 * Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
package com.google.appengine.appcfg;

import com.google.appengine.SdkResolver;
import com.google.appengine.tools.admin.AppCfg;
import com.google.appengine.tools.admin.Application;
import com.google.apphosting.utils.config.AppEngineWebXml;
import com.google.apphosting.utils.config.AppEngineWebXmlReader;
import com.google.apphosting.utils.config.EarHelper;
import com.google.apphosting.utils.config.EarInfo;
import com.google.common.base.Joiner;

import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.eclipse.aether.RepositorySystem;
import org.eclipse.aether.RepositorySystemSession;
import org.eclipse.aether.repository.RemoteRepository;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * Abstract class for supporting appcfg commands.
 * @author Matt Stephenson <[email protected]>
public abstract class AbstractAppCfgMojo extends AbstractMojo {

  private static final String USER_AGENT_KEY = "appengine.useragent";

   * The entry point to Aether, i.e. the component doing all the work.
   * @component
  protected RepositorySystem repoSystem;

   * The current repository/network configuration of Maven.
   * @parameter default-value="${repositorySystemSession}"
   * @readonly
  protected RepositorySystemSession repoSession;

   * The project's remote repositories to use for the resolution of project
   * dependencies.
   * @parameter default-value="${project.remoteProjectRepositories}"
   * @readonly
  protected List<RemoteRepository> projectRepos;

   * The project's remote repositories to use for the resolution of plugins and
   * their dependencies.
   * @parameter default-value="${project.remotePluginRepositories}"
   * @readonly
  protected List<RemoteRepository> pluginRepos;

   * The server to connect to.
   * @parameter expression="${appengine.server}"
  protected String server;

   * The username to use.
   * @parameter expression="${appengine.email}"
  protected String email;

   * Override for the Host header setn with all RPCs.
   * @parameter expression="${appengine.host}"
  protected String host;

   * Proxies requests through the given proxy server. If --proxy_https is also
   * set, only HTTP will be proxied here, otherwise both HTTP and HTTPS will.
   * @parameter expression="${appengine.proxyHost}"
  protected String proxyHost;

   * Proxies HTTPS requests through the given proxy server.
   * @parameter expression="${appengine.proxyHttps}"
  protected String proxyHttps;

   * Do not save/load access credentials to/from disk.
   * @parameter expression="${appengine.noCookies}"
  protected boolean noCookies;

   * Always read the login password from stdin.
   * @parameter expression="${appengine.passin}"
  protected boolean passin;

   * Do not use HTTPS to communicate with the Admin Console.
   * @parameter expression="${appengine.insecure}"
  protected boolean insecure;

   * Override application id from appengine-web.xml or app.yaml.
   * @parameter expression="${appengine.appId}"
  protected String appId;

   * Override version from appengine-web.xml or app.yaml.
   * @parameter expression="${appengine.version}"
  protected String version;

   * Use OAuth2 instead of password auth. Defaults to true.
   * @parameter default-value=true expression="${appengine.oauth2}"
  protected boolean oauth2;

   * Split large jar files (> 10M) into smaller fragments.
   * @parameter expression="${appengine.enableJarSplitting}"
  protected boolean enableJarSplitting;

   * When --enable-jar-splitting is set, files that match the list of comma
   * separated SUFFIXES will be excluded from all jars.
   * @parameter expression="${appengine.jarSplittingExcludes}"
  protected String jarSplittingExcludes;

   * Do not delete temporary (staging) directory used in uploading.
   * @parameter expression="${appengine.retainUploadDir}"
  protected boolean retainUploadDir;

   * The character encoding to use when compiling JSPs.
   * @parameter expression="${appengine.compileEncoding}"
  protected boolean compileEncoding;

   * Number of days worth of log data to get. The cut-off point is midnight UTC.
   * Use 0 to get all available logs. Default is 1.
   * @parameter expression="${appengine.numDays}"
  protected Integer numDays;

   * Severity of app-level log messages to get. The range is 0 (DEBUG) through 4
   * (CRITICAL). If omitted, only request logs are returned.
   * @parameter expression="${appengine.severity}"
  protected String severity;

   * Append to existing file.
   * @parameter expression="${appengine.append}"
  protected boolean append;

   * Number of scheduled execution times to compute.
   * @parameter expression="${appengine.numRuns}"
  protected Integer numRuns;

   * Force deletion of indexes without being prompted.
   * @parameter expression="${appengine.force}"
  protected boolean force;

   * The name of the backend to perform actions on.
   * @parameter expression="${appengine.backendName}"
  protected String backendName;

   * Delete the JSP source files after compilation.
   * @parameter expression="${appengine.deleteJsps}"
  protected boolean deleteJsps;

   * Jar the WEB-INF/classes content.
   * @parameter expression="${appengine.enableJarClasses}"
  protected boolean enableJarClasses;

   * Maven project.
   * @parameter expression="${project}"
   * @required
   * @readonly
  protected MavenProject mavenProject;

   * The Google Cloud Platform project name (same as appId)
   * @parameter expression="${project}"
  protected String project;

   * Instance id to for vm debug.
   * @parameter expression="${appengine.instance}"
  protected String instance;

   * Additional parameters to pass through to AppCfg.
   * @parameter expression="${appengine.additionalParams}"
  protected String[] additionalParams;

  protected void executeAppCfgCommand(String action, String appDir)
          throws MojoExecutionException {
    ArrayList<String> arguments = collectParameters();

    getLog().info("Running " + Joiner.on(" ").join(arguments));

    try {
      AppCfg.main(arguments.toArray(new String[arguments.size()]));
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      throw new MojoExecutionException("Error executing appcfg command="
              + arguments, ex);

  protected void executeAppCfgBackendsCommand(String action, String appDir)
          throws MojoExecutionException {
    ArrayList<String> arguments = collectParameters();

    try {
      AppCfg.main(arguments.toArray(new String[arguments.size()]));
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      throw new MojoExecutionException("Error executing appcfg command="
              + arguments, ex);

  protected ArrayList<String> collectParameters() throws MojoExecutionException {
    String userDefinedAppId = null;
    String userDefinedVersion = null;
    boolean isEAR = false;
    String appDir = mavenProject.getBuild().getDirectory()
            + "/"
            + mavenProject.getBuild().getFinalName();
    File f = new File(appDir, "WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml");
    if (f.exists()) {
      AppEngineWebXmlReader aewebReader = new AppEngineWebXmlReader(appDir);
      AppEngineWebXml appEngineWebXml = aewebReader.readAppEngineWebXml();
      userDefinedAppId = appEngineWebXml.getAppId();
      userDefinedVersion = appEngineWebXml.getMajorVersionId();
    } else if (EarHelper.isEar(appDir, false)) {
      EarInfo earInfo = EarHelper.readEarInfo(appDir,
              new File(Application.getSdkDocsDir(), "appengine-application.xsd"));
      userDefinedAppId = earInfo.getAppengineApplicationXml().getApplicationId();
      isEAR = true;

    // For appcfg user agent metric.
    System.setProperty(USER_AGENT_KEY, "appengine-maven-plugin");
    ArrayList<String> arguments = new ArrayList<>();

    if (server != null && !server.isEmpty()) {

    if (email != null && !email.isEmpty()) {

    if (host != null && !host.isEmpty()) {

    if (proxyHost != null && !proxyHost.isEmpty()) {
      arguments.add("--proxy=" + proxyHost);

    if (proxyHttps != null && !proxyHttps.isEmpty()) {
      arguments.add("--proxy_https=" + proxyHttps);

    if (noCookies) {

    if (passin) {

    if (insecure) {

    if (appId != null && !appId.isEmpty()) {
      userDefinedAppId = appId;
    } else if (project != null && !project.isEmpty()) {
      userDefinedAppId = project;
    if (userDefinedAppId != null) {
    } else {
      throw new MojoExecutionException(
              "No <application> defined in appengine-web.xml, nor <appId>"
              + " <configuration> defined in the pom.xml.");

    if (version != null && !version.isEmpty()) {
      userDefinedVersion = version;
    if (userDefinedVersion != null) {
    } else {
      if (!isEAR) {
        // EAR structure would need to define versions per service/module...
        throw new MojoExecutionException(
                "No <version> defined in appengine-web.xml, nor <version>"
                + " <configuration> defined in the pom.xml.");

    if (oauth2) {

    if (enableJarSplitting) {

    if (jarSplittingExcludes != null && !jarSplittingExcludes.isEmpty()) {
      arguments.add("--jar_splitting_excludes=" + jarSplittingExcludes);

    if (retainUploadDir) {

    if (compileEncoding) {

    if (numDays != null) {
      arguments.add("--num_days=" + numDays.toString());

    if (severity != null && !severity.isEmpty()) {
      arguments.add("--severity=" + severity);

    if (append) {

    if (numRuns != null) {
      arguments.add("--num_runs=" + numRuns.toString());

    if (force) {

    if (deleteJsps) {

    if (enableJarClasses) {

    if (additionalParams != null) {
      for (String param : additionalParams) {
        if (param != null && !param.isEmpty()) {

    return arguments;

  private void validateAppIdOrVersion(String value)
          throws MojoExecutionException {
    boolean hasUppercase = !value.equals(value.toLowerCase());
    if (hasUppercase) {
      throw new MojoExecutionException(
              "\nError: App Engine Application Id or version cannot contain uppercase: " + value);
    // Support cases like google.com:foo, ie accept . only when there is a :
    if (!value.contains(":") && value.contains(".")) {
      throw new MojoExecutionException(
              "\nError: App Engine Application Id or version cannot contain dot: " + value);

  String getAppDir() {
    return mavenProject.getBuild().getDirectory() + "/" + mavenProject.getBuild().getFinalName();

  String getProjectId() throws MojoExecutionException {
    if (project != null) {
      return project;
    if (appId != null) {
      return appId;
    File f = new File(getAppDir(), "WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml");
    if (f.exists()) {
      AppEngineWebXmlReader aewebReader = new AppEngineWebXmlReader(getAppDir());
      AppEngineWebXml appEngineWebXml = aewebReader.readAppEngineWebXml();
      return appEngineWebXml.getAppId();
    } else if (EarHelper.isEar(getAppDir(), false)) {
      EarInfo earInfo = EarHelper.readEarInfo(getAppDir(),
              new File(Application.getSdkDocsDir(), "appengine-application.xsd"));
      return earInfo.getAppengineApplicationXml().getApplicationId();
    throw new MojoExecutionException(
            "No <application> defined in appengine-web.xml, nor <project>"
            + " <configuration> defined in the pom.xml.");

  protected void resolveAndSetSdkRoot() throws MojoExecutionException {

    File sdkBaseDir = SdkResolver.getSdk(mavenProject, repoSystem, repoSession, pluginRepos, projectRepos);

    try {
      System.setProperty("appengine.sdk.root", sdkBaseDir.getCanonicalPath());
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new MojoExecutionException("Could not open SDK zip archive.", e);