package com.oasisfeng.nevo.decorators.wechat;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Process;
import android.provider.ContactsContract.Contacts;
import android.provider.ContactsContract.Profile;
import android.service.notification.StatusBarNotification;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.ArrayMap;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.LongSparseArray;
import android.util.Pair;

import com.oasisfeng.nevo.decorators.wechat.ConversationManager.Conversation;
import com.oasisfeng.nevo.sdk.MutableNotification;
import com.oasisfeng.nevo.sdk.MutableStatusBarNotification;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import static;
import static;
import static;
import static android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
import static android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.N;
import static android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.O;
import static android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.P;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static com.oasisfeng.nevo.decorators.wechat.ConversationManager.Conversation.TYPE_BOT_MESSAGE;
import static com.oasisfeng.nevo.decorators.wechat.ConversationManager.Conversation.TYPE_DIRECT_MESSAGE;
import static com.oasisfeng.nevo.decorators.wechat.ConversationManager.Conversation.TYPE_GROUP_CHAT;
import static com.oasisfeng.nevo.decorators.wechat.ConversationManager.Conversation.TYPE_UNKNOWN;
import static com.oasisfeng.nevo.decorators.wechat.WeChatMessage.SENDER_MESSAGE_SEPARATOR;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;

 * Build the modernized {@link MessagingStyle} for WeChat conversation.
 * Refactored by Oasis on 2018-8-9.
class MessagingBuilder {

	private static final int MAX_NUM_HISTORICAL_LINES = 10;

	private static final String ACTION_REPLY = "REPLY";
	private static final String ACTION_MENTION = "MENTION";
	private static final String SCHEME_KEY = "key";
	private static final String EXTRA_REPLY_ACTION = "pending_intent";
	private static final String EXTRA_RESULT_KEY = "result_key";
	private static final String EXTRA_ORIGINAL_KEY = "original_key";
	private static final String EXTRA_REPLY_PREFIX = "reply_prefix";
	private static final String EXTRA_CONVERSATION_ID = "cid";

	private static final String KEY_TEXT = "text";
	private static final String KEY_TIMESTAMP = "time";
	private static final String KEY_SENDER = "sender";
	@RequiresApi(P) private static final String KEY_SENDER_PERSON = "sender_person";
	private static final String KEY_DATA_MIME_TYPE = "type";
	private static final String KEY_DATA_URI= "uri";
	private static final String KEY_EXTRAS_BUNDLE = "extras";

	private static final String KEY_USERNAME = "key_username";
	private static final String MENTION_SEPARATOR = " ";			// Separator between @nick and text. It's not a regular white space, but U+2005.

	@Nullable MessagingStyle buildFromArchive(final Conversation conversation, final Notification n, final CharSequence title, final List<StatusBarNotification> archive) {
		// Chat history in big content view
		if (archive.isEmpty()) {
			Log.d(TAG, "No history");
			return null;

		final LongSparseArray<Pair<CharSequence/* text */, CharSequence/* ticker */>> lines = new LongSparseArray<>(MAX_NUM_HISTORICAL_LINES);
		int count = 0, num_lines_with_colon = 0;
		final String redundant_prefix = title.toString() + SENDER_MESSAGE_SEPARATOR;
		for (final StatusBarNotification each : archive) {
			final Notification notification = each.getNotification();
			final Bundle its_extras = notification.extras;
			final CharSequence its_title = EmojiTranslator.translate(its_extras.getCharSequence(Notification.EXTRA_TITLE));
			if (! title.equals(its_title)) {
				Log.d(TAG, "Skip other conversation with the same key in archive: " + its_title);	// ID reset by WeChat due to notification removal in previous evolving
			final CharSequence its_text = its_extras.getCharSequence(EXTRA_TEXT);
			if (its_text == null) {
				Log.w(TAG, "No text in archived notification.");
			final int result = trimAndExtractLeadingCounter(its_text);
			if (result >= 0) {
				count = result & 0xFFFF;
				CharSequence trimmed_text = its_text.subSequence(result >> 16, its_text.length());
				if (trimmed_text.toString().startsWith(redundant_prefix))	// Remove redundant prefix
					trimmed_text = trimmed_text.subSequence(redundant_prefix.length(), trimmed_text.length());
				else if (trimmed_text.toString().indexOf(SENDER_MESSAGE_SEPARATOR) > 0) num_lines_with_colon ++;
				lines.put(notification.when, new Pair<>(trimmed_text, notification.tickerText));
			} else {
				count = 1;
				lines.put(notification.when, new Pair<>(its_text, n.tickerText));
				if (its_text.toString().indexOf(SENDER_MESSAGE_SEPARATOR) > 0) num_lines_with_colon ++;
		n.number = count;
		if (lines.size() == 0) {
			Log.w(TAG, "No lines extracted, expected " + count);
			return null;

		final MessagingStyle messaging = new MessagingStyle(mUserSelf);
		final boolean sender_inline = num_lines_with_colon == lines.size();
		for (int i = 0, size = lines.size(); i < size; i ++) {            // All lines have colon in text
			final Pair<CharSequence/* Text */, CharSequence/* Ticker */> line = lines.valueAt(i);
			messaging.addMessage(buildMessage(conversation, lines.keyAt(i), line.second, line.first, sender_inline ? null : title.toString()));
		return messaging;

	@Nullable MessagingStyle buildFromConversation(final Conversation conversation, final MutableStatusBarNotification sbn) {
		final CarExtender.UnreadConversation ext = conversation.ext;
		if (ext == null) return null;
		final MutableNotification n = sbn.getNotification();
		final long latest_timestamp = ext.getLatestTimestamp();
		if (latest_timestamp > 0) n.when = conversation.timestamp = latest_timestamp;

		final PendingIntent on_reply = ext.getReplyPendingIntent(); final String n_key = sbn.getKey();
		if (conversation.key == null && on_reply != null) try {
			final PendingIntent.OnFinished callback = (p, intent, r, d, b) -> {
				final String key = conversation.key = intent.getStringExtra(KEY_USERNAME);    // setType() below will trigger rebuilding of conversation sender.
				if (key == null) return;
				final int type = key.endsWith("@chatroom") || key.endsWith("@im.chatroom"/* WeWork */) ? TYPE_GROUP_CHAT
						: key.startsWith("gh_") || key.equals(WeChatDecorator.KEY_SERVICE_MESSAGE) ? TYPE_BOT_MESSAGE
						: key.endsWith("@openim") ? TYPE_DIRECT_MESSAGE : TYPE_UNKNOWN;
				final int previous_type;
				if (type != TYPE_UNKNOWN && (previous_type = conversation.setType(type)) != type) {
					if (previous_type != TYPE_UNKNOWN || type != TYPE_DIRECT_MESSAGE)
						mController.recastNotification(n_key, null);    // Recast to modify the group, except for "unknown -> direct".
					if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) showDebugNotification(conversation, "Type " + type + " << " + previous_type);
			on_reply.send(mContext, 0, new Intent(""/* noop */), callback, null);
		} catch (final PendingIntent.CanceledException e) {
			Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing reply intent.", e);

		final PendingIntent on_read = ext.getReadPendingIntent();
		if (on_read != null) mMarkReadPendingIntents.put(sbn.getKey(), on_read);	// Mapped by evolved key,

		final Message[] messages = WeChatMessage.buildMessages(conversation);

		final RemoteInput remote_input;
		if (SDK_INT >= N && on_reply != null && (remote_input = ext.getRemoteInput()) != null && conversation.isChat()) {
			final CharSequence[] input_history = n.extras.getCharSequenceArray(EXTRA_REMOTE_INPUT_HISTORY);
			final PendingIntent proxy = proxyDirectReply(, sbn, on_reply, remote_input, input_history, null);
			final RemoteInput.Builder reply_remote_input = new RemoteInput.Builder(remote_input.getResultKey()).addExtras(remote_input.getExtras())
			final String participant = ext.getParticipant();	// No need to getParticipants() due to actually only one participant at most, see CarExtender.Builder().
			if (BuildConfig.DEBUG && conversation.key != null) reply_remote_input.setLabel(conversation.key);
			else if (participant != null) reply_remote_input.setLabel(participant);

			final Action.Builder reply_action = new Action.Builder(null, mContext.getString(R.string.action_reply), proxy)
			if (SDK_INT >= P) reply_action.setSemanticAction(Action.SEMANTIC_ACTION_REPLY);

		final MessagingStyle messaging = new MessagingStyle(mUserSelf);
		for (final Message message : messages) messaging.addMessage(message);
		return messaging;

	private void showDebugNotification(final Conversation convs, final @Nullable String summary) {
		final StringBuilder bigText = new StringBuilder().append(convs.summary).append("\nT:").append(convs.ticker);
		final String[] messages = convs.ext != null ? convs.ext.getMessages() : null;
		if (messages != null) for (final String msg : messages) bigText.append("\n").append(msg);
		final Builder n = new Builder(mContext).setSmallIcon(android.R.drawable.stat_sys_warning)
				.setStyle(new BigTextStyle().setBigContentTitle(convs.title).bigText(bigText.toString()));
		if (SDK_INT >= O) n.setChannelId("Debug");
				.notify(convs.key != null ? convs.key.hashCode() : convs.title.hashCode(),;

	private static Message buildMessage(final Conversation conversation, final long when, final @Nullable CharSequence ticker,
										final CharSequence text, @Nullable String sender) {
		CharSequence actual_text = text;
		if (sender == null) {
			sender = extractSenderFromText(text);
			if (sender != null) {
				actual_text = text.subSequence(sender.length() + SENDER_MESSAGE_SEPARATOR.length(), text.length());
				if (TextUtils.equals(conversation.title, sender)) sender = null;		// In this case, the actual sender is user itself.
		actual_text = EmojiTranslator.translate(actual_text);

		final Person person;
		if (sender != null && sender.isEmpty()) person = null;		// Empty string as a special mark for "self"
		else if (conversation.isGroupChat()) {
			final String ticker_sender = ticker != null ? extractSenderFromText(ticker) : null;	// Group nick is used in ticker and content text, while original nick in sender.
			person = sender == null ? null : conversation.getGroupParticipant(sender, ticker_sender != null ? ticker_sender : sender);
		} else person = conversation.sender().build();
		return new Message(actual_text, when, person);

	private static @Nullable String extractSenderFromText(final CharSequence text) {
		final int pos_colon = TextUtils.indexOf(text, SENDER_MESSAGE_SEPARATOR);
		return pos_colon > 0 ? text.toString().substring(0, pos_colon) : null;

	/** @return the extracted count in 0xFF range and start position in 0xFF00 range */
	private static int trimAndExtractLeadingCounter(final CharSequence text) {
		// Parse and remove the leading "[n]" or [n条/則/…]
		if (text == null || text.length() < 4 || text.charAt(0) != '[') return - 1;
		int text_start = 2, count_end;
		while (text.charAt(text_start++) != ']') if (text_start >= text.length()) return - 1;

		try {
			final String num = text.subSequence(1, text_start - 1).toString();	// may contain the suffix "条/則"
			for (count_end = 0; count_end < num.length(); count_end++) if (! Character.isDigit(num.charAt(count_end))) break;
			if (count_end == 0) return - 1;			// Not the expected "unread count"
			final int count = Integer.parseInt(num.substring(0, count_end));
			if (count < 2) return - 1;

			return count < 0xFFFF ? (count & 0xFFFF) | ((text_start << 16) & 0xFFFF0000) : 0xFFFF | ((text_start << 16) & 0xFF00);
		} catch (final NumberFormatException ignored) {
			Log.d(TAG, "Failed to parse: " + text);
			return - 1;

	/** Intercept the PendingIntent in RemoteInput to update the notification with replied message upon success. */
	private PendingIntent proxyDirectReply(final int cid, final MutableStatusBarNotification sbn, final PendingIntent on_reply,
			final RemoteInput remote_input, final @Nullable CharSequence[] input_history, final @Nullable String mention_prefix) {
		final Intent proxy = new Intent(mention_prefix != null ? ACTION_MENTION : ACTION_REPLY)		// Separate action to avoid PendingIntent overwrite.
				.setData(Uri.fromParts(SCHEME_KEY, sbn.getKey(), null))
				.putExtra(EXTRA_REPLY_ACTION, on_reply).putExtra(EXTRA_RESULT_KEY, remote_input.getResultKey())
				.putExtra(EXTRA_ORIGINAL_KEY, sbn.getOriginalKey()).putExtra(EXTRA_CONVERSATION_ID, cid);
		if (mention_prefix != null) proxy.putExtra(EXTRA_REPLY_PREFIX, mention_prefix);
		if (SDK_INT >= N && input_history != null)
			proxy.putCharSequenceArrayListExtra(EXTRA_REMOTE_INPUT_HISTORY, new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(input_history)));
		return PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mContext, 0, proxy.setPackage(mContext.getPackageName()), FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);

	private final BroadcastReceiver mReplyReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(final Context context, final Intent proxy) {
		final PendingIntent reply_action = proxy.getParcelableExtra(EXTRA_REPLY_ACTION);
		final String result_key = proxy.getStringExtra(EXTRA_RESULT_KEY), reply_prefix = proxy.getStringExtra(EXTRA_REPLY_PREFIX);
		final Uri data = proxy.getData(); final Bundle results = RemoteInput.getResultsFromIntent(proxy);
		final CharSequence input = results != null ? results.getCharSequence(result_key) : null;
		if (data == null || reply_action == null || result_key == null || input == null) return;	// Should never happen

		final String key = data.getSchemeSpecificPart(), original_key = proxy.getStringExtra(EXTRA_ORIGINAL_KEY);
		if (BuildConfig.DEBUG && "debug".equals(input.toString())) {
			final Conversation conversation = mController.getConversation(proxy.getIntExtra(EXTRA_CONVERSATION_ID, 0));
			if (conversation != null) showDebugNotification(conversation, "Type: " + conversation.typeToString());
			mController.recastNotification(original_key != null ? original_key : key, null);
		final CharSequence text;
		if (reply_prefix != null) {
			text = reply_prefix + input;
			results.putCharSequence(result_key, text);
			RemoteInput.addResultsToIntent(new RemoteInput[]{ new RemoteInput.Builder(result_key).build() }, proxy, results);
		} else text = input;
		final ArrayList<CharSequence> history = SDK_INT >= N ? proxy.getCharSequenceArrayListExtra(EXTRA_REMOTE_INPUT_HISTORY) : null;
		try {
			final Intent input_data = addTargetPackageAndWakeUp(reply_action);

			reply_action.send(mContext, 0, input_data, (pendingIntent, intent, _result_code, _result_data, _result_extras) -> {
				if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Reply sent: " + intent.toUri(0));
				if (SDK_INT >= N) {
					final Bundle addition = new Bundle(); final CharSequence[] inputs;
					final boolean to_current_user = Process.myUserHandle().equals(pendingIntent.getCreatorUserHandle());
					if (to_current_user && context.getPackageManager().queryBroadcastReceivers(intent, 0).isEmpty()) {
						inputs = new CharSequence[] { context.getString(R.string.wechat_with_no_reply_receiver) };
					} else if (history != null) {
						history.add(0, text);
						inputs = history.toArray(new CharSequence[0]);
					} else inputs = new CharSequence[] { text };
					addition.putCharSequenceArray(EXTRA_REMOTE_INPUT_HISTORY, inputs);
					mController.recastNotification(original_key != null ? original_key : key, addition);
			}, null);
		} catch (final PendingIntent.CanceledException e) {
			Log.w(TAG, "Reply action is already cancelled: " + key);

	/** @param key the evolved key */
	void markRead(final String key) {
		final PendingIntent action = mMarkReadPendingIntents.remove(key);
		if (action == null) return;
		try {
			action.send(mContext, 0, addTargetPackageAndWakeUp(action));
		} catch (final PendingIntent.CanceledException e) {
			Log.w(TAG, "Mark-read action is already cancelled: " + key);

	/** Ensure the PendingIntent works even if WeChat is stopped or background-restricted. */
	@NonNull private static Intent addTargetPackageAndWakeUp(final PendingIntent action) {
		return new Intent().addFlags(Intent.FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES).setPackage(action.getCreatorPackage());

	static void flatIntoExtras(final MessagingStyle messaging, final Bundle extras) {
		final Person user = messaging.getUser();
		if (user != null) {
			extras.putCharSequence(EXTRA_SELF_DISPLAY_NAME, user.getName());
			if (SDK_INT >= P) extras.putParcelable(Notification.EXTRA_MESSAGING_PERSON, toAndroidPerson(user));	// Not included in NotificationCompat
		if (messaging.getConversationTitle() != null) extras.putCharSequence(EXTRA_CONVERSATION_TITLE, messaging.getConversationTitle());
		final List<Message> messages = messaging.getMessages();
		if (! messages.isEmpty()) extras.putParcelableArray(EXTRA_MESSAGES, getBundleArrayForMessages(messages));
		//if (! mHistoricMessages.isEmpty()) extras.putParcelableArray(Notification.EXTRA_HISTORIC_MESSAGES, MessagingBuilder.getBundleArrayForMessages(mHistoricMessages));
		extras.putBoolean(EXTRA_IS_GROUP_CONVERSATION, messaging.isGroupConversation());

	private static Bundle[] getBundleArrayForMessages(final List<Message> messages) {
		final int N = messages.size();
		final Bundle[] bundles = new Bundle[N];
		for (int i = 0; i < N; i ++) bundles[i] = toBundle(messages.get(i));
		return bundles;

	private static Bundle toBundle(final Message message) {
		final Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
		bundle.putCharSequence(KEY_TEXT, message.getText());
		bundle.putLong(KEY_TIMESTAMP, message.getTimestamp());		// Must be included even for 0
		final Person sender = message.getPerson();
		if (sender != null) {
			bundle.putCharSequence(KEY_SENDER, sender.getName());	// Legacy listeners need this
			if (SDK_INT >= P) bundle.putParcelable(KEY_SENDER_PERSON, toAndroidPerson(sender));
		if (message.getDataMimeType() != null) bundle.putString(KEY_DATA_MIME_TYPE, message.getDataMimeType());
		if (message.getDataUri() != null) bundle.putParcelable(KEY_DATA_URI, message.getDataUri());
		if (SDK_INT >= O && ! message.getExtras().isEmpty()) bundle.putBundle(KEY_EXTRAS_BUNDLE, message.getExtras());
		//if (message.isRemoteInputHistory()) bundle.putBoolean(KEY_REMOTE_INPUT_HISTORY, message.isRemoteInputHistory());
		return bundle;

	@RequiresApi(P) @SuppressLint("RestrictedApi") private static toAndroidPerson(final Person user) {
		return user.toAndroidPerson();

	interface Controller {
		void recastNotification(String key, Bundle addition);
		Conversation getConversation(int title_hash);

	MessagingBuilder(final Context context, final Controller controller) {
		mContext = context;
		mController = controller;
		mUserSelf = buildPersonFromProfile(context);

		final IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(ACTION_REPLY); filter.addAction(ACTION_MENTION); filter.addDataScheme(SCHEME_KEY);
		context.registerReceiver(mReplyReceiver, filter);

	private static Person buildPersonFromProfile(final Context context) {
		return new Person.Builder().setName(context.getString(R.string.self_display_name))
				.setIcon(IconCompat.createWithContentUri(Uri.withAppendedPath(Profile.CONTENT_URI, Contacts.Photo.DISPLAY_PHOTO))).build();

	void close() {
		try { mContext.unregisterReceiver(mReplyReceiver); } catch (final RuntimeException ignored) {}

	private final Context mContext;
	private final Controller mController;
	private final Person mUserSelf;
	private final Map<String/* evolved key */, PendingIntent> mMarkReadPendingIntents = new ArrayMap<>();
	private static final String TAG = WeChatDecorator.TAG;