package com.redislabs.redisgraph.impl.resultset;

import com.redislabs.redisgraph.Header;
import com.redislabs.redisgraph.Record;
import com.redislabs.redisgraph.RedisGraph;
import com.redislabs.redisgraph.ResultSet;
import com.redislabs.redisgraph.Statistics;
import com.redislabs.redisgraph.exceptions.JRedisGraphRunTimeException;
import com.redislabs.redisgraph.graph_entities.*;
import com.redislabs.redisgraph.impl.graph_cache.GraphCache;
import redis.clients.jedis.util.SafeEncoder;
import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisDataException;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Objects;

public class ResultSetImpl implements ResultSet {

    private final Header header;
    private final Statistics statistics;
    private final List<Record> results ;

    private int position = 0;
    private final RedisGraph redisGraph;
    private final GraphCache cache;

     * @param rawResponse the raw representation of response is at most 3 lists of objects.
     *                    The last list is the statistics list.
     * @param redisGraph, the graph local cache
    public ResultSetImpl(List<Object> rawResponse, RedisGraph redisGraph, GraphCache cache) {
        this.redisGraph = redisGraph;
        this.cache = cache;

        // If a run-time error occured, the last member of the rawResponse will be a JedisDataException.
        if (rawResponse.get(rawResponse.size()-1) instanceof JedisDataException) {

            throw new JRedisGraphRunTimeException((Throwable) rawResponse.get(rawResponse.size() - 1));

        if (rawResponse.size() != 3) {

            header = parseHeader(new ArrayList<>());
            results = new ArrayList<>();
            statistics = rawResponse.size()> 0 ? parseStatistics(rawResponse.get(rawResponse.size() - 1)) :
                    parseStatistics(new ArrayList<Objects>());

        } else {

            header = parseHeader((List<List<Object>>) rawResponse.get(0));
            results = parseResult((List<List<Object>>) rawResponse.get(1));
            statistics = parseStatistics(rawResponse.get(2));

     * @param rawResultSet - raw result set representation
     * @return parsed result set
    private List<Record> parseResult(List<List<Object>> rawResultSet) {
        List<Record> results = new ArrayList<>();
        if (rawResultSet == null || rawResultSet.isEmpty()) {
            return results;
        } else {
            //go over each raw result
            for (List<Object> row : rawResultSet) {

                List<Object> parsedRow = new ArrayList<>(row.size());
                //go over each object in the result
                for (int i = 0; i < row.size(); i++) {
                    //get raw representation of the object
                    List<Object> obj = (List<Object>) row.get(i);
                    //get object type
                    Header.ResultSetColumnTypes objType = header.getSchemaTypes().get(i);
                    //deserialize according to type and
                    switch (objType) {
                        case COLUMN_NODE:
                        case COLUMN_RELATION:
                        case COLUMN_SCALAR: {
                        default: {


                //create new record from deserialized objects
                Record record = new RecordImpl(header.getSchemaNames(), parsedRow);
        return results;

     * @param rawStatistics raw statistics representation
     * @return parsed statistics
    private StatisticsImpl parseStatistics(Object rawStatistics) {
        return new StatisticsImpl((List<byte[]>) rawStatistics);

     * @param rawHeader - raw header representation
     * @return parsed header
    private HeaderImpl parseHeader(List<List<Object>> rawHeader) {
        return new HeaderImpl(rawHeader);

    public Statistics getStatistics() {
        return statistics;

    public Header getHeader() {
        return header;

     * @param rawNodeData - raw node object in the form of list of object
     *                    rawNodeData.get(0) - id (long)
     *                    rawNodeData.get(1) - a list y which contains the labels of this node. Each entry is a label id from the type of long
     *                    rawNodeData.get(2) - a list  which contains the properties of the node.
     * @return Node object
    private Node deserializeNode(List<Object> rawNodeData) {
        Node node = new Node();
        deserializeGraphEntityId(node, rawNodeData.get(0));
        List<Long> labelsIndices = (List<Long>) rawNodeData.get(1);
        for (Long labelIndex : labelsIndices) {
            String label = cache.getLabel(labelIndex.intValue(), redisGraph);
        deserializeGraphEntityProperties(node, (List<List<Object>>) rawNodeData.get(2));

        return node;


     * @param graphEntity graph entity
     * @param rawEntityId raw representation of entity id to be set to the graph entity
    private void deserializeGraphEntityId(GraphEntity graphEntity, Object rawEntityId) {
        long id = (Long) rawEntityId;

     * @param rawEdgeData - a list of objects
     *                    rawEdgeData[0] - edge id
     *                    rawEdgeData[1] - edge relationship type
     *                    rawEdgeData[2] - edge source
     *                    rawEdgeData[3] - edge destination
     *                    rawEdgeData[4] - edge properties
     * @return Edge object
    private Edge deserializeEdge(List<Object> rawEdgeData) {
        Edge edge = new Edge();
        deserializeGraphEntityId(edge, rawEdgeData.get(0));

        String relationshipType = cache.getRelationshipType(((Long) rawEdgeData.get(1)).intValue(),

        edge.setSource( (long) rawEdgeData.get(2));
        edge.setDestination( (long) rawEdgeData.get(3));

        deserializeGraphEntityProperties(edge, (List<List<Object>>) rawEdgeData.get(4));

        return edge;

     * @param entity        graph entity for adding the properties to
     * @param rawProperties raw representation of a list of graph entity properties. Each entry is a list (rawProperty)
     *                      is a raw representation of property, as follows:
     *                      rawProperty.get(0) - property key
     *                      rawProperty.get(1) - property type
     *                      rawProperty.get(2) - property value
    private void deserializeGraphEntityProperties(GraphEntity entity, List<List<Object>> rawProperties) {

        for (List<Object> rawProperty : rawProperties) {
            Property property = new Property();
            property.setName(cache.getPropertyName(((Long) rawProperty.get(0)).intValue(),

            //trimmed for getting to value using deserializeScalar
            List<Object> propertyScalar = rawProperty.subList(1, rawProperty.size());




     * @param rawScalarData - a list of object. list[0] is the scalar type, list[1] is the scalar value
     * @return value of the specific scalar type
    private Object deserializeScalar(List<Object> rawScalarData) {
        ResultSetScalarTypes type = getValueTypeFromObject(rawScalarData.get(0));

        Object obj = rawScalarData.get(1);
        switch (type) {
            case VALUE_NULL:
                return null;
            case VALUE_BOOLEAN:
                return Boolean.parseBoolean(SafeEncoder.encode((byte[]) obj));
            case VALUE_DOUBLE:
                return Double.parseDouble(SafeEncoder.encode((byte[]) obj));
            case VALUE_INTEGER:
                return (Long) obj;
            case VALUE_STRING:
                return SafeEncoder.encode((byte[]) obj);
            case VALUE_ARRAY:
                return deserializeArray(obj);
            case VALUE_NODE:
                return deserializeNode((List<Object>) obj);
            case VALUE_EDGE:
                return deserializeEdge((List<Object>) obj);
            case VALUE_PATH:
                return deserializePath(obj);
            case VALUE_UNKNOWN:
                return obj;

    private Path deserializePath(Object rawScalarData) {
        List<List<Object>> array = (List<List<Object>>) rawScalarData;
        List<Node> nodes = (List<Node>) deserializeScalar(array.get(0));
        List<Edge> edges = (List<Edge>) deserializeScalar(array.get(1));
        return new Path(nodes, edges);

    private List<Object> deserializeArray(Object rawScalarData) {
        List<List<Object>> array = (List<List<Object>>) rawScalarData;
        List<Object> res = new ArrayList<>(array.size());
        for (List<Object> arrayValue : array) {
        return res;

     * Auxiliary function to retrieve scalar types
     * @param rawScalarType
     * @return scalar type
    private ResultSetScalarTypes getValueTypeFromObject(Object rawScalarType) {
        return ResultSetScalarTypes.getValue(((Long) rawScalarType).intValue());

    public boolean hasNext() {
        return position < results.size();

    public Record next() {
        if (!hasNext())
            throw new NoSuchElementException();
        return results.get(position++);

    public int size() {
        return results.size();

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o) return true;
        if (!(o instanceof ResultSetImpl)) return false;
        ResultSetImpl resultSet = (ResultSetImpl) o;
        return Objects.equals(getHeader(), resultSet.getHeader()) &&
                Objects.equals(getStatistics(), resultSet.getStatistics()) &&
                Objects.equals(results, resultSet.results);

    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(getHeader(), getStatistics(), results);

    public String toString() {
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("ResultSetImpl{");
        sb.append(", statistics=").append(statistics);
        sb.append(", results=").append(results);
        return sb.toString();