package be.ugent.rml.access;

import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat;
import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVPrinter;

import java.sql.*;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import static be.ugent.rml.Utils.getHashOfString;

 * This class represents the access to a relational database.
public class RDBAccess implements Access {

    private String dsn;
    private DatabaseType databaseType;
    private String username;
    private String password;
    private String query;
    private String contentType;
    private Map<String, String> datatypes = new HashMap<>();
    private String oracleJarPath;

     * This constructor takes as arguments the dsn, database, username, password, query, and content type.
     * @param dsn the data source name.
     * @param databaseType the database type.
     * @param username the username of the user that executes the query.
     * @param password the password of the above user.
     * @param query the SQL query to use.
     * @param contentType the content type of the results.
    public RDBAccess(String dsn, DatabaseType databaseType, String username, String password, String query, String contentType) {
        this.dsn = dsn;
        this.databaseType = databaseType;
        this.username = username;
        this.password = password;
        this.query = query;
        this.contentType = contentType;

     * This method returns an InputStream of the results of the SQL query.
     * @return an InputStream with the results.
     * @throws IOException
    public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
        // JDBC objects
        Connection connection = null;
        Statement statement = null;
        String jdbcDriver = databaseType.getDriver();
        String jdbcDSN = "jdbc:" + databaseType.getJDBCPrefix() + "//" + dsn;
        InputStream inputStream = null;

        try {
            // Register JDBC driver

            // Open connection
            String connectionString = jdbcDSN;
            boolean alreadySomeQueryParametersPresent = false;

            if (username != null && !username.equals("") && password != null && !password.equals("")) {
                if (databaseType == DatabaseType.ORACLE) {
                    connectionString = connectionString.replace(":@", ":" + username + "/" + password + "@");
                } else if (!connectionString.contains("user=")) {
                    connectionString += "?user=" + username + "&password=" + password;
                    alreadySomeQueryParametersPresent = true;

            if (databaseType == DatabaseType.MYSQL) {
                if (alreadySomeQueryParametersPresent) {
                    connectionString += "&";
                } else {
                    connectionString += "?";

                connectionString += "serverTimezone=UTC&useSSL=false";

            if (databaseType == DatabaseType.SQL_SERVER) {
                connectionString = connectionString.replaceAll("\\?|&", ";");

                if (!connectionString.endsWith(";")) {
                    connectionString += ";";
            connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionString);

            // Execute query
            statement = connection.createStatement();
            ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(query);

            // Turn the Results Set into a CSV stream.
            inputStream = getCSVInputStream(rs);

            // Clean-up environment

        } catch (Exception sqlE) {
            throw sqlE;
        } finally {

            // finally block used to close resources
            try {
                if (statement != null) {
            } catch (SQLException se2) {
            }// nothing we can do

            try {
                if (connection != null) {
            } catch (SQLException se) {

        return inputStream;

     * This method returns the datatypes used for the columns in the accessed database.
     * @return a map of column names and their datatypes.
    public Map<String, String> getDataTypes() {
        return datatypes;

     * This method creates an CSV-formatted InputStream from a Result Set.
     * @param rs the Result Set that is used.
     * @return a CSV-formatted InputStream.
     * @throws SQLException
    private InputStream getCSVInputStream(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
        // Get number of requested columns
        ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
        int columnCount = rsmd.getColumnCount();

        boolean filledInDataTypes = false;
        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();

        try {
            CSVPrinter printer = new CSVPrinter(writer, CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withHeader(getCSVHeader(rsmd, columnCount)));

            // Extract data from result set
            while ( {
                String[] csvRow = new String[columnCount];

                // Iterate over column names
                for (int i = 1; i <= columnCount; i++) {
                    String columnName = rsmd.getColumnName(i);

                    if (!filledInDataTypes) {
                        String dataType = getColumnDataType(rsmd.getColumnTypeName(i));

                        if (dataType != null) {
                            datatypes.put(columnName, dataType);

                    // Add value to CSV row.
                    csvRow[i - 1] = rs.getString(columnName);

                // Add CSV row to CSVPrinter.
                // non-varargs call
                printer.printRecord((Object[]) csvRow);
                filledInDataTypes = true;
        } catch (IOException e) {

        // Get InputStream from StringWriter.
        return new ByteArrayInputStream(writer.toString().getBytes());

     * This method returns the corresponding datatype for a SQL datatype.
     * @param type the SQL datatype.
     * @return the url of the corresponding datatype.
    private String getColumnDataType(String type) {
        switch (type.toUpperCase()) {
            case "BYTEA":
            case "BINARY":
            case "BINARY VARYING":
            case "BINARY LARGE OBJECT":
            case "VARBINARY":
                return "";
            case "NUMERIC":
            case "DECIMAL":
                return "";
            case "SMALLINT":
            case "INT":
            case "INT4":
            case "INT8":
            case "INTEGER":
            case "BIGINT":
                return "";
            case "FLOAT":
            case "FLOAT4":
            case "FLOAT8":
            case "REAL":
            case "DOUBLE":
            case "DOUBLE PRECISION":
                return "";
            case "BIT":
            case "BOOL":
            case "BOOLEAN":
                return "";
            case "DATE":
                return "";
            case "TIME":
                return "";
            case "TIMESTAMP":
            case "DATETIME":
                return "";
        return null;

     * This method returns the header of the CSV.
     * @param rsmd metdata of the Result Set
     * @param columnCount the number of columns.
     * @return a String array with the headers.
     * @throws SQLException
    private String[] getCSVHeader(final ResultSetMetaData rsmd, final int columnCount) throws SQLException {
        String[] headers = new String[columnCount];

        for (int i = 1; i <= columnCount; i++) {
            headers[i - 1] = rsmd.getColumnName(i);

        return headers;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (o instanceof RDBAccess) {
            RDBAccess access  = (RDBAccess) o;

            return dsn.equals(access.getDSN())
                    && databaseType.equals(access.getDatabaseType())
                    && username.equals(access.getUsername())
                    && password.equals(access.getPassword())
                    && query.equals(access.getQuery())
                    && contentType.equals(access.getContentType());
        } else {
            return false;

    public int hashCode() {
        return getHashOfString(getDSN() + getDatabaseType() + getUsername() + getPassword() + getQuery() + getContentType());

     * This method returns the DNS.
     * @return the DNS.
    public String getDSN() {
        return dsn;

     * This method returns the database type.
     * @return the database type.
    public DatabaseType getDatabaseType() {
        return databaseType;

     * This method returns the username.
     * @return the username.
    public String getUsername() {
        return username;

     * This method returns the password.
     * @return the password.
    public String getPassword() {
        return password;

     * This method returns the SQL query.
     * @return the SQL query.
    public String getQuery() {
        return query;

     * This method returns the content type.
     * @return the content type.
    public String getContentType() {
        return contentType;