* Global Sensor Networks (GSN) Source Code
* Copyright (c) 2006-2016, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL)
* This file is part of GSN.
* GSN is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GSN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GSN.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* File: src/ch/epfl/gsn/wrappers/ieee1451/TedsToVirtualSensor.java
* @author Ali Salehi

package ch.epfl.gsn.wrappers.ieee1451;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;

import org.antlr.stringtemplate.StringTemplate;
import org.antlr.stringtemplate.StringTemplateGroup;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import ch.epfl.gsn.Main;

import org.slf4j.Logger;

public class TedsToVirtualSensor {
   private final Logger             logger              = LoggerFactory.getLogger( TedsToVirtualSensor.class );
    * The directory in which the Virtual Sensor Template files are present.
   public String              templateDir;
    * The Virtual Sensor template file. The template files are usually of the
    * form "filename.st" Here you have to specify the just the "filename"
    * without any extension
   public String              templatefile;
    * The directory in which the generated Virtual Sensor file should be stored.
   public static final String TARGET_VS_DIR = ( Main.DEFAULT_VIRTUAL_SENSOR_FOLDER + "/" );
    * This function generates the virtual sensor file from the TEDS input.
   StringTemplate             vstmp;
   public TedsToVirtualSensor ( String templateDir , String templateFile ) {
      this.templateDir = templateDir;
      this.templatefile = templateFile;
      StringTemplateGroup grp = new StringTemplateGroup( "myGroup" , templateDir );
      vstmp = grp.getInstanceOf( templateFile );
   public synchronized TedsToVSResult GenerateVSfromTEDS ( TEDS sensorTEDS ) {
      Channel ch0 = new Channel( );
      vstmp.reset( );
      try {
         // Channel0 metadata
         ArgArray r = sensorTEDS.GetChannel( 0 );
         ch0.name = r.get( MeasAttr.NAME ).toString( );
         ch0.description = r.get( MeasAttr.DESCRIPTION ).toString( );
         ch0.location = r.get( MeasAttr.LOCATION ).toString( );
         ch0.author = r.get( MeasAttr.MANUFACTURER ).toString( );
         ch0.email = "[email protected]";
         ch0.NumberOfChannels = Integer.parseInt( r.get( MeasAttr.NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS ).toString( ) );
         if ( r.get( MeasAttr.IP ) == null ) ch0.IP = "localhost";
            ch0.IP = r.get( MeasAttr.IP ).toString( );
         vstmp.setAttribute( "CH0" , ch0 );
         // Other Channels metadata
         for ( int i = 1 ; i < sensorTEDS.NumberOfChannels( ) ; i++ ) {
            r = sensorTEDS.GetChannel( i );
            Channel ch = new Channel( );
            ch.key = i;
            ch.name = r.get( MeasAttr.NAME ).toString( );
            ch.type = r.get( MeasAttr.DATA_TYPE ).toString( );
            ch.description = r.get( MeasAttr.DESCRIPTION ).toString( );
            vstmp.setAttribute( "FIELD" , ch );
         // System.out.println(vstmp.toString());
         PrintWriter result = null; // Character output stream for writing data.
         try {
            // Writing the xml string generated from template file to the VS
            // xml file
            File outputF = new File( TARGET_VS_DIR + ch0.name + ".xml");
            if (!outputF.isFile( ))
               outputF.createNewFile( );
            outputF.deleteOnExit( );
            result = new PrintWriter( new FileWriter( outputF ) );
            result.println( vstmp.toString( ) );
         } catch ( Exception e ) {
            // Some problem reading the data from the input file.
            logger.warn( "Error in generating the VirtualSensor File.",e );
            return new TedsToVSResult( -1 ); // End the program.
         } finally {
            // Finish by closing the files,
            // whatever else may have happened.
            if (result!=null)
               result.close( );
      } catch ( Exception e ) {
         e.printStackTrace( );
         return new TedsToVSResult( -1 ); // End the program.
      return new TedsToVSResult( ch0.name + ".xml" , 0 , sensorTEDS.toHtmlString( ) , ch0.name );
    * This function generates the virtual sensor file from the TEDS input.
   public synchronized int GenerateVSfromTEDS_OLD ( TEDS sensorTEDS ) {
      vstmp.reset( );
      try {
         ArgArray r = sensorTEDS.GetChannel( 0 );
         Channel ch0 = new Channel( );
         ch0.name = r.get( MeasAttr.NAME ).toString( );
         ch0.description = r.get( MeasAttr.DESCRIPTION ).toString( );
         ch0.location = r.get( MeasAttr.LOCATION ).toString( );
         ch0.author = r.get( MeasAttr.MANUFACTURER ).toString( );
         ch0.email = "[email protected]";
         ch0.NumberOfChannels = Integer.parseInt( r.get( MeasAttr.NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS ).toString( ) );
         vstmp.setAttribute( "CH0" , ch0 );
         for ( int i = 1 ; i < sensorTEDS.NumberOfChannels( ) ; i++ ) {
            r = sensorTEDS.GetChannel( i );
            Channel ch = new Channel( );
            ch.key = i;
            ch.name = r.get( MeasAttr.NAME ).toString( );
            ch.type = r.get( MeasAttr.DATA_TYPE ).toString( );
            ch.description = r.get( MeasAttr.DESCRIPTION ).toString( );
            vstmp.setAttribute( "FIELD" , ch );
         System.out.println( vstmp.toString( ) );
         PrintWriter result; // Character output stream for writing data.
         try { // Create the output stream.
            result = new PrintWriter( new FileWriter( TARGET_VS_DIR + ch0.name + ".xml" ) );
         } catch ( IOException e ) {
            System.out.println( "Error in VS File operation." );
            System.out.println( e.toString( ) );
            return -1; // End the program.
         try {
            // Writing the xml string generated from template file to the VS
            // xml file
            result.println( vstmp.toString( ) );
         } catch ( Exception e ) {
            // Some problem reading the data from the input file.
            System.out.println( "Error in generating the VirtualSensor File;" + e.getMessage( ) );
            return -1;
         } finally {
            // Finish by closing the files,
            // whatever else may have happened.
            result.close( );
      } catch ( Exception e ) {
         // TODO Auto-generated catch block
         e.printStackTrace( );
         return -1;
      return 0;
   public TedsToVSResult GenerateVS ( ) {
      Object teds[][][] = {
      // chan0 - meta data about the TIM itself
            { { MeasAttr.NAME , "SampleTEDSOne" } , { MeasAttr.DESCRIPTION , "A Simple TEDS" } , { MeasAttr.VERSION , "1.0" } , { MeasAttr.LOCATION , "INM 035" } ,
                  { MeasAttr.NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS , "2" } , { MeasAttr.MANUFACTURER , "GSN-Mica2-Network" } , { MeasAttr.METADATA_ID , "Channel 0" } } ,
            // chan1
            { { MeasAttr.NAME , "DATA" } , { MeasAttr.DESCRIPTION , "Temperature value" } , { MeasAttr.UNITS , "Celcius" } , { MeasAttr.DATA_TYPE , "integer" } ,
                  { MeasAttr.METADATA_ID , "Channel 1" } } ,
            // chan2
            { { MeasAttr.NAME , "Light" } , { MeasAttr.DESCRIPTION , "Light value" } , { MeasAttr.UNITS , "lumens" } , { MeasAttr.DATA_TYPE , "double" } , { MeasAttr.METADATA_ID , "Channel 2" } } ,

      TEDS sensorTEDS = new TEDS( teds );
      // int i = GenerateVSfromTEDS(sensorTEDS);
      TedsToVSResult res = GenerateVSfromTEDS( sensorTEDS );
      if ( res.status == TedsToVSResult.ERROR ) {
         System.out.println( "**Error** in creating TEDS-VS. Check for TedsToVirtualSensor.java File" );
      } else {
         System.out.println( "TEDS-VS generated Successfully" );
      return res;
   public TedsToVSResult GenerateVS ( Object teds[][][] ) {
      TEDS sensorTEDS = new TEDS( teds );
      // int i = GenerateVSfromTEDS(sensorTEDS);
      TedsToVSResult res = GenerateVSfromTEDS( sensorTEDS );
      if ( res.status == TedsToVSResult.ERROR ) {
         System.out.println( "**Error** in creating TEDS-VS. Check for TedsToVirtualSensor.java File" );
      } else {
         System.out.println( "TEDS-VS generated Successfully" );
      return res;
   public TedsToVSResult GenerateVS ( TEDS sensorTEDS ) {
      // int i = GenerateVSfromTEDS(sensorTEDS);
      TedsToVSResult res = GenerateVSfromTEDS( sensorTEDS );
      if ( res.status == TedsToVSResult.ERROR ) {
         System.out.println( "**Error** in creating TEDS-VS. Check for TedsToVirtualSensor.java File" );
      } else {
         System.out.println( "TEDS-VS generated Successfully" );
      return res;
   public TedsToVSResult getTedsToVSResult ( TEDS sensorTEDS ) {
      String fileName = sensorTEDS.GetChannel( 0 ).get( MeasAttr.NAME ).toString( );
      return new TedsToVSResult( fileName + ".xml" , 0 , sensorTEDS.toHtmlString( ) , fileName );
   public TEDS GenerateVS_OLD ( Object teds[][][] ) {
      TEDS sensorTEDS = new TEDS( teds );
      // int i = GenerateVSfromTEDS(sensorTEDS);
      TedsToVSResult res = GenerateVSfromTEDS( sensorTEDS );
      if ( res.status == TedsToVSResult.ERROR ) {
         System.out.println( "**Error** in creating TEDS-VS. Check for TedsToVirtualSensor.java File" );
      } else {
         System.out.println( "TEDS-VS generated Successfully" );
      return sensorTEDS;

class Channel {
   public String name;
   public String type;
   public String description;
   public String location;
   public String author;
   public String email;
   public int    key;
   public int    NumberOfChannels;
   public String IP;
   public Channel ( ) {

   public Channel ( String name , String type , String description , String location ) {
      this.name = name;
      this.type = type;
      this.description = name;
      this.location = location;