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package edu.mines.jtk.sgl;

import java.util.Arrays;

import static edu.mines.jtk.ogl.Gl.*;

 * Lighting for {@link edu.mines.jtk.sgl.OrbitView}.
 * There are three light sources available within the JTK, and
 * each light can be individually positioned in the canvas and have color
 * properties assigned. Furthermore, each light can be defined to be one of
 * two types:
 * <ol>
 *   <li>
 *     Directional light (default): the light source placed at an infinite
 *     distance and all light rays are parallel.
 *   </li>
 *   <li>
 *     Positional light: the light source is positioned in the frustum and
 *     light rays extend spherically in all directions.
 *   </li>
 * </ol>
 * The default scene lighting matches the previously-hardwired lighting
 * setup used by the JTK, that is a single <em>directional</em> light
 * positioned at <code>(-0.1,-0.1, 0.0)</code> with black ambient light, and
 * white specular and diffuse lights. This light is considered to be
 * the "primary light".
 * @author Chris Engelsma
 * @version 2017.01.17
public class OrbitViewLighting {

   * A light source type.
  public enum LightSourceType {
     * Directional light: Light source is at an infinite distance and all
     * rays are parallel and have the direction (x,y,z).
     * Positional light: Light source is positioned at (x,y,z) and the light
     * points towards all directions.

   * Constructs an OrbitView Lighting
  public OrbitViewLighting() {
    for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
      _positions[i]  = _posDefault;
      _ambients[i]   = _ambientDefault;
      _diffuses[i]   = _diffuseDefault;
      _speculars[i]  = _specularDefault;
      _lightTypes[i] = LightSourceType.DIRECTIONAL;
      _lightSet[i]   = false;

   * Toggles a light source.
   * @param i a light source [0-2]
  public void toggleLight(int i) {
    _lightSet[i] = !_lightSet[i];

   * Toggles the primary light source.
  public void toggleLight() {

   * Sets the state of a light source.
   * @param i a light source [0-2]
   * @param isOn true, if light is on; false, otherwise.
  public void setLight(int i, boolean isOn) {
    _lightSet[i] = isOn;

   * Determines if the primary light source is on.
   * @return true, if light source is on; false, otherwise.
  public boolean isLightOn() {
    return isLightOn(0);

   * Determines if a light source is on.
   * @param i a light source [0-2]
   * @return true, if light is on; false, otherwise.
  public boolean isLightOn(int i) {
    return _lightSet[i];
   * Sets the ambient color of the primary light source.
   * @param rgba array[4] of color components.
  public void setAmbient(float[] rgba) {

   * Sets the ambient color of a light source.
   * @param i a light source [0-2].
   * @param rgba array[4] of color components.
  public void setAmbient(int i, float[] rgba) {
    _ambients[i] = rgba;

   * Gets the ambient color of the primary light source.
   * @return ambient color of the primary light source.
  public float[] getAmbient() {
    return getAmbient(0);

   * Gets the ambient color of a light source.
   * @param i a light source [0-2].
   * @return ambient color of the light source.
  public float[] getAmbient(int i) {
    return _ambients[i];

   * Sets the specular color of the primary light source.
   * @param rgba array[4] of color components.
  public void setSpecular(float[] rgba) {

   * Sets the specular color of a light source.
   * @param i a light source [0-2].
   * @param rgba specular color of a light source.
  public void setSpecular(int i, float[] rgba) {
    _speculars[i] = rgba;

   * Gets the specular color of the primary light source.
   * @return the specular color of the primary light source.
  public float[] getSpecular() {
    return getSpecular(0);

   * Gets the specular color of a light source.
   * @param i a light source [0-2].
   * @return specular color of a light source.
  public float[] getSpecular(int i) {
    return _speculars[i];

   * Sets the diffuse color of the primary light source.
   * @param rgba diffuse color of the primary light source.
  public void setDiffuse(float[] rgba) {

   * Sets the diffuse color of a light source.
   * @param i a light source [0-2].
   * @param rgba diffuse color of a light source.
  public void setDiffuse(int i, float[] rgba) {
    _diffuses[i] = rgba;

   * Gets the diffuse color of the primary light source.
   * @return diffuse color of the primary light source.
  public float[] getDiffuse() {
    return getDiffuse(0);

   * Gets the diffuse color of a light source.
   * @param i a light source [0-2].
   * @return diffuse color of a light source.
  public float[] getDiffuse(int i) {
    return _diffuses[i];

   * Sets the ambient and diffuse colors of the primary light source.
   * @param rgba array[4] of color components.
  public void setAmbientAndDiffuse(float[] rgba) {

   * Sets the ambient and diffuse colors of a light source.
   * @param i a light source [0-2].
   * @param rgba array[4] of color components.
  public void setAmbientAndDiffuse(int i, float[] rgba) {

   * Sets the position of the primary light source.
   * @param lx the x-coordinate.
   * @param ly the y-coordinate.
   * @param lz the z-coordinate.
  public void setPosition(float lx, float ly, float lz) {

   * Sets the position of the primary light source.
   * @param pos array[3] of (x,y,z) coordinates.
  public void setPosition(float[] pos) {

   * Gets the position of the primary light source.
   * @return the (x,y,z,w) coordinates of the primary light source.
  public float[] getPosition() {
    return getPosition(0);

   * Sets the position of a light source.
   * @param i a light source [0-2].
   * @param lx the x-coordinate.
   * @param ly the y-coordinate.
   * @param lz the z-coordinate.
  public void setPosition(int i, float lx, float ly, float lz) {
    setPosition(i, new float[] { lx, ly, lz});

   * Sets the position of a light source.
   * @param i a light source [0-2].
   * @param pos array[4] containing (x,y,z,w) coordinates.
  public void setPosition(int i, float[] pos) {
    _positions[i] = pos;

   * Gets the position of a light source.
   * @param i a light source [0-2].
   * @return the (x,y,z,w) position of the light source.
  public float[] getPosition(int i) {
    return _positions[i];

   * Sets the {@link LightSourceType} for the primary light source.
   * @param type a {@link LightSourceType}.
  public void setLightSourceType(LightSourceType type) {

   * Sets the {@link LightSourceType} for a light source.
   * @param i a light source [0-2].
   * @param type a {@link LightSourceType}.
  public void setLightSourceType(int i, LightSourceType type) {
    _lightTypes[i] = type;

   * Gets the {@link LightSourceType} for the primary light source.
   * @return the {@link LightSourceType}.
  public LightSourceType getLightSourceType() {
    return getLightSourceType(0);

   * Gets the {@link LightSourceType} for a light source.
   * @param i a light source [0-2].
   * @return a {@link LightSourceType}.
  public LightSourceType getLightSourceType(int i) {
    return _lightTypes[i];
  public void draw() {
    for (int i=0; i<_sources.length; ++i) {
      if (_lightSet[i]) {

        float w = (_lightTypes[i]==LightSourceType.DIRECTIONAL)?0.0f:1.0f;

        float[] pos = new float[]{

        glLightfv(_sources[i],GL_AMBIENT ,_ambients[i] ,0);
        glLightfv(_sources[i],GL_DIFFUSE ,_diffuses[i] ,0);

      } else {

  public boolean equals(Object o) {
    if (this == o) return true;
    if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;

    OrbitViewLighting that = (OrbitViewLighting) o;

    if (!Arrays.equals(_lightSet, that._lightSet)) return false;
    // Probably incorrect - comparing Object[] arrays with Arrays.equals
    if (!Arrays.equals(_lightTypes, that._lightTypes)) return false;
    if (!Arrays.deepEquals(_ambients, that._ambients)) return false;
    if (!Arrays.deepEquals(_speculars, that._speculars)) return false;
    if (!Arrays.deepEquals(_diffuses, that._diffuses)) return false;
    return Arrays.deepEquals(_positions, that._positions);

  public int hashCode() {
    int result = Arrays.hashCode(_lightSet);
    result = 31 * result + Arrays.hashCode(_lightTypes);
    result = 31 * result + Arrays.deepHashCode(_ambients);
    result = 31 * result + Arrays.deepHashCode(_speculars);
    result = 31 * result + Arrays.deepHashCode(_diffuses);
    result = 31 * result + Arrays.deepHashCode(_positions);
    return result;

  // private

  private static final int[] _sources  = {GL_LIGHT0,GL_LIGHT1,GL_LIGHT2 };

  private static final float[] _ambientDefault =
    new float[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
  private static final float[] _specularDefault =
    new float[] { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
  private static final float[] _diffuseDefault =
    new float[] { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
  private static final float[] _posDefault =
    new float[] {-0.1f,-0.1f,1.0f };

  private boolean[] _lightSet    = new boolean[3];

  private LightSourceType[] _lightTypes = new LightSourceType[3];
  private float[][] _ambients  = new float[3][4];
  private float[][] _speculars = new float[3][4];
  private float[][] _diffuses  = new float[3][4];
  private float[][] _positions = new float[3][3];