 * Copyright (C) 2018 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

package com.google.cloud.teleport.v2.cdc.mappers;

import com.google.api.services.bigquery.model.TableRow;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.BigQuery;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.BigQueryOptions;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.Field;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.FieldList;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.LegacySQLTypeName;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.Schema;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.StandardTableDefinition;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.Table;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.TableId;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.TableInfo;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.TimePartitioning;
import com.google.common.base.Supplier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.MapElements;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.PTransform;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.SimpleFunction;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PCollection;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * BigQueryMapper is intended to be easily extensible to enable BigQuery schema management during
 * pipeline execution.  New fields and tables will be automatically added to BigQuery when they are
 * detected and before data causes BQ load failures.
 * The BigQueryMapper can be easily extended by overriding: - public TableId getTableId(InputT
 * input) - public TableRow getTableRow(InputT input) - public OutputT getOutputObject(InputT input)
 * - public Map<String, LegacySQLTypeName> getInputSchema(InputT input)
public class BigQueryMapper<InputT, OutputT>
    extends PTransform<PCollection<InputT>, PCollection<OutputT>> {

  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BigQueryMapper.class);
  private BigQuery bigquery;
  private Map<String, LegacySQLTypeName> defaultSchema;
  private boolean dayPartitioning = false;
  private final String projectId;
  private BigQueryTableRowCleaner bqTableRowCleaner;
  private BigQueryTableCache tableCache;
  private int mapperRetries = 5;

  public BigQueryMapper(String projectId) {
    this.projectId = projectId;

  public TableId getTableId(InputT input) {
    return null;

  public TableRow getTableRow(InputT input) {
    return null;

  public OutputT getOutputObject(InputT input) {
    return null;

  /* Return a HashMap with the Column->Column Type Mapping required from the source
      Implementing getInputSchema will allow the mapper class to support your desired format
  public Map<String, LegacySQLTypeName> getInputSchema(InputT input) {
    return new HashMap<String, LegacySQLTypeName>();

  public void setMapperRetries(int retries) {
    this.mapperRetries = retries;

  public int getMapperRetries() {
    return this.mapperRetries;

  public String getProjectId() {
    return this.projectId;

  public BigQueryMapper<InputT, OutputT> withDefaultSchema(
      Map<String, LegacySQLTypeName> defaultSchema) {
    this.defaultSchema = defaultSchema;
    return this;

  public BigQueryMapper<InputT, OutputT> withDayPartitioning(boolean dayPartitioning) {
    this.dayPartitioning = dayPartitioning;
    return this;

  /* Return the combination of any schema returned via
      implementing getInputSchema (for complex and dynamic cases)
      and submitting a static default schema.
  private Map<String, LegacySQLTypeName> getObjectSchema(InputT input) {
    Map<String, LegacySQLTypeName> inputSchema = getInputSchema(input);
    if (this.defaultSchema != null) {

    return inputSchema;

  /** Sets all objects needed during mapper execution. */
  public void setUp() {
    if (this.bqTableRowCleaner == null) {
      this.bqTableRowCleaner = BigQueryTableRowCleaner.getBigQueryTableRowCleaner();
    if (this.bigquery == null) {
      this.bigquery =
    if (this.tableCache == null) {
      this.tableCache = new BigQueryTableCache(this.bigquery);

  public PCollection<OutputT> expand(PCollection<InputT> tableKVPCollection) {
    return tableKVPCollection.apply(
            new SimpleFunction<InputT, OutputT>() {
              public OutputT apply(InputT input) {
                    We run validation against every event to ensure all columns
                    exist in source.
                    If a column is in the event and not in BigQuery,
                    the column is added to the table before the event can continue.
                TableId tableId = getTableId(input);
                TableRow row = getTableRow(input);
                Map<String, LegacySQLTypeName> inputSchema = getObjectSchema(input);
                int retries = getMapperRetries();

                applyMapperToTableRow(tableId, row, inputSchema, retries);
                return getOutputObject(input);

   * Sets the {@code BigQueryTableRowCleaner} used in BigQuery TableRow cleanup.
   * @param cleaner a BigQueryTableRowCleaner object to use in cleanup.
  public void setBigQueryTableRowCleaner(BigQueryTableRowCleaner cleaner) {
    this.bqTableRowCleaner = cleaner;

   * Returns {@code TableRow} after cleaning each field according to
   * the data type found in BigQuery.
   * @param tableId a TableId referencing the BigQuery table to be loaded to.
   * @param row a TableRow with the raw data to be loaded into BigQuery.
  public TableRow getCleanedTableRow(TableId tableId, TableRow row) {
    TableRow cleanRow = row.clone();

    Table table = this.tableCache.get(tableId);
    FieldList tableFields = table.getDefinition().getSchema().getFields();

    Set<String> rowKeys = cleanRow.keySet();
    for (String rowKey : rowKeys) {
      this.bqTableRowCleaner.cleanTableRowField(cleanRow, tableFields, rowKey);

    return cleanRow;

   * Extracts and applies new column information to BigQuery by comparing the TableRow against the
   * BigQuery Table. Retries the supplied number of times before failing.
   * @param tableId a TableId referencing the BigQuery table to be loaded to.
   * @param row a TableRow with the raw data to be loaded into BigQuery.
   * @param inputSchema The source schema lookup to be used in mapping.
   * @param retries Number of remaining retries before error is raised.
  private void applyMapperToTableRow(
      TableId tableId, TableRow row, Map<String, LegacySQLTypeName> inputSchema, int retries) {
    try {
      updateTableIfRequired(tableId, row, inputSchema);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      if (retries > 0) {
        LOG.info("RETRY TABLE UPDATE - enter: {}", String.valueOf(retries));
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException i) {
          throw e;
        LOG.info("RETRY TABLE UPDATE - apply: {}", String.valueOf(retries));
        applyMapperToTableRow(tableId, row, inputSchema, retries - 1);
      } else {
        LOG.info("RETRY TABLE UPDATE - throw: {}", String.valueOf(retries));
        throw e;

   * Extracts and applies new column information to BigQuery by comparing the TableRow against the
   * BigQuery Table.
   * @param tableId a TableId referencing the BigQuery table to be loaded to.
   * @param row a TableRow with the raw data to be loaded into BigQuery.
   * @param inputSchema The source schema lookup to be used in mapping.
  private void updateTableIfRequired(
      TableId tableId, TableRow row, Map<String, LegacySQLTypeName> inputSchema) {
    Table table = getOrCreateBigQueryTable(tableId);
    FieldList tableFields = table.getDefinition().getSchema().getFields();

    Set<String> rowKeys = row.keySet();
    Boolean tableWasUpdated = false;
    List<Field> newFieldList = new ArrayList<Field>();
    for (String rowKey : rowKeys) {
      // Check if rowKey (column from data) is in the BQ Table
      try {
        Field tableField = tableFields.get(rowKey);
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        tableWasUpdated = addNewTableField(tableId, row, rowKey, newFieldList, inputSchema);

    if (tableWasUpdated) {
      LOG.info("Updating Table");
      updateBigQueryTable(tableId, table, tableFields, newFieldList);

   * Returns {@code Table} which was either extracted from the cache or created.
   * @param tableId a TableId referencing the BigQuery table being requested.
  private Table getOrCreateBigQueryTable(TableId tableId) {
    Table table = this.tableCache.get(tableId);

    // Check that table exists, if not create empty table
    // the empty table will have columns automapped during updateBigQueryTable()
    if (table == null) {
      LOG.info("Creating Table: {}", tableId.toString());
      table = createBigQueryTable(tableId);
      table = this.tableCache.reset(tableId);

    return table;

   * Returns {@code Table} after creating the table with no columns in BigQuery.
   * @param tableId a TableId referencing the BigQuery table being requested.
  private Table createBigQueryTable(TableId tableId) {
    // Create Blank BigQuery Table
    List<Field> fieldList = new ArrayList<Field>();
    Schema schema = Schema.of(fieldList);

    StandardTableDefinition.Builder tableDefinitionBuilder =
    if (dayPartitioning) {
    TableInfo tableInfo = TableInfo.newBuilder(tableId, tableDefinitionBuilder.build()).build();
    Table table = bigquery.create(tableInfo);

    return table;

  /* Update BigQuery Table Object Supplied */
  private void updateBigQueryTable(
      TableId tableId, Table table, FieldList tableFields, List<Field> newFieldList) {
    // Table Name to Use for Cache
    String tableName = tableId.toString();

    // Add all current columns to the list
    List<Field> fieldList = new ArrayList<Field>();
    for (Field field : tableFields) {
    // Add all new columns to the list
    // TODO use guava to use joiner on multi-thread multi line logging
    LOG.info("Mapping New Columns:");
    for (Field field : newFieldList) {

    Schema newSchema = Schema.of(fieldList);
    Table updatedTable =
    LOG.info("Updated Table");


  private Boolean addNewTableField(TableId tableId, TableRow row, String rowKey,
      List<Field> newFieldList, Map<String, LegacySQLTypeName> inputSchema) {
    // Call Get Schema and Extract New Field Type
    Field newField;

    if (inputSchema.containsKey(rowKey)) {
      newField = Field.of(rowKey, inputSchema.get(rowKey));
    } else {
      newField = Field.of(rowKey, LegacySQLTypeName.STRING);


    // Currently we always add new fields for each call
    // TODO: add an option to ignore new field and why boolean?
    return true;

   * The {@link BigQueryTableCache} manages safely getting and setting BigQuery Table objects from a
   * local cache for each worker thread.
   * <p>The key factors addressed are ensuring expiration of cached tables, consistent update
   * behavior to ensure reliabillity, and easy cache reloads. Open Question: Does the class require
   * thread-safe behaviors? Currently it does not since there is no iteration and get/set are not
   * continuous.
  public static class BigQueryTableCache {

    private Map<String, TableSupplier> tables = new HashMap<String, TableSupplier>();
    private BigQuery bigquery;

     * Create an instance of a {@link BigQueryTableCache} to track table schemas.
     * @param bigquery A BigQuery instance used to extract Table objects.
    public BigQueryTableCache(BigQuery bigquery) {
      this.bigquery = bigquery;

     * Return a {@code Table} representing the schema of a BigQuery table.
     * @param tableId A BigQuuery table reference used as the key to lookup.
    public Table get(TableId tableId) {
      String tableName = tableId.toString();
      TableSupplier tableSupplier = tables.get(tableName);

      // Reset cache if the table DNE in the map
      // or if ther cache has expired.
      if (tableSupplier == null) {
        return this.reset(tableId);
      } else if (tableSupplier.get() == null) {
        return this.reset(tableId);
      } else {
        return tableSupplier.get();

     * Returns a {@code Table} pulled from BigQuery and sets the table in the local cache.
     * @param tableId a TableId referencing the BigQuery table to be reset.
    public Table reset(TableId tableId) {
      String tableName = tableId.toString();
      Table table = this.bigquery.getTable(tableId);
      LOG.info("Reset Table from API: {}", tableName);

      TableSupplier tableSupplier = new TableSupplier(table, 5, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
      tables.put(tableName, tableSupplier);
      return table;

     * The {@link TableSupplier} is a Supplier to help manage BQ Tables. The Table is stored as well
     * as expiry time to enable cache expiry after a given amount of time.
    public static class TableSupplier implements Supplier<Table> {
      Table table;
      long expiryTimeNano;

      public TableSupplier(Table table, long duration, TimeUnit unit) {
        this.table = table;
        this.expiryTimeNano = System.nanoTime() + unit.toNanos(duration);

      public Table get() {
        if (this.expiryTimeNano < System.nanoTime()) {
          return null;
        return this.table;