package de.slikey.effectlib.effect;

import de.slikey.effectlib.Effect;
import de.slikey.effectlib.EffectManager;
import de.slikey.effectlib.EffectType;
import org.bukkit.Particle;
import de.slikey.effectlib.util.RandomUtils;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;

public class FountainEffect extends Effect {

     * Particle of the fountain
    public Particle particle = Particle.WATER_SPLASH;

     * Amount of strands (10)
    public int strands = 10;

     * Particles per iteration per strand (100)
    public int particlesStrand = 150;

     * Particles per iteration in the spout
    public int particlesSpout = 200;

     * Radius of strands in blocks
    public float radius = 5;

     * Radius of spout as a fraction of the fountain (0.1)
    public float radiusSpout = .1f;

     * Height of the fountain
    public float height = 3;

     * Height of the spout in blocks
    public float heightSpout = 7;

     * Rotation of the fountain on the Y-Axis (Fraction of PI)
    public double rotation = Math.PI / 4;

    public FountainEffect(EffectManager effectManager) {
        type = EffectType.REPEATING;
        period = 2;
        iterations = 100;

    public void onRun() {
        Location location = getLocation();
        for (int i = 1; i <= strands; i++) {
            double angle = 2 * i * Math.PI / strands + rotation;
            for (int j = 1; j <= particlesStrand; j++) {
                float ratio = (float) j / particlesStrand;
                double x, y, z;
                x = Math.cos(angle) * radius * ratio;
                y = Math.sin(Math.PI * j / particlesStrand) * height;
                z = Math.sin(angle) * radius * ratio;
                location.add(x, y, z);
                display(particle, location);
                location.subtract(x, y, z);
        for (int i = 0; i < particlesSpout; i++) {
            Vector v = RandomUtils.getRandomCircleVector().multiply(RandomUtils.random.nextFloat() * radius * radiusSpout);
            v.setY(RandomUtils.random.nextFloat() * heightSpout);
            display(particle, location);
