package org.bukkit.configuration.file;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
import org.bukkit.configuration.Configuration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException;
import org.bukkit.configuration.MemoryConfiguration;


 * This is a base class for all File based implementations of {@link
 * Configuration}
public abstract class FileConfiguration extends MemoryConfiguration {

     * Creates an empty {@link FileConfiguration} with no default values.
    public FileConfiguration() {

     * Creates an empty {@link FileConfiguration} using the specified {@link
     * Configuration} as a source for all default values.
     * @param defaults Default value provider
    public FileConfiguration(Configuration defaults) {

     * Saves this {@link FileConfiguration} to the specified location.
     * <p>
     * If the file does not exist, it will be created. If already exists, it
     * will be overwritten. If it cannot be overwritten or created, an
     * exception will be thrown.
     * <p>
     * This method will save using the system default encoding, or possibly
     * using UTF8.
     * @param file File to save to.
     * @throws IOException              Thrown when the given file cannot be written to for
     *                                  any reason.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown when file is null.
    public void save(File file) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(file, "File cannot be null");


        String data = saveToString();

        Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file), Charsets.UTF_8);

        try {
        } finally {

     * Saves this {@link FileConfiguration} to the specified location.
     * <p>
     * If the file does not exist, it will be created. If already exists, it
     * will be overwritten. If it cannot be overwritten or created, an
     * exception will be thrown.
     * <p>
     * This method will save using the system default encoding, or possibly
     * using UTF8.
     * @param file File to save to.
     * @throws IOException              Thrown when the given file cannot be written to for
     *                                  any reason.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown when file is null.
    public void save(String file) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(file, "File cannot be null");

        save(new File(file));

     * Saves this {@link FileConfiguration} to a string, and returns it.
     * @return String containing this configuration.
    public abstract String saveToString();

     * Loads this {@link FileConfiguration} from the specified location.
     * <p>
     * All the values contained within this configuration will be removed,
     * leaving only settings and defaults, and the new values will be loaded
     * from the given file.
     * <p>
     * If the file cannot be loaded for any reason, an exception will be
     * thrown.
     * @param file File to load from.
     * @throws FileNotFoundException         Thrown when the given file cannot be
     *                                       opened.
     * @throws IOException                   Thrown when the given file cannot be read.
     * @throws InvalidConfigurationException Thrown when the given file is not
     *                                       a valid Configuration.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException      Thrown when file is null.
    public void load(File file) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InvalidConfigurationException {
        Validate.notNull(file, "File cannot be null");

        final FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(file);

        load(new InputStreamReader(stream, Charsets.UTF_8));

     * Loads this {@link FileConfiguration} from the specified reader.
     * <p>
     * All the values contained within this configuration will be removed,
     * leaving only settings and defaults, and the new values will be loaded
     * from the given stream.
     * @param reader the reader to load from
     * @throws IOException                   thrown when underlying reader throws an IOException
     * @throws InvalidConfigurationException thrown when the reader does not
     *                                       represent a valid Configuration
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException      thrown when reader is null
    public void load(Reader reader) throws IOException, InvalidConfigurationException {
        BufferedReader input = reader instanceof BufferedReader ? (BufferedReader) reader : new BufferedReader(reader);

        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

        try {
            String line;

            while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) {
        } finally {


     * Loads this {@link FileConfiguration} from the specified location.
     * <p>
     * All the values contained within this configuration will be removed,
     * leaving only settings and defaults, and the new values will be loaded
     * from the given file.
     * <p>
     * If the file cannot be loaded for any reason, an exception will be
     * thrown.
     * @param file File to load from.
     * @throws FileNotFoundException         Thrown when the given file cannot be
     *                                       opened.
     * @throws IOException                   Thrown when the given file cannot be read.
     * @throws InvalidConfigurationException Thrown when the given file is not
     *                                       a valid Configuration.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException      Thrown when file is null.
    public void load(String file) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InvalidConfigurationException {
        Validate.notNull(file, "File cannot be null");

        load(new File(file));

     * Loads this {@link FileConfiguration} from the specified string, as
     * opposed to from file.
     * <p>
     * All the values contained within this configuration will be removed,
     * leaving only settings and defaults, and the new values will be loaded
     * from the given string.
     * <p>
     * If the string is invalid in any way, an exception will be thrown.
     * @param contents Contents of a Configuration to load.
     * @throws InvalidConfigurationException Thrown if the specified string is
     *                                       invalid.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException      Thrown if contents is null.
    public abstract void loadFromString(String contents) throws InvalidConfigurationException;

     * Compiles the header for this {@link FileConfiguration} and returns the
     * result.
     * <p>
     * This will use the header from {@link #options()} -&gt; {@link
     * FileConfigurationOptions#header()}, respecting the rules of {@link
     * FileConfigurationOptions#copyHeader()} if set.
     * @return Compiled header
    protected abstract String buildHeader();

    public FileConfigurationOptions options() {
        if (options == null) {
            options = new FileConfigurationOptions(this);

        return (FileConfigurationOptions) options;