 *       Copyright (C) 2018-present Hyperium <https://hyperium.cc/>
 *       This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *       it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
 *       by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *       (at your option) any later version.
 *       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *       GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *       You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 *       along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package cc.hyperium.gui.carousel;

import cc.hyperium.gui.GuiBlock;
import cc.hyperium.gui.Icons;
import cc.hyperium.mods.sk1ercommon.ResolutionUtil;
import cc.hyperium.utils.HyperiumFontRenderer;
import cc.hyperium.utils.RenderUtils;
import cc.hyperium.utils.SimpleAnimValue;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.ScaledResolution;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager;
import net.minecraft.client.resources.I18n;

import java.awt.*;

 * Created by mitchellkatz on 6/25/18. Designed for production use on Sk1er.club
public class PurchaseCarousel {

    private final HyperiumFontRenderer fr = new HyperiumFontRenderer("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 60);
    private int index;
    private CarouselItem[] items;
    private SimpleAnimValue larrow = new SimpleAnimValue(0L, 0.5f, 0.5f);
    private SimpleAnimValue rarrow = new SimpleAnimValue(0L, 0.5f, 0.5f);
    private boolean lhover;
    private boolean rhover;
    private GuiBlock activeBlock;

    private PurchaseCarousel(int index, CarouselItem[] items) {
        if (items.length == 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Items must have at least 1 item in it");
        this.index = index;
        this.items = items;

    public static PurchaseCarousel create(int index, CarouselItem... items) {
        return new PurchaseCarousel(index, items);

    public CarouselItem[] getItems() {
        return items;

    public CarouselItem getCurrent() {
        return getItems()[index];

    public void mouseClicked(int x, int y, int centerX) {
        ScaledResolution current = ResolutionUtil.current();
        int totalWidth = current.getScaledWidth() / 3;
        int panel = totalWidth / 5;
        int mainWidth = panel * 3;
        int centerY = current.getScaledHeight() / 2;
        int leftX = centerX - mainWidth / 2;
        int rightX = centerX + mainWidth / 2;

        if (x >= leftX - 8 && x <= leftX && y >= centerY - 5 && y <= centerY + 5) {
        } else if (x >= rightX && x <= rightX + 8 && y >= centerY - 5 && y <= centerY + 5) {

        int objLeft = centerX - mainWidth / 2;
        int purchaseLeft = objLeft + 5;
        int purchaseRight = (objLeft + 50);
        int mainHeight = current.getScaledHeight() / 5 * 3;
        int objBottom = centerY + mainHeight / 2;

        int barHeight = 16;

        int purchaseTop = objBottom - 20;
        int purchaseBottom = purchaseTop + barHeight;

        if (x >= purchaseLeft && x <= purchaseRight && y <= purchaseBottom && y >= purchaseTop) {

        int settingsLeft = purchaseRight + barHeight / 2;
        int settingsRight = settingsLeft + barHeight;

        if (x >= settingsLeft && x <= settingsRight && y <= purchaseBottom && y >= purchaseTop) {

        if (activeBlock != null && activeBlock.isMouseOver(x, y)) {

    public void rotateRight() {
        if (index > items.length - 1) index = 0;

    public void rotateLeft() {
        if (index < 0) index = items.length - 1;

    public void render(int centerX, int centerY, int mouseX, int mouseY) {
        activeBlock = null;
        ScaledResolution current = ResolutionUtil.current();
        int totalWidth = current.getScaledWidth() / 3;
        int panel = totalWidth / 5;
        int mainWidth = panel * 3;
        int sideHeight = current.getScaledHeight() / 5 * 2;
        int mainHeight = current.getScaledHeight() / 5 * 3;
        int objLeft = centerX - mainWidth / 2;
        int objBottom = centerY + mainHeight / 2;
        int objRight = centerX + mainWidth / 2;

        if (index > 0) {
            //Draw left side
            RenderUtils.drawSmoothRect(centerX - panel * 2, centerY - sideHeight / 2, centerX,
                centerY + sideHeight / 2, 4, new Color(23, 23, 23, 100).getRGB());
        if (index < items.length - 1) {
            RenderUtils.drawSmoothRect(centerX, centerY - sideHeight / 2, centerX + panel * 2,
                centerY + sideHeight / 2, 4, new Color(23, 23, 23, 100).getRGB());

        RenderUtils.drawSmoothRect(objLeft, centerY - mainHeight / 2, objRight, objBottom, 10, new Color(23, 23, 23, 255).getRGB());
        CarouselItem item = items[index];
        GlStateManager.scale(.5, .5, .5);

        int barHeight = 16;
        fr.drawString(item.getName(), (objLeft + 5) * 2, (objBottom - 50) * 2, Color.WHITE.getRGB());
        int purchaseRight = (objLeft + 50) * 2;

        RenderUtils.drawSmoothRect((objLeft + 5) * 2, (objBottom - 20) * 2, purchaseRight,
            (objBottom - 20 + barHeight) * 2, 10, Color.WHITE.getRGB());

        GlStateManager.scale(2 / 3F, 2 / 3F, 2 / 3F);

        fr.drawString(item.isPurchased() ? I18n.format("gui.purchase.purchased") : I18n.format("gui.purchase.purchase"),
            (objLeft + 5) * 3, (objBottom - 18) * 3, new Color(23, 23, 23, 255).getRGB());

        GlStateManager.scale(3 / 2F, 3 / 2f, 3 / 2F);

        RenderUtils.drawFilledCircle(purchaseRight + barHeight * 2, (objBottom - 12) * 2, barHeight, Color.WHITE.getRGB());
        GlStateManager.color(0, 0, 0);

        Gui.drawScaledCustomSizeModalRect(purchaseRight + barHeight, (objBottom - 20) * 2, 0, 0,
            144, 144, barHeight * 2, barHeight * 2, 144, 144);

        GlStateManager.scale(2.0, 2.0, 2.0);

        if (mouseX >= objLeft - 8 && mouseX <= objLeft && mouseY >= centerY - 5 && mouseY <= centerY + 5) {
            if (!lhover) {
                lhover = true;
                larrow = new SimpleAnimValue(500L, larrow.getValue(), 0.3f);
        } else if (lhover) {
            lhover = false;
            larrow = new SimpleAnimValue(500L, larrow.getValue(), 0.5f);

        float v = larrow.getValue();
        GlStateManager.scale(v, v, v);
        fr.drawCenteredString("<", (objLeft - 5) / v, centerY / v - 10, 0xffffff);
        GlStateManager.scale(1 / v, 1 / v, 1 / v);

        if (mouseX >= objRight && mouseX <= objRight + 8 && mouseY >= centerY - 5 && mouseY <= centerY + 5) {
            if (!rhover) {
                rhover = true;
                rarrow = new SimpleAnimValue(500L, rarrow.getValue(), 0.3f);
        } else if (rhover) {
            rhover = false;
            rarrow = new SimpleAnimValue(500L, rarrow.getValue(), 0.5f);

        v = rarrow.getValue();
        GlStateManager.scale(v, v, v);
        fr.drawCenteredString(">", (objRight + 5) / v, centerY / v - 10, 0xffffff);

        GlStateManager.scale(1 / v, 1 / v, 1 / v);
        String s = I18n.format("gui.purchase.state") + ": " + (getCurrent().isPurchased() ? (getCurrent().isActive() ?
            I18n.format("gui.purchase.active") : I18n.format("gui.purchase.inactive")) : I18n.format("gui.purchase.notpurchased"));
        float e = .5F;

        GlStateManager.scale(e, e, e);
        fr.drawString(s, (centerX - fr.getWidth(s) / 4) / e, (centerY - mainHeight / 2f + 15) / e, Color.GREEN.getRGB());

        if (getCurrent().isPurchased() && !getCurrent().isActive()) {
            s = I18n.format("gui.purchase.clicktouse");
            float width = fr.getWidth(s);
            float x = centerX - width / 4;
            int i = centerY - mainHeight / 2 + 35;
            activeBlock = new GuiBlock((int) x, (int) (x + width * 2), i, i + 10);
            fr.drawString(s, x / e, i / e, Color.GREEN.getRGB());

        GlStateManager.scale(1 / e, 1 / e, 1 / e);
