package org.random.api;

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;


import org.random.api.exception.RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException;
import org.random.api.exception.RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError;
import org.random.api.exception.RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError;
import org.random.api.exception.RandomOrgJSONRPCError;
import org.random.api.exception.RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError;
import org.random.api.exception.RandomOrgRANDOMORGError;
import org.random.api.exception.RandomOrgSendTimeoutException;


/** RandomOrgClient main class through which API functions are accessed.
 ** This class provides either serialized or unserialized (determined on class creation) 
 ** access to both the signed and unsigned methods of the RANDOM.ORG API. These are 
 ** threadsafe and implemented as blocking remote procedure calls.
 ** If requests are to be issued serially a background Thread will maintain a Queue of 
 ** requests to process in sequence. 
 ** The class also provides access to creation of a convenience class, RandomOrgCache, 
 ** for precaching API responses when the request is known in advance.
 ** This class will only allow the creation of one instance per API key. If an instance 
 ** of this class already exists for a given key, that instance will be returned instead 
 ** of a new instance.
 ** This class obeys most of the guidelines set forth in
 ** All requests respect the server's advisoryDelay returned in any responses, or use 
 ** DEFAULT_DELAY if no advisoryDelay is returned. If the supplied API key is paused, i.e., 
 ** has exceeded its daily bit/request allowance, this implementation will back off until 
 ** midnight UTC.
 ** @see
 ** @see
 ** @author Anders Haahr
public class RandomOrgClient {
	// Basic RANDOM.ORG API functions
	private static final String INTEGER_METHOD					= "generateIntegers";
	private static final String DECIMAL_FRACTION_METHOD			= "generateDecimalFractions";
	private static final String GAUSSIAN_METHOD					= "generateGaussians";
	private static final String STRING_METHOD					= "generateStrings";
	private static final String UUID_METHOD						= "generateUUIDs";
	private static final String BLOB_METHOD						= "generateBlobs";
	private static final String GET_USAGE_METHOD				= "getUsage";

	// Signed RANDOM.ORG API functions
	private static final String SIGNED_INTEGER_METHOD			= "generateSignedIntegers";
	private static final String SIGNED_DECIMAL_FRACTION_METHOD	= "generateSignedDecimalFractions";
	private static final String SIGNED_GAUSSIAN_METHOD			= "generateSignedGaussians";
	private static final String SIGNED_STRING_METHOD			= "generateSignedStrings";
	private static final String SIGNED_UUID_METHOD				= "generateSignedUUIDs";
	private static final String SIGNED_BLOB_METHOD				= "generateSignedBlobs";
	private static final String VERIFY_SIGNATURE_METHOD			= "verifySignature";

	// Blob format literals
	public static final String BLOB_FORMAT_BASE64				= "base64";
	public static final String BLOB_FORMAT_HEX					= "hex";

	// Default back-off to use if no advisoryDelay back-off supplied by server (1 second)
	private static final int DEFAULT_DELAY						= 1*1000;

	// On request fetch fresh allowance state if current state data is older than this value (1 hour)
	private static final int ALLOWANCE_STATE_REFRESH_SECONDS	= 3600*1000;
	// default data sizes in bits
	private static final int UUID_SIZE							= 122;
	// Maintain a dictionary of API keys and their instances.
	private static HashMap<String, RandomOrgClient> keyIndexedInstances = new HashMap<String, RandomOrgClient>();

	private static HashSet<Integer> randomOrgErrors = new HashSet<Integer>();
	static {
		int[] ints = {100, 101, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 400, 401, 402, 403, 500, 32000};
		for (int i : ints) {
	private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(RandomOrgClient.class.getPackage().getName());
	private String apiKey;
	private long blockingTimeout;
	private int httpTimeout;
	private boolean serialized;
	// maintain info to obey server advisory delay
	private Object advisoryDelayLock = new Object();
	private int advisoryDelay = 0;
	private long lastResponseReceivedTime = 0;
    // maintain usage statistics from server
    private int requestsLeft = -1;
    private int bitsLeft = -1;

    // Back-off info for when API key is detected as not running - probably because key 
    // has exceeded its daily usage limit. Back-off runs until midnight UTC.
    private long backoff = -1;
    private String backoffError;

    private LinkedList<HashMap<String, Object>> serializedQueue;
	/** Ensure only one instance of RandomOrgClient exists per API key. Create a new instance if the 
	 ** supplied key isn't already known, otherwise return the previously instantiated one.
	 ** New instance will have a blockingTimeout of 24*60*60*1000 milliseconds, i.e., 1 day, a httpTimeout of
	 ** 120*1000 milliseconds, and will issue serialized requests.
	 ** @param apiKey of instance to create/find, obtained from RANDOM.ORG, see:
	 ** @return new instance if instance doesn't already exist for this key, else existing instance.
	public static RandomOrgClient getRandomOrgClient(String apiKey) {
		return RandomOrgClient.getRandomOrgClient(apiKey, 24*60*60*1000, 120*1000, true);		

	/** Ensure only one instance of RandomOrgClient exists per API key. Create a new instance if the 
	 ** supplied key isn't already known, otherwise return the previously instantiated one.
	 ** @param apiKey of instance to create/find, obtained from RANDOM.ORG, see:
	 ** @param blockingTimeout maximum time in milliseconds to wait before being allowed to send a request. 
	 ** 		Note this is a hint not a guarantee. Be advised advisory delay from server must always be obeyed.
	 ** 		Supply a value of -1 to allow blocking forever. (default 24*60*60*1000, i.e., 1 day).
	 ** @param httpTimeout maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the server response to a request. (default 120*1000).
	 ** @param serialized determines whether or not requests from this instance will be added to a Queue and 
	 **			issued serially or sent when received, obeying any advisory delay (default true).
	 ** @return new instance if instance doesn't already exist for this key, else existing instance.
	public static RandomOrgClient getRandomOrgClient(String apiKey, long blockingTimeout, int httpTimeout, boolean serialized) {
		RandomOrgClient instance = RandomOrgClient.keyIndexedInstances.get(apiKey);
		if (instance == null) {
			instance = new RandomOrgClient(apiKey, blockingTimeout, httpTimeout, serialized);
			RandomOrgClient.keyIndexedInstances.put(apiKey, instance);
		return instance;
	/**	Constructor. Initialize class and start serialized request sending Thread running as a daemon if applicable.
	 ** @param apiKey of instance to create/find, obtained from RANDOM.ORG, see:
	 ** @param blockingTimeout maximum time in milliseconds to wait before being allowed to send a request. 
	 ** 		Note this is a hint not a guarantee. Be advised advisory delay from server must always be obeyed.
	 ** 		Supply a value of -1 to allow blocking forever. (default 24*60*60*1000, i.e., 1 day).
	 ** @param httpTimeout maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the server response to a request. (default 120*1000).
	 ** @param serialized determines whether or not requests from this instance will be added to a Queue and 
	 **			issued serially or sent when received, obeying any advisory delay (default true).
	private RandomOrgClient(String apiKey, long blockingTimeout, int httpTimeout, boolean serialized) {
		if (serialized) {
			// set up the serialized request Queue and Thread
			this.serializedQueue = new LinkedList<HashMap<String, Object>>();
			Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() {
				public void run() {
		this.serialized = serialized;
		this.apiKey = apiKey;
		this.blockingTimeout = blockingTimeout;
		this.httpTimeout = httpTimeout;
	// Basic methods for generating randomness, see:
	/** Request and return an array of true random integers within a user-defined range from the server. 
	 ** See:
	 ** @param n how many random integers you need. Must be within the [1,1e4] range.
	 ** @param min the lower boundary for the range from which the random numbers will be picked. Must be within the [-1e9,1e9] range.
	 ** @param max the upper boundary for the range from which the random numbers will be picked. Must be within the [-1e9,1e9] range.
	 ** @return array of random integers.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	public int[] generateIntegers(int n, int min, int max) throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
																  IOException {
		return generateIntegers(n, min, max, true);
	/** Request and return an array of true random integers within a user-defined range from the server. 
	 ** See:
	 ** @param n how many random integers you need. Must be within the [1,1e4] range.
	 ** @param min the lower boundary for the range from which the random numbers will be picked. Must be within the [-1e9,1e9] range.
	 ** @param max the upper boundary for the range from which the random numbers will be picked. Must be within the [-1e9,1e9] range.
	 ** @param replacement specifies whether the random numbers should be picked with replacement. 
	 **			If True the resulting numbers may contain duplicate values, otherwise the numbers will all be unique (default True).
	 ** @return array of random integers.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	public int[] generateIntegers(int n, int min, int max, boolean replacement) throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
																					   IOException {

		JsonObject request = new JsonObject();

		request.addProperty("n", n);
		request.addProperty("min", min);
		request.addProperty("max", max);
		request.addProperty("replacement", replacement);
		request = this.generateKeyedRequest(request, INTEGER_METHOD);
		JsonObject response = this.sendRequest(request);
		return this.extractInts(response);

	/** Request and return a list (size n) of true random decimal fractions, from a uniform distribution across 
	 ** the [0,1] interval with a user-defined number of decimal places from the server. 
	 ** See:
	 ** @param n how many random decimal fractions you need. Must be within the [1,1e4] range.
	 ** @param decimalPlaces the number of decimal places to use. Must be within the [1,20] range.
	 ** @return array of random doubles.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	public double[] generateDecimalFractions(int n, int decimalPlaces) throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
																			  IOException {
		return this.generateDecimalFractions(n, decimalPlaces, true);

	/** Request and return a list (size n) of true random decimal fractions, from a uniform distribution across 
	 ** the [0,1] interval with a user-defined number of decimal places from the server. 
	 ** See:
	 ** @param n how many random decimal fractions you need. Must be within the [1,1e4] range.
	 ** @param decimalPlaces the number of decimal places to use. Must be within the [1,20] range.
	 ** @param replacement specifies whether the random numbers should be picked with replacement. 
	 **			If True the resulting numbers may contain duplicate values, otherwise the numbers will all be unique (default True).
	 ** @return array of random doubles.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	public double[] generateDecimalFractions(int n, int decimalPlaces, boolean replacement) throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
																								   IOException {
		JsonObject request = new JsonObject();

		request.addProperty("n", n);
		request.addProperty("decimalPlaces", decimalPlaces);
		request.addProperty("replacement", replacement);
		request = this.generateKeyedRequest(request, DECIMAL_FRACTION_METHOD);
		JsonObject response = this.sendRequest(request);
		return this.extractDoubles(response);
	/** Request and return a list (size n) of true random numbers from a Gaussian distribution (also known as a 
	 ** normal distribution). The form uses a Box-Muller Transform to generate the Gaussian distribution from 
	 ** uniformly distributed numbers. See:
	 ** @param n how many random numbers you need. Must be within the [1,1e4] range.
	 ** @param mean the distribution's mean. Must be within the [-1e6,1e6] range.
	 ** @param standardDeviation the distribution's standard deviation. Must be within the [-1e6,1e6] range.
	 ** @param significantDigits the number of significant digits to use. Must be within the [2,20] range.
	 ** @return array of true random doubles from a Gaussian distribution.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	public double[] generateGaussians(int n, double mean, double standardDeviation, int significantDigits) throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
																												  IOException {
		JsonObject request = new JsonObject();

		request.addProperty("n", n);
		request.addProperty("mean", mean);
		request.addProperty("standardDeviation", standardDeviation);
		request.addProperty("significantDigits", significantDigits);
		request = this.generateKeyedRequest(request, GAUSSIAN_METHOD);
		JsonObject response = this.sendRequest(request);
		return this.extractDoubles(response);

	/** Request and return a list (size n) of true random unicode strings from the server. 
     ** See:
	 ** @param n how many random strings you need. Must be within the [1,1e4] range.
	 ** @param length the length of each string. Must be within the [1,20] range. All strings will be of the same length.
	 ** @param characters a string that contains the set of characters that are allowed to occur in the random strings. 
	 **				The maximum number of characters is 80.
	 ** @return array of random Strings.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	public String[] generateStrings(int n, int length, String characters) throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
																				 IOException {
		return this.generateStrings(n, length, characters, true);
	/** Request and return a list (size n) of true random unicode strings from the server. 
     ** See:
	 ** @param n how many random strings you need. Must be within the [1,1e4] range.
	 ** @param length the length of each string. Must be within the [1,20] range. All strings will be of the same length.
	 ** @param characters a string that contains the set of characters that are allowed to occur in the random strings. 
	 **				The maximum number of characters is 80.
	 ** @param replacement specifies whether the random strings should be picked with replacement. If True the resulting 
	 **				list of strings may contain duplicates, otherwise the strings will all be unique (default True).
	 ** @return array of random Strings.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	public String[] generateStrings(int n, int length, String characters, boolean replacement) throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
																									  IOException {
		JsonObject request = new JsonObject();

		request.addProperty("n", n);
		request.addProperty("length", length);
		request.addProperty("characters", characters);
		request.addProperty("replacement", replacement);
		request = this.generateKeyedRequest(request, STRING_METHOD);
		JsonObject response = this.sendRequest(request);
		return this.extractStrings(response);

	/** Request and return a list (size n) of version 4 true random Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUIDs) in accordance 
     ** with section 4.4 of RFC 4122, from the server. See:
	 ** @param n how many random UUIDs you need. Must be within the [1,1e3] range.
	 ** @return array of random UUIDs.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	public UUID[] generateUUIDs(int n) throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
											  IOException {
		JsonObject request = new JsonObject();
		request.addProperty("n", n);
		request = this.generateKeyedRequest(request, UUID_METHOD);
		JsonObject response = this.sendRequest(request);
		return this.extractUUIDs(response);

	/** Request and return a list (size n) of Binary Large OBjects (BLOBs) as unicode strings 
	 ** containing true random data from the server. See:
	 ** @param n how many random blobs you need. Must be within the [1,100] range.
	 ** @param size the size of each blob, measured in bits. Must be within the [1,1048576] range and must be divisible by 8.
	 ** @return array of random blobs as Strings.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	public String[] generateBlobs(int n, int size) throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
														  IOException {
		return this.generateBlobs(n, size, RandomOrgClient.BLOB_FORMAT_BASE64);

	/** Request and return a list (size n) of Binary Large OBjects (BLOBs) as unicode strings 
	 ** containing true random data from the server. See:
	 ** @param n how many random blobs you need. Must be within the [1,100] range.
	 ** @param size the size of each blob, measured in bits. Must be within the [1,1048576] range and must be divisible by 8.
	 ** @param format specifies the format in which the blobs will be returned. Values allowed are 
	 ** @return array of random blobs as Strings.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	public String[] generateBlobs(int n, int size, String format) throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
																		 IOException {
		JsonObject request = new JsonObject();
		request.addProperty("n", n);
		request.addProperty("size", size);
		request.addProperty("format", format);
		request = this.generateKeyedRequest(request, BLOB_METHOD);
		JsonObject response = this.sendRequest(request);
		return this.extractStrings(response);
	// Signed methods for generating randomness, see:
	/** Request a list (size n) of true random integers within a user-defined range from the server. Returns a 
	 ** dictionary object with the parsed integer list mapped to 'data', the original response mapped to 'random', 
	 ** and the response's signature mapped to 'signature'. See:
	 ** @param n how many random integers you need. Must be within the [1,1e4] range.
	 ** @param min the lower boundary for the range from which the random numbers will be picked. Must be within the [-1e9,1e9] range.
	 ** @param max the upper boundary for the range from which the random numbers will be picked. Must be within the [-1e9,1e9] range.
	 ** @return HashMap with "random": random JsonObject, "signature": signature String, "data": random int[]
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	public HashMap<String, Object> generateSignedIntegers(int n, int min, int max) throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
																						  IOException {
		return generateSignedIntegers(n, min, max, true);
	/** Request a list (size n) of true random integers within a user-defined range from the server. Returns a 
	 ** dictionary object with the parsed integer list mapped to 'data', the original response mapped to 'random', 
	 ** and the response's signature mapped to 'signature'. See:
	 ** @param n how many random integers you need. Must be within the [1,1e4] range.
	 ** @param min the lower boundary for the range from which the random numbers will be picked. Must be within the [-1e9,1e9] range.
	 ** @param max the upper boundary for the range from which the random numbers will be picked. Must be within the [-1e9,1e9] range.
	 ** @param replacement specifies whether the random numbers should be picked with replacement. 
	 **			If True the resulting numbers may contain duplicate values, otherwise the numbers will all be unique (default True).
	 ** @return HashMap with "random": random JsonObject, "signature": signature String, "data": random int[]
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	public HashMap<String, Object> generateSignedIntegers(int n, int min, int max, boolean replacement) throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
																											   IOException {

		JsonObject request = new JsonObject();

		request.addProperty("n", n);
		request.addProperty("min", min);
		request.addProperty("max", max);
		request.addProperty("replacement", replacement);
		request = this.generateKeyedRequest(request, SIGNED_INTEGER_METHOD);
		JsonObject response = this.sendRequest(request);
		HashMap<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>();
		result.put("data", this.extractInts(response));
		return this.extractSignedResponse(response, result);

	/** Request a list (size n) of true random decimal fractions, from a uniform distribution across the [0,1] interval 
	 ** with a  user-defined number of decimal places from the server. Returns a dictionary object with the parsed decimal 
	 ** fraction list mapped to 'data', the original response mapped to 'random', and the response's signature mapped to 
	 ** 'signature'. See:
	 ** @param n how many random decimal fractions you need. Must be within the [1,1e4] range.
	 ** @param decimalPlaces the number of decimal places to use. Must be within the [1,20] range.
	 ** @return HashMap with "random": random JsonObject, "signature": signature String, "data": random double[]
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	public HashMap<String, Object> generateSignedDecimalFractions(int n, int decimalPlaces) throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
																								   IOException {
		return this.generateSignedDecimalFractions(n, decimalPlaces, true);

	/** Request a list (size n) of true random decimal fractions, from a uniform distribution across the [0,1] interval 
	 ** with a  user-defined number of decimal places from the server. Returns a dictionary object with the parsed decimal 
	 ** fraction list mapped to 'data', the original response mapped to 'random', and the response's signature mapped to 
	 ** 'signature'. See:
	 ** @param n how many random decimal fractions you need. Must be within the [1,1e4] range.
	 ** @param decimalPlaces the number of decimal places to use. Must be within the [1,20] range.
	 ** @param replacement specifies whether the random numbers should be picked with replacement. 
	 **			If True the resulting numbers may contain duplicate values, otherwise the numbers will all be unique (default True).
	 ** @return HashMap with "random": random JsonObject, "signature": signature String, "data": random double[]
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	public HashMap<String, Object> generateSignedDecimalFractions(int n, int decimalPlaces, boolean replacement) throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
																														IOException {
		JsonObject request = new JsonObject();

		request.addProperty("n", n);
		request.addProperty("decimalPlaces", decimalPlaces);
		request.addProperty("replacement", replacement);
		request = this.generateKeyedRequest(request, SIGNED_DECIMAL_FRACTION_METHOD);
		JsonObject response = this.sendRequest(request);
		HashMap<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>();
		result.put("data", this.extractDoubles(response));
		return this.extractSignedResponse(response, result);

	/** Request a list (size n) of true random numbers from a Gaussian distribution (also known as a normal distribution). 
	 ** The form uses a Box-Muller Transform to generate the Gaussian distribution from uniformly distributed numbers. 
	 ** Returns a dictionary object with the parsed random number list mapped to 'data', the original response mapped to 'random', 
	 ** and the response's signature mapped to 'signature'. See:
	 ** @param n how many random numbers you need. Must be within the [1,1e4] range.
	 ** @param mean the distribution's mean. Must be within the [-1e6,1e6] range.
	 ** @param standardDeviation the distribution's standard deviation. Must be within the [-1e6,1e6] range.
	 ** @param significantDigits the number of significant digits to use. Must be within the [2,20] range.
	 ** @return HashMap with "random": random JsonObject, "signature": signature String, "data": random double[]
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	public HashMap<String, Object> generateSignedGaussians(int n, double mean, double standardDeviation, int significantDigits) throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
																																	   IOException {
		JsonObject request = new JsonObject();

		request.addProperty("n", n);
		request.addProperty("mean", mean);
		request.addProperty("standardDeviation", standardDeviation);
		request.addProperty("significantDigits", significantDigits);
		request = this.generateKeyedRequest(request, SIGNED_GAUSSIAN_METHOD);
		JsonObject response = this.sendRequest(request);
		HashMap<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>();
		result.put("data", this.extractDoubles(response));
		return this.extractSignedResponse(response, result);

	/** Request a list (size n) of true random strings from the server. Returns a dictionary object with the parsed random 
	 ** string list mapped to 'data', the original response mapped to 'random', and the response's signature mapped to 'signature'. 
	 ** See:
	 ** @param n how many random strings you need. Must be within the [1,1e4] range.
	 ** @param length the length of each string. Must be within the [1,20] range. All strings will be of the same length.
	 ** @param characters a string that contains the set of characters that are allowed to occur in the random strings. 
	 **				The maximum number of characters is 80.
	 ** @return HashMap with "random": random JsonObject, "signature": signature String, "data": random String[]
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	public HashMap<String, Object> generateSignedStrings(int n, int length, String characters) throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
																									  IOException {
		return this.generateSignedStrings(n, length, characters, true);
	/** Request a list (size n) of true random strings from the server. Returns a dictionary object with the parsed random 
	 ** string list mapped to 'data', the original response mapped to 'random', and the response's signature mapped to 'signature'. 
	 ** See:
	 ** @param n how many random strings you need. Must be within the [1,1e4] range.
	 ** @param length the length of each string. Must be within the [1,20] range. All strings will be of the same length.
	 ** @param characters a string that contains the set of characters that are allowed to occur in the random strings. 
	 **				The maximum number of characters is 80.
	 ** @param replacement specifies whether the random strings should be picked with replacement. If True the resulting 
	 **				list of strings may contain duplicates, otherwise the strings will all be unique (default True).
	 ** @return HashMap with "random": random JsonObject, "signature": signature String, "data": random String[]
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	public HashMap<String, Object> generateSignedStrings(int n, int length, String characters, boolean replacement) throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
																														   IOException {
		JsonObject request = new JsonObject();

		request.addProperty("n", n);
		request.addProperty("length", length);
		request.addProperty("characters", characters);
		request.addProperty("replacement", replacement);
		request = this.generateKeyedRequest(request, SIGNED_STRING_METHOD);
		JsonObject response = this.sendRequest(request);

		HashMap<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>();
		result.put("data", this.extractStrings(response));
		return this.extractSignedResponse(response, result);

	/** Request a list (size n) of version 4 true random Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUIDs) in accordance with 
	 ** section 4.4 of RFC 4122, from the server. Returns a dictionary object with the parsed random UUID list mapped 
	 ** to 'data', the original response mapped to 'random', and the response's signature mapped to 'signature'. 
	 ** See:
	 ** @param n how many random UUIDs you need. Must be within the [1,1e3] range.
	 ** @return HashMap with "random": random JsonObject, "signature": signature String, "data": random UUID[]
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	public HashMap<String, Object> generateSignedUUIDs(int n) throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
																	 IOException {
		JsonObject request = new JsonObject();
		request.addProperty("n", n);
		request = this.generateKeyedRequest(request, SIGNED_UUID_METHOD);
		JsonObject response = this.sendRequest(request);
		HashMap<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>();
		result.put("data", this.extractUUIDs(response));
		return this.extractSignedResponse(response, result);

	/** Request a list (size n) of Binary Large OBjects (BLOBs) containing true random data from the server. Returns a 
	 ** dictionary object with the parsed random BLOB list mapped to 'data', the original response mapped to 'random', 
	 ** and the response's signature mapped to 'signature'. See: 
	 ** @param n how many random blobs you need. Must be within the [1,100] range.
	 ** @param size the size of each blob, measured in bits. Must be within the [1,1048576] range and must be divisible by 8.
	 ** @return HashMap with "random": random JsonObject, "signature": signature String, "data": random String[]
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	public HashMap<String, Object> generateSignedBlobs(int n, int size) throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
																			   IOException {
		return this.generateSignedBlobs(n, size, RandomOrgClient.BLOB_FORMAT_BASE64);

	/** Request a list (size n) of Binary Large OBjects (BLOBs) containing true random data from the server. Returns a 
	 ** dictionary object with the parsed random BLOB list mapped to 'data', the original response mapped to 'random', 
	 ** and the response's signature mapped to 'signature'. See: 
	 ** @param n how many random blobs you need. Must be within the [1,100] range.
	 ** @param size the size of each blob, measured in bits. Must be within the [1,1048576] range and must be divisible by 8.
	 ** @param format specifies the format in which the blobs will be returned. Values allowed are 
	 ** @return HashMap with "random": random JsonObject, "signature": signature String, "data": random String[]
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	public HashMap<String, Object> generateSignedBlobs(int n, int size, String format) throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
																							  IOException {
		JsonObject request = new JsonObject();
		request.addProperty("n", n);
		request.addProperty("size", size);
		request.addProperty("format", format);
		request = this.generateKeyedRequest(request, SIGNED_BLOB_METHOD);
		JsonObject response = this.sendRequest(request);
		HashMap<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>();
		result.put("data", this.extractStrings(response));
		return this.extractSignedResponse(response, result);

	// Signature verification for signed methods, see:
	/** Verify the signature of a response previously received from one of the methods in the Signed API with the 
	 ** server. This is used to examine the authenticity of numbers. Return True on verification success. 
	 ** See:
	 ** @param random the random field from a response returned by RANDOM.ORG through one of the Signed API methods.
	 ** @param signature the signature field from the same response that the random field originates from.
	 ** @return verification success.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	public boolean verifySignature(JsonObject random, String signature) throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
																			   IOException {
		JsonObject request = new JsonObject();
		request.add("random", random);
		request.addProperty("signature", signature);
		request = this.generateRequest(request, VERIFY_SIGNATURE_METHOD);
		JsonObject response = this.sendRequest(request);
		return this.extractVerificationResponse(response);

	// Methods used to create a cache for any given randomness request.

	/** Get a RandomOrgCache to obtain random integers. The RandomOrgCache can be polled for new results conforming to 
	 ** the output format of the input request. RandomOrgCache type is same as expected return value.
	 ** @param n how many random integers you need. Must be within the [1,1e4] range.
	 ** @param min the lower boundary for the range from which the random numbers will be picked. Must be within the [-1e9,1e9] range.
	 ** @param max the upper boundary for the range from which the random numbers will be picked. Must be within the [-1e9,1e9] range.
	 ** @return RandomOrgCache<int[]>
	public RandomOrgCache<int[]> createIntegerCache(int n, int min, int max) {
		return this.createIntegerCache(n, min, max, true, 20);
	/** Get a RandomOrgCache to obtain random integers. The RandomOrgCache can be polled for new results conforming to 
	 ** the output format of the input request. RandomOrgCache type is same as expected return value.
	 ** @param n how many random integers you need. Must be within the [1,1e4] range.
	 ** @param min the lower boundary for the range from which the random numbers will be picked. Must be within the [-1e9,1e9] range.
	 ** @param max the upper boundary for the range from which the random numbers will be picked. Must be within the [-1e9,1e9] range.
	 ** @param replacement specifies whether the random numbers should be picked with replacement. 
	 **			If True the resulting numbers may contain duplicate values, otherwise the numbers will all be unique (default True).
	 ** @param cacheSize number of result-sets for the cache to try to maintain at any given time (default 20, minimum 2).
	 ** @return RandomOrgCache<int[]>
	public RandomOrgCache<int[]> createIntegerCache(int n, int min, int max, boolean replacement, int cacheSize) {
		if (cacheSize < 2) {
			cacheSize = 2;

		JsonObject request = new JsonObject();
		request.addProperty("min", min);
		request.addProperty("max", max);
		request.addProperty("replacement", replacement);			

		int bulkN = 0;

		// If possible, make requests more efficient by bulk-ordering from the server. 
		// initially set at cache_size/2, but cache will auto-shrink bulk request size if requests can't be fulfilled.
		if (replacement) {
			bulkN = cacheSize/2;
			request.addProperty("n", bulkN*n);

		// not possible to make the request more efficient
		} else {
			request.addProperty("n", n);

		// get the request object for use in all requests from this cache
		request = this.generateKeyedRequest(request, INTEGER_METHOD);
		// max single request size, in bits, for adjusting bulk requests later
		int maxRequestSize = (int) Math.ceil(Math.log(max - min + 1)/Math.log(2) * n);
		return new RandomOrgCache<int[]>(
				new JsonObjectInputCallable<JsonObject>() {
					public JsonObject call() throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException, RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError, RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError, RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError, RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException, RandomOrgRANDOMORGError, RandomOrgJSONRPCError, MalformedURLException, IOException {
						return RandomOrgClient.this.sendRequest(this.input);
				}, new JsonObjectInputCallable<int[]>() {
					public int[] call() {
						return RandomOrgClient.this.extractInts(this.input);
				request, cacheSize, bulkN, n, maxRequestSize);

	/** Get a RandomOrgCache to obtain random decimal fractions. The RandomOrgCache can be polled for new results 
	 ** conforming to the output format of the input request. RandomOrgCache type is same as expected return value.
	 ** @param n how many random decimal fractions you need. Must be within the [1,1e4] range.
	 ** @param decimalPlaces the number of decimal places to use. Must be within the [1,20] range.
	 ** @return RandomOrgCache<double[]>
	public RandomOrgCache<double[]> createDecimalFractionCache(int n, int decimalPlaces) {
		return this.createDecimalFractionCache(n, decimalPlaces, true, 20);

	/** Get a RandomOrgCache to obtain random decimal fractions. The RandomOrgCache can be polled for new results 
	 ** conforming to the output format of the input request. RandomOrgCache type is same as expected return value.
	 ** @param n how many random decimal fractions you need. Must be within the [1,1e4] range.
	 ** @param decimalPlaces the number of decimal places to use. Must be within the [1,20] range.
	 ** @param replacement specifies whether the random numbers should be picked with replacement. 
	 **			If True the resulting numbers may contain duplicate values, otherwise the numbers will all be unique (default True).
	 ** @param cacheSize number of result-sets for the cache to try to maintain at any given time (default 20, minimum 2).
	 ** @return RandomOrgCache<double[]>
	public RandomOrgCache<double[]> createDecimalFractionCache(int n, int decimalPlaces, boolean replacement, int cacheSize) {
		if (cacheSize < 2) {
			cacheSize = 2;

		JsonObject request = new JsonObject();
		request.addProperty("decimalPlaces", decimalPlaces);
		request.addProperty("replacement", replacement);
		int bulkN = 0;

		// If possible, make requests more efficient by bulk-ordering from the server. 
		// initially set at cache_size/2, but cache will auto-shrink bulk request size if requests can't be fulfilled.
		if (replacement) {
			bulkN = cacheSize/2;
			request.addProperty("n", bulkN*n);

		// not possible to make the request more efficient
		} else {
			request.addProperty("n", n);

		// get the request object for use in all requests from this cache
		request = this.generateKeyedRequest(request, DECIMAL_FRACTION_METHOD);
		// max single request size, in bits, for adjusting bulk requests later
		int maxRequestSize = (int) Math.ceil(Math.log(10)/Math.log(2) * decimalPlaces * n);

		return new RandomOrgCache<double[]>(
				new JsonObjectInputCallable<JsonObject>() {
					public JsonObject call() throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException, RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError, RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError, RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError, RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException, RandomOrgRANDOMORGError, RandomOrgJSONRPCError, MalformedURLException, IOException {
						return RandomOrgClient.this.sendRequest(this.input);
				}, new JsonObjectInputCallable<double[]>() {
					public double[] call() {
						return RandomOrgClient.this.extractDoubles(this.input);
				request, cacheSize, bulkN, n, maxRequestSize);

	/** Get a RandomOrgCache to obtain random numbers. The RandomOrgCache can be polled for new results 
	 ** conforming to the output format of the input request. RandomOrgCache type is same as expected return value.
	 ** @param n how many random numbers you need. Must be within the [1,1e4] range.
	 ** @param mean the distribution's mean. Must be within the [-1e6,1e6] range.
	 ** @param standardDeviation the distribution's standard deviation. Must be within the [-1e6,1e6] range.
	 ** @param significantDigits the number of significant digits to use. Must be within the [2,20] range.
	 ** @return RandomOrgCache<double[]>
	public RandomOrgCache<double[]> createGaussianCache(int n, double mean, double standardDeviation, int significantDigits) {
		return this.createGaussianCache(n, mean, standardDeviation, significantDigits, 20);

	/** Get a RandomOrgCache to obtain random numbers. The RandomOrgCache can be polled for new results 
	 ** conforming to the output format of the input request. RandomOrgCache type is same as expected return value.
	 ** @param n how many random numbers you need. Must be within the [1,1e4] range.
	 ** @param mean the distribution's mean. Must be within the [-1e6,1e6] range.
	 ** @param standardDeviation the distribution's standard deviation. Must be within the [-1e6,1e6] range.
	 ** @param significantDigits the number of significant digits to use. Must be within the [2,20] range.
	 ** @param cacheSize number of result-sets for the cache to try to maintain at any given time (default 20, minimum 2).
	 ** @return RandomOrgCache<double[]>
	public RandomOrgCache<double[]> createGaussianCache(int n, double mean, double standardDeviation, int significantDigits, int cacheSize) {
		if (cacheSize < 2) {
			cacheSize = 2;

		JsonObject request = new JsonObject();
		request.addProperty("mean", mean);
		request.addProperty("standardDeviation", standardDeviation);
		request.addProperty("significantDigits", significantDigits);
		int bulkN = 0;

		// make requests more efficient by bulk-ordering from the server. 
		// initially set at cache_size/2, but cache will auto-shrink bulk request size if requests can't be fulfilled.
		bulkN = cacheSize/2;
		request.addProperty("n", bulkN*n);

		// get the request object for use in all requests from this cache
		request = this.generateKeyedRequest(request, GAUSSIAN_METHOD);
		// max single request size, in bits, for adjusting bulk requests later
		int maxRequestSize = (int) Math.ceil(Math.log(Math.pow(10, significantDigits))/Math.log(2) * n);

		return new RandomOrgCache<double[]>(
				new JsonObjectInputCallable<JsonObject>() {
					public JsonObject call() throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException, RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError, RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError, RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError, RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException, RandomOrgRANDOMORGError, RandomOrgJSONRPCError, MalformedURLException, IOException {
						return RandomOrgClient.this.sendRequest(this.input);
				}, new JsonObjectInputCallable<double[]>() {
					public double[] call() {
						return RandomOrgClient.this.extractDoubles(this.input);
				request, cacheSize, bulkN, n, maxRequestSize);

	/** Get a RandomOrgCache to obtain random strings. The RandomOrgCache can be polled for new results 
	 ** conforming to the output format of the input request. RandomOrgCache type is same as expected return value.
	 ** @param n how many random strings you need. Must be within the [1,1e4] range.
	 ** @param length the length of each string. Must be within the [1,20] range. All strings will be of the same length.
	 ** @param characters a string that contains the set of characters that are allowed to occur in the random strings. 
	 **				The maximum number of characters is 80.
	 ** @return RandomOrgCache<String[]>
	public RandomOrgCache<String[]> createStringCache(int n, int length, String characters) {
		return this.createStringCache(n, length, characters, true, 20);
	/** Get a RandomOrgCache to obtain random strings. The RandomOrgCache can be polled for new results 
	 ** conforming to the output format of the input request. RandomOrgCache type is same as expected return value.
	 ** @param n how many random strings you need. Must be within the [1,1e4] range.
	 ** @param length the length of each string. Must be within the [1,20] range. All strings will be of the same length.
	 ** @param characters a string that contains the set of characters that are allowed to occur in the random strings. 
	 **				The maximum number of characters is 80.
	 ** @param replacement specifies whether the random strings should be picked with replacement. If True the resulting 
	 **				list of strings may contain duplicates, otherwise the strings will all be unique (default True).
	 ** @param cacheSize number of result-sets for the cache to try to maintain at any given time (default 20, minimum 2).
	 ** @return RandomOrgCache<String[]>
	public RandomOrgCache<String[]> createStringCache(int n, int length, String characters, boolean replacement, int cacheSize) {
		if (cacheSize < 2) {
			cacheSize = 2;

		JsonObject request = new JsonObject();
		request.addProperty("length", length);
		request.addProperty("characters", characters);
		request.addProperty("replacement", replacement);
		int bulkN = 0;

		// If possible, make requests more efficient by bulk-ordering from the server. 
		// initially set at cache_size/2, but cache will auto-shrink bulk request size if requests can't be fulfilled.
		if (replacement) {
			bulkN = cacheSize/2;
			request.addProperty("n", bulkN*n);

		// not possible to make the request more efficient
		} else {
			request.addProperty("n", n);

		// get the request object for use in all requests from this cache
		request = this.generateKeyedRequest(request, STRING_METHOD);
		// max single request size, in bits, for adjusting bulk requests later
		int maxRequestSize = (int) Math.ceil(Math.log(characters.length())/Math.log(2) * length * n);

		return new RandomOrgCache<String[]>(
				new JsonObjectInputCallable<JsonObject>() {
					public JsonObject call() throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException, RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError, RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError, RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError, RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException, RandomOrgRANDOMORGError, RandomOrgJSONRPCError, MalformedURLException, IOException {
						return RandomOrgClient.this.sendRequest(this.input);
				}, new JsonObjectInputCallable<String[]>() {
					public String[] call() {
						return RandomOrgClient.this.extractStrings(this.input);
				request, cacheSize, bulkN, n, maxRequestSize);

	/** Get a RandomOrgCache to obtain UUIDs. The RandomOrgCache can be polled for new results conforming to the 
	 ** output format of the input request. RandomOrgCache type is same as expected return value.
	 ** @param n how many random UUIDs you need. Must be within the [1,1e3] range.
	 ** @return RandomOrgCache<UUID[]>
	public RandomOrgCache<UUID[]> createUUIDCache(int n) {
		return this.createUUIDCache(n, 10);
	/** Get a RandomOrgCache to obtain UUIDs. The RandomOrgCache can be polled for new results conforming to the 
	 ** output format of the input request. RandomOrgCache type is same as expected return value.
	 ** @param n how many random UUIDs you need. Must be within the [1,1e3] range.
	 ** @param cacheSize number of result-sets for the cache to try to maintain at any given time (default 10, minimum 2).
	 ** @return RandomOrgCache<UUID[]>
	public RandomOrgCache<UUID[]> createUUIDCache(int n, int cacheSize) {
		if (cacheSize < 2) {
			cacheSize = 2;

		JsonObject request = new JsonObject();
		int bulkN = 0;

		// make requests more efficient by bulk-ordering from the server. 
		// initially set at cache_size/2, but cache will auto-shrink bulk request size if requests can't be fulfilled.
		bulkN = cacheSize/2;
		request.addProperty("n", bulkN*n);

		// get the request object for use in all requests from this cache
		request = this.generateKeyedRequest(request, UUID_METHOD);
		// max single request size, in bits, for adjusting bulk requests later
		int maxRequestSize = n*UUID_SIZE;

		return new RandomOrgCache<UUID[]>(
				new JsonObjectInputCallable<JsonObject>() {
					public JsonObject call() throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException, RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError, RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError, RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError, RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException, RandomOrgRANDOMORGError, RandomOrgJSONRPCError, MalformedURLException, IOException {
						return RandomOrgClient.this.sendRequest(this.input);
				}, new JsonObjectInputCallable<UUID[]>() {
					public UUID[] call() {
						return RandomOrgClient.this.extractUUIDs(this.input);
				request, cacheSize, bulkN, n, maxRequestSize);

	/** Get a RandomOrgCache to obtain random blobs. The RandomOrgCache can be polled for new results conforming 
	 ** to the output format of the input request. RandomOrgCache type is same as expected return value.
	 ** @param n how many random blobs you need. Must be within the [1,100] range.
	 ** @param size the size of each blob, measured in bits. Must be within the [1,1048576] range and must be divisible by 8.
	 ** @return RandomOrgCache<String[]>
	public RandomOrgCache<String[]> createBlobCache(int n, int size) {
		return this.createBlobCache(n, size, RandomOrgClient.BLOB_FORMAT_BASE64, 10);
	/** Get a RandomOrgCache to obtain random blobs. The RandomOrgCache can be polled for new results conforming 
	 ** to the output format of the input request. RandomOrgCache type is same as expected return value.
	 ** @param n how many random blobs you need. Must be within the [1,100] range.
	 ** @param size the size of each blob, measured in bits. Must be within the [1,1048576] range and must be divisible by 8.
	 ** @param format specifies the format in which the blobs will be returned. Values allowed are 
	 ** @param cacheSize number of result-sets for the cache to try to maintain at any given time (default 10, minimum 2).
	 ** @return RandomOrgCache<String[]>
	public RandomOrgCache<String[]> createBlobCache(int n, int size, String format, int cacheSize) {
		if (cacheSize < 2) {
			cacheSize = 2;

		JsonObject request = new JsonObject();

		request.addProperty("size", size);
		request.addProperty("format", format);

		int bulkN = 0;

		// make requests more efficient by bulk-ordering from the server. 
		// initially set at cache_size/2, but cache will auto-shrink bulk request size if requests can't be fulfilled.
		bulkN = cacheSize/2;
		request.addProperty("n", bulkN*n);

		// get the request object for use in all requests from this cache
		request = this.generateKeyedRequest(request, BLOB_METHOD);
		// max single request size, in bits, for adjusting bulk requests later
		int maxRequestSize = n*size;
		return new RandomOrgCache<String[]>(
				new JsonObjectInputCallable<JsonObject>() {
					public JsonObject call() throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException, RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError, RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError, RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError, RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException, RandomOrgRANDOMORGError, RandomOrgJSONRPCError, MalformedURLException, IOException {
						return RandomOrgClient.this.sendRequest(this.input);
				}, new JsonObjectInputCallable<String[]>() {
					public String[] call() {
						return RandomOrgClient.this.extractStrings(this.input);
				request, cacheSize, bulkN, n, maxRequestSize);
	// Methods for accessing server usage statistics.
	/** Return the (estimated) number of remaining API requests available to the client. If cached 
	 ** usage info is older than ALLOWANCE_STATE_REFRESH_SECONDS fresh info is obtained from server. 
	 ** If fresh info has to be obtained the following exceptions can be raised.
	 ** @return number of requests remaining.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	public int getRequestsLeft() throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
										IOException {
		if (this.requestsLeft < 0 || System.currentTimeMillis() > (this.lastResponseReceivedTime + RandomOrgClient.ALLOWANCE_STATE_REFRESH_SECONDS)) {
		return this.requestsLeft;
	/** Return the (estimated) number of remaining true random bits available to the client. If cached 
	 ** usage info is older than ALLOWANCE_STATE_REFRESH_SECONDS fresh info is obtained from server. 
	 ** If fresh info has to be obtained the following exceptions can be raised.
	 ** @return number of bits remaining.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	public int getBitsLeft() throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
									IOException {
		if (this.bitsLeft < 0 || System.currentTimeMillis() > (this.lastResponseReceivedTime + RandomOrgClient.ALLOWANCE_STATE_REFRESH_SECONDS)) {
		return this.bitsLeft;

	// Server communications & helper functions.

	/** Issue a getUsage request to update bits and requests left.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	private void getUsage() throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
								   IOException {
		JsonObject request = new JsonObject();
		request = this.generateKeyedRequest(request, GET_USAGE_METHOD);

	/** Add generic request parameters and API key to custom request.
	 ** @param params custom parameters to generate request around.
	 ** @param method to send request to.
	 ** @return fleshed out JSON request.
	private JsonObject generateKeyedRequest(JsonObject params, String method) {
		params.addProperty("apiKey", this.apiKey);
		JsonObject request = new JsonObject();
		request.addProperty("jsonrpc", "2.0");
		request.addProperty("method", method);
		request.add("params", params);
		request.addProperty("id", UUID.randomUUID().toString());
		return request;
	/** Add generic request parameters to custom request.
	 ** @param params custom parameters to generate request around.
	 ** @param method to send request to.
	 ** @return fleshed out JSON request.
	private JsonObject generateRequest(JsonObject params, String method) {
		JsonObject request = new JsonObject();
		request.addProperty("jsonrpc", "2.0");
		request.addProperty("method", method);
		request.add("params", params);
		request.addProperty("id", UUID.randomUUID().toString());
		return request;
	/** Extracts int[] from JSON response.
	 ** @param response JSON from which to extract data.
	 ** @return extracted int[].
	protected int[] extractInts(JsonObject response) {
		JsonArray data = this.extractResponse(response);
		int[] randoms = new int[data.size()];
		for (int i = 0; i < randoms.length; i++) {
			randoms[i] = data.get(i).getAsInt();
		return randoms;
	/** Extracts double[] from JSON response.
	 ** @param response JSON from which to extract data.
	 ** @return extracted double[].
	protected double[] extractDoubles(JsonObject response) {
		JsonArray data = this.extractResponse(response);
		double[] randoms = new double[data.size()];
		for (int i = 0; i < randoms.length; i++) {
			randoms[i] = data.get(i).getAsDouble();
		return randoms;
	/** Extracts String[] from JSON response.
	 ** @param response JSON from which to extract data.
	 ** @return extracted String[].
	protected String[] extractStrings(JsonObject response) {
		JsonArray data = this.extractResponse(response);
		String[] randoms = new String[data.size()];
		for (int i = 0; i < randoms.length; i++) {
			randoms[i] = data.get(i).getAsString();
		return randoms;
	/** Extracts UUID[] from JSON response.
	 ** @param response JSON from which to extract data.
	 ** @return extracted UUID[].
	protected UUID[] extractUUIDs(JsonObject response) {
		JsonArray data = this.extractResponse(response);
		UUID[] randoms = new UUID[data.size()];
		for (int i = 0; i < randoms.length; i++) {
			randoms[i] = UUID.fromString(data.get(i).getAsString());
		return randoms;
	/** Gets random data as separate from response JSON.
	 ** @param response JSON from which to extract data.
	 ** @return JsonArray of random data.
	private JsonArray extractResponse(JsonObject response) {
		return response.get("result").getAsJsonObject().get("random").getAsJsonObject().get("data").getAsJsonArray();
	/** Gets signing data from response JSON and add to result HashMap.
	 ** @param response JSON from which to extract data.
	 ** @param result to add signing data to.
	 ** @return the passed in result HasMap.
	private HashMap<String, Object> extractSignedResponse(JsonObject response, HashMap<String, Object> result) {
		result.put("random", response.get("result").getAsJsonObject().get("random").getAsJsonObject());
		result.put("signature", response.get("result").getAsJsonObject().get("signature").getAsString());
		return result;
	/** Gets verification response as separate from response JSON.
	 ** @param response JSON from which to extract verification response.
	 ** @return verification success.
	private boolean extractVerificationResponse(JsonObject response) {
		return response.get("result").getAsJsonObject().get("authenticity").getAsBoolean();

	/** Send request as determined by serialized boolean.
	 ** @param request JSON to send.
	 ** @return JsonObject response.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	protected JsonObject sendRequest(JsonObject request) throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
																IOException {
		return this.serialized ? this.sendSerializedRequest(request) : this.sendUnserializedRequest(request);
	/** Immediate call to server. Networking is run on a separate thread as Android platform disallows networking on the main thread.
	 ** @param request JSON to send.
	 ** @return JsonObject response.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	private JsonObject sendUnserializedRequest(JsonObject request) throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
																		  IOException {

		// Send request immediately.
		UnserializedRunnable r = new UnserializedRunnable(request);
		new Thread(r).start();
		// Wait for response to arrive.
		while (r.getData() == null) {
			try {
			} catch (InterruptedException e) {
				LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Client interrupted while waiting for server to return a response.");

		// Raise any thrown exceptions.
		if (r.getData().containsKey("exception")) {
			this.throwException((Exception) r.getData().get("exception"));

		// Return response.
		return (JsonObject) r.getData().get("response");
	/** Runnable for unserialized network calls. **/
	private class UnserializedRunnable implements Runnable {
		private JsonObject request;
		private HashMap<String, Object> data;
		/** @param request object to send to server. */
		public UnserializedRunnable(JsonObject request) {
			this.request = request;
		/* @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */
		public void run() { = RandomOrgClient.this.sendRequestCore(this.request);
		/** @return data returned by network request - or null if not yet arrived. */
		public HashMap<String, Object> getData() {
	/** Add request to queue to be executed by networking thread one-by-one.
	 ** Method blocks until this request receives a response or times out.
	 ** @param request JSON to send.
	 ** @return JsonObject response.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	private JsonObject sendSerializedRequest(JsonObject request) throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
																		IOException {

		// Add request to the queue with it's own lock.
		Object requestLock = new Object();

		HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();
		data.put("lock", requestLock);
		data.put("request", request);
		data.put("response", null);
		data.put("exception", null);
		synchronized (this.serializedQueue) {

		// Wait on the lock for the specified blocking timeout.
		synchronized (requestLock) {
			try {
				if (this.blockingTimeout == -1) {
				} else {
			} catch (InterruptedException e) {
				LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Client interrupted while waiting for request to be sent.");

			// Lock has now either been notified or timed out. Examine data to determine which and react accordingly.
			// Request wasn't sent in time, cancel and raise exception.
			if (data.get("response") == null && data.get("exception") == null) {
				data.put("request", null);
				throw new RandomOrgSendTimeoutException("The maximum allowed blocking time of " + this.blockingTimeout 
														+ "millis has been exceeded while waiting for a synchronous request to send.");
			// Exception on sending request.
			if (data.get("exception") != null) {
				this.throwException((Exception) data.get("exception"));

			// Request was successful.
			return (JsonObject) data.get("response");
	/** Thread to synchronously send requests in queue. */
	protected void threadedRequestSending() {
		// Thread to execute queued requests.
		while (true) {
			HashMap<String, Object> request;
			synchronized (this.serializedQueue) {
				// Block and wait for a request.
				if (this.serializedQueue.isEmpty()) {
					try {
					} catch (InterruptedException e) {
						LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Client thread interrupted while waiting for a request to send.");
				request = this.serializedQueue.pop();
			// Get the request's lock to indicate request in progress.
			synchronized (request.get("lock")) {
				// If request still exists it hasn't been cancelled.
				if (request.get("request") != null) {
					// Send request.
					HashMap<String, Object> data = this.sendRequestCore((JsonObject) request.get("request"));
					// Set result.
					if (data.containsKey("exception")) {
						request.put("exception", data.get("exception"));
					} else {
						request.put("response", data.get("response"));

				// Notify completion and return
	/** Throw specific Exception types.
	 ** @param e exception to throw.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException blocking timeout is exceeded before the request can be sent. 
	 ** @throws RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError API key has been stopped.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError API key's server requests allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError API key's server bits allowance has been exceeded.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgRANDOMORGError server returns a RANDOM.ORG Error.
	 ** @throws RandomOrgJSONRPCError server returns a JSON-RPC Error.
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	private void throwException(Exception e) throws RandomOrgSendTimeoutException,
													IOException {
		if (e.getClass() == RandomOrgSendTimeoutException.class) {
			throw (RandomOrgSendTimeoutException) e;
		} else if (e.getClass() == RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError.class) {
			throw (RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError) e;
		} else if (e.getClass() == RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError.class) {
			throw (RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError) e;
		} else if (e.getClass() == RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError.class) {
			throw (RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError) e;
		} else if (e.getClass() == RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException.class) {
			throw (RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException) e;
		} else if (e.getClass() == RandomOrgRANDOMORGError.class) {
			throw (RandomOrgRANDOMORGError) e;
		} else if (e.getClass() == RandomOrgJSONRPCError.class) {
			throw (RandomOrgJSONRPCError) e;
		} else if (e.getClass() == MalformedURLException.class) {
			throw (MalformedURLException) e;
		} else if (e.getClass() == IOException.class) {
			throw (IOException) e;
	/** Core send request function.
	 ** @param request JSON to send.
	 ** @return info on request success/response in a HashMap with one or other of the following entries:
	 **				"exception" : Exception - exception thrown, possible exception types:
	 **											RandomOrgSendTimeoutException
	 **											RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError
	 **											RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError
	 **											RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError
	 ** 										RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException
	 ** 										RandomOrgRANDOMORGError
	 ** 										RandomOrgJSONRPCError
	 ** 										MalformedURLException
	 **											IOException
	 **				"response"	: JsonObject - response
	protected HashMap<String, Object> sendRequestCore(JsonObject request) {
		HashMap<String, Object> ret = new HashMap<String, Object>();
		// If a back-off is set, no more requests can be issued until the required back-off time is up.
		if (this.backoff != -1) {
			// Time not yet up, throw exception.
			if (System.currentTimeMillis() < this.backoff) {
				ret.put("exception", new RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError(this.backoffError));
				return ret;
			// Time is up, clear back-off.
			} else {
				this.backoff = -1;
				this.backoffError = null;
		long wait = 0;
		// Check server advisory delay.
		synchronized (this.advisoryDelayLock) {
			wait = this.advisoryDelay - (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.lastResponseReceivedTime);

		// Wait the specified delay if necessary and if wait time is not longer than the set blocking timeout.
		if (wait > 0) {
			if (this.blockingTimeout != -1 && wait > this.blockingTimeout) {
				ret.put("exception", new RandomOrgSendTimeoutException("The server advisory delay of " + wait + 
						"millis is greater than the defined maximum allowed blocking time of " + this.blockingTimeout + "millis."));
				return ret;
			try {
			} catch (InterruptedException e) {
				LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Client interrupted while waiting for server mandated blocking time.");
		JsonObject response;
		// Send the request
		try {
			response =;
		} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
			ret.put("exception", e);
			return ret;
		} catch (RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException e) {
			ret.put("exception", e);
			return ret;
		} catch (IOException e) {
			ret.put("exception", e);
			return ret;

		// Parse the response.
		// Has error?
		if (response.has("error")) {
			JsonObject error = response.get("error").getAsJsonObject();

			int code = error.get("code").getAsInt();
			String message = error.get("message").getAsString();
			// RandomOrgAllowanceExceededError, API key not running, backoff until midnight UTC, 
			// from RANDOM.ORG Errors:
			if (code == 402) {
				Calendar date = new GregorianCalendar();
				date.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
				date.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
				date.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
				date.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
				date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
				this.backoff = date.getTimeInMillis();
				this.backoffError = "Error " + code + ": " + message;
				ret.put("exception", new RandomOrgInsufficientRequestsError(this.backoffError));
				return ret;
			} else if (code == 401) {
				ret.put("exception", new RandomOrgKeyNotRunningError("Error " + code + ": " + message));
				return ret;

			} else if (code == 403) {
				ret.put("exception", new RandomOrgInsufficientBitsError("Error " + code + ": " + message, this.bitsLeft));
				return ret;

			// RandomOrgRANDOMORGError from RANDOM.ORG Errors:
			} else if (RandomOrgClient.randomOrgErrors.contains(code)) {
				ret.put("exception", new RandomOrgRANDOMORGError("Error " + code + ": " + message));
				return ret;
			// RandomOrgJSONRPCError from JSON-RPC Errors:
			} else {
				ret.put("exception", new RandomOrgJSONRPCError("Error " + code + ": " + message));
				return ret;
		JsonObject result = response.get("result").getAsJsonObject();
		// Update usage statistics
		if (result.has("requestsLeft")) {
			this.requestsLeft = result.get("requestsLeft").getAsInt();
			this.bitsLeft = result.get("bitsLeft").getAsInt();

		// Set new server advisory delay
		synchronized (this.advisoryDelayLock) {
			if (result.has("advisoryDelay")) {
				this.advisoryDelay =  result.get("advisoryDelay").getAsInt();
			} else {
				// Use default if none from server.
				this.advisoryDelay = RandomOrgClient.DEFAULT_DELAY;
			this.lastResponseReceivedTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
		ret.put("response", response);
		return ret;
	/** POST JSON to server and return JSON response.
	 ** @param json request to post. 
	 ** @return JSON response.
	 ** @throws IOException @see
	 ** @throws MalformedURLException in the unlikely event something goes wrong with URL creation. @see
	 ** @throws RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException if a HTTP 200 OK response not received.
	private JsonObject post(JsonObject json) throws IOException, MalformedURLException, RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException {

		HttpsURLConnection con = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL("").openConnection();

		// headers		
		con.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
		// send JSON
		DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(con.getOutputStream());

		// check response
		int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
		// return JSON...
		if (responseCode == HttpsURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
			BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
			String inputLine;
			StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();

			while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {

			return new JsonParser().parse(response.toString()).getAsJsonObject();
		// ...or throw error
		} else {
			throw new RandomOrgBadHTTPResponseException("Error " + responseCode + ": " + con.getResponseMessage());