 *  Copyright 2016 SteelBridge Laboratories, LLC.
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.
 *  For more information: http://steelbridgelabs.com

package com.steelbridgelabs.oss.neo4j.structure;

import com.steelbridgelabs.oss.neo4j.structure.summary.ResultSummaryLogger;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Direction;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Edge;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Transaction;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.util.ElementHelper;
import org.neo4j.driver.Bookmark;
import org.neo4j.driver.Record;
import org.neo4j.driver.Result;
import org.neo4j.driver.Session;
import org.neo4j.driver.Value;
import org.neo4j.driver.exceptions.ClientException;
import org.neo4j.driver.types.Node;
import org.neo4j.driver.types.Relationship;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Spliterator;
import java.util.Spliterators;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import java.util.stream.StreamSupport;

 * @author Rogelio J. Baucells
class Neo4JSession implements AutoCloseable {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Neo4JSession.class);

    private final Neo4JGraph graph;
    private final Neo4JReadPartition partition;
    private final Session session;
    private final Neo4JElementIdProvider<?> vertexIdProvider;
    private final Neo4JElementIdProvider<?> edgeIdProvider;
    private final Map<Object, Neo4JVertex> vertices = new HashMap<>();
    private final Map<Object, Neo4JEdge> edges = new HashMap<>();
    private final Set<Object> deletedVertices = new HashSet<>();
    private final Set<Object> deletedEdges = new HashSet<>();
    private final Set<Neo4JVertex> transientVertices = new HashSet<>();
    private final Set<Neo4JEdge> transientEdges = new HashSet<>();
    private final Map<Object, Neo4JVertex> transientVertexIndex = new HashMap<>();
    private final Map<Object, Neo4JEdge> transientEdgeIndex = new HashMap<>();
    private final Set<Neo4JVertex> vertexUpdateQueue = new HashSet<>();
    private final Set<Neo4JEdge> edgeUpdateQueue = new HashSet<>();
    private final Set<Neo4JVertex> vertexDeleteQueue = new HashSet<>();
    private final Set<Neo4JEdge> edgeDeleteQueue = new HashSet<>();
    private final boolean readonly;

    private org.neo4j.driver.Transaction transaction;
    private boolean verticesLoaded = false;
    private boolean edgesLoaded = false;
    private boolean profilerEnabled = false;

    Neo4JSession(Neo4JGraph graph, Session session, Neo4JElementIdProvider<?> vertexIdProvider, Neo4JElementIdProvider<?> edgeIdProvider, boolean readonly) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(graph, "graph cannot be null");
        Objects.requireNonNull(session, "session cannot be null");
        Objects.requireNonNull(vertexIdProvider, "vertexIdProvider cannot be null");
        Objects.requireNonNull(edgeIdProvider, "edgeIdProvider cannot be null");
        // log information
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("Creating session [{}]", session.hashCode());
        // store fields
        this.graph = graph;
        this.partition = graph.getPartition();
        this.session = session;
        this.vertexIdProvider = vertexIdProvider;
        this.edgeIdProvider = edgeIdProvider;
        this.readonly = readonly;

    public org.neo4j.driver.Transaction beginTransaction() {
        // check we have a transaction already in progress
        if (transaction != null && transaction.isOpen())
            throw Transaction.Exceptions.transactionAlreadyOpen();
        // begin transaction
        transaction = session.beginTransaction();
        // log information
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("Beginning transaction on session [{}]-[{}]", session.hashCode(), transaction.hashCode());
        // return transaction instance
        return transaction;

    boolean isTransactionOpen() {
        return transaction != null && transaction.isOpen();

    void commit() {
        // check we have an open transaction
        if (transaction != null) {
            // log information
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("Committing transaction [{}]", transaction.hashCode());
            // flush session
            // indicate success (this is the moment that data is committed to the server)
            // close neo4j transaction
            // commit transient vertices
            // commit transient edges
            // commit dirty vertices
            // commit dirty edges
            // move transient vertices to vertices
            transientVertices.forEach(vertex -> vertices.put(vertex.id(), vertex));
            // move transient edges to edges
            transientEdges.forEach(edge -> edges.put(edge.id(), edge));
            // clean internal structures
            // log information
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("Successfully committed transaction [{}]", transaction.hashCode());
            // remove instance
            transaction = null;

    void rollback() {
        // check we have an open transaction
        if (transaction != null) {
            // log information
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("Rolling back transaction [{}]", transaction.hashCode());
            // indicate failure
            // close neo4j transaction (this is the moment that data is rolled-back from the server)
            // reset vertices loaded flag if needed
            if (!vertexUpdateQueue.isEmpty() || !deletedVertices.isEmpty())
                verticesLoaded = false;
            // reset edges loaded flag if needed
            if (!edgeUpdateQueue.isEmpty() || !deletedEdges.isEmpty())
                edgesLoaded = false;
            // rollback dirty vertices
            // rollback dirty edges
            // restore deleted vertices
            vertexDeleteQueue.forEach(vertex -> {
                // restore in map
                vertices.put(vertex.id(), vertex);
                // rollback vertex
            // restore deleted edges
            edgeDeleteQueue.forEach(edge -> {
                // restore in map
                edges.put(edge.id(), edge);
                // rollback edge
            // clean internal structures
            // log information
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("Successfully rolled-back transaction [{}]", transaction.hashCode());
            // remove instance
            transaction = null;

    void closeTransaction() {
        // check we have an open transaction
        if (transaction != null) {
            // log information
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("Closing transaction [{}]", transaction.hashCode());
            // close transaction
            // remove instance
            transaction = null;

    Bookmark lastBookmark() {
        // last bookmark in session
        return session.lastBookmark();

    Neo4JVertex addVertex(Object... keyValues) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(keyValues, "keyValues cannot be null");
        // verify parameters are key/value pairs
        // id cannot be present
        if (ElementHelper.getIdValue(keyValues).isPresent())
            throw Vertex.Exceptions.userSuppliedIdsNotSupported();
        // create vertex
        Neo4JVertex vertex = new Neo4JVertex(graph, this, vertexIdProvider, edgeIdProvider, Arrays.asList(ElementHelper.getLabelValue(keyValues).orElse(Vertex.DEFAULT_LABEL).split(Neo4JVertex.LabelDelimiter)));
        // add vertex to transient set (before processing properties to avoid having a transient vertex in update queue)
        // attach properties
        ElementHelper.attachProperties(vertex, keyValues);
        // check vertex has id
        Object id = vertex.id();
        if (id != null)
            transientVertexIndex.put(id, vertex);
        // return vertex
        return vertex;

    Neo4JEdge addEdge(String label, Neo4JVertex out, Neo4JVertex in, Object... keyValues) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(label, "label cannot be null");
        Objects.requireNonNull(out, "out cannot be null");
        Objects.requireNonNull(in, "in cannot be null");
        Objects.requireNonNull(keyValues, "keyValues cannot be null");
        // validate label
        // verify parameters are key/value pairs
        // id cannot be present
        if (ElementHelper.getIdValue(keyValues).isPresent())
            throw Vertex.Exceptions.userSuppliedIdsNotSupported();
        // create edge
        Neo4JEdge edge = new Neo4JEdge(graph, this, edgeIdProvider, label, out, in);
        // register transient edge (before processing properties to avoid having a transient edge in update queue)
        // attach properties
        ElementHelper.attachProperties(edge, keyValues);
        // register transient edge with adjacent vertices
        // check edge has id
        Object id = edge.id();
        if (id != null)
            transientEdgeIndex.put(id, edge);
        // return edge
        return edge;

    private String generateVertexMatchPattern(String alias) {
        // get labels from read partition to be applied in vertex patterns
        Set<String> labels = partition.vertexMatchPatternLabels();
        if (!labels.isEmpty()) {
            // vertex match within partition
            return "(" + alias + labels.stream().map(label -> ":`" + label + "`").collect(Collectors.joining("")) + ")";
        // vertex match
        return "(" + alias + ")";

    boolean isProfilerEnabled() {
        return profilerEnabled;

    void setProfilerEnabled(boolean profilerEnabled) {
        this.profilerEnabled = profilerEnabled;

    public Iterator<Vertex> vertices(Object[] ids) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(ids, "ids cannot be null");
        // verify identifiers
        verifyIdentifiers(Vertex.class, ids);
        // check we have all vertices already loaded
        if (!verticesLoaded) {
            // check ids
            if (ids.length > 0) {
                // parameters as a stream
                Set<Object> identifiers = Arrays.stream(ids).map(id -> processIdentifier(vertexIdProvider, id)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
                // filter ids, remove ids already in memory (only ids that might exist on server)
                List<Object> filter = identifiers.stream().filter(id -> !vertices.containsKey(id) && !transientVertexIndex.containsKey(id)).collect(Collectors.toList());
                // check we need to execute statement in server
                if (!filter.isEmpty()) {
                    // vertex match predicate
                    String predicate = partition.vertexMatchPredicate("n");
                    // change operator on single id filtering (performance optimization)
                    if (filter.size() == 1) {
                        // execute statement
                        Result result = executeStatement("MATCH " + generateVertexMatchPattern("n") + " WHERE " + vertexIdProvider.matchPredicateOperand("n") + " = $id" + (predicate != null ? " AND " + predicate : "") + " RETURN n", Collections.singletonMap("id", filter.get(0)));
                        // create stream from query
                        Stream<Vertex> query = vertices(result);
                        // combine stream from memory and query result
                        Iterator<Vertex> iterator = combine(Stream.concat(identifiers.stream().filter(vertices::containsKey).map(id -> (Vertex)vertices.get(id)), identifiers.stream().filter(transientVertexIndex::containsKey).map(id -> (Vertex)transientVertexIndex.get(id))), query);
                        // process summary (query has been already consumed by combine)
                        // return iterator
                        return iterator;
                    // execute statement
                    Result result = executeStatement("MATCH " + generateVertexMatchPattern("n") + " WHERE " + vertexIdProvider.matchPredicateOperand("n") + " IN $ids" + (predicate != null ? " AND " + predicate : "") + " RETURN n", Collections.singletonMap("ids", filter));
                    // create stream from query
                    Stream<Vertex> query = vertices(result);
                    // combine stream from memory and query result
                    Iterator<Vertex> iterator = combine(Stream.concat(identifiers.stream().filter(vertices::containsKey).map(id -> (Vertex)vertices.get(id)), identifiers.stream().filter(transientVertexIndex::containsKey).map(id -> (Vertex)transientVertexIndex.get(id))), query);
                    // process summary (query has been already consumed by combine)
                    // return iterator
                    return iterator;
                // no need to execute query, only items in memory
                return combine(identifiers.stream().filter(vertices::containsKey).map(id -> (Vertex)vertices.get(id)), identifiers.stream().filter(transientVertexIndex::containsKey).map(id -> (Vertex)transientVertexIndex.get(id)));
            // vertex match predicate
            String predicate = partition.vertexMatchPredicate("n");
            // execute statement
            Result result = executeStatement("MATCH " + generateVertexMatchPattern("n") + (predicate != null ? " WHERE " + predicate : "") + " RETURN n", Collections.emptyMap());
            // create stream from query
            Stream<Vertex> query = vertices(result);
            // combine stream from memory (transient) and query result
            Iterator<Vertex> iterator = combine(transientVertices.stream().map(vertex -> (Vertex)vertex), query);
            // process summary (query has been already consumed by combine)
            // it is safe to update loaded flag at this time
            verticesLoaded = true;
            // return iterator
            return iterator;
        // check ids
        if (ids.length > 0) {
            // parameters as a stream (set to remove duplicated ids)
            Set<Object> identifiers = Arrays.stream(ids).map(id -> processIdentifier(vertexIdProvider, id)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
            // no need to execute query, only items in memory
            return combine(identifiers.stream().filter(vertices::containsKey).map(id -> (Vertex)vertices.get(id)), identifiers.stream().filter(transientVertexIndex::containsKey).map(id -> (Vertex)transientVertexIndex.get(id)));
        // no need to execute query, all items in memory
        return combine(transientVertices.stream().map(vertex -> (Vertex)vertex), vertices.values().stream().map(vertex -> (Vertex)vertex));

    Stream<Vertex> vertices(Result result) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(result, "result cannot be null");
        // create stream from result, skip deleted vertices
        return StreamSupport.stream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(result, Spliterator.NONNULL | Spliterator.IMMUTABLE), false)

    Iterator<Edge> edges(Object[] ids) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(ids, "ids cannot be null");
        // verify identifiers
        verifyIdentifiers(Edge.class, ids);
        // check we have all edges already loaded
        if (!edgesLoaded) {
            // check ids
            if (ids.length > 0) {
                // parameters as a stream
                Set<Object> identifiers = Arrays.stream(ids).map(id -> processIdentifier(edgeIdProvider, id)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
                // filter ids, remove ids already in memory (only ids that might exist on server)
                List<Object> filter = identifiers.stream().filter(id -> !edges.containsKey(id) && !transientEdgeIndex.containsKey(id)).collect(Collectors.toList());
                // check we need to execute statement in server
                if (!filter.isEmpty()) {
                    // change operator on single id filtering (performance optimization)
                    if (filter.size() == 1) {
                        // execute statement
                        Result result = executeStatement("MATCH " + generateVertexMatchPattern("n") + "-[r]->" + generateVertexMatchPattern("m") + " WHERE " + edgeIdProvider.matchPredicateOperand("r") + " = $id" + (partition.usesMatchPredicate() ? " AND " + partition.vertexMatchPredicate("n") + " AND " + partition.vertexMatchPredicate("m") : "") + " RETURN n, r, m", Collections.singletonMap("id", filter.get(0)));
                        // find edges
                        Stream<Edge> query = edges(result);
                        // combine stream from memory and query result
                        Iterator<Edge> iterator = combine(Stream.concat(identifiers.stream().filter(edges::containsKey).map(id -> (Edge)edges.get(id)), identifiers.stream().filter(transientEdgeIndex::containsKey).map(id -> (Edge)transientEdgeIndex.get(id))), query);
                        // process summary (query has been already consumed by combine)
                        // return iterator
                        return iterator;
                    // execute statement
                    Result result = executeStatement("MATCH " + generateVertexMatchPattern("n") + "-[r]->" + generateVertexMatchPattern("m") + " WHERE " + edgeIdProvider.matchPredicateOperand("r") + " in $ids" + (partition.usesMatchPredicate() ? " AND " + partition.vertexMatchPredicate("n") + " AND " + partition.vertexMatchPredicate("m") : "") + " RETURN n, r, m", Collections.singletonMap("ids", filter));
                    // find edges
                    Stream<Edge> query = edges(result);
                    // combine stream from memory and query result
                    Iterator<Edge> iterator = combine(Stream.concat(identifiers.stream().filter(edges::containsKey).map(id -> (Edge)edges.get(id)), identifiers.stream().filter(transientEdgeIndex::containsKey).map(id -> (Edge)transientEdgeIndex.get(id))), query);
                    // process summary (query has been already consumed by combine)
                    // return iterator
                    return iterator;
                // no need to execute query, only items in memory
                return combine(identifiers.stream().filter(edges::containsKey).map(id -> (Edge)edges.get(id)), identifiers.stream().filter(transientEdgeIndex::containsKey).map(id -> (Edge)transientEdgeIndex.get(id)));
            // execute statement
            Result result = executeStatement("MATCH " + generateVertexMatchPattern("n") + "-[r]->" + generateVertexMatchPattern("m") + (partition.usesMatchPredicate() ? " WHERE " + partition.vertexMatchPredicate("n") + " AND " + partition.vertexMatchPredicate("m") : "") + " RETURN n, r, m", Collections.emptyMap());
            // find edges
            Stream<Edge> query = edges(result);
            // combine stream from memory (transient) and query result
            Iterator<Edge> iterator = combine(transientEdges.stream().map(edge -> (Edge)edge), query);
            // process summary (query has been already consumed by combine)
            // it is safe to update loaded flag at this time
            edgesLoaded = true;
            // return iterator
            return iterator;
        // check ids
        if (ids.length > 0) {
            // parameters as a stream (set to remove duplicated ids)
            Set<Object> identifiers = Arrays.stream(ids).map(id -> processIdentifier(edgeIdProvider, id)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
            // no need to execute query, only items in memory
            return combine(identifiers.stream().filter(edges::containsKey).map(id -> (Edge)edges.get(id)), identifiers.stream().filter(transientEdgeIndex::containsKey).map(id -> (Edge)transientEdgeIndex.get(id)));
        // no need to execute query, all items in memory
        return combine(transientEdges.stream().map(edge -> (Edge)edge), edges.values().stream().map(edge -> (Edge)edge));

    Stream<Edge> edges(Result result) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(result, "result cannot be null");
        // create stream from result, skip deleted edges
        return StreamSupport.stream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(result, Spliterator.NONNULL | Spliterator.IMMUTABLE), false)

    private static <T> Iterator<T> combine(Stream<T> collection, Stream<T> query) {
        // create a copy of first stream (state can be modified in the middle of the iteration)
        List<T> copy = collection.collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedList::new));
        // iterate query and accumulate to list
        // return iterator
        return copy.iterator();

    void removeEdge(Neo4JEdge edge, boolean explicit) {
        // edge id
        Object id = edge.id();
        // check edge is transient
        if (transientEdges.contains(edge)) {
            // log information
            logger.debug("Deleting transient edge: {}", edge);
            // check explicit delete on edge
            if (explicit) {
                // remove references from adjacent vertices
                edge.vertices(Direction.BOTH).forEachRemaining(vertex -> {
                    // remove from vertex
            // remove it from transient set
            // remove it from index
            if (id != null)
        else {
            // log information
            logger.debug("Deleting edge: {}", edge);
            // mark edge as deleted (prevent returning edge in query results)
            // check we need to execute delete statement on edge
            if (explicit) {
                // remove references from adjacent vertices
                edge.vertices(Direction.BOTH).forEachRemaining(vertex -> {
                    // remove from vertex
                // add to delete queue
            // remove it from update queue (avoid issuing MERGE command for an element that has been deleted)
        // remove edge from map

    private static <T> void verifyIdentifiers(Class<T> elementClass, Object... ids) {
        // check length
        if (ids.length > 0) {
            // first element in array
            Object first = ids[0];
            // first element class
            Class<?> firstClass = first.getClass();
            // check it is an element
            if (elementClass.isAssignableFrom(firstClass)) {
                // all ids must be of the same class
                if (!Stream.of(ids).allMatch(id -> elementClass.isAssignableFrom(id.getClass())))
                    throw Graph.Exceptions.idArgsMustBeEitherIdOrElement();
            else if (!Stream.of(ids).map(Object::getClass).allMatch(firstClass::equals))
                throw Graph.Exceptions.idArgsMustBeEitherIdOrElement();

    private static Object processIdentifier(Neo4JElementIdProvider provider, Object id) {
        // vertex
        if (id instanceof Vertex)
            return ((Vertex)id).id();
        // edge
        if (id instanceof Edge)
            return ((Edge)id).id();
        // delegate processing to provider
        return provider.processIdentifier(id);

    private Vertex loadVertex(Record record) {
        // node
        Node node = record.get(0).asNode();
        // vertex id
        Object vertexId = vertexIdProvider.get(node);
        // check vertex has been deleted
        if (!deletedVertices.contains(vertexId)) {
            // check this vertex has been already loaded into this session
            Vertex vertex = vertices.get(vertexId);
            if (vertex == null) {
                // check node belongs to partition
                if (partition.containsVertex(StreamSupport.stream(node.labels().spliterator(), false).collect(Collectors.toSet()))) {
                    // create and register vertex
                    return registerVertex(new Neo4JVertex(graph, this, vertexIdProvider, edgeIdProvider, node));
                // skip vertex (not in partition)
                return null;
            // return vertex
            return vertex;
        // skip vertex (deleted)
        return null;

    private Edge loadEdge(Record record) {
        // relationship
        Relationship relationship = record.get(1).asRelationship();
        // edge id
        Object edgeId = edgeIdProvider.get(relationship);
        // check edge has been deleted
        if (!deletedEdges.contains(edgeId)) {
            // check we have record in memory
            Neo4JEdge edge = edges.get(edgeId);
            if (edge == null) {
                // nodes
                Node firstNode = record.get(0).asNode();
                Node secondNode = record.get(2).asNode();
                // node ids
                Object firstNodeId = vertexIdProvider.get(firstNode);
                Object secondNodeId = vertexIdProvider.get(secondNode);
                // check edge has been deleted (one of the vertices was deleted) or the vertices are not in the read partition
                if (deletedVertices.contains(firstNodeId) || deletedVertices.contains(secondNodeId) || !partition.containsVertex(StreamSupport.stream(firstNode.labels().spliterator(), false).collect(Collectors.toSet())) || !partition.containsVertex(StreamSupport.stream(secondNode.labels().spliterator(), false).collect(Collectors.toSet())))
                    return null;
                // check we have first vertex in memory
                Neo4JVertex firstVertex = vertices.get(firstNodeId);
                if (firstVertex == null) {
                    // create vertex
                    firstVertex = new Neo4JVertex(graph, this, vertexIdProvider, edgeIdProvider, firstNode);
                    // register it
                // check we have second vertex in memory
                Neo4JVertex secondVertex = vertices.get(secondNodeId);
                if (secondVertex == null) {
                    // create vertex
                    secondVertex = new Neo4JVertex(graph, this, vertexIdProvider, edgeIdProvider, secondNode);
                    // register it
                // find out start and end of the relationship (edge could come in either direction)
                Neo4JVertex out = relationship.startNodeId() == firstNode.id() ? firstVertex : secondVertex;
                Neo4JVertex in = relationship.endNodeId() == firstNode.id() ? firstVertex : secondVertex;
                // create edge
                edge = new Neo4JEdge(graph, this, edgeIdProvider, out, relationship, in);
                // register with adjacent vertices
                // register edge
                return registerEdge(edge);
            // return edge
            return edge;
        // skip edge
        return null;

    private Vertex registerVertex(Neo4JVertex vertex) {
        // map vertex
        vertices.put(vertex.id(), vertex);
        // return vertex
        return vertex;

    private Edge registerEdge(Neo4JEdge edge) {
        // edge id
        Object id = edge.id();
        // map edge
        edges.put(id, edge);
        // return vertex
        return edge;

    void removeVertex(Neo4JVertex vertex) {
        // vertex id
        Object id = vertex.id();
        // check vertex is transient
        if (transientVertices.contains(vertex)) {
            // log information
            logger.debug("Deleting transient vertex: {}", vertex);
            // remove it from transient set
            // remove it from index
            if (id != null)
        else {
            // log information
            logger.debug("Deleting vertex: {}", vertex);
            // mark vertex as deleted (prevent returning vertex in query results)
            // add vertex to queue
            // remove it from update queue (avoid issuing MERGE command for an element that has been deleted)
            // remove vertex from map

    void dirtyVertex(Neo4JVertex vertex) {
        // check element is a transient one
        if (!transientVertices.contains(vertex)) {
            // add vertex to processing queue

    void dirtyEdge(Neo4JEdge edge) {
        // check element is a transient one
        if (!transientEdges.contains(edge)) {
            // add edge to processing queue

    private void flush() {
        try {
            // delete edges
            // delete vertices
            // create vertices
            // create edges
            // update edges
            // update vertices (after edges to be able to locate the vertex if referenced by an edge)
        catch (ClientException ex) {
            // log error
            if (logger.isErrorEnabled())
                logger.error("Error committing transaction [{}]", transaction.hashCode(), ex);
            // throw original exception
            throw ex;

    private void createVertices() {
        // insert vertices
        for (Neo4JVertex vertex : transientVertices) {
            // create command
            Neo4JDatabaseCommand command = vertex.insertCommand();
            // execute statement
            Result result = executeStatement(command.getStatement(), command.getParameters());
            // process result
            // process summary

    private void updateVertices() {
        // update vertices
        for (Neo4JVertex vertex : vertexUpdateQueue) {
            // create command
            Neo4JDatabaseCommand command = vertex.updateCommand();
            if (command != null) {
                // execute statement
                Result result = executeStatement(command.getStatement(), command.getParameters());
                // process result
                // process summary

    private void deleteVertices() {
        // delete vertices
        for (Neo4JVertex vertex : vertexDeleteQueue) {
            // create command
            Neo4JDatabaseCommand command = vertex.deleteCommand();
            // execute statement
            Result result = executeStatement(command.getStatement(), command.getParameters());
            // process result
            // process summary

    private void createEdges() {
        // insert edges
        for (Neo4JEdge edge : transientEdges) {
            // create command
            Neo4JDatabaseCommand command = edge.insertCommand();
            // execute statement
            Result result = executeStatement(command.getStatement(), command.getParameters());
            // process result
            // process summary

    private void updateEdges() {
        // update edges
        for (Neo4JEdge edge : edgeUpdateQueue) {
            // create command
            Neo4JDatabaseCommand command = edge.updateCommand();
            if (command != null) {
                // execute statement
                Result result = executeStatement(command.getStatement(), command.getParameters());
                // process result
                // process summary

    private void deleteEdges() {
        // delete edges
        for (Neo4JEdge edge : edgeDeleteQueue) {
            // create command
            Neo4JDatabaseCommand command = edge.deleteCommand();
            // execute statement
            Result result = executeStatement(command.getStatement(), command.getParameters());
            // process result
            // process summary

    Result executeStatement(String statement, Map<String, Object> parameters) {
        try {
            // statement (we are modifying text)
            String cypherStatement = statement;
            // check we need to modify statement
            if (profilerEnabled) {
                // statement text
                String text = statement;
                if (text != null) {
                    // use upper case
                    text = text.toUpperCase(Locale.US);
                    // check we can append PROFILE to current statement
                    if (!text.startsWith("PROFILE") && !text.startsWith("EXPLAIN")) {
                        // create new statement
                        cypherStatement = "PROFILE " + statement;
            // log information
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("Executing Cypher statement on transaction [{}]: {}", transaction.hashCode(), cypherStatement);
            // execute on transaction
            return transaction.run(cypherStatement, parameters);
        catch (ClientException ex) {
            // log error
            if (logger.isErrorEnabled())
                logger.error("Error executing Cypher statement on transaction [{}]", transaction.hashCode(), ex);
            // throw original exception
            throw ex;

    Result executeStatement(String statement, Value parameters) {
        try {
            // statement (we are modifying text)
            String cypherStatement = statement;
            // check we need to modify statement
            if (profilerEnabled) {
                // statement text
                String text = statement;
                if (text != null) {
                    // use upper case
                    text = text.toUpperCase(Locale.US);
                    // check we can append PROFILE to current statement
                    if (!text.startsWith("PROFILE") && !text.startsWith("EXPLAIN")) {
                        // create new statement
                        cypherStatement = "PROFILE " + statement;
            // log information
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("Executing Cypher statement on transaction [{}]: {}", transaction.hashCode(), cypherStatement);
            // execute on transaction
            return transaction.run(cypherStatement, parameters);
        catch (ClientException ex) {
            // log error
            if (logger.isErrorEnabled())
                logger.error("Error executing Cypher statement on transaction [{}]", transaction.hashCode(), ex);
            // throw original exception
            throw ex;

    public void close() {
        // close transaction
        // log information
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("Closing neo4j session [{}]", session.hashCode());
        // close session

    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
        // check session is open
        if (session.isOpen()) {
            // log information
            if (logger.isErrorEnabled())
                logger.error("Finalizing Neo4JSession [{}] without explicit call to close(), the code is leaking sessions!", session.hashCode());
        // base implementation