package com.redislabs.redisgraph.impl.api;

import com.redislabs.redisgraph.RedisGraphContext;
import com.redislabs.redisgraph.ResultSet;
import com.redislabs.redisgraph.exceptions.JRedisGraphCompileTimeException;
import com.redislabs.redisgraph.exceptions.JRedisGraphRunTimeException;
import com.redislabs.redisgraph.impl.Utils;
import com.redislabs.redisgraph.impl.graph_cache.RedisGraphCaches;
import com.redislabs.redisgraph.impl.resultset.ResultSetImpl;
import redis.clients.jedis.Client;
import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.util.SafeEncoder;
import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisDataException;
import java.util.List;

 * An implementation of RedisGraphContext. Allows sending RedisGraph and some Redis commands,
 * within a specific connection context
public class ContextedRedisGraph extends AbstractRedisGraph implements RedisGraphContext, RedisGraphCacheHolder {

    private Jedis connectionContext;
    private RedisGraphCaches caches;

     * Generates a new instance with a specific Jedis connection
     * @param connectionContext
    public ContextedRedisGraph(Jedis connectionContext){
        this.connectionContext = connectionContext;

     * Overrides the abstract method. Return the instance only connection
     * @return
    protected Jedis getConnection() {
        return this.connectionContext;

     * Sends the query over the instance only connection
     * @param graphId graph to be queried
     * @param preparedQuery prepared query
     * @return Result set with the query answer
    protected ResultSet sendQuery(String graphId, String preparedQuery) {
        Jedis conn = getConnection();
        try {
            List<Object> rawResponse = (List<Object>) conn.sendCommand(RedisGraphCommand.QUERY, graphId, preparedQuery, Utils.COMPACT_STRING);
            return new ResultSetImpl(rawResponse, this, caches.getGraphCache(graphId));
        catch (JRedisGraphRunTimeException rt) {
            throw rt;
        catch (JedisDataException j) {
            throw new JRedisGraphCompileTimeException(j);

     * @return Returns the instance Jedis connection.
    public Jedis getConnectionContext() {
        return this.connectionContext;

     * Creates a new RedisGraphTransaction transactional object
     * @return new RedisGraphTransaction
    public RedisGraphTransaction multi() {
        Jedis jedis = getConnection();
        Client client = jedis.getClient();
        RedisGraphTransaction transaction =  new RedisGraphTransaction(client,this);
        return transaction;

     * Perfrom watch over given Redis keys
     * @param keys
     * @return "OK"
    public String watch(String... keys) {
        return this.getConnection().watch(keys);

     * Removes watch from all keys
     * @return
    public String unwatch() {
        return this.getConnection().unwatch();

     * Deletes the entire graph
     * @param graphId graph to delete
     * @return delete running time statistics
    public String deleteGraph(String graphId) {
        Jedis conn = getConnection();
        Object response;
        try {
            response = conn.sendCommand(RedisGraphCommand.DELETE, graphId);
        catch (Exception e) {
            throw e;
        //clear local state
        return SafeEncoder.encode((byte[]) response);

     * closes the Jedis connection
    public void close() {


    public void setRedisGraphCaches(RedisGraphCaches caches) {
        this.caches = caches;
