package de.golfgl.gdx.controllers.mapping;

import com.badlogic.gdx.InputProcessor;
import com.badlogic.gdx.controllers.Controller;

import java.util.HashMap;

 * This class adapts mapped controller keys to key events and sends to an targetInput processor.
 * <p>
 * It is a mapping after the mapping. :-D
 * <p>
 * Use it when your game does not need analog input, but is just controlled via keyboard keys/dpad
 * <p>
 * Created by Benjamin Schulte on 06.11.2017.

public class ControllerToInputAdapter extends MappedControllerAdapter {
    public float analogToDigitalTreshold;
    private InputProcessor targetInput;
    private HashMap<Integer, Integer> buttonMappings;
    private HashMap<Integer, AxisMapping> axisMappings;

    public ControllerToInputAdapter(ControllerMappings mappings) {

        analogToDigitalTreshold = mappings.analogToDigitalTreshold;
        buttonMappings = new HashMap<>();
        axisMappings = new HashMap<>();

    public InputProcessor getInputProcessor() {
        return targetInput;

    public void setInputProcessor(InputProcessor targetInput) {
        this.targetInput = targetInput;

    public boolean configuredAxisMoved(Controller controller, int axisId, float value) {
        if (targetInput == null || !axisMappings.containsKey(axisId))
            return false;

        AxisMapping thisMapping = axisMappings.get(axisId);
        boolean negativePressed;
        boolean positivePressed;

        if (value >= analogToDigitalTreshold) {
            negativePressed = false;
            positivePressed = true;
        } else if (value <= -analogToDigitalTreshold) {
            negativePressed = true;
            positivePressed = false;
        } else {
            negativePressed = false;
            positivePressed = false;

        if (thisMapping.negativeKeyPressed != negativePressed) {
            if (negativePressed)

            thisMapping.negativeKeyPressed = negativePressed;

        if (thisMapping.positiveKeyPressed != positivePressed) {
            if (positivePressed)

            thisMapping.positiveKeyPressed = positivePressed;

        return true;

    public boolean configuredButtonDown(Controller controller, int buttonId) {
        if (targetInput == null || !buttonMappings.containsKey(buttonId))
            return false;

        return targetInput.keyDown(buttonMappings.get(buttonId));

    public boolean configuredButtonUp(Controller controller, int buttonId) {
        if (targetInput == null || !buttonMappings.containsKey(buttonId))
            return false;

        return targetInput.keyUp(buttonMappings.get(buttonId));

     * adds a controller button to keycode mapping
     * @param configuredButtonId your configured button id as given to
     *                           {@link ControllerMappings#addConfiguredInput(ConfiguredInput)}
     * @param targetKeyCode      keyCode for {@link InputProcessor}
    public ControllerToInputAdapter addButtonMapping(int configuredButtonId, int targetKeyCode) {
        buttonMappings.put(configuredButtonId, targetKeyCode);
        return this;

    public ControllerToInputAdapter addAxisMapping(int configuredAxisId, int targetKeyCodeNegative,
                                                   int targetKeyCodePositive) {
        AxisMapping axisMapping = new AxisMapping();
        axisMapping.keyCodeNegative = targetKeyCodeNegative;
        axisMapping.keyCodePositive = targetKeyCodePositive;

        axisMappings.put(configuredAxisId, axisMapping);

        return this;

    private static class AxisMapping {
        public int keyCodeNegative;
        public int keyCodePositive;
        public boolean negativeKeyPressed;
        public boolean positiveKeyPressed;