package com.jagex.runescape;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.PixelGrabber;

public final class Sprite extends DrawingArea {

	public int[] pixels;

	public int width;

	public int height;

	private int offsetX;

	private int offsetY;

	public int maxWidth;

	public int maxHeight;

	public Sprite(final Archive streamLoader, final String target, final int archiveId) {
		final Buffer dataStream = new Buffer(streamLoader.decompressFile(target + ".dat"));
		final Buffer indexStream = new Buffer(streamLoader.decompressFile("index.dat"));
		indexStream.position = dataStream.getUnsignedLEShort();
        this.maxWidth = indexStream.getUnsignedLEShort();
        this.maxHeight = indexStream.getUnsignedLEShort();
		final int length = indexStream.getUnsignedByte();
		final int[] pixels = new int[length];
		for (int p = 0; p < length - 1; p++) {
			pixels[p + 1] = indexStream.get3Bytes();
			if (pixels[p + 1] == 0) {
                pixels[p + 1] = 1;

		for (int i = 0; i < archiveId; i++) {
			indexStream.position += 2;
			dataStream.position += indexStream.getUnsignedLEShort() * indexStream.getUnsignedLEShort();

        this.offsetX = indexStream.getUnsignedByte();
        this.offsetY = indexStream.getUnsignedByte();
        this.width = indexStream.getUnsignedLEShort();
        this.height = indexStream.getUnsignedLEShort();
		final int type = indexStream.getUnsignedByte();
		final int pixelCount = this.width * this.height;
		this.pixels = new int[pixelCount];
		if (type == 0) {
			for (int p = 0; p < pixelCount; p++) {
                this.pixels[p] = pixels[dataStream.getUnsignedByte()];

		if (type == 1) {
			for (int x = 0; x < this.width; x++) {
				for (int y = 0; y < this.height; y++) {
                    this.pixels[x + y * this.width] = pixels[dataStream.getUnsignedByte()];



	public Sprite(final byte[] abyte0, final Component component) {
		try {
			// Image image =
			// Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(signlink.findcachedir()+"mopar.jpg");
			final Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(abyte0);
			final MediaTracker mediatracker = new MediaTracker(component);
			mediatracker.addImage(image, 0);
            this.width = image.getWidth(component);
            this.height = image.getHeight(component);
            this.maxWidth = this.width;
            this.maxHeight = this.height;
            this.offsetX = 0;
            this.offsetY = 0;
            this.pixels = new int[this.width * this.height];
			final PixelGrabber pixelgrabber = new PixelGrabber(image, 0, 0, this.width, this.height, this.pixels, 0, this.width);
		} catch (final Exception _ex) {
			System.out.println("Error converting jpg");

	public Sprite(final int i, final int j) {
        this.pixels = new int[i * j];
        this.width = this.maxWidth = i;
        this.height = this.maxHeight = j;
        this.offsetX = this.offsetY = 0;

	public void adjustRGB(final int adjustmentR, final int adjustmentG, final int adjustmentB) {
		for (int pixel = 0; pixel < this.pixels.length; pixel++) {
			final int originalColour = this.pixels[pixel];
			if (originalColour != 0) {
				int red = originalColour >> 16 & 0xff;
				red += adjustmentR;
				if (red < 1) {
                    red = 1;
                } else if (red > 255) {
                    red = 255;
				int green = originalColour >> 8 & 0xff;
				green += adjustmentG;
				if (green < 1) {
                    green = 1;
                } else if (green > 255) {
                    green = 255;
				int blue = originalColour & 0xff;
				blue += adjustmentB;
				if (blue < 1) {
                    blue = 1;
                } else if (blue > 255) {
                    blue = 255;
                this.pixels[pixel] = (red << 16) + (green << 8) + blue;


	private void blockCopy(int destinationPointer, int copyLength, final int k, final int sourceBlockLength, int sourcePointer,
                           final int destinationBlockLength, final int[] source, final int[] destination) {
		final int blockCount = -(copyLength >> 2);
		copyLength = -(copyLength & 3);
		for (int i2 = -k; i2 < 0; i2++) {
			for (int ptr = blockCount; ptr < 0; ptr++) {
				destination[destinationPointer++] = source[sourcePointer++];
				destination[destinationPointer++] = source[sourcePointer++];
				destination[destinationPointer++] = source[sourcePointer++];
				destination[destinationPointer++] = source[sourcePointer++];

			for (int ptr = copyLength; ptr < 0; ptr++) {
                destination[destinationPointer++] = source[sourcePointer++];

			destinationPointer += destinationBlockLength;
			sourcePointer += sourceBlockLength;

	private void blockCopyAlpha(int sourcePointer, final int blockCount, final int[] destination, final int[] source,
                                final int sourceBlockLength, final int i1, final int destinationBlockLength, final int alpha, int destinationPointer) {
		int sourceValue;// was parameter
		final int destinationAlpha = 256 - alpha;
		for (int k2 = -i1; k2 < 0; k2++) {
			for (int ptr = -blockCount; ptr < 0; ptr++) {
				sourceValue = source[sourcePointer++];
				if (sourceValue != 0) {
					final int destinationValue = destination[destinationPointer];
					destination[destinationPointer++] = ((sourceValue & 0xff00ff) * alpha
							+ (destinationValue & 0xff00ff) * destinationAlpha & 0xff00ff00)
							+ ((sourceValue & 0xff00) * alpha + (destinationValue & 0xff00) * destinationAlpha
									& 0xff0000) >> 8;
				} else {

			destinationPointer += destinationBlockLength;
			sourcePointer += sourceBlockLength;

	private void blockCopyTransparent(final int[] destination, final int[] source, int sourcePointer, int destinationPointer,
                                      int copyLength, final int i1, final int destinationBlockLength, final int sourceBlockLength) {
		int value;// was parameter
		final int blockCount = -(copyLength >> 2);
		copyLength = -(copyLength & 3);
		for (int i2 = -i1; i2 < 0; i2++) {
			for (int ptr = blockCount; ptr < 0; ptr++) {
				value = source[sourcePointer++];
				if (value != 0) {
                    destination[destinationPointer++] = value;
                } else {
				value = source[sourcePointer++];
				if (value != 0) {
                    destination[destinationPointer++] = value;
                } else {
				value = source[sourcePointer++];
				if (value != 0) {
                    destination[destinationPointer++] = value;
                } else {
				value = source[sourcePointer++];
				if (value != 0) {
                    destination[destinationPointer++] = value;
                } else {

			for (int ptr = copyLength; ptr < 0; ptr++) {
				value = source[sourcePointer++];
				if (value != 0) {
                    destination[destinationPointer++] = value;
                } else {

			destinationPointer += destinationBlockLength;
			sourcePointer += sourceBlockLength;


	public void drawImage(int x, int y) {
		x += this.offsetX;
		y += this.offsetY;
		int destinationOffset = x + y * DrawingArea.width;
		int sourceOffset = 0;
		int rowCount = this.height;
		int columnCount = this.width;
		int lineDestinationOffset = DrawingArea.width - columnCount;
		int lineSourceOffset = 0;
		if (y < DrawingArea.topY) {
			final int clipHeight = DrawingArea.topY - y;
			rowCount -= clipHeight;
			y = DrawingArea.topY;
			sourceOffset += clipHeight * columnCount;
			destinationOffset += clipHeight * DrawingArea.width;
		if (y + rowCount > DrawingArea.bottomY) {
            rowCount -= (y + rowCount) - DrawingArea.bottomY;
		if (x < DrawingArea.topX) {
			final int clipWidth = DrawingArea.topX - x;
			columnCount -= clipWidth;
			x = DrawingArea.topX;
			sourceOffset += clipWidth;
			destinationOffset += clipWidth;
			lineSourceOffset += clipWidth;
			lineDestinationOffset += clipWidth;
		if (x + columnCount > DrawingArea.bottomX) {
			final int clipWidth = (x + columnCount) - DrawingArea.bottomX;
			columnCount -= clipWidth;
			lineSourceOffset += clipWidth;
			lineDestinationOffset += clipWidth;
		if (!(columnCount <= 0 || rowCount <= 0)) {
			this.blockCopyTransparent(DrawingArea.pixels, this.pixels, sourceOffset, destinationOffset, columnCount, rowCount,
					lineDestinationOffset, lineSourceOffset);

	public void drawImageAlpha(int i, int j) {
		final int k = 128;// was parameter
		i += this.offsetX;
		j += this.offsetY;
		int i1 = i + j * DrawingArea.width;
		int j1 = 0;
		int k1 = this.height;
		int l1 = this.width;
		int i2 = DrawingArea.width - l1;
		int j2 = 0;
		if (j < DrawingArea.topY) {
			final int k2 = DrawingArea.topY - j;
			k1 -= k2;
			j = DrawingArea.topY;
			j1 += k2 * l1;
			i1 += k2 * DrawingArea.width;
		if (j + k1 > DrawingArea.bottomY) {
            k1 -= (j + k1) - DrawingArea.bottomY;
		if (i < DrawingArea.topX) {
			final int l2 = DrawingArea.topX - i;
			l1 -= l2;
			i = DrawingArea.topX;
			j1 += l2;
			i1 += l2;
			j2 += l2;
			i2 += l2;
		if (i + l1 > DrawingArea.bottomX) {
			final int i3 = (i + l1) - DrawingArea.bottomX;
			l1 -= i3;
			j2 += i3;
			i2 += i3;
		if (!(l1 <= 0 || k1 <= 0)) {
			this.blockCopyAlpha(j1, l1, DrawingArea.pixels, this.pixels, j2, k1, i2, k, i1);

	public void drawInverse(int i, int j) {
		i += this.offsetX;
		j += this.offsetY;
		int l = i + j * DrawingArea.width;
		int i1 = 0;
		int j1 = this.height;
		int k1 = this.width;
		int l1 = DrawingArea.width - k1;
		int i2 = 0;
		if (j < DrawingArea.topY) {
			final int j2 = DrawingArea.topY - j;
			j1 -= j2;
			j = DrawingArea.topY;
			i1 += j2 * k1;
			l += j2 * DrawingArea.width;
		if (j + j1 > DrawingArea.bottomY) {
            j1 -= (j + j1) - DrawingArea.bottomY;
		if (i < DrawingArea.topX) {
			final int k2 = DrawingArea.topX - i;
			k1 -= k2;
			i = DrawingArea.topX;
			i1 += k2;
			l += k2;
			i2 += k2;
			l1 += k2;
		if (i + k1 > DrawingArea.bottomX) {
			final int l2 = (i + k1) - DrawingArea.bottomX;
			k1 -= l2;
			i2 += l2;
			l1 += l2;
		if (k1 <= 0 || j1 <= 0) {
		} else {
			this.blockCopy(l, k1, j1, i2, i1, l1, this.pixels, DrawingArea.pixels);

	public void initDrawingArea() {
		DrawingArea.initDrawingArea(this.height, this.width, this.pixels);

	public void method354(final IndexedImage background, int x, int y) {
		y += this.offsetX;
		x += this.offsetY;
		int k = y + x * DrawingArea.width;
		int l = 0;
		int i1 = this.height;
		int j1 = this.width;
		int k1 = DrawingArea.width - j1;
		int l1 = 0;
		if (x < DrawingArea.topY) {
			final int i2 = DrawingArea.topY - x;
			i1 -= i2;
			x = DrawingArea.topY;
			l += i2 * j1;
			k += i2 * DrawingArea.width;
		if (x + i1 > DrawingArea.bottomY) {
            i1 -= (x + i1) - DrawingArea.bottomY;
		if (y < DrawingArea.topX) {
			final int j2 = DrawingArea.topX - y;
			j1 -= j2;
			y = DrawingArea.topX;
			l += j2;
			k += j2;
			l1 += j2;
			k1 += j2;
		if (y + j1 > DrawingArea.bottomX) {
			final int k2 = (y + j1) - DrawingArea.bottomX;
			j1 -= k2;
			l1 += k2;
			k1 += k2;
		if (!(j1 <= 0 || i1 <= 0)) {
			this.method355(this.pixels, j1, background.pixels, i1, DrawingArea.pixels, 0, k1, k, l1, l);

	private void method355(final int[] ai, int i, final byte[] abyte0, final int j, final int[] ai1, int k, final int l, int i1, final int j1, int k1) {
		final int l1 = -(i >> 2);
		i = -(i & 3);
		for (int j2 = -j; j2 < 0; j2++) {
			for (int k2 = l1; k2 < 0; k2++) {
				k = ai[k1++];
				if (k != 0 && abyte0[i1] == 0) {
                    ai1[i1++] = k;
                } else {
				k = ai[k1++];
				if (k != 0 && abyte0[i1] == 0) {
                    ai1[i1++] = k;
                } else {
				k = ai[k1++];
				if (k != 0 && abyte0[i1] == 0) {
                    ai1[i1++] = k;
                } else {
				k = ai[k1++];
				if (k != 0 && abyte0[i1] == 0) {
                    ai1[i1++] = k;
                } else {

			for (int l2 = i; l2 < 0; l2++) {
				k = ai[k1++];
				if (k != 0 && abyte0[i1] == 0) {
                    ai1[i1++] = k;
                } else {

			i1 += l;
			k1 += j1;


	public void rotate(int x, int y, final double rotation) {
		// all of the following were parameters
		final int centreY = 15;
		final int width = 20;
		final int centreX = 15;
		final int hingeSize = 256;
		final int height = 20;
		// all of the previous were parameters
		try {
			final int i2 = -width / 2;
			final int j2 = -height / 2;
			int k2 = (int) (Math.sin(rotation) * 65536D);
			int l2 = (int) (Math.cos(rotation) * 65536D);
			k2 = k2 * hingeSize >> 8;
			l2 = l2 * hingeSize >> 8;
			int i3 = (centreX << 16) + (j2 * k2 + i2 * l2);
			int j3 = (centreY << 16) + (j2 * l2 - i2 * k2);
			int k3 = x + y * DrawingArea.width;
			for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
				int l3 = k3;
				int i4 = i3;
				int j4 = j3;
				for (x = -width; x < 0; x++) {
					final int k4 = this.pixels[(i4 >> 16) + (j4 >> 16) * this.width];
					if (k4 != 0) {
                        DrawingArea.pixels[l3++] = k4;
                    } else {
					i4 += l2;
					j4 -= k2;

				i3 += k2;
				j3 += l2;
				k3 += DrawingArea.width;

		} catch (final Exception _ex) {

	public void rotate(final int height, final int rotation, final int[] widthMap, final int hingeSize, final int[] ai1, final int centreY, int y, int x,
                       final int width, final int centreX) {
		try {
			final int negativeCentreX = -width / 2;
			final int negativeCentreY = -height / 2;
			int offsetY = (int) (Math.sin(rotation / 326.11000000000001D) * 65536D);
			int offsetX = (int) (Math.cos(rotation / 326.11000000000001D) * 65536D);
			offsetY = offsetY * hingeSize >> 8;
			offsetX = offsetX * hingeSize >> 8;
			int j3 = (centreX << 16) + (negativeCentreY * offsetY + negativeCentreX * offsetX);
			int k3 = (centreY << 16) + (negativeCentreY * offsetX - negativeCentreX * offsetY);
			int l3 = x + y * DrawingArea.width;
			for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
				final int i4 = ai1[y];
				int j4 = l3 + i4;
				int k4 = j3 + offsetX * i4;
				int l4 = k3 - offsetY * i4;
				for (x = -widthMap[y]; x < 0; x++) {
					DrawingArea.pixels[j4++] = this.pixels[(k4 >> 16) + (l4 >> 16) * this.width];
					k4 += offsetX;
					l4 -= offsetY;

				j3 += offsetY;
				k3 += offsetX;
				l3 += DrawingArea.width;

		} catch (final Exception _ex) {

	public void trim() {
		final int[] targetPixels = new int[this.maxWidth * this.maxHeight];
		for (int _y = 0; _y < this.height; _y++) {
			System.arraycopy(this.pixels, _y * this.width, targetPixels, _y + this.offsetY * this.maxWidth + this.offsetX, this.width);

        this.pixels = targetPixels;
        this.width = this.maxWidth;
        this.height = this.maxHeight;
        this.offsetX = 0;
        this.offsetY = 0;