package net.sf.rails.javafx.stockchart;

import javafx.scene.layout.ColumnConstraints;
import javafx.scene.layout.GridPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.Priority;
import javafx.scene.layout.RowConstraints;
import net.sf.rails.ui.swing.GameUIManager;

 * The stock-chart component, containing a grid with all stock fields composing the stock-chart
public class FXStockChart extends GridPane {
     * The stock fields of the model
    private final StockMarket market;

     * Constructor
     * @param gameUIManager The ui manager
    public FXStockChart(GameUIManager gameUIManager) {
        super(); = gameUIManager.getRoot().getStockMarket();


     * Initializes the component
    private void initialize() {

        setStyle("-fx-background-color: black;");

     * Populates the stock field grid
    private void populateStockPanel() {
        // initialize the top left corner
        FXStockChartLabel corner = new FXStockChartLabel("");

        GridPane.setHgrow(corner, Priority.ALWAYS);
        GridPane.setVgrow(corner, Priority.ALWAYS);


        add(corner, 0, 0);

        // initialize the header column
        for (int row = 0; row < market.getNumberOfRows(); row++) {
            FXStockChartLabel l = new FXStockChartLabel(Integer.toString(row + 1));

            GridPane.setHgrow(l, Priority.ALWAYS);
            GridPane.setVgrow(l, Priority.ALWAYS);

            add(l, 0, row + 1);

        // initialize the header row
        for (int column = 0; column < market.getNumberOfColumns(); column++) {
            FXStockChartLabel l = new FXStockChartLabel(Character.toString((char) ('A' + column)));

            GridPane.setHgrow(l, Priority.ALWAYS);
            GridPane.setVgrow(l, Priority.ALWAYS);

            add(l, column + 1, 0);

        // initialize the stock field grid
        for (int row = 0; row < market.getNumberOfRows(); row++) {
            for (int column = 0; column < market.getNumberOfColumns(); column++) {
                StockSpace stockSpace = market.getStockSpace(row, column);

                if (stockSpace != null) {
                    // the market field exists
                    FXStockField stockField = new FXStockField(stockSpace);

                    GridPane.setHgrow(stockField, Priority.ALWAYS);
                    GridPane.setVgrow(stockField, Priority.ALWAYS);

                    add(stockField, column + 1, row + 1);
                } else {
                    // the market field is null and therefore unused in the game
                    FXEmptyStockField stockField = new FXEmptyStockField();

                    GridPane.setHgrow(stockField, Priority.ALWAYS);
                    GridPane.setVgrow(stockField, Priority.ALWAYS);

                    add(stockField, column + 1, row + 1);

     * Creates a {@link ColumnConstraints} object with the given width factor.
     * The width factor defines, how much wider the column is compared to other columns.
     * A factor of 2 means, that the column is twice as wide as a column with the factor 1
     * @param factor The width factor
     * @return The created constraint
    private ColumnConstraints createColumn(int factor) {
        ColumnConstraints constraints = new ColumnConstraints();

        constraints.setPercentWidth(100d / ((market.getNumberOfColumns() * 2) + 1) * factor);

        return constraints;

     * Creates a {@link RowConstraints} object with the given height factor.
     * The height factor defines, how much higher the row is compared to other columns.
     * A factor of 2 means, that the row is twice as high as a row with the factor 1
     * @param factor The height factor
     * @return The created constraint
    private RowConstraints createRow(int factor) {
        RowConstraints constraints = new RowConstraints();

        constraints.setPercentHeight(100d / ((market.getNumberOfRows() * 2) + 1) * factor);

        return constraints;