package ATACFragments;

 * Copyright (C) 2019  Evan Tarbell and Tao Liu

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import htsjdk.samtools.SAMFileReader;
import htsjdk.samtools.SAMFormatException;
import htsjdk.samtools.SAMRecord;
import htsjdk.samtools.util.CloseableIterator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;

import net.sf.samtools.SAMFileReader;
import net.sf.samtools.SAMFormatException;
import net.sf.samtools.SAMRecord;
import net.sf.samtools.util.CloseableIterator;

import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.AbstractRealDistribution;
import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.ExponentialDistribution;
//import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.LaplaceDistribution;
import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.NormalDistribution;

import JAHMMTest.Slope;
import Node.TagNode;

public class FragPileupGen {
	private ArrayList<TagNode> genome;
	private ArrayList<double[]> tracks;
	//private ArrayList<TagNode> positions;
	private int minMapQ;
	AbstractRealDistribution shortDist;
	AbstractRealDistribution monoDist;
	AbstractRealDistribution diDist;
	AbstractRealDistribution triDist;
	AbstractRealDistribution quadDist;
	private boolean rmDup;
	private double scale;
	 * Constructor for creating a new FragPileupGen object, which builds the data tracks
	 * @param input a BAM file containing ATAC-seq reads
	 * @param index a BAM index file for the BAM file
	 * @param g an ArrayList of TagNodes representing the genomic regions over which the data will be created
	 * @param mode an array of doubles representing the distributions to use for building the data tracks
	 * @param means an array of doubles representing the means of the distributions
	 * @param lamda an array of doubles representing the standard deviations of the distributions
	 * @param q an integer representing the minimum mapping quality score of the reads to use for data track generation
	 * @throws FileNotFoundException
	public FragPileupGen(File input,File index,ArrayList<TagNode> g,double[] mode, double[] means,double[] lamda,
			int q,boolean r,double s) throws FileNotFoundException{
		genome = g;
		shortDist = getDist(mode[0],means[0],lamda[0]);
		monoDist = getDist(mode[1],means[1],lamda[1]);
		diDist = getDist(mode[2],means[2],lamda[2]);
		triDist = getDist(mode[3],means[3],lamda[3]);
		rmDup = r;
	 * Access the completed tracks.
	 * @return an ArrayList containing the track data as an array of doubles.
	public ArrayList<double[]> getTracks(){return tracks;}
	 * Access the genome positions associated with the tracks
	 * @return An ArrayList containing the positions of the track values
	//public ArrayList<TagNode> getPositions(){return positions;}
	 * Reverse the tracks. Only used as a test.
	 * @param ori an ArrayList containing the data to be transformed as an array of doubles.
	 * @return a new ArrayList of arrays of doubles containing the transformed data.
	public ArrayList<double[]> reverseTracks(ArrayList<double[]> ori){
		ArrayList<double[]> reversed = new ArrayList<double[]>();
		for(int i = ori.size()-1;i >=0;i--){
		return reversed;
	 * Perform a transformation of the data and convert the raw data into the SLOPE of the raw data
	 * @param ori an ArrayList containing the data to be transformed
	 * @param window an integer specifying the window size for calculating the slope
	 * @return a new ArrayList of arrays of doubles containing the slopes of the ori data
	public ArrayList<double[]> getSlope(ArrayList<double[]> ori, int window){
		ArrayList<double[]> trans = new ArrayList<double[]>();
		double[] temp1 = new double[ori.size()];
		double[] temp2 = new double[ori.size()];
		double[] temp3 = new double[ori.size()];
		double[] temp4 = new double[ori.size()];
		for (int i = 0; i < ori.size();i++){
			temp1[i] = ori.get(i)[0];
			temp2[i] = ori.get(i)[1];
			temp3[i] = ori.get(i)[2];
			temp4[i] = ori.get(i)[3];
		temp1 =, window);
		temp2 =, window);
		temp3 =, window);
		temp4 =, window);
		for (int i = 0; i < temp1.length;i++){
			double[] temp = new double[4];
			temp[0] = temp1[i];
			temp[1] = temp2[i];
			temp[2] = temp3[i];
			temp[3] = temp4[i];
		return trans;
	 * Add two ArrayList of double arrays together
	 * @param first an ArrayList of double arrays with the first set of data for merging
	 * @param second an ArrayList of double arrays with the second set of data for merging
	 * @return An ArrayList of double arrays with the merged data
	public ArrayList<double[]> merge(ArrayList<double[]> first, ArrayList<double[]> second){
		ArrayList<double[]> merged = new ArrayList<double[]>();
		if (first.size() != second.size()){
			return null;
			for (int i =0; i < first.size();i++){
				double[] temp = new double[8];
				temp[0] = first.get(i)[0];
				temp[1] = first.get(i)[1];
				temp[2] = first.get(i)[2];
				temp[3] = first.get(i)[3];
				temp[4] = second.get(i)[0];
				temp[5] = second.get(i)[1];
				temp[6] = second.get(i)[2];
				temp[7] = second.get(i)[3];
			return merged;
	 * Perform a scaling of the tracks based on inputted scaling factor.
	 * @param ori an ArrayList containing the data to be transformed as an array of doubles.
	 * @return a new ArrayList of arrays of doubles containing the transformed data.
	public ArrayList<double[]> scaleTracks(ArrayList<double[]> ori){
		ArrayList<double[]> trans = new ArrayList<double[]>();
		for (int i = 0;i < ori.size();i++){
			double[] temp = new double[4];
			temp[0] = (ori.get(i)[0]/scale);
			temp[1] = (ori.get(i)[1]/scale);
			temp[2] = (ori.get(i)[2]/scale);
			temp[3] = (ori.get(i)[3]/scale);
		return trans;
	 * Perform a square root transformation of the tracks.
	 * @param ori an ArrayList containing the data to be transformed as an array of doubles.
	 * @return a new ArrayList of arrays of doubles containing the transformed data.
	public ArrayList<double[]> transformTracks(ArrayList<double[]> ori){
		ArrayList<double[]> trans = new ArrayList<double[]>();
		for (int i = 0;i < ori.size();i++){
			double[] temp = new double[4];
			temp[0] = Math.sqrt(ori.get(i)[0]);
			temp[1] = Math.sqrt(ori.get(i)[1]);
			temp[2] = Math.sqrt(ori.get(i)[2]);
			temp[3] = Math.sqrt(ori.get(i)[3]);
		return trans;
	 * Averages the data in the tracks across a 10bp window
	 * @return a new ArrayList containing the averaged data
	public ArrayList<double[]> getAverageTracks(){
		ArrayList<double[]> newTracks = new ArrayList<double[]>();
		//ArrayList<TagNode> newPositions = new ArrayList<TagNode>();
		for (int i = 0;i < tracks.size();i+=10){
			double[] temp = new double[4];
			double counter = 0.0;
			int end = i + 10;
			if (end > tracks.size()){
				end = (tracks.size() - end) + end;
			for (int a = i; a < end;a++){
			for (int a = 0;a < temp.length;a++){
		//	newPositions.add(new TagNode(positions.get(i).getChrom(),positions.get(i).getStart(),
			//		positions.get(i).getStart()+end));
			//positions = newPositions;
		return newTracks;
	 * Builds the data tracks.
	 * @param input a BAM file containing the ATAC-seq paired end reads.
	 * @param index a BAM index file containing the index for the BAM file.
	 * @throws FileNotFoundException
	private void buildTracks(File input,File index) throws FileNotFoundException{
		tracks = new ArrayList<double[]>();
		//positions = new ArrayList<TagNode>();
		SAMFileReader reader = new SAMFileReader(input,index);
		for (int i = 0; i < genome.size();i++){
			String chr = genome.get(i).getChrom();
			int bedStart = genome.get(i).getStart();
			int bedStop = genome.get(i).getStop();
			HashMap<Integer,double[]> pileup = new HashMap<Integer,double[]>();
			for (int a = bedStart;a < bedStop;a++){
				if (!pileup.containsKey(a)){
					double[] t = new double[4];
					pileup.put(a, t);
			CloseableIterator<SAMRecord> iter = reader.query(chr, bedStart, bedStop, false);
			while (iter.hasNext()){
				SAMRecord record = null;
					record =;
				catch(SAMFormatException ex){
					System.out.println("SAM Record is problematic. Has mapQ != 0 for unmapped read. Will continue anyway");
				if(record != null){
				if(!record.getReadUnmappedFlag() && !record.getMateUnmappedFlag() && record.getFirstOfPairFlag()
						&& record.getMappingQuality()>=minMapQ && !(record.getDuplicateReadFlag() && rmDup)) {
					int start;
					int stop;
					if(record.getInferredInsertSize() > 0 ) {
						start = record.getAlignmentStart();
						stop = record.getAlignmentStart() + record.getInferredInsertSize() - 1;
						int length = stop - start;
						double sh = shortDist.density(length); 
						double mono = monoDist.density(length); 
						double di = diDist.density(length);
						double tri = triDist.density(length); 
						double total = sh + mono + di + tri; 
						//added on 7-13-18 to normalize the data so each frag contributes one
						//found to be better performing so it is now standard procedure for HMMRATAC
						if (total == 0){
							total = 1;
						for (int x = start; x < stop;x++){
								double[] t = pileup.get(x);
								t[0] += sh / total;
								t[1] += mono / total;
								t[2] += di / total;
								t[3] += tri / total;
								pileup.put(x, t);
					} else if (record.getInferredInsertSize() < 0 ) {
						start = record.getAlignmentEnd() + record.getInferredInsertSize() + 1;
						stop = record.getAlignmentEnd();	
						int length = stop - start;
						double sh = shortDist.density(length); 
						double mono = monoDist.density(length); 
						double di = diDist.density(length);
						double tri = triDist.density(length); 
						double total = sh + mono + di + tri; 
						if (total == 0){
							total = 1;
						for (int x = start; x < stop;x++){
								double[] t = pileup.get(x);
								t[0] += sh / total;
								t[1] += mono / total;
								t[2] += di / total;
								t[3] += tri / total;
								pileup.put(x, t);
			for (int x = bedStart;x < bedStop;x++){
				//positions.add(new TagNode(chr,x,x+1));
				//System.out.println("tracks\t"+chr+"\t"+x+"\t"+(x+1)+"\t"+Arrays.toString(pileup.get(x)));//Added on 9/29/17 to print out actual tracks for paper. REMOVE THIS LINE WHEN DONE!!!!
	 * Returns a new Distribution 
	 * @param p a double specifying which distribution to use
	 * @param m a double representing the mean for the desired distribution
	 * @param l a double representing the standard deviation, or more generally, the lambda of the desired distribution
	 * @return A new AbstractRealDistribution
	private AbstractRealDistribution getDist(double p,double m, double l){
		if (p == 1){
			//return new LaplaceDistribution(m,l);
			return new ExponentialDistribution(m);
		if (p == 2){
			return new NormalDistribution(m,l);
		if (p == 0.5 || p == 3){
			return new ExponentialDistribution(m);
		if (p == 0){
			//return new ModifiedLaplaceDistribution(m,l);
			return new ExponentialDistribution(m);
			return null;