package datawave.query.iterator.logic;

import datawave.query.attributes.Document;
import datawave.query.attributes.PreNormalizedAttributeFactory;
import datawave.query.iterator.DocumentIterator;
import datawave.query.jexl.functions.FieldIndexAggregator;
import datawave.query.util.TypeMetadata;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.IteratorEnvironment;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.SortedKeyValueIterator;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.WrappingIterator;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

 * This iterator is a regex ivarator that enables datatype filtering, time filtering, and field index document aggregation
public class DocumentAggregatingIterator extends WrappingIterator implements DocumentIterator {
    protected Range seekRange;
    protected Collection<ByteSequence> seekColumnFamilies;
    boolean seekInclusive;
    protected PreNormalizedAttributeFactory attributeFactory;
    protected Key nextKey;
    protected Value nextValue;
    protected Document document;
    protected boolean buildDocument = false;
    protected final FieldIndexAggregator aggregation;
    public DocumentAggregatingIterator(DocumentAggregatingIterator other, IteratorEnvironment env) {
        this.seekRange = other.seekRange;
        this.seekColumnFamilies = other.seekColumnFamilies;
        this.seekInclusive = other.seekInclusive;
        this.attributeFactory = other.attributeFactory;
        this.nextKey = other.nextKey;
        this.nextValue = other.nextValue;
        this.document = other.document;
        this.buildDocument = other.buildDocument;
        this.aggregation = other.aggregation;
    public DocumentAggregatingIterator(boolean buildDocument, // Map<String,Set<String>> fieldToNormalizers,
                    TypeMetadata typeMetadata, FieldIndexAggregator aggregator) {
        document = new Document();
        // Only when this source is running over an indexOnlyField
        // do we want to add it to the Document
        this.buildDocument = buildDocument;
        if (this.buildDocument) {
            if (typeMetadata == null) {
                typeMetadata = new TypeMetadata();
            // Values coming from the field index are already normalized.
            // Create specialized attributes to encapsulate this and avoid
            // double normalization
            attributeFactory = new PreNormalizedAttributeFactory(typeMetadata);
        this.aggregation = aggregator;
    public void seek(Range r, Collection<ByteSequence> columnFamilies, boolean inclusive) throws IOException {
        this.seekRange = new Range(r);
        this.seekColumnFamilies = columnFamilies == null ? null : new ArrayList<>(columnFamilies);
        this.seekInclusive = inclusive;, columnFamilies, inclusive);
    public void next() throws IOException {
        if (getSource().hasTop()) {
            nextValue = getSource().getTopValue();
            // Aggregate the document. NOTE: This will advance the source iterator
            document = new Document();
            if (buildDocument) {
                nextKey = aggregation.apply(new EventToFieldIndexTransform(getSource()), document, attributeFactory);
            } else {
                nextKey = aggregation.apply(new EventToFieldIndexTransform(getSource()));
        } else {
            nextKey = null;
            nextValue = null;
            document = null;
    public boolean hasTop() {
        return nextKey != null;
    public Key getTopKey() {
        return nextKey;
    public Value getTopValue() {
        return nextValue;
    public SortedKeyValueIterator<Key,Value> deepCopy(IteratorEnvironment env) {
        return new DocumentAggregatingIterator(this, env);
     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see datawave.query.iterator.IndexDocumentIterator#document()
    public Document document() {
        return document;
    public void move(Key pointer) throws IOException {
        // check the current position
        if (nextKey != null && nextKey.compareTo(pointer) >= 0) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Tried to call move when already at or beyond move point: topkey=" + nextKey + ", movekey=" + pointer);
        if (!getSource().hasTop()) {
            // there is nothing beyond the current key
            nextKey = null;
            nextValue = null;
            document = null;
        } else if (getSource().getTopKey().compareTo(pointer) >= 0) {
            // load that into next
        } else {
            // we have to seek
            seek(new Range(pointer, true, seekRange.getEndKey(), seekRange.isEndKeyInclusive()), seekColumnFamilies, seekInclusive);