package com.readytalk.swt.widgets.notifications;

import com.readytalk.swt.effects.FadeEffect;
import com.readytalk.swt.effects.FadeEffect.Fadeable;
import com.readytalk.swt.effects.InvalidEffectArgumentException;
import com.readytalk.swt.helpers.AncestryHelper;
import com.readytalk.swt.helpers.WidgetHelper;
import com.readytalk.swt.util.ColorFactory;
import com.readytalk.swt.util.DisplaySafe;
import com.readytalk.swt.widgets.CustomElementDataProvider;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FillLayout;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget;

import java.util.logging.Logger;

 * PopOverShell provides a simple interface for popping a Shell on top of any Object that subclasses
 * <code>Control</code> or implements <code>CustomElementDataProvider</code>
public abstract class PopOverShell extends Widget implements Fadeable {
  private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(PopOverShell.class.getName());

  private static final RGB BACKGROUND_COLOR = new RGB(74, 74, 74);
  private static final int FADE_OUT_TIME = 200; //milliseconds
  private static final int FULLY_VISIBLE_ALPHA = 255; //fully opaque
  private static final int FULLY_HIDDEN_ALPHA = 0; //fully transparent

  static final VerticalLocation DEFAULT_DISPLAY_LOCATION = VerticalLocation.BELOW;
  static final CenteringEdge DEFAULT_EDGE_CENTERED = CenteringEdge.LEFT;

  VerticalLocation popOverAboveOrBelowParent = DEFAULT_DISPLAY_LOCATION;
  CenteringEdge popOverEdgeCenteredOnParent = DEFAULT_EDGE_CENTERED;

  private Object fadeLock = new Object();

  protected final Control parentControl;
  protected Shell popOverShell;

  private Shell parentShell;
  private PoppedOverItem poppedOverItem;
  private Listener popOverListener;
  private Listener parentListener;

  private Color backgroundColor;

  private Region popOverRegion;

  private boolean positionRelativeParent = false;
  private boolean fadeEffectInProgress = false;

  private DisplaySafe displaySafe;

   * Provides the backbone for Custom Widgets that need a <code>Shell</code> popped over a <code>Control</code> or
   * <code>CustomElementDataProvider</code>. If you're using a <code>CustomElementDataProvider</code>, pass the
   * <code>CustomElementDataProvider.getPaintedElement()</code> as the parentControl.
   * @param parentControl The control you want the PopOverShell to appear above. In the case of
   *                      <code>CustomElementDataProvider</code>, pass
   *                      <code>CustomElementDataProvider.getPaintedElement()</code>.
   * @param customElementDataProvider The <code>CustomElementDataProvider</code> you want the PopOverShell to appear
   *                                  above (or null if you're using a Control)
  public PopOverShell(Control parentControl, CustomElementDataProvider customElementDataProvider) {
    super(parentControl, SWT.NONE);

    displaySafe = new DisplaySafe();

    if (customElementDataProvider != null) {
      poppedOverItem = new PoppedOverItem(customElementDataProvider);
    } else {
      poppedOverItem = new PoppedOverItem(parentControl);

    this.parentControl = parentControl;
    parentShell = AncestryHelper.getShellFromControl(poppedOverItem.getControl());

    backgroundColor = ColorFactory.getColor(getDisplay(), BACKGROUND_COLOR);

    // SWT.TOOL adds a drop shadow on supported platforms
    popOverShell = new Shell(parentShell, SWT.NO_TRIM | SWT.TOOL);
    popOverShell.setLayout(new FillLayout());


   * Shows the PopOverShell in a suitable location relative to the parent component. Classes extending PopOverShell will
   * provide the <code>Region</code> via the abstract <code>getAppropriatePopOverRegion()</code> method.
  public void show() {

    Point popOverShellSize = getAppropriatePopOverSize();
    popOverRegion = new Region();
    popOverRegion.add(new Rectangle(0, 0, popOverShellSize.x, popOverShellSize.y));

    Point location = getPopOverShellLocation(parentShell, poppedOverItem, popOverRegion);

    popOverShell.setSize(popOverRegion.getBounds().width, popOverRegion.getBounds().height);

   * Toggles visibility of the PopOverShell. If the PopOverShell is visible, it will fade it from the screen, otherwise
   * it will pop it up.
  public void toggle() {
    if (isVisible() && !getIsFadeEffectInProgress()) {
    } else {

  public PopOverShell setPositionRelativeParent(boolean positionRelativeParent) {
    this.positionRelativeParent = positionRelativeParent;
    return this;

   * Implementers of this method return a Point describing the width and height the PopOverShell should be.
   * @return A Point object describing the appropriate PopOverSize. The x is the width and y is the height.
  abstract Point getAppropriatePopOverSize();

   * Implementers of this method run any logic that needs to be executed before the PopOverShell is shown to
   * the user.
  abstract void runBeforeShowPopOverShell();

   * Implementers of this method should do any clean-up needed to reset the widget to its default state.
  abstract void resetWidget();

   * Called when the parent <code>PopOverShell</code> is disposed. Make sure you clean up any leftover elements
   * that need to be disposed. See
   * for more information on detecting leaks with Sleak.
  abstract void widgetDispose();

  PoppedOverItem getPoppedOverItem() {
    return poppedOverItem;
  Shell getPopOverShell() { return popOverShell; }

  public void checkSubclass() {

  private void attachListeners() {
    popOverListener = new Listener() {
      public void handleEvent(Event event) {
        switch (event.type) {
          case SWT.Dispose:

    addListener(SWT.Dispose, popOverListener);

    parentListener = new Listener() {
      public void handleEvent(Event event) {
    parentControl.addListener(SWT.Dispose, parentListener);

  private void onDispose(Event event) {

    parentControl.removeListener(SWT.Dispose, parentListener);
    removeListener(SWT.Dispose, parentListener);
    event.type = SWT.None;

    popOverShell = null;

    if (popOverRegion != null) {
    popOverRegion = null;

  private Point getPopOverShellLocation(Shell parentShell, PoppedOverItem poppedOverItem, Region popOverRegion) {

    Point location;
    Rectangle displayBounds = null;

    try {
      Display display = displaySafe.getLatestDisplay();
      displayBounds = display.getBounds();
    } catch (DisplaySafe.NullDisplayException nde) {
      LOG.warning("Could not find display");

    Rectangle popOverBounds = popOverRegion.getBounds();
    Point poppedOverItemLocationRelativeToDisplay =

    // Guess on the location first
    location = getPopOverDisplayPoint(popOverBounds, poppedOverItem, poppedOverItemLocationRelativeToDisplay,
            popOverEdgeCenteredOnParent, popOverAboveOrBelowParent);

    // Adjust as needed
    if (popOverAboveOrBelowParent == VerticalLocation.BELOW) {
      if (isBottomCutOff(displayBounds, location, popOverBounds)) {
        popOverAboveOrBelowParent = VerticalLocation.ABOVE;
        location.y = getPopOverYLocation(popOverBounds, poppedOverItem, poppedOverItemLocationRelativeToDisplay,
    } else {
      if (isTopCutOff(location)) {
        popOverAboveOrBelowParent = VerticalLocation.BELOW;
        location.y = getPopOverYLocation(popOverBounds, poppedOverItem, poppedOverItemLocationRelativeToDisplay,

    if (popOverEdgeCenteredOnParent == CenteringEdge.LEFT) {
      if (isRightCutOff(displayBounds, location, popOverBounds)) {
        popOverEdgeCenteredOnParent = CenteringEdge.RIGHT;
        location.x = getPopOverXLocation(popOverBounds, poppedOverItem, poppedOverItemLocationRelativeToDisplay,
    } else {
      if (isLeftCutOff(location)) {
        popOverEdgeCenteredOnParent = CenteringEdge.LEFT;
        location.x = getPopOverXLocation(popOverBounds, poppedOverItem, poppedOverItemLocationRelativeToDisplay,

    if (isStillOffScreen(displayBounds, location, popOverBounds)) {
      location = getPopOverLocationControlOffscreen(displayBounds, popOverRegion,
              poppedOverItemLocationRelativeToDisplay, location);

    return location;

  boolean isBottomCutOff(Rectangle displayBounds, Point locationRelativeToDisplay,
                                              Rectangle popOverBounds) {
    boolean isBottomCutOff = false;
    int lowestYPosition = locationRelativeToDisplay.y + popOverBounds.height;

    if (displayBounds != null && !displayBounds.contains(new Point(0, lowestYPosition))) {
      isBottomCutOff = true;

    return isBottomCutOff;

  boolean isTopCutOff(Point locationRelativeToDisplay) {
    return locationRelativeToDisplay.y >= 0 ? false : true;

  boolean isRightCutOff(Rectangle displayBounds, Point locationRelativeToDisplay,
                                                     Rectangle popOverBounds) {
    boolean isRightCutOff = false;
    int farthestXPosition = locationRelativeToDisplay.x + popOverBounds.width;

    if (displayBounds != null && !displayBounds.contains(new Point(farthestXPosition, 0))) {
      popOverEdgeCenteredOnParent = CenteringEdge.RIGHT;
      isRightCutOff = true;

    return isRightCutOff;

  boolean isLeftCutOff(Point locationRelativeToDisplay) {
    return locationRelativeToDisplay.x >= 0 ? false : true;

  boolean isStillOffScreen(Rectangle displayBounds, Point locationRelativeToDisplay,
                           Rectangle popOverBounds) {
    boolean isStillOffScreen = false;
    Point currentPosition = new Point (locationRelativeToDisplay.x + popOverBounds.width,
            locationRelativeToDisplay.y + popOverBounds.height);
    if (!displayBounds.contains(currentPosition)) {
      isStillOffScreen = true;

    return isStillOffScreen;

  Point getPoppedOverItemRelativeLocation(PoppedOverItem poppedOverItem) {
    Point location = null;
    if (positionRelativeParent == false) {
      Display display = null;
      try {
        display = displaySafe.getLatestDisplay();
      } catch (DisplaySafe.NullDisplayException nde) {
        LOG.warning("Could not find active display.");

      if(display != null) {
        location =, null, poppedOverItem.getLocation());
    } else {
      location = parentControl.toDisplay(poppedOverItem.getLocation());
    return location;

  private Point getPopOverDisplayPoint(Rectangle popOverBounds,
                                       PoppedOverItem poppedOverItem,
                                       Point poppedOverItemLocationRelativeToDisplay,
                                       CenteringEdge popOverCornerCenteredOnParent,
                                       VerticalLocation popOverAboveOrBelowParent) {
    Point location = new Point(0, 0);
    location.x = getPopOverXLocation(popOverBounds, poppedOverItem, poppedOverItemLocationRelativeToDisplay,
    location.y = getPopOverYLocation(popOverBounds, poppedOverItem, poppedOverItemLocationRelativeToDisplay,
    return location;

  private int getPopOverXLocation(Rectangle popOverBounds,
                                  PoppedOverItem poppedOverItem,
                                  Point poppedOverItemLocationRelativeToDisplay,
                                  CenteringEdge popOverCornerCenteredOnParent) {
    int popOverX = 0;
    switch(popOverCornerCenteredOnParent) {
      case LEFT:
        popOverX = poppedOverItemLocationRelativeToDisplay.x + (poppedOverItem.getSize().x / 2);
      case RIGHT:
        popOverX = poppedOverItemLocationRelativeToDisplay.x - popOverBounds.width + (poppedOverItem.getSize().x / 2);

    return popOverX;

  private int getPopOverYLocation(Rectangle popOverBounds,
                                  PoppedOverItem poppedOverItem,
                                  Point poppedOverItemLocationRelativeToDisplay,
                                  VerticalLocation aboveOrBelow) {
    int popOverY = 0;
    switch (aboveOrBelow) {
      case ABOVE:
        popOverY = poppedOverItemLocationRelativeToDisplay.y - popOverBounds.height;
      case BELOW:
        popOverY = poppedOverItemLocationRelativeToDisplay.y + poppedOverItem.getSize().y;

    return popOverY;

  private Point getPopOverLocationControlOffscreen(Rectangle displayBounds,
                                                   Region popOverRegion,
                                                   Point poppedOverItemLocationRelativeToDisplay,
                                                   Point popOverOffscreenLocation) {
    Point appropriateDisplayLocation = popOverOffscreenLocation;
    Rectangle popOverRegionBounds = popOverRegion.getBounds();
    if (!displayBounds.contains(new Point(poppedOverItemLocationRelativeToDisplay.x + popOverRegionBounds.width, 0))) {
      appropriateDisplayLocation.x = displayBounds.width - popOverRegionBounds.width;
    if (!displayBounds.contains(new Point(0, poppedOverItemLocationRelativeToDisplay.y + popOverRegionBounds.height))) {
      appropriateDisplayLocation.y = displayBounds.height - popOverRegionBounds.height;

    return appropriateDisplayLocation;

   * Returns whether the PopOverShell is currently visible on screen.
   * Note: If you utilize <code>PopOverShell.fadeOut()</code>, this method will return true while it's fading.
   * To determine if it's fading out, call <code>PopOverShell.getIsFadeEffectInProgress</code>
   * @return Visibility state of the PopOverShell
  public boolean isVisible() {
    boolean isVisible = false;
    if (WidgetHelper.isWidgetSafe(popOverShell)){
      isVisible = popOverShell.isVisible();
    return isVisible;

   * Fades the <code>PopOverShell</code> off the screen.
  public void fadeOut() {
    if (fadeEffectInProgress) {

    try {
      fadeEffectInProgress = true;
      FadeEffect fade = new FadeEffect.FadeEffectBuilder().
              setFadeCallback(new PopOverShellFadeCallback()).

    } catch (InvalidEffectArgumentException e) {
      LOG.warning("Invalid argument provided to FadeEffect.");

   * Returns whether the PopOverShell is currently fading from the screen.
   * Calls to <code>PopOverShell.isVisible()</code> will return true while the PopOverShell is dismissing.
   * @return Whether or not the PopOverShell is currently fading from the screen
  public boolean getIsFadeEffectInProgress() {
    return fadeEffectInProgress;

   * Implemented as part of Fadeable. <br/>
   * Users should not interact directly invoke this method.
  public boolean fadeComplete(int targetAlpha) {
    synchronized (fadeLock) {
      boolean isFadeComplete = false;
      if (popOverShell == null || popOverShell.isDisposed() || popOverShell.getAlpha() == targetAlpha) {
        isFadeComplete =  true;

      return isFadeComplete;

   * Implemented as part of Fadeable. <br/>
   * Users should not interact directly invoke this method.
  public void fade(int alpha) {
    synchronized (fadeLock) {

  void hide() {

  private void resetState() {
    popOverAboveOrBelowParent = DEFAULT_DISPLAY_LOCATION;
    popOverEdgeCenteredOnParent = DEFAULT_EDGE_CENTERED;
    fadeEffectInProgress = false;

  private class PopOverShellFadeCallback implements FadeEffect.FadeCallback {
    public void fadeComplete() {

   * A convenience structure for PopOverShell. We could be interacting with a <code>Control</code> (or descendant),
   * or we could be interacting with a {@link CustomElementDataProvider}. This wrapper helps to provide some
   * abstraction.
  public class PoppedOverItem {
    private Control control;
    private CustomElementDataProvider customElementDataProvider;

    public PoppedOverItem(Control control) {
      this.control = control;

    public PoppedOverItem(CustomElementDataProvider customElementDataProvider) {
      this.customElementDataProvider = customElementDataProvider;

    Point getSize() {
      if (control != null) {
        return control.getSize();
      } else {
        return customElementDataProvider.getSize();

    Point getLocation() {
      if (control != null) {
        return control.getLocation();
      } else {
        return customElementDataProvider.getLocation();

    Control getControl() {
      if (control != null) {
        return control;
      } else {
        return customElementDataProvider.getPaintedElement();

    Object getControlOrCustomElement() {
      if (customElementDataProvider != null) {
        return customElementDataProvider;
      } else {
        return control;

    CustomElementDataProvider getCustomElementDataProvider() {
      return customElementDataProvider;