package com.jacamars.dsp.rtb.common;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.DoubleNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.IntNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.MissingNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.TextNode;
import com.jacamars.dsp.rtb.bidder.RTBServer;
import com.jacamars.dsp.rtb.blocks.LookingGlass;
import com.jacamars.dsp.rtb.blocks.NavMap;
import com.jacamars.dsp.rtb.blocks.SimpleSet;
import com.jacamars.dsp.rtb.pojo.BidRequest;
import com.jacamars.dsp.rtb.pojo.Impression;
import com.jacamars.dsp.rtb.probe.Probe;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;

 * A class that implements a parse-able node in the RTB object, and applies
 * campaign logic. The idea of the node is to define a constraint using the
 * dotted form of the JSON specification of the bid request parameter. By
 * default if you specify a Node and the hierarchy does not exist in the bid
 * request, then this means the campaign does not match. You can override this
 * behavior by setting the object's 'notPresentOk' flag. Then when the hierarchy
 * doesn;t exist, the Node tests true otherwise if it is present, then the Node
 * returns the value of the comparison that was specified.
 * <p>
 * Examples Hierarchies:
 * <p>
 * Retrieve a value: '' - this means the Node will extract this
 * field from the bid request.
 * <p>
 * Retrieve a value from a list: '' is equivalent to JS: value =
 * imp[0].id;
 * <p>
 * You also specify what to compare the bid request's values to. In could be
 * that the return values are an array, or maybe just a scalar. The Node can
 * handle both data types.
 * <p>
 * The comparison operators are equal, not equal, lt, le, gt, ge Member of set,
 * not member of set, set intersects, not set intersects, geo in range lat/lon,
 * not in range of lat/lon, in the domain of a range of numbers, and not in the
 * range of numbers.
 * <p>
 * TODO: Query
 * @author Ben M. Faul
public class Node {
	/** Keeps up with overlapping error messages */
	static volatile Map<String, Long> errors = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long>();
	/** Logging object */
	protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Node.class);

	public static Map<String, Map> builtinMap = new HashMap();

	/** Counts number of times it has been judged FALSE */
	transient AtomicLong falseCount = new AtomicLong(0);

	static {
		Map map = new HashMap();
		List list = new ArrayList();
		map.put("3456", 1);
		map.put("ben", 1);
		map.put("peter", 2);
		map.put("clarissa", "hello");
		map.put("list", list);
		builtinMap.put("test", map);

	Set qvalue = null;

	boolean testit = false;
	/** Query TBD */
	public static final int QUERY = 0;
	/* Test for equality */
	public static final int EQUALS = 1;
	/* Test for inequality */
	public static final int NOT_EQUALS = 2;
	/** Test for set membership */
	public static final int MEMBER = 3;
	/** Test for not membership */
	public static final int NOT_MEMBER = 4;
	/** Test set intersection */
	public static final int INTERSECTS = 5;
	/** Test not intersection */
	public static final int NOT_INTERSECTS = 6;
	/** Test lat/lon range with other lat/lon, in km */
	public static final int INRANGE = 7;
	/** Test not in range */
	public static final int NOT_INRANGE = 8;
	/** Test less than numeric */
	public static final int LESS_THAN = 9;
	/** Test less than equal numeric */
	public static final int LESS_THAN_EQUALS = 10;
	/** Test greater than numeric */
	public static final int GREATER_THAN = 11;
	/** Test greater than equal numeric */
	public static final int GREATER_THAN_EQUALS = 12;
	/** Test in domain x less than y greater than z */
	public static final int DOMAIN = 13;
	/** Test not in domain */
	public static final int NOT_DOMAIN = 14;
	/** Test the string is a substring of another */
	public static final int STRINGIN = 15;
	/** Test the string not a substring in another */
	public static final int NOT_STRINGIN = 16;
	/** Does an attribute exist in the rtb request */
	public static final int EXISTS = 17;
	/** Does an attribute not exist in the rtb reqest */
	public static final int NOT_EXISTS = 18;
	/** OR operator */
	public static final int OR = 19;
	/** Is the string REGEX'ed? */
	public static final int REGEX = 20;
	/** Not in the REGEX */
	public static final int NOT_REGEX = 21;
	/** If this node contains geo information, it will be found here */
	transient List<Point> points = new ArrayList<Point>();
	 * A convenient map to turn string operator references to their int conterparts
	public static Map<String, Integer> OPS = new HashMap();
	static {
		OPS.put("QUERY", QUERY);
		OPS.put("OR", OR);
		OPS.put("REGEX", REGEX);

	public static List<String> OPNAMES = new ArrayList<String>();
	static {

	/** campaign identifier */
	public String name;
	/** dotted form of the item in the bid to pull (eg */
	transient public String hierarchy;
	/** which operator to use */
	transient public int operator = -1;
	/** the sub operator if operator is query */
	transient public int suboperator = -1;
	/** Node's value as an object. */
	public Object value;
	/** Node's value as a map */
	transient Map mvalue;
	/** The retrieved object from the bid, as defined in the hierarchy */
	transient protected Object brValue;

	/** when the value is a number */
	transient Number ival = null;
	/** when the value is a string */
	transient String sval = null;
	/** when the value is a set */
	transient Set qval = null;
	/** when the value is a map */
	transient Map mval = null;
	/** When the value is a list */
	transient List lval = null;

	/** if present will execute this JavaScript code */
	protected String code = null;
	/** context to execute in */
	public JJS shell = null;
	/** text name of the operator */
	public String op;
	/** text name of the query sub op */
	transient String subop = null;
	/** A pattern matcher */
	transient Pattern pattern;

	/** set to false if required field not present */
	public boolean notPresentOk = true;
	/** decomposed hierarchy */
	public List<String> bidRequestValues = new ArrayList<String>();

	 * Simple constructor useful for testing.
	public Node() {


	 * Get the false count for this node
	 * @return long. The current false count
	public long getFalseCount() {
		return falseCount.get();

	 * Set the false count to 0
	public void clearFalseCount() {

	 * Constructor for the campaign Node
	 * @param name      String. The name of this node.
	 * @param hierarchy String . The hierarchy in the request associated with this
	 *                  node.
	 * @param operator  int. The operator to apply to this operation.
	 * @param value     Object. The constant to test the value of the hierarchy
	 *                  against.
	 * @throws Exception if the values obejct is not recognized.
	public Node(String name, String hierarchy, String operator, Object value) throws Exception { = name;
		this.hierarchy = hierarchy;
		op = operator;
		this.value = value;



	public Node(Map map) throws Exception { = (String) map.get("name");
		Object test = map.get("op");
		op = (String) test;
		test = map.get("notPresentOk");
		if (test != null)
			test = (Boolean) test;
		value = map.get("value");
		List brv = (List) map.get("bidRequestValues");
		hierarchy = "";
		for (int i = 0; i < brv.size() - 1; i++) {
			hierarchy += brv.get(i);
			hierarchy += ".";
		hierarchy += brv.get(brv.size() - 1);


	 * Sets the values from the this.value object.
	 * @throws Exception if this.values is not a recognized object.
	public void setValues() throws Exception {
		if (op != null) {
			Integer x = OPS.get(op);
			if (x == null)
				throw new Exception("Unknown operator: " + op);
			operator = x.intValue();

		 * If its an array, connvert to a list. Passing in arrays screws up membership
		 * and set operations which expect lists

		if (value instanceof String[] || value instanceof int[] || value instanceof double[]) {
			List list = new ArrayList<Object>();
			Object[] x = (Object[]) value;
			for (Object o : x) {
			value = list;

		if (value instanceof Integer || value instanceof Double) {
			ival = (Number) value;
		if (value instanceof TreeSet)
			qval = (TreeSet) value;
		if (value instanceof String)
			sval = (String) value;
		if (value instanceof Map)
			mval = (Map) value;
		if (value instanceof List) { // convert ints to doubles
			if (this.op.equals("OR") || this.operator == OR) {
				List x = (List) value;
				Node y = null;
				List newList = new ArrayList();
				for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) {

					Object test = x.get(i);
					if (test instanceof LinkedHashMap) {
						y = new Node((Map) test);
					} else
						y = (Node) test;
				value = newList;
				lval = (List) value;
			} else if (this.op.equals("QUERY") || this.operator == QUERY) {
				List x = (List) value;
				String source = (String) x.get(0);
				String name = (String) x.get(1);
				subop = (String) x.get(2);
				Object operand = x.get(3);
				suboperator = OPS.get(subop);
				if (source.equals("builtin")) {
					value = builtinMap.get(name);
				} else { // Is Aerospike

			} else
				lval = (List) value;

		StringBuilder sh = new StringBuilder();
		for (int i = 0; i < bidRequestValues.size(); i++) {
			if (i + 1 >= bidRequestValues.size() == false) {

		/////////////////////////////////////// LAT LON STUFF ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
		if (op != null && (op.equals("INRANGE") || op.equals("NOT_INRANGE"))) {
			LookingGlass cz = (LookingGlass) LookingGlass.symbols.get("@ZIPCODES");
			if (value instanceof String) {
				String ref = (String)value;
				ref = ref.toUpperCase();
				String [] parts = ref.split(",");
				double range = Double.parseDouble(parts[parts.length-1].trim());
				if (ref.startsWith("LAT")) {
					for (int i=1; i<parts.length-1;i++) {
						double x = Double.parseDouble(parts[i].trim());
						double y = Double.parseDouble(parts[i+1].trim());
						Point p = new Point(x,y,range);
				} else {
					for (int i=1; i<parts.length-1;i++) {
						String [] lz = (String[])cz.query(parts[i].trim());
						double x = Double.parseDouble(lz[1].trim());
						double y = Double.parseDouble(lz[2].trim());
						Point p = new Point(x,y,range);
			} else {
				List<Map> list = (List<Map>) value;

				for (Map q : list) {
					if (q.get("lat") != null) {
						Map<String, Double> xy = (Map<String, Double>) q;
						double xlat = xy.get("lat");
						double xlon = xy.get("lon");
						double range = xy.get("range");
						Point point = new Point(xlat, xlon, range);
					} else {
						double range = (Double) q.get("range");
						String s = (String) q.get("zipcodes");
						String zips[] = s.split(",");

						for (int j = 0; j < zips.length; j++) {
							String[] parts = (String[]) cz.query(zips[j]);
							if (parts != null) {
								double lat = Double.parseDouble(parts[1].trim());
								double lon = Double.parseDouble(parts[2].trim());
								Point point = new Point(lat, lon, range);

		hierarchy = sh.toString();

	void resetFromMap(Object value) {
		if (value instanceof Integer || value instanceof Double) {
			ival = (Number) value;
		if (value instanceof TreeSet)
			qval = (TreeSet) value;
		if (value instanceof String)
			sval = (String) value;
		if (value instanceof Map)
			mval = (Map) value;
		if (value instanceof List) { // convert ints to doubles
			lval = (List) value;

	 * Does this atrribute have this hierarchy
	 * @param str String. The string to test.
	 * @return true if the hierarchy matches the string
	public boolean equals(String str) {
		if (hierarchy == null) {
			hierarchy = "";
			for (int i = 0; i < bidRequestValues.size(); i++) {
				hierarchy += bidRequestValues.get(i);
				if (i + 1 != bidRequestValues.size()) {
					hierarchy += ".";
		return str.equals(hierarchy);

	 * Constructor for campaign node without attached JavaScript code
	 * @param name      String. The name of the node.
	 * @param heirarchy The dotted notation hierarchy associated with this node.
	 * @param operator  int. The operation to apply to the node.
	 * @param value     Object. The value that the bid request specified by
	 *                  hierarchy will be tested against.
	 * @throws Exception if the value object is not recognized.
	public Node(String name, String heirarchy, int operator, Object value) throws Exception {

		this(name, heirarchy, OPNAMES.get(operator), value); // fake this out so
																// we don't call
																// recursive
		this.operator = operator;
		// setValues();
		this.op = OPNAMES.get(operator);

	 * Constructor for the campaign Node with associated JavaScript
	 * @param name      String. The name of this node.
	 * @param heirarchy String. The hierarchy in the request associated with this
	 *                  node.
	 * @param operator  int. The operator to apply to this operation.
	 * @param value     Object. The constant to test the value of the hierarchy
	 *                  against.
	 * @param code      String. The Java code to execute if node evaluates true.
	 * @param shell     JJS. the encapsulated Nashhorn context to use for this
	 *                  operation.
	 * @throws Exception if the value object is not recognized.
	public Node(String name, String heirarchy, String operator, Object value, String code, JJS shell) throws Exception {
		this(name, heirarchy, operator, value);
		this.code = code; = shell;

	 * Set the bidRequest values array from the hierarchy
	void setBRvalues() {
		if (hierarchy == null) // OR doesn't have a hierarchy

		String[] splitted = hierarchy.split("\\.");
		for (String s : splitted) {

	 * Used by FixedNodes
	 * @param br
	 * @param creative
	 * @return
	 * @throws Exception
	public boolean test(BidRequest br, Creative creative, String adId, Impression imp, StringBuilder errorString,
			Probe probe, List<Deal> deals) throws Exception {

		return test(br, errorString);

	public void setFalseCount(int n) {

	 * Test the bidrequest against this node
	 * @param br BidRequest. The bid request object to test.
	 * @return boolean. Returns true if br-value op value evaluates true. Else
	 *         false.
	 * @throws Exception if the request object and the values are not compatible.
	public boolean test(BidRequest br, StringBuilder errorString) throws Exception {
		boolean test = false;

		int oldOperator = operator;
		if (suboperator != -1) {
			operator = suboperator;

		if ("123")) {
			testit = true;
		} else
			testit = false;

		if (operator == OR) {
			List<Node> nodes = (List) lval;
			boolean b = false;
			for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
				Node node = nodes.get(i);
				node.notPresentOk = false;
				b |= node.test(br, errorString);
				if (b) {
					operator = oldOperator;
					return true;
			operator = oldOperator;
			return false;

		if (oldOperator == QUERY) {
			brValue = br.interrogate(hierarchy);
			JsonNode n = (JsonNode) brValue;
			String key = n.asText();
			Map map = (Map) value;
			brValue = map.get(key);
			test = testInternal(brValue);
		} else {
			try {
				brValue = br.interrogate(hierarchy);
			} catch (Exception e) {
				throw new Exception("Bad hierarchy: " + hierarchy + ", " + e.toString());
			if (brValue != null)
				test = testInternal(brValue);
			else {
				if (operator == NOT_EXISTS)
					test = true;
				if (notPresentOk)
					test = true;
		operator = oldOperator;
		if (!test) {
			if (errorString != null) {
				errorString.append(hierarchy + " resolved false");
		return test;

	 * Internal version of test() when recursion is required (NOT_* form)
	 * @param value Object. Converts the value of the bid request field (Jackson) to
	 *              the appropriate Java object.
	 * @return boolean. Returns true if the operation succeeded.
	 * @throws Exception if the value is not recognized or is not compatible with
	 *                   this.value.
	public boolean testInternal(Object value) throws Exception {

		if (value == null || value instanceof MissingNode == true) { // the
																		// object
																		// requested
																		// is
																		// not
																		// in
																		// the
																		// bid
																		// request.
			if (!(operator == EXISTS || operator == NOT_EXISTS)) {
				if (notPresentOk)
					return true;
				return false;

		Number nvalue = null;
		String svalue = null;
		// Set qvalue = null;
		Set qval = null;

		if (value instanceof String)
			svalue = (String) value;
		if (value instanceof IntNode) {
			IntNode n = (IntNode) value;
			nvalue = n.numberValue();
		} else if (value instanceof TextNode) {
			TextNode tn = (TextNode) value;
			svalue = tn.textValue();
		} else if (value instanceof ArrayNode) {
			List list = traverse((ArrayNode) value);
			qvalue = new TreeSet(list);
		} else if (value instanceof ObjectNode) {
			ObjectNode n = (ObjectNode) value;
			mvalue = iterateObject(n);
		} else if (value instanceof Double) {
			DoubleNode n = new DoubleNode((Double) value); // (Node) value;
			nvalue = n.numberValue();
		} else if (value instanceof DoubleNode) {
			DoubleNode n = (DoubleNode) value;
			DoubleNode nn = new DoubleNode(n.asDouble()); // (Node) value;
			nvalue = nn.numberValue();
		} else if (value instanceof Integer) {
			IntNode n = new IntNode((Integer) value); // (Node) value;
			nvalue = n.numberValue();
		} else if (value instanceof Collection) {
			qvalue = new TreeSet();
			qvalue.addAll((Collection) value);

		switch (operator) {

		case QUERY:
			return true;

		case EQUALS:
			return processEquals(ival, nvalue, sval, svalue, qval, qvalue);
		case NOT_EQUALS:
			return !processEquals(ival, nvalue, sval, svalue, qval, qvalue);

		case STRINGIN:
			if (lval != null) {
				boolean member = false;
				for (int i = 0; i < lval.size(); i++) {
					Object test = lval.get(i);
					if (test instanceof String) {
						String testS = (String) test;
						member |= processStringin(ival, nvalue, testS, svalue, qval, qvalue);
				return member;
			return processStringin(ival, nvalue, sval, svalue, qval, qvalue);

			if (lval != null) {
				boolean member = false;
				for (int i = 0; i < lval.size(); i++) {
					Object test = lval.get(i);
					if (test instanceof String) {
						String testS = (String) test;
						member |= processStringin(ival, nvalue, testS, svalue, qval, qvalue);
				return !member;
			return !processStringin(ival, nvalue, sval, svalue, qval, qvalue);

		case REGEX:
		case NOT_REGEX:
			boolean member = true;
			if (svalue != null) {
				member = processRegex(ival, nvalue, sval, svalue, qval, qvalue);
			if (operator == NOT_REGEX)
				return !member;
				return member;

		case MEMBER:
		case NOT_MEMBER:

			if (sval != null && (sval.startsWith("@") || sval.startsWith("$"))) {
				boolean t = false;
				if (svalue != null && svalue.length() == 0) {
					t = false; // Technically "" is a member of any set, but ok, don't let it resolve true.
				} else {
					Object x = LookingGlass.get(sval);
					if (x == null) {
						Long evalue = errors.get(sval);
						if (evalue == null || (System.currentTimeMillis() - evalue > 60000)) {
							logger.error("Failed to retrieve symbol: {}", sval);
							errors.put(sval, System.currentTimeMillis());
					if (x instanceof NavMap) {
						NavMap nm = (NavMap) x;
						t = nm.contains(svalue);
					} else if (x instanceof BloomFilter) {
						BloomFilter b = (BloomFilter) x;

						t = b.mightContain(svalue);

					} else if (x instanceof SimpleSet) {
						SimpleSet set = (SimpleSet) x;
						t = set.getSet().contains(svalue);
					} else {
						// System.out.println("Error: ============> " + + " DONT KNOW WHAT
						// THIS IS: " + x);
						t = false;

				if (operator == NOT_MEMBER)
					return !t;
					return t;

			if (qvalue == null) {
				if (lval != null)
					qvalue = new HashSet(lval);
				else {
					qvalue = new HashSet();
					if (svalue == null)
						qvalue.addAll((Collection) value);
			if (nvalue == null && svalue == null) {
				if (this.value instanceof String)
					svalue = (String) this.value;
				else {
					try {
						nvalue = (Integer) this.value;
					} catch (Exception error) {
						return false;
						// System.out.println("QVALUE: " + qvalue);
						// System.out.println("THIS VALUE: " + this.value);
						// System.out.println("VALUE: " + value);

			boolean test = false;
			test = processMember(nvalue, svalue, qvalue);
			if (operator == MEMBER)
				return test;
				return !test;


			if (qvalue == null) {
				if (lval != null)
					qvalue = new TreeSet(lval);
			if (qval == null) {
				if (svalue != null) {
					qval = new TreeSet();
				} else {
					if (nvalue != null) {
						qval = new TreeSet();
					} else if (lval != null) {
						qval = new TreeSet(lval);
			} else {
				if (svalue != null) {
				} else {
					if (nvalue != null) {

			if (qval == null)
				qval = new TreeSet(lval);

			boolean xxx = processIntersects(qval, qvalue);
			if (operator == INTERSECTS)
				return xxx;
			return !xxx;

		case INRANGE:
			return computeInRange(mvalue);
			return !computeInRange(mvalue);

		case DOMAIN:
			return computeInDomain(nvalue, lval);
		case NOT_DOMAIN:
			return !computeInDomain(nvalue, lval);

		case LESS_THAN:
			return processLTE(operator, ival, nvalue, sval, svalue, qval, qvalue);

		case EXISTS:
		case NOT_EXISTS:
			boolean rc = false;
			if (value == null)
				rc = false;
				rc = value instanceof ObjectNode;
			if (operator == EXISTS)
				return rc;
			return !rc;

			return false;
		// throw new Exception("Undefined operation attempted");

	 * Processes the relational operators.
	 * @param operator int. Less than, less than equal, etc...
	 * @param ival     Number. The constant's value if a number.
	 * @param nvalue   Number. The bid request's value if a number,
	 * @param sval     String. the constant's value if a String.
	 * @param svalue   String. The bid request value if a String.
	 * @param qval     Set. The constant's value if it is a Set.
	 * @param qvalue   Set. The bid requests value if it is a Set.
	 * @return boolean. Returns the value of the operation (true or false).
	public boolean processLTE(int operator, Number ival, Number nvalue, String sval, String svalue, Set qval,
			Set qvalue) {
		if (ival == null || nvalue == null)
			return false;
		switch (operator) {
		case LESS_THAN:
			// return ival.doubleValue() < nvalue.doubleValue();
			return nvalue.doubleValue() < ival.doubleValue();
			// return ival.doubleValue() <= nvalue.doubleValue();
			return nvalue.doubleValue() <= ival.doubleValue();
			// return ival.doubleValue() > nvalue.doubleValue();
			return nvalue.doubleValue() > ival.doubleValue();
			// return ival.doubleValue() >= nvalue.doubleValue();
			return nvalue.doubleValue() >= ival.doubleValue();
		return false;

	boolean jedisIsMember(String key, String member) {
		boolean t = false;
		if (Configuration.getInstance().jedisPool == null)
			return false;

		try {

			if (member.equals("842AAB10FBA04247B3A9CE00C9172350")) {
				System.out.println("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ KEYTEST on " + key);
			// Jedis jedis =
			// Configuration.getInstance().jedisPool.getResource();
			Jedis jedis = Configuration.getInstance().jedisPool.borrowObject();
			t = jedis.sismember(key, member);

			if (member.equals("842AAB10FBA04247B3A9CE00C9172350")) {
				System.out.println("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ TEST RETURNS: " + t);
			// Configuration.getInstance().jedisPool.returnResource(jedis);
			// t = Configuration.getInstance().jedisPool.sismember(key, member);
		} catch (Exception error) {
		return t;

	 * Determine if the value of this node object equals that of what is found in
	 * the bid request object.
	 * @param ival   Number. The constant's value if a number.
	 * @param nvalue Number. The bid request's value if a number,
	 * @param sval   String. The constant's value if a String.
	 * @param svalue String. The bid request value if a String.
	 * @param qval   Set. The constant's value if it is a Set.
	 * @param qvalue Set. The bid requests value if it is a Set.
	 * @return boolean. Returns true if operation is true.
	public boolean processEquals(Number ival, Number nvalue, String sval, String svalue, Set qval, Set qvalue) {
		if (ival != null) {
			if (ival == null || nvalue == null)
				return false;
			double a = ival.doubleValue();
			double b = nvalue.doubleValue();
			return a == b;
		} else if (sval != null) {
			return sval.equals(svalue);
		} else if (qval != null) {
			if (qval.size() != qvalue.size())
				return false;
			return qval.containsAll(qvalue);
		return false;

	 * Is sval a substring of svalue?
	 * @param ival
	 * @param nvalue
	 * @param sval
	 * @param svalue
	 * @param qval
	 * @param qvalue
	 * @return
	public boolean processStringin(Number ival, Number nvalue, String sval, String svalue, Set qval, Set qvalue) {
		if (sval != null) {
			return svalue.indexOf(sval) > -1;
		return false;

	public boolean processRegex(Number ival, Number nvalue, String sval, String svalue, Set qval, Set qvalue) {
		if (sval != null) {
			if (pattern == null) {
				pattern = Pattern.compile(sval);
			Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(svalue);
			return matcher.matches();
		return true;

	 * Compute range in meters from qval (set, lat, lon, meters) against a set of
	 * @param pos    Map. A map of the geo object in the bid request; containing
	 *               keys "lat","lon","type".
	 * @param qvalue List. A list of maps defining "lat", "lon","range" for testing
	 *               against multiple regions. This is the constant value.
	 * @return boolean. Returns true if any of the qvalue regions is in range of
	 *         pos.
	public boolean computeInRange(Map<String, Double> pos) {
		double plat = pos.get("lat");
		double plon = pos.get("lon");
		for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
			Point p = points.get(i);
			double dist = getRange(, p.lon, plat, plon);
			if (dist < p.range)
				return true;
		return false;

	 * Compute distance in meters between xlat,xlon and ylat,ylon
	 * @param xlat - First point's latitude
	 * @param xlon - First point's longitude
	 * @param ylat - Second point's latitude
	 * @param ylon - Second point's longitude
	 * @return double. Distance in meters between these 2 points.
	public static double getRange(Number xlat, Number xlon, Number ylat, Number ylon) {
		double lat1 = xlat.doubleValue();
		double long1 = xlon.doubleValue();

		double lat2 = ylat.doubleValue();
		double long2 = ylon.doubleValue();

		double dlat1 = lat1 * (Math.PI / 180);

		double dlong1 = long1 * (Math.PI / 180);
		double dlat2 = lat2 * (Math.PI / 180);
		double dlong2 = long2 * (Math.PI / 180);

		double dLong = dlong1 - dlong2;
		double dLat = dlat1 - dlat2;

		double aHarv = Math.pow(Math.sin(dLat / 2.0), 2.0)
				+ Math.cos(dlat1) * Math.cos(dlat2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(dLong / 2), 2);
		double cHarv = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(aHarv), Math.sqrt(1.0 - aHarv));
		// earth's radius from wikipedia varies between 6,356.750 km � 6,378.135
		// km (�3,949.901 � 3,963.189 miles)
		// The IUGG value for the equatorial radius of the Earth is 6378.137 km
		// (3963.19 mile)
		double earth = 6378.137 * 1000; // meters

		return earth * cHarv;

	 * Determine of the value of this node is in the domain of the other node.
	 * @param ival   Number. The value to be tested.
	 * @param qvalue List. The low and high values to test
	 * @return boolean. Returns true of value is in the domain of qvalue, else
	 *         false;
	 * @throws Exception if the values being compared are not compatible or not a
	 *                   recognized type.
	public boolean computeInDomain(Number ival, List qvalue) throws Exception {
		if (qvalue.size() != 2)
			throw new Exception("Domain computation requires a low and high range (2 value)");
		double value = ival.doubleValue();

		double low = (Double) qvalue.get(0);
		double high = (Double) qvalue.get(1);
		if (value >= low && value <= high)
			return true;
		return false;

	 * Process membership of scalar value in the list provided in the bid request.
	 * @param ival   Number. The constant's value if a number.
	 * @param sval   String. The constan't value if a string.
	 * @param qvalue Set. The bid request values.
	 * @return boolean. Returns true of ival/sval in qvalue.
	boolean processMember(Number ival, String sval, Set qvalue) {
		try {
			boolean ok = false;
			if (ival != null) {
				Object x = qvalue.iterator().next();
				if (ival instanceof Double && x instanceof Integer) {
					ival = ival.intValue();
				ok = qvalue.contains(ival);
			if (sval != null) {
				if (sval.length() == 0)
					ok = false;
					ok = qvalue.contains(sval);
			return ok;
		} catch (Exception e) {

		return false;

	 * Process the intersection of the node value and that of the value in the bid
	 * request.
	 * @param qval   Set. The set of things from the constant object.
	 * @param qvalue Set. Te set of things from the bid request.
	 * @return boolean. Returns true if there is an intersection.
	boolean processIntersects(Set qval, Set qvalue) {
		return !(qval.size() == 0);

	 * Iterate over a Jackson object and create a Java Map.
	 * @param node ObjectNode. The Jackson node to set up as a Map.
	 * @return Map. Returns the Map implementation of the Jackson node.
	Map iterateObject(ObjectNode node) {
		Map m = new HashMap();
		Iterator it = node.iterator();
		it = node.fieldNames();
		while (it.hasNext()) {
			String key = (String);
			Object s = node.get(key);
			if (s instanceof TextNode) {
				TextNode t = (TextNode) s;
				m.put(key, t.textValue());
			} else if (s instanceof DoubleNode) {
				DoubleNode t = (DoubleNode) s;
				m.put(key, t.numberValue());
			} else if (s instanceof IntNode) {
				IntNode t = (IntNode) s;
				m.put(key, t.numberValue());
			} else
				m.put(key, s); // indeterminate, need to traverse
		return m;

	 * Traverse an ArrayNode and convert to ArrayList
	 * @param n ArrayNode. A Jackson ArrayNode.
	 * @return List. The list that corresponds to the Jackson ArrayNode.
	List traverse(ArrayNode n) {
		List list = new ArrayList();

		for (int i = 0; i < n.size(); i++) {
			Object obj = n.get(i);
			if (obj instanceof IntNode) {
				IntNode d = (IntNode) obj;
			} else if (obj instanceof DoubleNode) {
				DoubleNode d = (DoubleNode) obj;
			} else if (obj instanceof ArrayNode) {
				ArrayNode nodes = (ArrayNode) obj;
				for (int k = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
			} else if (obj instanceof TextNode) {
				TextNode t = (TextNode) obj;
			} else {

		return list;

	 * Returns the value of the interrogate of the bid request.
	 * @return Object. The value of the bid request derived from the query of the
	 *         hierarchy.
	public Object getBRvalue() {
		return brValue;

	 * Return the integer value, if it is a number
	 * @return Integer. The integer value, or null if not a number
	public Integer intValue() {
		if (ival == null)
			return null;
		return ival.intValue();

	 * Return the double value, if it is a number
	 * @return Double. The doublr value, or null if not a number
	public Double doubleValue() {
		if (ival == null)
			return null;
		return ival.doubleValue();

	public String getLucene() {
		String stuff = "";

		if (value.toString().startsWith("@") == true)
			return null;

		String hr = this.hierarchy.replace("imp.0.", "imp.");
		hr = hr.replaceAll("exchange", "");

		if (this.notPresentOk == true) {
			stuff = "((-_exists_: " + hr + ") OR ";

		String strValue = value.toString();
		strValue = strValue.replaceAll("/", "\\\\/");

		switch (operator) {

		case QUERY:
			return null;

		case EQUALS:
			stuff += hr + ": " + strValue;
			if (notPresentOk)
				stuff += ")";
			return stuff;

		case NOT_EQUALS:
			stuff += "-" + hr + ": " + strValue;
			if (notPresentOk)
				stuff += ")";
			return stuff;

		case STRINGIN:
			stuff += hr + ": \"" + strValue + "\"";
			if (notPresentOk)
				stuff += ")";
			return stuff;

			stuff += "-" + hr + ": \"" + strValue + "\"";
			if (notPresentOk)
				stuff += ")";
			return stuff;

			if (value instanceof List) {
				String str = "(";
				List list = (List) value;
				for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
					str += "-" + hr + ": *" + list.get(i) + "*";

					str = str.replaceAll("/", "\\\\/");

					if (i + 1 < list.size()) {
						str += " OR ";
				str += ")";
				stuff += str;
				if (notPresentOk)
					stuff += ")";
				return stuff;
			stuff += "-" + hr + ": " + strValue;
			if (notPresentOk)
				stuff += ")";
			return stuff;

			if (value instanceof List) {
				String str = "(";
				List list = (List) value;
				for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
					str += hr + ": *" + list.get(i) + "*";

					str = str.replaceAll("/", "\\\\/");

					if (i + 1 < list.size()) {
						str += " OR ";
				str += ")";
				stuff += str;
				if (notPresentOk)
					stuff += ")";
				return stuff;
			stuff += hr + ": *" + strValue + "*";
			if (notPresentOk)
				stuff += ")";
			return stuff;

		case MEMBER:
			if (value instanceof List) {
				String str = "(";
				List list = (List) value;
				for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
					str += hr + ": *" + list.get(i) + "*";

					str = str.replaceAll("/", "\\\\/");

					if (i + 1 < list.size()) {
						str += " OR ";
				str += ")";
				stuff += str;
				if (notPresentOk)
					stuff += ")";
				return stuff;
			stuff += hr + ": *" + strValue + "*";
			if (notPresentOk)
				stuff += ")";
			return stuff;

		case NOT_MEMBER:
			if (value instanceof List) {
				String str = "(";
				List list = (List) value;
				for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
					str += "-" + hr + ": *" + list.get(i) + "*";

					str = str.replaceAll("/", "\\\\/");

					if (i + 1 < list.size()) {
						str += " OR ";
				str += ")";
				stuff += str;
				if (notPresentOk)
					stuff += ")";
				return stuff;

			stuff += "-" + hr + ": *" + strValue + "*";
			if (notPresentOk)
				stuff += ")";
			return stuff;

		case INRANGE:
			List o = (List) value;
			stuff += hr + ": [" + o.get(0) + " TO " + o.get(1) + "]";
			if (notPresentOk)
				stuff += ")";
			return stuff;

			List list = (List) value;
			stuff += "-" + hr + ": [" + list.get(0) + " TO " + list.get(1) + "]";
			if (notPresentOk)
				stuff += ")";
			return stuff;

		case DOMAIN:
			list = (List) value;
			stuff += "(" + hr + "< " + list.get(1) + " AND " + hr + "> " + list.get(0) + ")";
			if (notPresentOk)
				stuff += ")";
			return stuff;

		case NOT_DOMAIN:
			list = (List) value;
			stuff += "(" + hr + "> " + list.get(1) + " OR " + hr + "< " + list.get(0) + ")";
			if (notPresentOk)
				stuff += ")";
			return stuff;

		case LESS_THAN:
			stuff += hr + "< " + strValue;
			if (notPresentOk)
				stuff += ")";
			return stuff;

			stuff += hr + "<= " + strValue;
			if (notPresentOk)
				stuff += ")";
			return stuff;

			stuff = hr + "< " + strValue;
			if (notPresentOk)
				stuff += ")";
			return stuff;

			stuff += hr + ">= " + strValue;
			if (notPresentOk)
				stuff += ")";
			return stuff;

		case EXISTS:
			return "_exists_: " + hr;

		case NOT_EXISTS:
			return "_missing_: " + hr;

		return "";


class Point {
	public double lat;
	public double lon;
	public double range;

	public Point(double lat, double lon, double range) { = lat;
		this.lon = lon;
		this.range = range;
	public Point() {