
import com.megacrit.cardcrawl.core.CardCrawlGame;
import com.megacrit.cardcrawl.core.Settings;
import com.megacrit.cardcrawl.dungeons.AbstractDungeon;
import com.megacrit.cardcrawl.helpers.RelicLibrary;
import com.megacrit.cardcrawl.helpers.ScreenShake;
import com.megacrit.cardcrawl.localization.EventStrings;
import com.megacrit.cardcrawl.relics.AbstractRelic;
import com.megacrit.cardcrawl.vfx.cardManip.PurgeCardEffect;
import com.megacrit.cardcrawl.vfx.cardManip.ShowCardAndObtainEffect;
import theDefault.DefaultMod;

import static theDefault.DefaultMod.makeEventPath;

public class IdentityCrisisEvent extends AbstractImageEvent {

    public static final String ID = DefaultMod.makeID("IdentityCrisisEvent");
    private static final EventStrings eventStrings = CardCrawlGame.languagePack.getEventString(ID);

    private static final String NAME = eventStrings.NAME;
    private static final String[] DESCRIPTIONS = eventStrings.DESCRIPTIONS;
    private static final String[] OPTIONS = eventStrings.OPTIONS;
    public static final String IMG = makeEventPath("IdentityCrisisEvent.png");

    private int screenNum = 0; // The initial screen we will see when encountering the event - screen 0;

    private float HEALTH_LOSS_PERCENTAGE = 0.03F; // 3%
    private float HEALTH_LOSS_PERCENTAGE_LOW_ASCENSION = 0.05F; // 5%

    private int healthdamage; //The actual number of how much Max HP we're going to lose.

    public IdentityCrisisEvent() {
        super(NAME, DESCRIPTIONS[0], IMG);

        if (AbstractDungeon.ascensionLevel >= 15) { // If the player is ascension 15 or above, lose 5% max hp. Else, lose just 3%.
            healthdamage = (int) ((float) AbstractDungeon.player.maxHealth * HEALTH_LOSS_PERCENTAGE);
        } else {
            healthdamage = (int) ((float) AbstractDungeon.player.maxHealth * HEALTH_LOSS_PERCENTAGE_LOW_ASCENSION);

        // The first dialogue options available to us.
        imageEventText.setDialogOption(OPTIONS[0]); // Inspiration - Gain a Random Starting Relic
        imageEventText.setDialogOption(OPTIONS[1] + healthdamage + OPTIONS[2]); // Denial - lose healthDamage Max HP
        imageEventText.setDialogOption(OPTIONS[3], new Apotheosis()); // Acceptance - Gain Apotheosis
        imageEventText.setDialogOption(OPTIONS[4]); // TOUCH THE MIRROR

    protected void buttonEffect(int i) { // This is the event:
        switch (screenNum) {
            case 0: // While you are on screen number 0 (The starting screen)
                switch (i) {
                    case 0: // If you press button the first button (Button at index 0), in this case: Inspiration.
                        this.imageEventText.updateBodyText(DESCRIPTIONS[1]); // Update the text of the event
                        this.imageEventText.updateDialogOption(0, OPTIONS[5]); // 1. Change the first button to the [Leave] button
                        this.imageEventText.clearRemainingOptions(); // 2. and remove all others
                        screenNum = 1; // Screen set the screen number to 1. Once we exit the switch (i) statement,
                        // we'll still continue the switch (screenNum) statement. It'll find screen 1 and do it's actions
                        // (in our case, that's the final screen, but you can chain as many as you want like that)

                        AbstractRelic relicToAdd = RelicLibrary.starterList.get(AbstractDungeon.relicRng.random(RelicLibrary.starterList.size() - 1)).makeCopy();
                        // Get a random starting relic

                        AbstractDungeon.getCurrRoom().spawnRelicAndObtain((float)(Settings.WIDTH / 2), (float)(Settings.HEIGHT / 2), relicToAdd);

                        break; // Onto screen 1 we go.
                    case 1: // If you press button the second button (Button at index 1), in this case: Deinal

                        CardCrawlGame.screenShake.shake(ScreenShake.ShakeIntensity.MED, ScreenShake.ShakeDur.MED, false);
                        // Shake the screen
              "BLUNT_FAST");  // Play a hit sound
                        AbstractDungeon.player.decreaseMaxHealth(healthdamage); // Lose max HP
                        if (CardGroup.getGroupWithoutBottledCards(AbstractDungeon.player.masterDeck.getPurgeableCards()).size() > 0) {
                            // If you have cards you can remove - remove a card
                                    1, OPTIONS[6], false, false, false, true);

                        this.imageEventText.updateDialogOption(0, OPTIONS[5]);
                        screenNum = 1;

                        // Same as before. A note here is that you can also do
                        // imageEventText.clearAllDialogs();
                        // imageEventText.setDialogOption(OPTIONS[1]);
                        // imageEventText.setDialogOption(OPTIONS[4]);
                        // (etc.)
                        // And that would also just set them into slot 0, 1, 2... in order, just like what we do in the very beginning

                        break; // Onto screen 1 we go.
                    case 2: // If you press button the third button (Button at index 2), in this case: Acceptance

                        AbstractCard c = new Apotheosis().makeCopy();
                        AbstractDungeon.effectList.add(new ShowCardAndObtainEffect(c, (float) (Settings.WIDTH / 2), (float) (Settings.HEIGHT / 2)));

                        this.imageEventText.updateDialogOption(0, OPTIONS[5]);
                        screenNum = 1;
                    case 3: // If you press button the fourth button (Button at index 3), in this case: TOUCH
                        imageEventText.loadImage("theDefaultResources/images/events/IdentityCrisisEvent2.png"); // Change the shown image
                        // Other than that, this option doesn't do anything special.
                        this.imageEventText.updateDialogOption(0, OPTIONS[5]);
                        screenNum = 1;
            case 1: // Welcome to screenNum = 1;
                switch (i) {
                    case 0: // If you press the first (and this should be the only) button,
                        openMap(); // You'll open the map and end the event.

    public void update() { // We need the update() when we use grid screens (such as, in this case, the screen for selecting a card to remove)
        super.update(); // Do everything the original update()
        if (!AbstractDungeon.gridSelectScreen.selectedCards.isEmpty()) { // Once the grid screen isn't empty (we selected a card for removal)
            AbstractCard c = (AbstractCard)AbstractDungeon.gridSelectScreen.selectedCards.get(0); // Get the card
            AbstractDungeon.topLevelEffects.add(new PurgeCardEffect(c, (float)(Settings.WIDTH / 2), (float)(Settings.HEIGHT / 2))); // Create the card removal effect
            AbstractDungeon.player.masterDeck.removeCard(c); // Remove it from the deck
            AbstractDungeon.gridSelectScreen.selectedCards.clear(); // Or you can .remove(c) instead of clear,
            // if you want to continue using the other selected cards for something

