCompound();
            for( int i = 0; i < types.length; ++i )
                if( nbt.hasKey( "s" + i ) )
                    types[ i ] = nbt.getInteger( "s" + i );
                    types[ i ] = 0;
        return types;

    public static boolean compareTypes( int[] left, int[] right )
        for( int i = 0; i < 6; ++i )
            if( left[ i ] != right[ i ] )
                return false;
        return true;

    public static void setEntanglementFrequency( ItemStack stack, int entanglementFrequency )
        // Ensure the nbt
        if( !stack.hasTagCompound() )
            stack.setTagCompound( new NBTTagCompound() );

        // Set the tags
        NBTTagCompound nbt = stack.getTagCompound();
        if( entanglementFrequency < 0 )
            // No frequency
            if( nbt.hasKey( "e" ) )
                nbt.removeTag( "e" );
            if( nbt.hasKey( "R" ) )
                nbt.removeTag( "R" );
        else if( entanglementFrequency == 0 )
            // Unknown frequency
            nbt.setInteger( "e", entanglementFrequency );
            nbt.setInteger( "R", TileEntityQBlock.s_random.nextInt( 0xffffff ) );
            // Known frequency
            nbt.setInteger( "e", entanglementFrequency );
            if( nbt.hasKey( "R" ) )
                nbt.removeTag( "R" );

    public static int getEntanglementFrequency( ItemStack stack )
        if( stack.hasTagCompound() )
            NBTTagCompound nbt = stack.getTagCompound();
            if( nbt.hasKey( "e" ) )
                return nbt.getInteger( "e" );
        return -1;

    public void getSubItems( Item itemID, CreativeTabs tabs, List list )

    public int getMetadata( int damage )
        return damage;

    public void onCreated( ItemStack stack, World world, EntityPlayer player )
        if( getEntanglementFrequency( stack ) == 0 && !world.isRemote )
            setEntanglementFrequency( stack, TileEntityQBlock.getEntanglementRegistry( world ).getUnusedFrequency() );
            if( player.openContainer != null )

    public boolean placeBlockAt( ItemStack stack, EntityPlayer player, World world, int x, int y, int z, int side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ, int metadata )
        if( super.placeBlockAt( stack, player, world, x, y, z, side, hitX, hitY, hitZ, metadata ) )
            TileEntity entity = world.getTileEntity( x, y, z );
            if( entity != null && entity instanceof TileEntityQBlock )
                TileEntityQBlock quantum = (TileEntityQBlock) entity;
                quantum.setTypes( getTypes( stack ) );
                quantum.setEntanglementFrequency( getEntanglementFrequency( stack ) );
            return true;
        return false;

    public String getUnlocalizedName( ItemStack stack )
        boolean entangled = ( getEntanglementFrequency( stack ) >= 0 );
        switch( getSubType( stack ) )
            case BlockQBlock.SubType.Standard:
                return entangled ? "tile.qcraft:odb_entangled" : "tile.qcraft:odb";
            case BlockQBlock.SubType.FiftyFifty:
                return entangled ? "tile.qcraft:qb_entangled" : "tile.qcraft:qb";

    public static String formatFrequency( int frequency )
        String result = Integer.toHexString( frequency ).toUpperCase();
        if( result.length() == 1 )
            return "0" + result;
        return result;

    public void addInformation( ItemStack stack, EntityPlayer player, List list, boolean par4 )
        int frequency = getEntanglementFrequency( stack );
        if( frequency > 0 )
            list.add( "Group: " + formatFrequency( frequency ) );
        //else if( frequency == 0 )
        //	list.add( "Group: ???" );