package cn.nukkit.item;

import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter;

import cn.nukkit.Player;
import cn.nukkit.Server;
import cn.nukkit.block.Block;
import cn.nukkit.block.BlockAir;
import cn.nukkit.entity.Entity;
import cn.nukkit.inventory.Fuel;
import cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment;
import cn.nukkit.level.Level;
import cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace;
import cn.nukkit.math.Vector3;
import cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO;
import cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag;
import cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ListTag;
import cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.StringTag;
import cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag;
import cn.nukkit.utils.Binary;
import cn.nukkit.utils.Config;
import cn.nukkit.utils.FastAppender;
import cn.nukkit.utils.MainLogger;
import cn.nukkit.utils.Utils;

 * author: MagicDroidX
 * Nukkit Project
public class Item implements Cloneable {

    public static CompoundTag parseCompoundTag(byte[] tag) {
        try {
            return, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public byte[] writeCompoundTag(CompoundTag tag) {
        try {
            return NBTIO.write(tag, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public static final int AIR = 0;
    public static final int STONE = 1;
    public static final int GRASS = 2;
    public static final int DIRT = 3;
    public static final int COBBLESTONE = 4;
    public static final int COBBLE = 4;
    public static final int PLANK = 5;
    public static final int PLANKS = 5;
    public static final int WOODEN_PLANK = 5;
    public static final int WOODEN_PLANKS = 5;
    public static final int SAPLING = 6;
    public static final int SAPLINGS = 6;
    public static final int BEDROCK = 7;
    public static final int WATER = 8;
    public static final int STILL_WATER = 9;
    public static final int LAVA = 10;
    public static final int STILL_LAVA = 11;
    public static final int SAND = 12;
    public static final int GRAVEL = 13;
    public static final int GOLD_ORE = 14;
    public static final int IRON_ORE = 15;
    public static final int COAL_ORE = 16;
    public static final int LOG = 17;
    public static final int WOOD = 17;
    public static final int TRUNK = 17;
    public static final int LEAVES = 18;
    public static final int LEAVE = 18;
    public static final int SPONGE = 19;
    public static final int GLASS = 20;
    public static final int LAPIS_ORE = 21;
    public static final int LAPIS_BLOCK = 22;
    public static final int DISPENSER = 23;
    public static final int SANDSTONE = 24;
    public static final int NOTEBLOCK = 25;
    public static final int BED_BLOCK = 26;
    public static final int POWERED_RAIL = 27;
    public static final int DETECTOR_RAIL = 28;
    public static final int STICKY_PISTON = 29;
    public static final int COBWEB = 30;
    public static final int TALL_GRASS = 31;
    public static final int BUSH = 32;
    public static final int DEAD_BUSH = 32;
    public static final int PISTON = 33;
    public static final int PISTON_HEAD = 34;
    public static final int WOOL = 35;

    public static final int DANDELION = 37;
    public static final int POPPY = 38;
    public static final int ROSE = 38;
    public static final int FLOWER = 38;
    public static final int RED_FLOWER = 38;
    public static final int BROWN_MUSHROOM = 39;
    public static final int RED_MUSHROOM = 40;
    public static final int GOLD_BLOCK = 41;
    public static final int IRON_BLOCK = 42;
    public static final int DOUBLE_SLAB = 43;
    public static final int DOUBLE_STONE_SLAB = 43;
    public static final int DOUBLE_SLABS = 43;
    public static final int SLAB = 44;
    public static final int STONE_SLAB = 44;
    public static final int SLABS = 44;
    public static final int BRICKS = 45;
    public static final int BRICKS_BLOCK = 45;
    public static final int TNT = 46;
    public static final int BOOKSHELF = 47;
    public static final int MOSS_STONE = 48;
    public static final int MOSSY_STONE = 48;
    public static final int OBSIDIAN = 49;
    public static final int TORCH = 50;
    public static final int FIRE = 51;
    public static final int MONSTER_SPAWNER = 52;
    public static final int WOOD_STAIRS = 53;
    public static final int WOODEN_STAIRS = 53;
    public static final int OAK_WOOD_STAIRS = 53;
    public static final int OAK_WOODEN_STAIRS = 53;
    public static final int CHEST = 54;
    public static final int REDSTONE_WIRE = 55;
    public static final int DIAMOND_ORE = 56;
    public static final int DIAMOND_BLOCK = 57;
    public static final int CRAFTING_TABLE = 58;
    public static final int WORKBENCH = 58;
    public static final int WHEAT_BLOCK = 59;
    public static final int FARMLAND = 60;
    public static final int FURNACE = 61;
    public static final int BURNING_FURNACE = 62;
    public static final int LIT_FURNACE = 62;
    public static final int SIGN_POST = 63;
    public static final int DOOR_BLOCK = 64;
    public static final int WOODEN_DOOR_BLOCK = 64;
    public static final int WOOD_DOOR_BLOCK = 64;
    public static final int LADDER = 65;
    public static final int RAIL = 66;
    public static final int COBBLE_STAIRS = 67;
    public static final int COBBLESTONE_STAIRS = 67;
    public static final int WALL_SIGN = 68;
    public static final int LEVER = 69;
    public static final int STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE = 70;
    public static final int IRON_DOOR_BLOCK = 71;
    public static final int WOODEN_PRESSURE_PLATE = 72;
    public static final int REDSTONE_ORE = 73;
    public static final int GLOWING_REDSTONE_ORE = 74;
    public static final int LIT_REDSTONE_ORE = 74;
    public static final int UNLIT_REDSTONE_TORCH = 75;
    public static final int REDSTONE_TORCH = 76;
    public static final int STONE_BUTTON = 77;
    public static final int SNOW = 78;
    public static final int SNOW_LAYER = 78;
    public static final int ICE = 79;
    public static final int SNOW_BLOCK = 80;
    public static final int CACTUS = 81;
    public static final int CLAY_BLOCK = 82;
    public static final int REEDS = 83;
    public static final int SUGARCANE_BLOCK = 83;
    public static final int JUKEBOX = 84;
    public static final int FENCE = 85;
    public static final int PUMPKIN = 86;
    public static final int NETHERRACK = 87;
    public static final int SOUL_SAND = 88;
    public static final int GLOWSTONE = 89;
    public static final int GLOWSTONE_BLOCK = 89;
    public static final int NETHER_PORTAL = 90;
    public static final int LIT_PUMPKIN = 91;
    public static final int JACK_O_LANTERN = 91;
    public static final int CAKE_BLOCK = 92;
    public static final int UNPOWERED_REPEATER = 93;
    public static final int POWERED_REPEATER = 94;
    public static final int INVISIBLE_BEDROCK = 95;
    public static final int TRAPDOOR = 96;
    public static final int MONSTER_EGG = 97;
    public static final int STONE_BRICKS = 98;
    public static final int STONE_BRICK = 98;
    public static final int BROWN_MUSHROOM_BLOCK = 99;
    public static final int RED_MUSHROOM_BLOCK = 100;
    public static final int IRON_BAR = 101;
    public static final int IRON_BARS = 101;
    public static final int GLASS_PANE = 102;
    public static final int GLASS_PANEL = 102;
    public static final int MELON_BLOCK = 103;
    public static final int PUMPKIN_STEM = 104;
    public static final int MELON_STEM = 105;
    public static final int VINE = 106;
    public static final int VINES = 106;
    public static final int FENCE_GATE = 107;
    public static final int FENCE_GATE_OAK = 107;
    public static final int BRICK_STAIRS = 108;
    public static final int STONE_BRICK_STAIRS = 109;
    public static final int MYCELIUM = 110;
    public static final int WATER_LILY = 111;
    public static final int LILY_PAD = 111;
    public static final int NETHER_BRICKS = 112;
    public static final int NETHER_BRICK_BLOCK = 112;
    public static final int NETHER_BRICK_FENCE = 113;
    public static final int NETHER_BRICKS_STAIRS = 114;
    public static final int NETHER_WART_BLOCK = 115;
    public static final int ENCHANTING_TABLE = 116;
    public static final int ENCHANT_TABLE = 116;
    public static final int ENCHANTMENT_TABLE = 116;
    public static final int BREWING_STAND_BLOCK = 117;
    public static final int BREWING_BLOCK = 117;
    public static final int CAULDRON_BLOCK = 118;
    public static final int END_PORTAL = 119;
    public static final int END_PORTAL_FRAME = 120;
    public static final int END_STONE = 121;
    public static final int DRAGON_EGG = 122;
    public static final int REDSTONE_LAMP = 123;
    public static final int LIT_REDSTONE_LAMP = 124;
    public static final int DROPPER = 125;
    public static final int ACTIVATOR_RAIL = 126;
    public static final int COCOA = 127;
    public static final int COCOA_BLOCK = 127;
    public static final int SANDSTONE_STAIRS = 128;
    public static final int EMERALD_ORE = 129;
    public static final int ENDER_CHEST = 130;
    public static final int TRIPWIRE_HOOK = 131;
    public static final int TRIPWIRE = 132;
    public static final int EMERALD_BLOCK = 133;
    public static final int SPRUCE_WOOD_STAIRS = 134;
    public static final int SPRUCE_WOODEN_STAIRS = 134;
    public static final int BIRCH_WOOD_STAIRS = 135;
    public static final int BIRCH_WOODEN_STAIRS = 135;
    public static final int JUNGLE_WOOD_STAIRS = 136;
    public static final int JUNGLE_WOODEN_STAIRS = 136;
    public static final int COMMAND_BLOCK = 137;
    public static final int BEACON = 138;
    public static final int COBBLE_WALL = 139;
    public static final int STONE_WALL = 139;
    public static final int COBBLESTONE_WALL = 139;
    public static final int FLOWER_POT_BLOCK = 140;
    public static final int CARROT_BLOCK = 141;
    public static final int POTATO_BLOCK = 142;
    public static final int WOODEN_BUTTON = 143;
    public static final int SKULL_BLOCK = 144;
    public static final int ANVIL = 145;
    public static final int TRAPPED_CHEST = 146;
    public static final int LIGHT_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE = 147;
    public static final int HEAVY_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE = 148;
    public static final int UNPOWERED_COMPARATOR = 149;
    public static final int POWERED_COMPARATOR = 150;
    public static final int DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR = 151;
    public static final int REDSTONE_BLOCK = 152;
    public static final int QUARTZ_ORE = 153;
    public static final int HOPPER_BLOCK = 154;
    public static final int QUARTZ_BLOCK = 155;
    public static final int QUARTZ_STAIRS = 156;
    public static final int DOUBLE_WOOD_SLAB = 157;
    public static final int DOUBLE_WOODEN_SLAB = 157;
    public static final int DOUBLE_WOOD_SLABS = 157;
    public static final int DOUBLE_WOODEN_SLABS = 157;
    public static final int WOOD_SLAB = 158;
    public static final int WOODEN_SLAB = 158;
    public static final int WOOD_SLABS = 158;
    public static final int WOODEN_SLABS = 158;
    public static final int STAINED_CLAY = 159;
    public static final int STAINED_HARDENED_CLAY = 159;
    public static final int STAINED_GLASS_PANE = 160;
    public static final int LEAVES2 = 161;
    public static final int LEAVE2 = 161;
    public static final int WOOD2 = 162;
    public static final int TRUNK2 = 162;
    public static final int LOG2 = 162;
    public static final int ACACIA_WOOD_STAIRS = 163;
    public static final int ACACIA_WOODEN_STAIRS = 163;
    public static final int DARK_OAK_WOOD_STAIRS = 164;
    public static final int DARK_OAK_WOODEN_STAIRS = 164;
    public static final int SLIME_BLOCK = 165;

    public static final int IRON_TRAPDOOR = 167;
    public static final int PRISMARINE = 168;
    public static final int SEA_LANTERN = 169;
    public static final int HAY_BALE = 170;
    public static final int CARPET = 171;
    public static final int HARDENED_CLAY = 172;
    public static final int COAL_BLOCK = 173;
    public static final int PACKED_ICE = 174;
    public static final int DOUBLE_PLANT = 175;
    public static final int STANDING_BANNER = 176;
    public static final int WALL_BANNER = 177;
    public static final int DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR_INVERTED = 178;
    public static final int RED_SANDSTONE = 179;
    public static final int RED_SANDSTONE_STAIRS = 180;
    public static final int DOUBLE_RED_SANDSTONE_SLAB = 181;
    public static final int RED_SANDSTONE_SLAB = 182;
    public static final int FENCE_GATE_SPRUCE = 183;
    public static final int FENCE_GATE_BIRCH = 184;
    public static final int FENCE_GATE_JUNGLE = 185;
    public static final int FENCE_GATE_DARK_OAK = 186;
    public static final int FENCE_GATE_ACACIA = 187;
    public static final int REPEATING_COMMAND_BLOCK = 188;
    public static final int CHAIN_COMMAND_BLOCK = 189;

    public static final int SPRUCE_DOOR_BLOCK = 193;
    public static final int BIRCH_DOOR_BLOCK = 194;
    public static final int JUNGLE_DOOR_BLOCK = 195;
    public static final int ACACIA_DOOR_BLOCK = 196;
    public static final int DARK_OAK_DOOR_BLOCK = 197;
    public static final int GRASS_PATH = 198;
    public static final int ITEM_FRAME_BLOCK = 199;
    public static final int CHORUS_FLOWER = 200;
    public static final int PURPUR_BLOCK = 201;
    public static final int PURPUR_STAIRS = 202;

    public static final int UNDYED_SHULKER_BOX = 205;
    public static final int END_BRICKS = 206;
    //Note: frosted ice CAN NOT BE HARVESTED WITH HAND -- canHarvestWithHand method should be overridden FALSE.
    public static final int ICE_FROSTED = 207;
    public static final int END_ROD = 208;
    public static final int END_GATEWAY = 209;

    public static final int MAGMA_BLOCK = 213;
    public static final int NETHER_WART_BLOCK2 = 214;
    public static final int RED_NETHER_BRICKS = 215;
    public static final int BONE_BLOCK = 216;

    public static final int SHULKER_BOX = 218;
    public static final int PURPLE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = 219;
    public static final int WHITE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = 220;
    public static final int ORANGE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = 221;
    public static final int MAGENTA_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = 222;
    public static final int LIGHT_BLUE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = 223;
    public static final int YELLOW_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = 224;
    public static final int LIME_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = 225;
    public static final int PINK_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = 226;
    public static final int GRAY_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = 227;
    public static final int SILVER_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = 228;
    public static final int CYAN_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = 229;
    public static final int BLUE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = 231;
    public static final int BROWN_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = 232;
    public static final int GREEN_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = 233;
    public static final int RED_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = 234;
    public static final int BLACK_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA = 235;
    public static final int CONCRETE = 236;
    public static final int CONCRETE_POWDER = 237;

    public static final int CHORUS_PLANT = 240;
    public static final int STAINED_GLASS = 241;

    public static final int PODZOL = 243;
    public static final int BEETROOT_BLOCK = 244;
    public static final int STONECUTTER = 245;
    public static final int GLOWING_OBSIDIAN = 246;
    public static final int NETHER_REACTOR = 247;

    public static final int PISTON_EXTENSION = 250;
    public static final int OBSERVER = 251;
    public static final int STRUCTURE_BLOCK  = 252;

    //Normal Item IDs

    public static final int IRON_SHOVEL = 256;
    public static final int IRON_PICKAXE = 257;
    public static final int IRON_AXE = 258;
    public static final int FLINT_STEEL = 259;
    public static final int FLINT_AND_STEEL = 259;
    public static final int APPLE = 260;
    public static final int BOW = 261;
    public static final int ARROW = 262;
    public static final int COAL = 263;
    public static final int DIAMOND = 264;
    public static final int IRON_INGOT = 265;
    public static final int GOLD_INGOT = 266;
    public static final int IRON_SWORD = 267;
    public static final int WOODEN_SWORD = 268;
    public static final int WOODEN_SHOVEL = 269;
    public static final int WOODEN_PICKAXE = 270;
    public static final int WOODEN_AXE = 271;
    public static final int STONE_SWORD = 272;
    public static final int STONE_SHOVEL = 273;
    public static final int STONE_PICKAXE = 274;
    public static final int STONE_AXE = 275;
    public static final int DIAMOND_SWORD = 276;
    public static final int DIAMOND_SHOVEL = 277;
    public static final int DIAMOND_PICKAXE = 278;
    public static final int DIAMOND_AXE = 279;
    public static final int STICK = 280;
    public static final int STICKS = 280;
    public static final int BOWL = 281;
    public static final int MUSHROOM_STEW = 282;
    public static final int GOLD_SWORD = 283;
    public static final int GOLDEN_SWORD = 283;
    public static final int GOLD_SHOVEL = 284;
    public static final int GOLDEN_SHOVEL = 284;
    public static final int GOLD_PICKAXE = 285;
    public static final int GOLDEN_PICKAXE = 285;
    public static final int GOLD_AXE = 286;
    public static final int GOLDEN_AXE = 286;
    public static final int STRING = 287;
    public static final int FEATHER = 288;
    public static final int GUNPOWDER = 289;
    public static final int WOODEN_HOE = 290;
    public static final int STONE_HOE = 291;
    public static final int IRON_HOE = 292;
    public static final int DIAMOND_HOE = 293;
    public static final int GOLD_HOE = 294;
    public static final int GOLDEN_HOE = 294;
    public static final int SEEDS = 295;
    public static final int WHEAT_SEEDS = 295;
    public static final int WHEAT = 296;
    public static final int BREAD = 297;
    public static final int LEATHER_CAP = 298;
    public static final int LEATHER_TUNIC = 299;
    public static final int LEATHER_PANTS = 300;
    public static final int LEATHER_BOOTS = 301;
    public static final int CHAIN_HELMET = 302;
    public static final int CHAIN_CHESTPLATE = 303;
    public static final int CHAIN_LEGGINGS = 304;
    public static final int CHAIN_BOOTS = 305;
    public static final int IRON_HELMET = 306;
    public static final int IRON_CHESTPLATE = 307;
    public static final int IRON_LEGGINGS = 308;
    public static final int IRON_BOOTS = 309;
    public static final int DIAMOND_HELMET = 310;
    public static final int DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE = 311;
    public static final int DIAMOND_LEGGINGS = 312;
    public static final int DIAMOND_BOOTS = 313;
    public static final int GOLD_HELMET = 314;
    public static final int GOLD_CHESTPLATE = 315;
    public static final int GOLD_LEGGINGS = 316;
    public static final int GOLD_BOOTS = 317;
    public static final int FLINT = 318;
    public static final int RAW_PORKCHOP = 319;
    public static final int COOKED_PORKCHOP = 320;
    public static final int PAINTING = 321;
    public static final int GOLDEN_APPLE = 322;
    public static final int SIGN = 323;
    public static final int WOODEN_DOOR = 324;
    public static final int BUCKET = 325;

    public static final int MINECART = 328;
    public static final int SADDLE = 329;
    public static final int IRON_DOOR = 330;
    public static final int REDSTONE = 331;
    public static final int REDSTONE_DUST = 331;
    public static final int SNOWBALL = 332;
    public static final int BOAT = 333;
    public static final int LEATHER = 334;

    public static final int BRICK = 336;
    public static final int CLAY = 337;
    public static final int SUGARCANE = 338;
    public static final int SUGAR_CANE = 338;
    public static final int SUGAR_CANES = 338;
    public static final int PAPER = 339;
    public static final int BOOK = 340;
    public static final int SLIMEBALL = 341;
    public static final int MINECART_WITH_CHEST = 342;

    public static final int EGG = 344;
    public static final int COMPASS = 345;
    public static final int FISHING_ROD = 346;
    public static final int CLOCK = 347;
    public static final int GLOWSTONE_DUST = 348;
    public static final int RAW_FISH = 349;
    public static final int COOKED_FISH = 350;
    public static final int DYE = 351;
    public static final int BONE = 352;
    public static final int SUGAR = 353;
    public static final int CAKE = 354;
    public static final int BED = 355;
    public static final int REPEATER = 356;
    public static final int COOKIE = 357;
    public static final int MAP = 358;
    public static final int SHEARS = 359;
    public static final int MELON = 360;
    public static final int MELON_SLICE = 360;
    public static final int PUMPKIN_SEEDS = 361;
    public static final int MELON_SEEDS = 362;
    public static final int RAW_BEEF = 363;
    public static final int STEAK = 364;
    public static final int COOKED_BEEF = 364;
    public static final int RAW_CHICKEN = 365;
    public static final int COOKED_CHICKEN = 366;
    public static final int ROTTEN_FLESH = 367;
    public static final int ENDER_PEARL = 368;
    public static final int BLAZE_ROD = 369;
    public static final int GHAST_TEAR = 370;
    public static final int GOLD_NUGGET = 371;
    public static final int GOLDEN_NUGGET = 371;
    public static final int NETHER_WART = 372;
    public static final int POTION = 373;
    public static final int GLASS_BOTTLE = 374;
    public static final int BOTTLE = 374;
    public static final int SPIDER_EYE = 375;
    public static final int FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE = 376;
    public static final int BLAZE_POWDER = 377;
    public static final int MAGMA_CREAM = 378;
    public static final int BREWING_STAND = 379;
    public static final int BREWING = 379;
    public static final int CAULDRON = 380;
    public static final int ENDER_EYE = 381;
    public static final int GLISTERING_MELON = 382;
    public static final int SPAWN_EGG = 383;
    public static final int EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE = 384;
    public static final int FIRE_CHARGE = 385;
    public static final int WRITABLE_BOOK = 386;
    public static final int WRITTEN_BOOK = 387;
    public static final int EMERALD = 388;
    public static final int ITEM_FRAME = 389;
    public static final int FLOWER_POT = 390;
    public static final int CARROT = 391;
    public static final int CARROTS = 391;
    public static final int POTATO = 392;
    public static final int POTATOES = 392;
    public static final int BAKED_POTATO = 393;
    public static final int BAKED_POTATOES = 393;
    public static final int POISONOUS_POTATO = 394;
    public static final int EMPTY_MAP = 395;
    public static final int GOLDEN_CARROT = 396;
    public static final int SKULL = 397;
    public static final int CARROT_ON_A_STICK = 398;
    public static final int NETHER_STAR = 399;
    public static final int PUMPKIN_PIE = 400;
    public static final int FIREWORKS = 401;
    public static final int FIREWORKSCHARGE = 402;
    public static final int FIREWORKS_CHARGE = 402;
    public static final int ENCHANTED_BOOK = 403;
    public static final int ENCHANT_BOOK = 403;
    public static final int COMPARATOR = 404;
    public static final int NETHER_BRICK = 405;
    public static final int QUARTZ = 406;
    public static final int NETHER_QUARTZ = 406;
    public static final int MINECART_WITH_TNT = 407;
    public static final int MINECART_WITH_HOPPER = 408;
    public static final int PRISMARINE_SHARD = 409;
    public static final int HOPPER = 410;
    public static final int RAW_RABBIT = 411;
    public static final int COOKED_RABBIT = 412;
    public static final int RABBIT_STEW = 413;
    public static final int RABBIT_FOOT = 414;
    public static final int RABBIT_HIDE = 415;
    public static final int LEATHER_HORSE_ARMOR = 416;
    public static final int IRON_HORSE_ARMOR = 417;
    public static final int GOLD_HORSE_ARMOR = 418;
    public static final int DIAMOND_HORSE_ARMOR = 419;
    public static final int LEAD = 420;
    public static final int NAME_TAG = 421;
    public static final int PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS = 422;
    public static final int RAW_MUTTON = 423;
    public static final int COOKED_MUTTON = 424;
    public static final int ARMOR_STAND = 425;
    public static final int END_CRYSTAL = 426;
    public static final int SPRUCE_DOOR = 427;
    public static final int BIRCH_DOOR = 428;
    public static final int JUNGLE_DOOR = 429;
    public static final int ACACIA_DOOR = 430;
    public static final int DARK_OAK_DOOR = 431;
    public static final int CHORUS_FRUIT = 432;
    public static final int POPPED_CHORUS_FRUIT = 433;

    public static final int DRAGON_BREATH = 437;
    public static final int SPLASH_POTION = 438;

    public static final int LINGERING_POTION = 441;

    public static final int MINECRAT_COMMAND_BLOCK = 443;
    public static final int ELYTRA = 444;
    public static final int SHULKER_SHELL = 445;
    public static final int BANNER = 446;

    public static final int TOTEM = 450;

    public static final int IRON_NUGGE = 452;

    public static final int BEETROOT = 457;
    public static final int BEETROOT_SEEDS = 458;
    public static final int BEETROOT_SEED = 458;
    public static final int BEETROOT_SOUP = 459;
    public static final int RAW_SALMON = 460;
    public static final int CLOWNFISH = 461;
    public static final int PUFFERFISH = 462;
    public static final int COOKED_SALMON = 463;

    public static final int GOLDEN_APPLE_ENCHANTED = 466;

    public static final int RECORD_13 = 500;
    public static final int RECORD_CAT = 501;
    public static final int RECORD_BLOCKS = 502;
    public static final int RECORD_CHIRP = 503;
    public static final int RECORD_FAR = 504;
    public static final int RECORD_MALL = 505;
    public static final int RECORD_MELLOHI = 506;
    public static final int RECORD_STAL = 507;
    public static final int RECORD_STRAD = 508;
    public static final int RECORD_WARD = 509;
    public static final int RECORD_11 = 510;
    public static final int RECORD_WAIT = 511;

    public static Class[] list = null;

    protected Block block = null;
    protected final int id;
    protected int meta;
    protected boolean hasMeta = true;
    private byte[] tags = new byte[0];
    private CompoundTag cachedNBT = null;
    public int count;
    protected int durability = 0;
    protected String name;

    public Item(int id) {
        this(id, 0, 1, "Unknown");

    public Item(int id, Integer meta) {
        this(id, meta, 1, "Unknown");

    public Item(int id, Integer meta, int count) {
        this(id, meta, count, "Unknown");

    public Item(int id, Integer meta, int count, String name) { = id & 0xffff;
        if (meta != null) {
            this.meta = meta & 0xffff;
        } else {
            this.hasMeta = false;
        this.count = count; = name;
        /*f (this.block != null && <= 0xff && Block.list[id] != null) { //probably useless
            this.block = Block.get(, this.meta);
   = this.block.getName();

    public boolean hasMeta() {
        return hasMeta;

    public boolean canBeActivated() {
        return false;

    public static void init() {
        if (list == null) {
            list = new Class[65535];
            list[IRON_SHOVEL] = ItemShovelIron.class; //256
            list[IRON_PICKAXE] = ItemPickaxeIron.class; //257
            list[IRON_AXE] = ItemAxeIron.class; //258
            list[FLINT_AND_STEEL] = ItemFlintSteel.class; //259
            list[APPLE] = ItemApple.class; //260
            list[BOW] = ItemBow.class; //261
            list[ARROW] = ItemArrow.class; //262
            list[COAL] = ItemCoal.class; //263
            list[DIAMOND] = ItemDiamond.class; //264
            list[IRON_INGOT] = ItemIngotIron.class; //265
            list[GOLD_INGOT] = ItemIngotGold.class; //266
            list[IRON_SWORD] = ItemSwordIron.class; //267
            list[WOODEN_SWORD] = ItemSwordWood.class; //268
            list[WOODEN_SHOVEL] = ItemShovelWood.class; //269
            list[WOODEN_PICKAXE] = ItemPickaxeWood.class; //270
            list[WOODEN_AXE] = ItemAxeWood.class; //271
            list[STONE_SWORD] = ItemSwordStone.class; //272
            list[STONE_SHOVEL] = ItemShovelStone.class; //273
            list[STONE_PICKAXE] = ItemPickaxeStone.class; //274
            list[STONE_AXE] = ItemAxeStone.class; //275
            list[DIAMOND_SWORD] = ItemSwordDiamond.class; //276
            list[DIAMOND_SHOVEL] = ItemShovelDiamond.class; //277
            list[DIAMOND_PICKAXE] = ItemPickaxeDiamond.class; //278
            list[DIAMOND_AXE] = ItemAxeDiamond.class; //279
            list[STICK] = ItemStick.class; //280
            list[BOWL] = ItemBowl.class; //281
            list[MUSHROOM_STEW] = ItemMushroomStew.class; //282
            list[GOLD_SWORD] = ItemSwordGold.class; //283
            list[GOLD_SHOVEL] = ItemShovelGold.class; //284
            list[GOLD_PICKAXE] = ItemPickaxeGold.class; //285
            list[GOLD_AXE] = ItemAxeGold.class; //286
            list[STRING] = ItemString.class; //287
            list[FEATHER] = ItemFeather.class; //288
            list[GUNPOWDER] = ItemGunpowder.class; //289
            list[WOODEN_HOE] = ItemHoeWood.class; //290
            list[STONE_HOE] = ItemHoeStone.class; //291
            list[IRON_HOE] = ItemHoeIron.class; //292
            list[DIAMOND_HOE] = ItemHoeDiamond.class; //293
            list[GOLD_HOE] = ItemHoeGold.class; //294
            list[WHEAT_SEEDS] = ItemSeedsWheat.class; //295
            list[WHEAT] = ItemWheat.class; //296
            list[BREAD] = ItemBread.class; //297
            list[LEATHER_CAP] = ItemHelmetLeather.class; //298
            list[LEATHER_TUNIC] = ItemChestplateLeather.class; //299
            list[LEATHER_PANTS] = ItemLeggingsLeather.class; //300
            list[LEATHER_BOOTS] = ItemBootsLeather.class; //301
            list[CHAIN_HELMET] = ItemHelmetChain.class; //302
            list[CHAIN_CHESTPLATE] = ItemChestplateChain.class; //303
            list[CHAIN_LEGGINGS] = ItemLeggingsChain.class; //304
            list[CHAIN_BOOTS] = ItemBootsChain.class; //305
            list[IRON_HELMET] = ItemHelmetIron.class; //306
            list[IRON_CHESTPLATE] = ItemChestplateIron.class; //307
            list[IRON_LEGGINGS] = ItemLeggingsIron.class; //308
            list[IRON_BOOTS] = ItemBootsIron.class; //309
            list[DIAMOND_HELMET] = ItemHelmetDiamond.class; //310
            list[DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE] = ItemChestplateDiamond.class; //311
            list[DIAMOND_LEGGINGS] = ItemLeggingsDiamond.class; //312
            list[DIAMOND_BOOTS] = ItemBootsDiamond.class; //313
            list[GOLD_HELMET] = ItemHelmetGold.class; //314
            list[GOLD_CHESTPLATE] = ItemChestplateGold.class; //315
            list[GOLD_LEGGINGS] = ItemLeggingsGold.class; //316
            list[GOLD_BOOTS] = ItemBootsGold.class; //317
            list[FLINT] = ItemFlint.class; //318
            list[RAW_PORKCHOP] = ItemPorkchopRaw.class; //319
            list[COOKED_PORKCHOP] = ItemPorkchopCooked.class; //320
            list[PAINTING] = ItemPainting.class; //321
            list[GOLDEN_APPLE] = ItemAppleGold.class; //322
            list[SIGN] = ItemSign.class; //323
            list[WOODEN_DOOR] = ItemDoorWood.class; //324
            list[BUCKET] = ItemBucket.class; //325

            list[MINECART] = ItemMinecart.class; //328
            list[SADDLE] = ItemSaddle.class; //329
            list[IRON_DOOR] = ItemDoorIron.class; //330
            list[REDSTONE] = ItemRedstone.class; //331
            list[SNOWBALL] = ItemSnowball.class; //332
            list[BOAT] = ItemBoat.class; //333
            list[LEATHER] = ItemLeather.class; //334

            list[BRICK] = ItemBrick.class; //336
            list[CLAY] = ItemClay.class; //337
            list[SUGARCANE] = ItemSugarcane.class; //338
            list[PAPER] = ItemPaper.class; //339
            list[BOOK] = ItemBook.class; //340
            list[SLIMEBALL] = ItemSlimeball.class; //341
            list[MINECART_WITH_CHEST] = ItemMinecartChest.class; //342

            list[EGG] = ItemEgg.class; //344
            list[COMPASS] = ItemCompass.class; //345
            list[FISHING_ROD] = ItemFishingRod.class; //346
            list[CLOCK] = ItemClock.class; //347
            list[GLOWSTONE_DUST] = ItemGlowstoneDust.class; //348
            list[RAW_FISH] = ItemFish.class; //349
            list[COOKED_FISH] = ItemFishCooked.class; //350
            list[DYE] = ItemDye.class; //351
            list[BONE] = ItemBone.class; //352
            list[SUGAR] = ItemSugar.class; //353
            list[CAKE] = ItemCake.class; //354
            list[BED] = ItemBed.class; //355
            list[REPEATER] = ItemRedstoneRepeater.class; //356
            list[COOKIE] = ItemCookie.class; //357
            list[MAP] = ItemMap.class; //358
            list[SHEARS] = ItemShears.class; //359
            list[MELON] = ItemMelon.class; //360
            list[PUMPKIN_SEEDS] = ItemSeedsPumpkin.class; //361
            list[MELON_SEEDS] = ItemSeedsMelon.class; //362
            list[RAW_BEEF] = ItemBeefRaw.class; //363
            list[STEAK] = ItemSteak.class; //364
            list[RAW_CHICKEN] = ItemChickenRaw.class; //365
            list[COOKED_CHICKEN] = ItemChickenCooked.class; //366
            list[ROTTEN_FLESH] = ItemRottenFlesh.class; //367
            list[ENDER_PEARL] = ItemEnderPearl.class; //368
            list[BLAZE_ROD] = ItemBlazeRod.class; //369
            list[GHAST_TEAR] = ItemGhastTear.class; //370
            list[GOLD_NUGGET] = ItemNuggetGold.class; //371
            list[NETHER_WART] = ItemNetherWart.class; //372
            list[POTION] = ItemPotion.class; //373
            list[GLASS_BOTTLE] = ItemGlassBottle.class; //374
            list[SPIDER_EYE] = ItemSpiderEye.class; //375
            list[FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE] = ItemSpiderEyeFermented.class; //376
            list[BLAZE_POWDER] = ItemBlazePowder.class; //377
            list[MAGMA_CREAM] = ItemMagmaCream.class; //378
            list[BREWING_STAND] = ItemBrewingStand.class; //379
            list[CAULDRON] = ItemCauldron.class; //380
            list[ENDER_EYE] = ItemEnderEye.class; //381
            list[GLISTERING_MELON] = ItemMelonGlistering.class; //382
            list[SPAWN_EGG] = ItemSpawnEgg.class; //383
            list[EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE] = ItemExpBottle.class; //384
            list[FIRE_CHARGE] = ItemFireCharge.class; //385

            list[EMERALD] = ItemEmerald.class; //388
            list[ITEM_FRAME] = ItemItemFrame.class; //389
            list[FLOWER_POT] = ItemFlowerPot.class; //390
            list[CARROT] = ItemCarrot.class; //391
            list[BAKED_POTATO] = ItemPotatoBaked.class; //393
            list[POISONOUS_POTATO] = ItemPotatoPoisonous.class; //394
            list[EMPTY_MAP] = ItemMapEmpty.class; //395
            list[GOLDEN_CARROT] = ItemCarrotGolden.class; //396
            list[SKULL] = ItemSkull.class; //397
            list[CARROT_ON_A_STICK] = ItemCarrotOnAStick.class; //398
            list[NETHER_STAR] = ItemNetherStar.class; //399
            list[PUMPKIN_PIE] = ItemPumpkinPie.class; //400
            list[FIREWORKS] = ItemFireWorks.class; //401
            list[FIREWORKS_CHARGE] = ItemFireWorksCharge.class; //402
            list[ENCHANTED_BOOK] = ItemBookEnchanted.class; //403
            list[COMPARATOR] = ItemRedstoneComparator.class; //404
            list[NETHER_BRICK] = ItemNetherBrick.class; //405
            list[QUARTZ] = ItemQuartz.class; //406
            list[MINECART_WITH_TNT] = ItemMinecartTNT.class; //407
            list[MINECART_WITH_HOPPER] = ItemMinecartHopper.class; //408
            list[PRISMARINE_SHARD] = ItemPrismarineShard.class; //409
            list[HOPPER] = ItemHopper.class;
            list[RAW_RABBIT] = ItemRabbitRaw.class; //411
            list[COOKED_RABBIT] = ItemRabbitCooked.class; //412
            list[RABBIT_STEW] = ItemRabbitStew.class; //413
            list[RABBIT_FOOT] = ItemRabbitFoot.class; //414
            list[RABBIT_HIDE] = ItemRabbitHide.class; //415
            list[LEATHER_HORSE_ARMOR] = ItemHorseArmorLeather.class; //416
            list[IRON_HORSE_ARMOR] = ItemHorseArmorIron.class; //417
            list[GOLD_HORSE_ARMOR] = ItemHorseArmorGold.class; //418
            list[DIAMOND_HORSE_ARMOR] = ItemHorseArmorDiamond.class; //419
            list[LEAD] = ItemLead.class; //420
            list[NAME_TAG] = ItemNameTag.class; //421
            list[PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS] = ItemPrismarineCrystals.class; //422
            list[RAW_MUTTON] = ItemMuttonRaw.class; //423
            list[COOKED_MUTTON] = ItemMuttonCooked.class; //424
            list[ARMOR_STAND] = ItemArmorStand.class; //425
            list[END_CRYSTAL] = ItemEndCrystal.class; //426
            list[SPRUCE_DOOR] = ItemDoorSpruce.class; //427
            list[BIRCH_DOOR] = ItemDoorBirch.class; //428
            list[JUNGLE_DOOR] = ItemDoorJungle.class; //429
            list[ACACIA_DOOR] = ItemDoorAcacia.class; //430
            list[DARK_OAK_DOOR] = ItemDoorDarkOak.class; //431
            list[CHORUS_FRUIT] = ItemChorusFruit.class; //432
            list[POPPED_CHORUS_FRUIT] = ItemChorusFruitPopped.class; //433

            list[DRAGON_BREATH] = ItemDragonBreath.class; //437
            list[SPLASH_POTION] = ItemPotionSplash.class; //438

            list[LINGERING_POTION] = ItemPotionLingering.class; //441

            list[ELYTRA] = ItemElytra.class; //444

            list[SHULKER_SHELL] = ItemShulkerShell.class; //445
            list[BANNER] = ItemBanner.class; //446

            list[BEETROOT] = ItemBeetroot.class; //457
            list[BEETROOT_SEEDS] = ItemSeedsBeetroot.class; //458
            list[BEETROOT_SOUP] = ItemBeetrootSoup.class; //459
            list[RAW_SALMON] = ItemSalmon.class; //460
            list[CLOWNFISH] = ItemClownfish.class; //461
            list[PUFFERFISH] = ItemPufferfish.class; //462
            list[COOKED_SALMON] = ItemSalmonCooked.class; //463

            list[GOLDEN_APPLE_ENCHANTED] = ItemAppleGoldEnchanted.class; //466

            for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
                if (Block.list[i] != null) {
                    list[i] = Block.list[i];


    private static final ArrayList<Item> creative = new ArrayList<>();

    private static void initCreativeItems() {
        Server server = Server.getInstance();

        String path = server.getDataPath() + "creativeitems.json";
        if (!new File(path).exists()) {
            try {
                Utils.writeFile(path, Server.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("creativeitems.json"));
            } catch (IOException e) {
        List<Map> list = new Config(path, Config.YAML).getMapList("items");

        for (Map map : list) {
            try {
                int id = (int) map.get("id");
                int damage = (int) map.getOrDefault("damage", 0);
                String hex = (String) map.get("nbt_hex");
                byte[] nbt = hex != null ? DatatypeConverter.parseHexBinary(hex) : new byte[0];

                addCreativeItem(Item.get(id, damage, 1, nbt));
            } catch (Exception e) {

    public static void clearCreativeItems() {

    public static ArrayList<Item> getCreativeItems() {
        return new ArrayList<>(Item.creative);

    public static void addCreativeItem(Item item) {

    public static void removeCreativeItem(Item item) {
        int index = getCreativeItemIndex(item);
        if (index != -1) {

    public static boolean isCreativeItem(Item item) {
        for (Item aCreative : Item.creative) {
            if (item.equals(aCreative, !item.isTool())) {
                return true;
        return false;

    public static Item getCreativeItem(int index) {
        return (index >= 0 && index < Item.creative.size()) ? Item.creative.get(index) : null;

    public static int getCreativeItemIndex(Item item) {
        for (int i = 0; i < Item.creative.size(); i++) {
            if (item.equals(Item.creative.get(i), !item.isTool())) {
                return i;
        return -1;

    public static Item get(int id) {
        return get(id, 0);

    public static Item get(int id, Integer meta) {
        return get(id, meta, 1);

    public static Item get(int id, Integer meta, int count) {
        return get(id, meta, count, new byte[0]);

    public static Item get(int id, Integer meta, int count, byte[] tags) {
        try {
            Class c = list[id];
            Item item;

            if (c == null) {
                item = new Item(id, meta, count);
            } else if (id < 256) {
                item = new ItemBlock((Block) c.getConstructor(int.class).newInstance(meta), meta, count);
            } else {
                item = ((Item) c.getConstructor(Integer.class, int.class).newInstance(meta, count));

            if (tags.length != 0) {

            return item;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return new Item(id, meta, count).setCompoundTag(tags);

    public static Item fromString(String str) {
        String[] b = str.trim().replace(' ', '_').replace("minecraft:", "").split(":");

        int id = 0;
        int meta = 0;

        Pattern integerPattern = Pattern.compile("^[1-9]\\d*$");
        if (integerPattern.matcher(b[0]).matches()) {
            id = Integer.valueOf(b[0]);
        } else {
            try {
                id = Item.class.getField(b[0].toUpperCase()).getInt(null);
            } catch (Exception ignore) {

        id = id & 0xFFFF;
        if (b.length != 1) meta = Integer.valueOf(b[1]) & 0xFFFF;

        return get(id, meta);

    public static Item[] fromStringMultiple(String str) {
        String[] b = str.split(",");
        Item[] items = new Item[b.length - 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
            items[i] = fromString(b[i]);
        return items;

    public Item setCompoundTag(CompoundTag tag) {
        return this;

    public Item setCompoundTag(byte[] tags) {
        this.tags = tags;
        this.cachedNBT = null;
        return this;

    public byte[] getCompoundTag() {
        return tags;

    public boolean hasCompoundTag() {
        return this.tags != null && this.tags.length > 0;

    public boolean hasCustomBlockData() {
        if (!this.hasCompoundTag()) {
            return false;

        CompoundTag tag = this.getNamedTag();
        return tag.contains("BlockEntityTag") && tag.get("BlockEntityTag") instanceof CompoundTag;


    public Item clearCustomBlockData() {
        if (!this.hasCompoundTag()) {
            return this;
        CompoundTag tag = this.getNamedTag();

        if (tag.contains("BlockEntityTag") && tag.get("BlockEntityTag") instanceof CompoundTag) {

        return this;

    public Item setCustomBlockData(CompoundTag compoundTag) {
        CompoundTag tags = compoundTag.copy();

        CompoundTag tag;
        if (!this.hasCompoundTag()) {
            tag = new CompoundTag();
        } else {
            tag = this.getNamedTag();

        tag.putCompound("BlockEntityTag", tags);

        return this;

    public CompoundTag getCustomBlockData() {
        if (!this.hasCompoundTag()) {
            return null;

        CompoundTag tag = this.getNamedTag();

        if (tag.contains("BlockEntityTag")) {
            Tag bet = tag.get("BlockEntityTag");
            if (bet instanceof CompoundTag) {
                return (CompoundTag) bet;

        return null;

    public boolean hasEnchantments() {
        if (!this.hasCompoundTag()) {
            return false;

        CompoundTag tag = this.getNamedTag();

        if (tag.contains("ench")) {
            Tag enchTag = tag.get("ench");
            if (enchTag instanceof ListTag) {
                return true;

        return false;

    public Enchantment getEnchantment(int id) {
        return getEnchantment((short) (id & 0xffff));

    public Enchantment getEnchantment(short id) {
        if (!this.hasEnchantments()) {
            return null;

        for (CompoundTag entry : this.getNamedTag().getList("ench", CompoundTag.class).getAll()) {
            if (entry.getShort("id") == id) {
                Enchantment e = Enchantment.getEnchantment(entry.getShort("id"));
                if (e != null) {
                    return e;

        return null;

    public Item addEnchantment(Enchantment... enchantments) {
        CompoundTag tag;
        if (!this.hasCompoundTag()) {
            tag = new CompoundTag();
        } else {
            tag = this.getNamedTag();

        ListTag<CompoundTag> ench;
        if (!tag.contains("ench")) {
            ench = new ListTag<>("ench");
        } else {
            ench = tag.getList("ench", CompoundTag.class);

        for (Enchantment enchantment : enchantments) {
            boolean found = false;

            for (int k = 0; k < ench.size(); k++) {
                CompoundTag entry = ench.get(k);
                if (entry.getShort("id") == enchantment.getId()) {
                    ench.add(k, new CompoundTag()
                            .putShort("id", enchantment.getId())
                            .putShort("lvl", enchantment.getLevel())
                    found = true;

            if (!found) {
                ench.add(new CompoundTag()
                        .putShort("id", enchantment.getId())
                        .putShort("lvl", enchantment.getLevel())

        return this;

    public Enchantment[] getEnchantments() {
        if (!this.hasEnchantments()) {
            return new Enchantment[0];

        List<Enchantment> enchantments = new ArrayList<>();

        ListTag<CompoundTag> ench = this.getNamedTag().getList("ench", CompoundTag.class);
        for (CompoundTag entry : ench.getAll()) {
            Enchantment e = Enchantment.getEnchantment(entry.getShort("id"));
            if (e != null) {


    public boolean hasCustomName() {
        if (!this.hasCompoundTag()) {
            return false;

        CompoundTag tag = this.getNamedTag();
        if (tag.contains("display")) {
            Tag tag1 = tag.get("display");
            if (tag1 instanceof CompoundTag && ((CompoundTag) tag1).contains("Name") && ((CompoundTag) tag1).get("Name") instanceof StringTag) {
                return true;

        return false;

    public String getCustomName() {
        if (!this.hasCompoundTag()) {
            return "";

        CompoundTag tag = this.getNamedTag();
        if (tag.contains("display")) {
            Tag tag1 = tag.get("display");
            if (tag1 instanceof CompoundTag && ((CompoundTag) tag1).contains("Name") && ((CompoundTag) tag1).get("Name") instanceof StringTag) {
                return ((CompoundTag) tag1).getString("Name");

        return "";

    public Item setCustomName(String name) {
        if (name == null || name.equals("")) {

        CompoundTag tag;
        if (!this.hasCompoundTag()) {
            tag = new CompoundTag();
        } else {
            tag = this.getNamedTag();
        if (tag.contains("display") && tag.get("display") instanceof CompoundTag) {
            tag.getCompound("display").putString("Name", name);
        } else {
            tag.putCompound("display", new CompoundTag("display")
                    .putString("Name", name)
        return this;

    public Item clearCustomName() {
        if (!this.hasCompoundTag()) {
            return this;

        CompoundTag tag = this.getNamedTag();

        if (tag.contains("display") && tag.get("display") instanceof CompoundTag) {
            if (tag.getCompound("display").isEmpty()) {


        return this;

    public String[] getLore() {
        Tag tag = this.getNamedTagEntry("display");
        ArrayList<String> lines = new ArrayList<>();

        if (tag instanceof CompoundTag) {
            CompoundTag nbt = (CompoundTag) tag;
            ListTag<StringTag> lore = nbt.getList("Lore", StringTag.class);

            if (lore.size() > 0) {
                for (StringTag stringTag : lore.getAll()) {

        return lines.toArray(new String[0]);

    public Item setLore(String... lines) {
        CompoundTag tag;
        if (!this.hasCompoundTag()) {
            tag = new CompoundTag();
        } else {
            tag = this.getNamedTag();
        ListTag<StringTag> lore = new ListTag<>("Lore");

        for (String line : lines) {
            lore.add(new StringTag("", line));

        if (!tag.contains("display")) {
            tag.putCompound("display", new CompoundTag("display").putList(lore));
        } else {

        return this;

    public int getRepairCost() {
        if (!this.hasCompoundTag()) {
            return 0;
        if (!this.getNamedTag().contains("RepairCost")) {
            return 0;
        return this.getNamedTag().getInt("RepairCost");

    public Item setRepairCost(int cost) {
    	CompoundTag tag;
        if (this.hasCompoundTag()) {
            tag = this.getNamedTag();
        } else {
        	tag = new CompoundTag();
        tag.putInt("RepairCost", cost);
        return this;

    public Tag getNamedTagEntry(String name) {
        CompoundTag tag = this.getNamedTag();
        if (tag != null) {
            return tag.contains(name) ? tag.get(name) : null;

        return null;

    public CompoundTag getNamedTag() {
        if (!this.hasCompoundTag()) {
            return null;

        if (this.cachedNBT == null) {
            this.cachedNBT = parseCompoundTag(this.tags);

        if (this.cachedNBT != null) {

        return this.cachedNBT;

    public Item setNamedTag(CompoundTag tag) {
        if (tag.isEmpty()) {
            return this.clearNamedTag();

        this.cachedNBT = tag;
        this.tags = writeCompoundTag(tag);

        return this;

    public Item clearNamedTag() {
        return this.setCompoundTag(new byte[0]);

    public int getCount() {
        return count;

    public Item setCount(int count) {
        this.count = count;
        return this;

    final public String getName() {
        return this.hasCustomName() ? this.getCustomName() :;

    final public boolean canBePlaced() {
        return ((this.block != null) && this.block.canBePlaced());

    public Block getBlock() {
        if (this.block != null) {
            return this.block.clone();
        } else {
            return new BlockAir();

    public int getId() {
        return id;

    public int getDamage() {
        return meta;

    public Item setDamage(Integer meta) {
        if (meta != null) {
            this.meta = meta & 0xffff;
        } else {
            this.hasMeta = false;
        return this;

    public int getMaxStackSize() {
        return 64;

    final public Short getFuelTime() {
        if (!Fuel.duration.containsKey(id)) {
            return null;
        if ( != BUCKET || this.meta == 10) {
            return Fuel.duration.get(;
        return null;

    public boolean useOn(Entity entity) {
        return false;

    public boolean useOn(Block block) {
        return false;

    public boolean isTool() {
        return false;

    public int getMaxDurability() {
        return -1;

    public int getTier() {
        return 0;

    public boolean isPickaxe() {
        return false;

    public boolean isAxe() {
        return false;

    public boolean isSword() {
        return false;

    public boolean isShovel() {
        return false;

    public boolean isHoe() {
        return false;

    public boolean isShears() {
        return false;

    public boolean isArmor() {
        return false;

    public boolean isHelmet() {
        return false;

    public boolean isChestplate() {
        return false;

    public boolean isLeggings() {
        return false;

    public boolean isBoots() {
        return false;

    public int getEnchantAbility() {
        return 0;

    public int getAttackDamage() {
        return 1;

    public int getArmorPoints() {
        return 0;

    public int getToughness() {
        return 0;

    public boolean isSilkTouch() {
        return false;

    public boolean isUnbreakable() {
        return false;

    final public String toString() {
        return FastAppender.get("Item ",, " (",, ":", (!this.hasMeta ? "?" : this.meta), ")x", this.count, (this.hasCompoundTag() ? " tags:0x" + Binary.bytesToHexString(this.getCompoundTag()) : ""));

    public int getDestroySpeed(Block block, Player player) {
        return 1;

    public boolean onActivate(Level level, Player player, Block block, Block target, BlockFace face, double fx, double fy, double fz) {
        return false;

    public final boolean equals(Object item) {
        return item instanceof Item && this.equals((Item) item, true);

    public final boolean equals(Item item, boolean checkDamage) {
        return equals(item, checkDamage, true);

    public final boolean equals(Item item, boolean checkDamage, boolean checkCompound) {
        if (this.getId() == item.getId() && (!checkDamage || this.getDamage() == item.getDamage())) {
            if (checkCompound) {
                if (Arrays.equals(this.getCompoundTag(), item.getCompoundTag())) {
                    return true;
                } else if (this.hasCompoundTag() && item.hasCompoundTag()) {
                    return this.getNamedTag().equals(item.getNamedTag());
            } else {
            	return true;
        return false;

    public final boolean deepEquals(Item item) {
        return deepEquals(item, true);

    public final boolean deepEquals(Item item, boolean checkDamage) {
        return deepEquals(item, checkDamage, true);

    public final boolean deepEquals(Item item, boolean checkDamage, boolean checkCompound) {
        if (this.equals(item, checkDamage, checkCompound)) {
            return true;
        } else if (item.hasCompoundTag()) {
            return item.getNamedTag().equals(this.getNamedTag());
        } else if (this.hasCompoundTag()) {
            return this.getNamedTag().equals(item.getNamedTag());

        return false;

    public Item clone() {
        try {
            Item item = (Item) super.clone();
            item.tags = this.tags.clone();
            return item;
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
            return null;

    public boolean isNull(){
        return this.count <= 0 || == AIR;

    public boolean onClickAir(Player player, Vector3 directionVector) {
        return false;

    public boolean onReleaseUsing(Player player) {
        return false;

    public final boolean equalsExact(Item other) {
        return this.equals(other, true, true) && this.count == other.count;